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Ms. Walsh
Early US History

1. Take a handout from the purple

bin by the front door, and on the

blank side:
v List 5 words to describe yourself

2. Sit in the seat you had yesterday

3. Take out your name tent

Todays Objective
I will be able to
create a visual and written representation of my identity and
its components by drawing an identity chart and writing a
page-long letter of introduction to my teacher.

This means:
v Well talk about what makes up identity
v Brainstorm how you would define YOUR identity
v Write a letter of introduction in which you share your identity

with me

What Makes Up Identity?

Brainstorm as a class

Example Identity Chart

Identity Chart

v On the front of

the handout,
write your name
in the middle of
the circle
v Next, draw lines

out from the

circle to words
or phrases that
help describe
your identity.

Share Out
v Share your identity

chart with the

person next to you

v Explain WHY you

put down the details

that you did

Letter of Introduction
v Using the prompts on Handout #2, write a

letter of introduction using your identity

v This is due Tuesday, but we will work until

about 2 minutes before the bell

v NOTE: your supplies and course expectations

sheet are also due Tuesday

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