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Benjamin Zander: The transformative power of classical music


What images spring to mind when you hear the word music?
What does music mean to you?
What would life be like without music?
Which is more important to you, music or TV?
What kind of music do you like?
How have your musical tastes changed since when you were a kid?
What music can change the way you feel?
Whats the best time and place to listen to music?
Where does the best music come from, the USA, UK or other?
What decade has produced the best music?



to push someone or something hard so that

they fall / move from the position that they are in.



unable to sing a tune correctly because you

cannot hear the difference between musical notes.

Take off


a force producing sudden motion



to reach a point where you eventually realize,

understand or believe something



to embark on rapid activity, development, or


Come to do something


pass through someones thoughts easily

Waft into someones head


greatly interested



a desire for sexual involvement with the parent

of the opposite sex and a concomitant sense of
rivalry with the parent of the same sex

Oedipus complex


to get someones attention, to remind someone of

something, to prompt them.

To dig someone in the ribs


to gradually start to sleep

1. What is the purpose of presenting what a 7-, 8-, 9-, 10-year old sounds like when he plays
the piano? To show how impulses are reduced when one plays the piano as time passes
2. What is the difference between a "two-buttock" and a "one-buttock" manager? A onebuttock manager is more passionate in what he does than a two-buttock manager.

3. Zander says: Im not gonna go on until every single person in this room will come to
love and understand classical music. What leadership characteristic is reflected in this
statement? A leader who strives to inspire people and who aims to ignite passion towards
a goal. Which other leader does he mentions to prove his point? A president of a
corporation in Ohio.
4. What does the word vision mean to Zander? What example does Zander use to
illustrate this meaning? Vision means the future, the bright future, the attainment of a
goalhe was thinking about the vision for South Africa and for human
beings. This is about vision. This is about the long line. Like the bird who flies
over the field and doesn't care about the fences underneath, all right?

5. Four different types of people were described with regard to their attitude towards
classical music, what are these types? a. Those who are absolutely passionate about
classical musi, b.Those who dont mind classical music, c. Those who never listens to
classical music, d. Those who think they are tone-deaf.
6. According to Zander, what is the job of the C? To make the B sad.
7. What is the story of the two shoe salesmen in Africa? What does it mean? It means that
people have different mentalities as they see things differently, either as a challenge or
8. Generally, at what age do children stop taking music lessons? At age 10.
9. What are the characteristics of a great conductor? Having the ability to awaken the
possibilities in other people. To make other peoples eyes shine.
10. According to Zander, what is the definition of success? I have a definition of
success. For me, it's very simple. It's not about wealth and fame and
power. It's about how many shining eyes I have around me.

11. According to Zander, is it always possible to say the right words? No. What is the
example that he uses to discuss the issue? The woman who survived the Auschwitz
Discussion Questions

What is a leader?

Who are the first leaders who come to your mind?

What makes those people great leaders?

What are the qualities or characteristics that every leader should have?

Are some people natural leaders and other people natural followers? Why?

What are some of the biggest challenges of leading a country like Korea?

Would you like to be a leader in Korea? Why or why not?

Why do some people think it's a bad thing to always follow other people?

What characteristics does a bad leader have?

If you were the leader of your school, what changes would you make?

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