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DotA 2 The International 2013 Transcript

Game 1
: the draft is now complete. its time to get into it. Game one of The
International 3 Grand Finals is now underway. On the side of The Alliance, we have S4,
the captain on the clockwerk. Loda, your Gyrocopter. EGM, the io. Akke, on the
Enchantress and Bulldog, your Nature Prophet. On the Radiant side, team Na`vi.
Kuroky, the visage, Xboct, the Vengeful Spirit, looks like we might see a farming
Vengeful Spirit. Dendi, on the solo-mid, Batrider. Pupey, on the venomancer. And that
leaves Funnik as your safelane Bounty hunter.
: they have a very good defensive warding here coming out all both
camps but of course Wisp got the first ward down. So look towards one being
immediately dewarded which allows Alliance to set up some gank on mid-lane.
: so, Alliance is actually doing something very different here. Looks like
theyre wanna dodge the aggressive trilane. Theyre gonna send their gyrocopter as
well as Wisp to the bottom lane. And early on, that puts Funnik in a 1v2 against the
dual lane. If they have sentries could definitely kill him and they got 1 one on Egm.
Normally, Funnik has boot but he does not have boots. It looks like he is expecting the
Prophet vs Bounty Hunter match. If you have that match up, you really want that poor
mans shield. Poor mans shield is not gonna help you too much against Wisp and
: well its goona help a little bit with the harassment coming out from the
Wisp, but for the most part...hes coming and there is a sentry ward on the ground. If he
gets tether stun here...

: tether..

: nothing just yet. Funnik is coming in zapping out a little bit of
experience. What about mid here, S4 on is clockwerk against one of the most dominant
mid hero, Dendis bat.
: clockwork is pretty good against bat, because you have cogs if he wants
to go on you, I think its an OK match for S4. Hes gonna lose the lane but hes goal is



just to get to level six , and hang on, an angle for mid-game dominant. If Bulldogs not
dying on the top-lane, I think Xboct or Funnik has to be careful bottom. So early on,
looking at this trilane Lumi, do you think were gonna see any unusual skill build from
Na`vi? Cause these are generally support heroes, all three that theyre running here. Or
is it possible to get aggressive and just playing some of standard, kill early on, support
style builds.
: if you look at Pupey skill build, he has selected his passive poison sting,
generally you always go venomous gale as it is one of those strongest early game spell.
: See, A gank on a centaur. Any gonna be kill deny here? Loking for
Akke and they are gonna get deny.

: beautiful denied.

: And the reason you go for poison sting is actually help you for the
push. It gives you like five extra damages. Its a, I mean, theres no other reason you
really go for poison sting early on.
: well se Funnik pick up a nice regen rune and get back to the bottom
lane. So far, theyre not dying. We see, Akke is getting good level out of the jungle.
You look at Na`vis trilane and their supports are both level one. S4, in term of midlane, sit it eleven and one to the twelve and three of Dendi. I think everything is going
well here for Alliance. The pressure is on Na`vi not in the Alliance.
: Exactly, when you run on offensive trilane, you need to get things done
quick and early. And of course, theres a ticking time bomb. On the bottom lane, here,
Alliance, with Egm on the Wisp, once he hits level six, this game transform to
something completely different.
: Alright, Akke is smoked up, heading towards the middle lane. Dendi is
no mana right now, the courier is about to come in. And this might be an opening but
hes head up to the high ground and it looks like the moment may have pass. Rockets
comin in, cancelling Dendi bottle charge. Akke, he decides its not a good gank. Hell
back off. And hes gonna back into his own jungle. Does he actually wanna make a go
on top? Because this is not a very strong ganking combo.
: if he could get Kuroky somewhere out of positioned with the centaur
stomp, he does have a clap creep now as well here.
: S4 is really playing well on this middle lane. He is just constantly
using cogs, burning Dendis mana, preventing for mid aggression.... but its bottom


lane. Will they go in on Funnik? Hes dropping pretty low. Theres another rocket
barrage. Theres still a dust here! Its first blood and it goes to the Alliance!

: its very very early. Oh Loda, hes gonna survive. That was pretty close.


: that tango, that salve, is making the different here.

: they killed off Funnik in the bottom lane, mid-lane theyre trading
evenly, the Prophet top lane for Bulldog has not dying., theyre running a jungler. The
supports of Na`vi are only level two to the three and four of Alliance. Alliance is
already pretty damn far ahead on the better late-game line up.
: were five minutes in, gold and experience is even. Funnik is getting
close to level six. Now phase boots coming out for Loda. Its a very slow and very
deliberate start for both teams. There is so much on the line.
: its round two, raping around. Dendi in a bit of trouble here. Theres
two hellbear smashers, but hes gonna head north, hook and cog out by S4. But he heads
north again. Hes juking here, jiving there and hes gonna dodge it, up to the trilane he
goes. Hes got no TP but hes got stick charges and a salve. Well, he heads back into the
river. He should be fine.
: meanwhile, on the top lane, looks like they made a go on Bulldog. Hes
forced back to base, but now he gets his boots and six hundred gold. Hes against an
aggressive trilane. He has not dying, he hasnt lost his tower and hes not that far off of
his midas. He could have one by like eight to ten minutes mark.

: they are gonna get tower here. Akke is trying to deny with the creep.

: and here comes S4, level 3 battery assault, the more aggressive killing
build. He wants to find a pick. Hes up in the Na`vi jungle, hunting, heading towards
the bottom lane. There is Funnik, hes level six. Theres some TP on Na`vi. Funniks
gonna be spotted out, but theres no gem here. And now the rotations comin in from
Akke who pick up the creep as well. Theyre gonna rotated Pupey from the top-lane.
: here they go, on the Akke. Its DD for S4. Akke is droping fast. Hes
gonna fall! But S4, he found Funnik, now tether, blown up by the Akke creep, fighting
from beyond the grief. Now Kuroky, sprouted, lock in place. But here comes big. Its
too much damage from Loda. Its three to one! Already Na`vi on the back foot.

: Funnik is scouted. There you go, they know exactly where he is.



: orbs gonna start splasing and Funnik will rotate back for the time

: meanwhile, Bulldog just chill in bottom lane. Funnik though, hes
gonna start here with a JInada, and now hes applying the right click. But theres a
sprout on Funnik, he might be in trouble. S4 is rotated in. Theres no detection yet.
Heres the relocate. They really want this pesky Bounty Hunter and they found them.
The Alliance, they got poked and they bit back hard.
: and right into mid, here we go. Theyre looking for two. Hook to fly!
They caught Pupey as well!. Call down is coming in. Dendi is down! Six to one,
Alliance already out of control barrelling down the middle lane.
: theyre gonna go on S4 , on the mid-lane tower is already dead. Oh
swap, hes coming back in here. Can they get the kill on S4? They blow everything onto
him and they are gonna get the kill. That was a four man track kill.
: Rosh is droping fast but dendi wants to contest. Hes coming in with
firefly. Are we gonna see aegis steal? Rosh is low, but not dead yet. Theyre backing off,
theyre going in. He cant make up their mind and now its too late. Firefly is over, S4s
back into the pit, covering his team. Rosh to fall and it goes to the Alliance. The Aegis is
on Loda. And now, a hook on Xboct. Hes overstate his welcome here. Swapping in
Kuroky. Kuroky says get me out of here man. And he cant. Hell fall. Its a head
longer trick now. Bulldog is teleporting forward, creating another base of attack. Now, a
call downs to fly. Theyve lasso Bulldog. Hes still alive though. Hes not even dying.
Three dead, no track kill for Na`vi, and theyre not gonna get any. Make it four. Na`vi
is down two to eleven. And its GG! GG!
: its sixteen minutes GG, and theyre gonna get that final last kill.
Alliance is just dominating Na`vi.
: game two is coming up. Alliance is leading one to zero in the best of
five. We send it back to the analyst.


Game 2
: here we go, game two of The International 3 Grand Final Alliance vs
Na`vi. Alliance is leading one to zero and already heading down to the bottom lane.
Well introduce them quickly. S4, your beastmaster. Akke, your venomancer. Egm, on
the Visage. Loda, on the Spectre. Admiral Bulldog, on Natures Prophet, nothing is spent
for him yet as far as the gold goes. And on the Radiant side, we have team Na`vi.
Dendi, on the Batrider, rushing the bottle. Xboct will be your Alche. Kuroky, your
support Io. Pupey, the Enigma. Funnik, on his Bounty Hunter, this game starts with the
: weve seen it in the past. Alliance is not going for the level one Roshan
but using it as a bait. They want to scout things out with treants there, trying to bait
Na`vi to go inside the Roshan pit. Funnik does have a skeleton walk so hes tracking it.
S4 is not exactly the best person to lead a gank because he does not have any disables.
: meanwhile, the pool camp has been warded off. We see a sentry ward
deployed here. So early on, heading to the enemy jungle, they do place two wards here.
This was really clever from Alliance. Because now, Na`vi are getting a very hard time
dewarding this camp at level one.

: so far, no rotation has been made to make that deward just yet.

: for the time being, S4 is sitting mid. Akke is rotating back to the top
lane. That puts Funnik in the offlane Bounty Hunter. Hes manually blocking the camp
with his body. Lodas gonna get free farm early on. The mid-lane will be Dendis bat
vs an S4 beastmaster. Again, Dendi, with which should be an advantage match up for
him. Now, Funnik continues his jungle harassment.
: yeah, i guess Funnik has one skeleton walk left here. I think hes trying
to pick up a courier or maybe hes trying to bait this creep wave going toward his
direction. Thats exactly what he is doing. But hes gonna run through a Venomancer
that has a sentry ward and a venomous gale. If he gets a gale, he is dead. Hes running, i
think maybe, touring across the world.
: oh mid-lane here, looks like we have a tether against S4. Hes dropping
low, couple more hits are gonna do it. Magic sticks up. And hes gone now!
: First blood to Na`vi, theyre not done yet, Kurokys gonna fall. 1 for 1 ,
Bulldog is standing strong. But Na`vi, they need a good start after that last game. Now
its a gale.


come in.

: gales gonna hit and theyre gonna right click some but nobodys gonna


: oh, he should be fine.


: well, axes though has a long cast.


: No, maybe not.


: oh, its gonna hit.


: its not enough. Its nearly enough.


: Its a great start for Navi

: I really like the fact that they make a rotation to the mid-lane. Look at
Funnik though, he is pull all the way from top lane to his own jungle and hes farming
two camps at once. This is some next level stuff. Ive never seen anything like this. This
is amazing.
: I mean its nothing too crazy in terms of kill but innovation was seen
here from Funnik. Hes showing some really magnificent movement.

: Hes farming his entire with the enemy creep.

: Mid-lane, but mid-lane. Its S4 on the run, Dendis looking for turn
two and it will and another kill from Navi. Alliance, they have unbeatable start in game
1 and they lead 1-0 in the best of 5. But Navi gives really strong fearsome Heroes that
are usually banned.
: yeah Funnik just farm his own jungle with the enemy Neutral. That is
probably the first in competitive dota, at least for me. Now, hes level 2, hes heading to
mid lane. S4 has a sentry ward prepared and its gonna run out soon. S4 seems not
much he cant do. Now Navi do know theres sentry there. Of course, theyre getting
free farm on Spectre. But it would be matched with XBOCTs farming as will and hes
going for a greedy belt. Hes rushing a midas and actually pretty much seen from Loda
all the time. You gotta say right now Navi at all counts are definitely winning.

: Oh mid-lane.

: Not yet, clear in the wave. The 4 minutes rune and gonna be picked
up bottom lane. Its gonna be on the Puppey.


Now top lane, they dusted up. Funnik, Alliance strikes back. They take down Funnik
and get 2-2. It gives Loda some gold but, but they give a lot more gold to the Alche
cause XBOCT just pick up his Midas and thats 4 and half minutes midas on Alchemist,
maxing Greevils Greed. Can you say how he got that one?
: Now, a haunt is coming in and sort of engagement about to breakout
its gonna be Akke. Oh, pulled in,

: Oh, its Haste rune.

: Dendi pulled him, pulled in a far away. Not dead just yet and Loda just
farming top. They lost the bat and could lost Veno soon or about Beastmaster soon. S4
on the run, Dendi is leading 3 to 2, hes really diving for this and hes back off. Navi,
its 3 to 2.
: Oh tether is coming up on the back right here. Wisp fall. In your face
S4! And Funnik picks up yet another kill. I have to remind you, Funnik start on the top
lane and now hes level 4 in 6 minutes in now and its just impressive.
: They really digging deep, I mean theyre just pulling everything now.
Wisp ganking at level 1, Wisp ganking at level 2 and 3, and now its 5. Funnik pulled
the enemy neutral to farm his own jungle. They are pulling every possible trick out of
the hat and thats result, they leading 25.000 gold and 20.000 experience. XBOCTs free
farming, hes gonna have his phase boot now or he could rush the Shadow Blade soon.
Hes gonna have 1 by the 10 minute mark at the latest. Alliance, its a huge trouble now.
: XBOCT has a lot of function from now, Funnik his job is to secure
level 6, and Dendi buying blink dagger which by the way hes got. Its 8 minute blink
for Dendi and as soon as they get track and relocate which theyre about have the
relocate. Its really a go time.
: Hes being spotted out, hes going for S4. Hes blink, Lasso, and hes
found him anyway and they need this tether stun. Theyre gonna get it, S4, down to a
low ground and get off the roar, will fall however. Loda though, hes on the fight.
Bottling up is dendi. He cant touch his head. Not dead yet, and hes gonna live.
: Hes thinking to jumping back on Admiral Bulldog on half HP. In
comes EGM on his visage. Puppey is in there. Its level 7.
: Alliance is in huge trouble, they have almost nothing to cancel it. And
Dendis alive. Loda desperate for the kill but he cannot find it. And Lumi, this is
normally what weve seen on Alliance. Loda just farming but this game is XBOCT just


farming. Navi are winning this game 4 V 5 and theres ticking time bomb on their side.
XBOCT 12k gold, whatever he wants, shadow blade, its just about ready to go. And the
tier mid 1 now falls. The save stone for the alliance it all gets even smaller.
: And there is gonna be shadow blade just like what youve said. Now
they have track.

: I mean that, XBOCT starts finding kill, hes not gonna stopped.

: Now, you see Puppey, hes gonna set up offensive wards deep into the
enemy jungle. When you have the hero Wisp, you want perfect vision on the enemy
camp. You want to make sure that.Youve seen a prophet TP in, oh yeah, thats a
freebie. Does he have a relocate?
: Wait for a relocate, Kuroky , trying to find partner in crime here.
Puppey is still lurking on the low ground. If they knew he was here, he already come
front so, he knows they dont. In comes Funnik. They got tracked, it could be a 4 hero
tracked kill. Funnik, hes got to set, Bulldog has been greedy, and his greed will be
punished. No relocate yet, or theyre not gonna use it. They dont even need it! Now its
smoke, theyre spreading to the wind. Theyve got in mid as well. Lasso is on S4. This
is got totally out of control. Haste rune or not, S4 will fall. Navi are rolling through the
Alliance. Another track kill, EGM on the run, hes gonna fall, 8-2, Its a good old
fashion beatdown.
: Oh Navi setting up shape from the tier 2 tower and theyre just rolling
so hard, the gold advantage, massive. Exp advantage, massive. Can they get this tier 2
tower? S4, the best solo mid Europe. Hes 0-5-0. Hes not doing a single thing in this
game so far.
: And now, XBOCT is already in combat shape. Hes got the treads, hes
got midas as well as shadow blade. He can farm and he can fight. Kuroky gives him that
option, I mean theyre so far ahead. It can be stressed enough, Alliance do have some
access in the late game, they have a prophet, they have a spectre, but they really need to
find pick off and slow Navi down. They smoke up, but theyre heading a wrong way.
Now, nearly, Navi is gonna dodge a bullet here, they still have a relocate by the way,
they still have a blackhole, I never seen they use their full arsenal.

: If they engage now, then theyre lose.

: Meanwhile Alliance, 4 heroes, group up near mid, Puppey and
kuroky heading towards top lane. They tethered up, XBOCT is there as well, the mek


is almost done for puppey. Their ability to fight is almost got a whole lot scarier. They
can split push, they can gank, its really pressure on the alliance, so they gonna smoke
again. What theyre gonna doing. Theyre sitting on the jungle, 3 heroes are waiting for
Dendi, weve never seen this in this tournament from the Alliance. Even they lost to DK
they look befuddled.
: Here we go, relocate. Hello Mr.S4, Say hello to slap chop! XBOCT is
here. S4, roar, is he gotta live? Hes still alive, unbelievable, still in stand, hes not dead
yet. EGM may fall, one more swipe, he gets the kill ! Meanwhile, on the middle lane,
theyre diving Bulldog. They go for a track kill, Thats for 3.

: Oh Funnik, Funniks gonna be picked up by Loda.

: Loda is gonna looking for a turn around but Puppey got black hole, hes
got malefice, and hes gonna unload, not yet! Oh. I think theyre gonna gone there
but, maybe its a little bit too far to risk it.

: Heres come Alliance, I mean this is smoke. Oh.

: They still have relocate here, if theyre really need it too. Hes still
running, tier 1 is up, they want to turn around, and heres come the turn around. Stun on
the EGM, wheres the follow up, nothing yet, theres a few heroes here, familiars are
coming out. Alliance is gonna back off. But, thats a huge wasting time.
Meanwhile, on the mid lane, here comes the relocate! You gank us, we dodge and we
gonna gank you twice as hard. Bulldog will fall, and Navi is in full control of game 2.
: S4 drop beastmasters roar, but he has no back up here. Tether
movement speed forward here. Couple more right click is gonna do it, XBOCT finds
himself a double kill. Assault cuirass is finished in 16 minutes! What does his farm?
: Hes richer than god. Hes hardly at the fight but now, if he wants to,
he most certainly can. Dendi forcing forward really wanted to dive. Its a two heroes
gale but its not enough, here comes the stun on EGM. One stun, three swipes and hes
: My God, Navi is rolling so hard. And when you have a carry like
XBOCT, theres so fortunate to have XBOCT who never really forces to trouble. He
dives but might sure he got a kill. The fortitude of this carry player, I mean once they
have a four items.


Oh, relocate at top, and theyre gonna find Loda, Their last hope, hes just get melted by
XBOCT. XBOCT by the way up to 23.000 gold, didnt he just finish AC?
: BKB is coming soon, and once he gets it. Good Luck to alliance,
stopping watch coming their way. Theres a free train rolling down the tracks and thats
about to running to a car. Lemme tell you Lumi, the cars give away not the free train.
The tier 2 top falls. Theres one outer tower left. Navi, its soon gonna kick down the
front door of Alliance and their last stand in the game 2 might be coming soon. Navi has
full map control. Vlads probably on the way for Funnik soon. Everybodys rich,
Puppey is now got a mek, he is got 2.5k gold. They could just A-click towards enemys

: Yet another tower goes down and more advantage goes to Navi.

: Now, its time to break the base, Kuroky already has a vitality booster.
Navi, BKBs coming soon for Pupey. Theyre not gonna wait. XBOCTs on the front
line, to the lines he goes, hell start hitting the tower. The pressure is here, they will
have to response. The familiar tries to stun, one fold, and theyre just stop and back off.
They reset and reload. Dendis with eul scepter, whenever Navi wants to pick a fight,
they can. And if Alliance does not defend now, they will start losing, their first lane of
: oh big jump in against S4. He got pull back. Oh, S4 is gonna focus so
hard, that he does not know. Meanwhile, XBOCT, hes 1v4 for the base. he does not
care. Its immediate buyback. Eul scepter backup. Can we get a Blackhole? Yet,no
blackhole. S4 drops his roar first. They want Bulldog. Bulldog chasing in.
: Alliance, they just cant stand against this level of damage. Puppeys
still hunting, stun on Akke, they dont even need the Blackhole. Its a retreat to the
fountain! They find S4, S4 is dead in a matter of second, 4 to fall. Theyre farming
alliance on their own base, this is the most one sided game of the alliance has lost in this
entire tournament. Its 20 minutes in, 20kills, the gold lead 30 thousand and Its GG!
Game 3
: alright, lets see who is actually playing here. On the Na`vi side, three
times finalist. We have Kuroky will be playing your support Rubick. Dendi has swap
back to his Wisp and hes going solo-mid. Well have to see Funnik is going to be on
Razor. Xboct, on Alchemist. And last but not least, Puppey, the drafter, your support
player, on the Visage.


: On the side of team Alliance, EGM your 4 th position Lina. Akke, the 5th
position Ogre Magi. Loda, normally the hard-carry, on the semi-carry, the Mirana.
Bulldog will be going mid as the Lone Druid and that puts S4 into the safelane as the
Arrow to fly! Kuroky calmly dodges it. And from the high ground, Puppey denies the
haste. Smooth and polish teamwork from Na`vi.
Here we go, the creeps spawn. The players approach their lane. What are we looking at?
: were looking at Dendi at mid-lane not having a good time here. I
mean, how does this guy win this lane? I mean, he has fifty based damage.
: he got level 6. Thats what Dendi want at this lane. Dont die, get level
six, youre not gonna outfarmed Admiral Bulldog. Unless, he gets a gank supporting
him. Hes problaby not gonna find the kill. But then theyve got the mid-game to fall
back on. So the other match up will be Funnik Razor against S4s bat. S4 is starting with
a ring protection and not rushing a boots early on. So far, both teams are passive. But
that could all change in the heartbeat.
So far, mid-lane is looking good for Dendi. 2 and 2 already, its very impressive against
the Bulldog Lone Druid. He is slightly getting cs but thats to be expected. Early on,
blows being traded, but still nobody really committing. The offlane razor is 3 and 0, S4
is winning this lane pretty handled.
: actually Dendi on the mid-lane doing quite a good job against Bulldog,
because if you see Wisp spirit, its doing a ton of damage. He could actually get a bottle.
Now, Admiral Bulldog definitely will not have the bottle option. If you see Dendi, he try
to cancel that salve. Hes trying to extend it, try to get it. Nice movement by Bulldog.
: Now generally, Lumi, when youre mid lone druid. You use your bear
to deny the enemys solo rune. But, bulldog is using it as last hit and its too late. So,
Dendi, he gets a great rune and now the lane is really going well for him. I mean hes 2
and 5, Bulldog is 6 and 7, but thats to be expected, and like honestly, this is good for
: those deny is gonna be hurt him a littlebit, in terms of heading level 6.
This lane is we talk about too much. Lets look at top here. Funnik is on that razor, and
S4 is on the bat. I gotta say this is fairly bad favor match up.
: Yea funnik, when you look at razor, hes all about draining the enemys
carry damage, but the sticky napalm allows you to disengage. Generally, hes gonna lose


quite a bit here, and he will be drifting back. Funniks giving chase, really committing
to this. Hell tank the creep wave and back off.
: Im surprised that S4 has not skill the firefly yet and use it when the
chase come. He could just firefly and fly over. I mean, Funnik is not gonna chase you
on the flame,
: Holding under ability here, maybe want to flame break, to go for an
early kill, take one a flame break and wanna firefly, if you gone in range, you gotta
down, theres no mobility skill on razor, beside on his passive. Now hes going in again,
S4s driving back, hes being lashed by the wisp of the razor. Funnik is starting to come
back in his lane a little bit, it was hard at first but now hes zoning out the bat, still no
bottle for coming. Both teams are very passive on the bot-lane, and if theyre passive on
bot-lane, I gotta say thats really favor for Navi.
Dendi is already level 4 close to 5, bulldogs leading in terms of EXP.
Hell notice this time around, sends the bear tracks the top rune, now its invis and it
goes bottom. So locate that rune, and the denies are really important. Like every deny,
wisp in range hero and it delays his level 6, but as you also said once he hits 6, this
trilane could really fall apart for the Alliance. Theyre on level 2, and a level 6 wisp can
just absolutely dominate support.
: yea, at the same time Dendi gotta be someone careful, when he
relocates in, because theres nothing but burst damage at the alliances tri-lane. So we
have arrow, fireblast, bloodlust, oh interesting second level from Akke, of course, EGM
has 2 nukes others. So, when he comes in and he miss step a bit, he could just blown up,
Dendis coming on the mid lane, using his spirit, harassing away bulldog. Bulldog is
dropping, but he cant actually kill him, you really cant, but its a good harass.
: 19 and 12, Dendis really holding his zone, 14-8 and hes saying wisp is
underrating in solo mid. I did cast them playing this once, its not against the alliance,
but what we call tier 2 or tier 3 team. He crushed and well have to see if he can crush
them though. And theyre gonna be much stronger opponent,
: level 6 is coming quite soon. I mean, genuinely its time for the mid
lane to get 6, its around this although. The harass..
: Oh, the root, no tether. Dendis in trouble, hes got nowhere to run. Hes
gotta be first blood. The bulldog root does it, and now alliance is on the commanding



: when you have no base armor

: Meanwhile, top lane, S4 is prepping with the firefly, but with the
damage stolen, does he look to go? Hes got a bottle charge here, hell back off.
: you can make place like this and, if it doesnt work out, he has a very
safe game because of his firefly.
: Not once Dendi is level 6 though. Once hes level 6, you make that play
and you might just die.
: mid lane here, spirit is coming in against bulldog. Hes trying to get the
root, if he can get the root, he can get the kill.
: Oh theres always a tether for Dendi, the next creep wave is coming. I
mean, that situation mid for bulldog was very unique. He got the root after the creep
wave was there, and Dendi was next to it. So, there was no ally to tether too, theres no
ally, and theres no creep to run away though, but theyre next right to you, youre not
getting away. So, this time around with full mana and bottle charges , bulldog can
maybe zone them out, but getting the kill will be a bit tougher,
: yea, were talking about dendi leaving his lane once he get level 6.
Relocate ganks is making it happens right now on the bot-lane. Kuroky, theres a lift.
They want akke first, toss and back, one man stun against Loda. Lodas dropping low.
Theyre gonna focus him down. Thats 2 kill going to Navi. We expect the rotation, and
here we come, Dendi strikes, fast and hard.
: yes solo mid wisp, lose your lane, gank the other lane. Thats the power
of this hero, straight back to mid, back to farming.
: wisp is very very squishy hero in early game. So, if you kinda hit him a
couple times, with phase boot, thats gonna do it.
: Now theyre going to mid. Tethers there. Theyre stealing bulldogs
damage. But hes already on the big bear form. But does he tanky enough? Funniks
taking a lot of damage, but bulldogs more. Thrown from high ground to low ground.
Now the chase is on, Funniks dropping fast. S4 is chasing. Tethers there, hes too hard
to kill. They cant bring em down. Alliance is getting out maneuvered in every corner.
The bottom line is disarray, driving off the dead. Now bulldog falls mid, not rushing a
midas, nobodys really farming. Now Loda is not on the hard carry. They dont have the
best split push line up. This game, alliance, pretty much every game, they start ahead
and they stay ahead. Thats not the cased here.


: relocate on the back lane. EGM is trying to protect himself. Tether, and
EGM is gonna go down, Kuroky will pick up that one and Navi very some legit game 2,
are rolling hard right now.
: The alliance, yet to drop a set at the internasional 2013, yet they didnt
drop a game in grup stage, but here 4 to 1, thrilling already by 15 hundred gold,
15hundred exp. Alliance, has to feel like theyre on the back foot. Now Loda is farming
top lane. Dendi, relocates down, but its not gonna stop him. Hes going to place some
aggressive wards, and this is a cute thing that you can do with Wisp. Hey if you get
gank, you always have tether to get out. So, hes not an easy hero to shutdown. And
thats a highly level of wisp, and not an easy to kill. So, Dendi is transitioning not semi
carry role, hes gonna show an additional form here.
: I think theyre gonna set up a play here on the mid lane. Well, its A
little bit of a tether movement speed being granted to Kuroky. By the way, relocated is
gonna back for 5 seconds.
: S4 is gonna be very cautious. If he over extend even slightly and they
got a tether stun and a lift, he will be dead to the follow up.
Here we go, hes over-extended perhaps, fireflys there. Hes heading already to the tree
line. S4 is juking away. They cant really do much to him here. XBOCT is self stunning.
S4 maybe go back in. He could grab XBOCT. Not just yet. Hes waiting for Dendi to go
back. Dendi is gone and now S4, he cant go in. But Batrider, its a great defensive
movement by S4, dodging the game.
: Well theyre actually missing that gank, and not having a relocate for
the next 50 seconds. So its gonna be something annoying for Navi. What they want to
do right now is to keep up pressure and make sure that nobody on the map, farming.
: here comes they push bottom, Navi is looking not only for the first
blood but also now for the first tower of the game, no defense made out by the alliance.
Its a bit lacking of counter push, to be honest lumi. All they really got is nukes from
Lina. And the first tower of game 3 will go to Navi, 13 minutes in and Dendi with the
last hit.
: and now, XBOCTs juking it out, juking it out with the bear, take a bit
of damage. Blink is now secure. Navi, all this early to mid game item, shadow blade,
Power Treads, Phase boot, urn, drums, they wanna fight, and will they find it at once.

: here comes the moonlight shadow, I think they try to set up some ganks.


: Navi meanwhile, theyre heading towards top. Alliance is too late in
pursuit. They back off towards mid. Kuroky spotted. Theres a blink, a lasso. Hes
running. Does he get of the lift? Its too late. Hes been caught by S4. Now hes dead in
an instant, no relocate. Alliances finally getting on the board. In this mid game, they
pick up their second kill and now the tier 1 mid is gonna fall fast. Bulldogs getting
closer and closer to that relic, 2.2k gold. Id be shock if he doesnt go for it. He really
likes his farm.
: Oh Loda flies the arrow, and it lands on funnik. Its too far away though
for his team. They cant engage but that was nice arrow. Here comes your bear, if gets a
root, they might jump. No, not yet.
: that bear is really scary. He got no item aside from phase boot on top
but the bloodlust is running fast, is attacking very fast,
: The bear started to take some chip of damages. Funniks low. Arrow to
fly, hits, what a snipe, but is there follow up? S4s looking for a leap, not going yet,
towers low,

: Oh what a deny.

: It gets denied, by the bulldog. Now XBOCT is fishing for a stun. Its
about to self stun. Alliance though, not going yet. Lodas just sniping along over the
: Here we go, its a leap on XBOCT. trapped in the jungle. Sentry
wards prepped. Dendi wants to bring him home, not relocate yet. Its a turning around,
throwing out the stun. Its a trap, and S4 will fall. NAVI were ready, they were prepared.
Alliance thought they had em. There was no, they even with the Laguna blade, that
wasnt enough damage.
: its very very important counter gank here. Dendi now, XBOCT is
travelling as a pact there thinking about relocating. If they see anybody, they will see
EGM on the mid tower. Oh EGM you thought you were safe????????????? You are
never safe from Dendi!
: Well, that was a pure anticipation gank, cause you look at it, they have
vision now, cause the heroes are here. This observer ward spotted him running back and
they just knew, he keeps on running all the way down into the base. Its beautiful
movement from Navi, leading 6 to 2.


The tower is really low, no defense inside, the tier 2 mid will fall to Navi. Alliance is
defending. They havent, they have not broken yet and theyre just waiting for some
items here. Once those item come though, theyll change their tether.
The tier 1 bottom is now denied by Funnik. The wisp is really forcing alliance into a
less, theyre not farming as much as they want and its because of wisp.
Now though, set the clock, bulldog just got his radiance, 22 minutes. Weve seen him
get one at 14 minutes along with the midas, its late by bulldog standard, but he got it
now. Now hes moving towards his next big item. Its game 3 of best of 5. Whoever win
this is 1 win away from claiming the aegis of immortal and be the international 2013
champion, still though the game is very much in the balance.
: Here comes the smoke though, theyve got radiance. Navi, will they be
caught out? If they 5 man smoke ganking, then relocate will be much pretty useless
from just running. So, here comes S4 fire flied up, looking to leap. Is he gonna go? Hes
still prepping. Now theres moonlight shadow. Navis on the run. The bear is losing
damage fast. XBOCTs trying to fight. Everybody from alliance backing off, no
engagement yet, looks like theyre just scared to fight, and in the end they gonna be
running. Moonlight shadow blown, initiation smoke gank is not gonna work. Navi is
just standing. Alliances gone away.
: Its very very important for S4 to find a lasso and get a quick kill, and
you move on, because as a union of 5 Navi is very difficult to walk in to. They have a
very very tanking alchemist in frontline that you cannot ignore, because you have seen
lot of damage. And now Navi is deciding to go on roshan pit. I mean firefly is down.
But its back up now, you got it. Here we go, XBOCTs being pulled out, and he does
nobody there except for relocate. Can Dendi bring him home? Hes not doing anything
just yet. XBOCT is very tanky. Dendi walks into, oh no..
: its still raging on. Kuroky is to fall, 2 dead. Now on the other run from
the back side comes Funnik. Laguna blade as well, thats 3 for 1. Alliance, where theres
a will, theres a way. 4 for 2 and theyre hunting XBOCT. He is gonna be a tough kill
but theres your arrow. Loda is sniping along, cannot miss, will not stop. Thats a team
wipe!!! Give them 5 for 1, and now, directly into the Rosh pit, actually 5-2 but here we
: Rosh is low, is about to fall, relocate comes. Rosh is not dead yet. Aegis
to Loda though, he grabs it. Now XBOCT trapped in a pit. Bulldog will fall. They lose
the bear, they get the aegis, and they get out with it. So all and all, pretty close there,
slight advantage maybe goes to the alliance.


: So, theyll take tier 1 top. The alliance answers back, 9 to 7 the score.
Navis going for tier 2 bottom, and it looks like the alliance will try to turn two. Glyphs
down, towers falling fast. Navi, tier 2 bottom is about to fall. Its a trade for both teams,
nobody fighting. I think Alliance, theyve got bloodlust here, I think Navi, they can not
go for this.

: You cannot base raid, in fact, its not even really trading in trade.


: its no glyph, this tower might just die, if theyre not get back.

: You cannot base raid, look at this bear with a bloodlust, tier 3 is gonna
go down for free.
: Tower is gonna fall. Now, theyre just gonna back off. XBOCTs
launching a stun. Does it hits bulldog? Forcestaffed away. Now its moonlight shadow.
Is there a gem? There is on XBOCT, but Navi force to back off. They cant trade like
that, not against the bloodlust.
: They didnt respect the power of the radiance, the bloodlust bear. They
got tier 2 which is nice but they give up 3 towers on the top lane for it. I mean look at
this gold graph, we havent register it yet, but it will be yes, straight downwards.

: Right now its just basically 3k gold different.

: Now Navi farming the stack of ancient. Theyre trying to get XBOCT
even fatter. They still have 3 and a half k gold. Hes still leading that lone druid. He
continues to farm. The other heroes are somewhat struggling. Theres a mek up on
puppey, thats about it. Kuroky, its 31 minutes in and how often did we see him not
having blink force, not having more movement ability items, but he doesnt this game.
Hes just not getting to farm. It is all XBOCT and normally with Navi I fell its like
more balance foot.
: Meanwhile S4, hes thinking about jump. He got haste rune, here we go
scouting is over.
: Its gotta be a disaster. If Navi get caught, but theyre in the enemy
jungle, theres no dire vision of this, not gonna be an easy engagement now. Its that
dance before the Roshans respawn, which is good position for the alliance. Loda
thought away to the right, if he got relocated on, basically its a big bait right here. They
want to go on Loda and want to turning around, but Navis not taking the bait.


: The tier 2 bottom is gonna fall. Now they have to defend mid, but S4,
hes got a blink force. Hes got a lasso as well. Dendi, will be essentially keep em safe.
The tier 3 mid is fall. Theres no glyph available. In comes the bear, theyre looking for
root on XBOCT. The bear damage being stolen. S4 leaps in, he grabs Funnik, but cant
kill em off. Hes low, hes not dead, no damage to bring them down. BKBs up from
Funnik. Navi is standing strong but they in lose him. Loda snipes the kill. The bear is
dead, soon to be resummon. Puppeys falling fast. Loda is on DD, blinking. Hes
starting to hunt. Thats 2 down. The alliance is not dead yet, turning in around. XBOCT
is in trouble, chain stun sitting, but he got dual stun. Hes gonna turn it back in the other
: XBOCTs right clicking. Hes gonna get EGM as well. Thats triple kill
but Akke says still cast baby. Teamwipe for alliance! They completely win the fight.
: Back on the mid lane here, S4 gets dragged, and Funnik, hes gonna get
blown up, no bkb being activated. The familiar drops a little bit too slow, and when 2 3
heroes still dead, I think theyre gonna try a high ground look, .
: Now, he gets hit by arrow, oh oh. Here comes the bear, no, no. Look at
the tower, look it melts. Now glyph force out again. You know navi keeps on having the
glyph just for casual push.
: and now here we go, XBOCTs on the front line. They found akke, but
they relocated forward. Kind of waste it but they will get the kill. Its not really ideal
and now akke, he says ok im buying back. Lasso though, stolen by kuroky, he finds S4.
S4 is dead. Now they relocate few steps away. Dendi is low, dendi is not dead, and
XBOCT is on the hunt, no stun, isolated, cant finish the job. Bulldog is cleaning up on
the back side. Hes not been focus up, and now he might find Funnik. Wheres that bear
gonna go? Its nothing just yet. Now hes on the run, oh its a trouble, theres a haste
rune on Dendi, oh oh lumi oh oh. Bears gonna drop, its gonna resummon, or they
gonna fight, oh another bear dead. More gold is going into Navis pocket.
: they cannot buyback, they dont have glyph here either. Its all up to the
bear. The bear die is dead for minute and a half, an arrow, nailed XBOCT, wheres the
follow up. Theres Dendi relocate soon, and he just come really be damage here, that
overcharge, started to kick in, and in the end
: Oh root, OMG, Funnik just gonna melt here. Here comes S4, he finds
XBOCT. Xbocts gonna focus as well. Dendi does not get the relocate out. They want
more, arrow oh no, does not hit. S4 says okay ill clean it up, no problem, and thats
yet another base defense. This rack, is just immortal.


: Alliance, Sweden finest standing strong. The alliance 17 to 14, leading
in gold, leading in exp, heavily gold even, but this rosh will break the game over. And
alliance, now were gonna see Loda, the MKB is on the way.
: here comes XBOCT, looking for a stun. Its gonna hit, but its very
faraway. S4 is not an easy target. Now, theyre still chasing, arrow to fly. Loda nails it
again. Wheres that lasso? Baiting up the bkb. XBOCTs slapping and chopping, but not
finishing the hero up. And now, his bkb is end. Hes on his own, lasso to pull back in to
4, but tethered up, up to the bear. Its gonna self stun, oh no XBOCT is gonna fall,
: Now dendi is being chased as well, theyre not gonna get the kill.
Theres buyback from XBOCT, Dendi tethers back here, will reset and reload here but
alliance getting every advantage right now.
: So, Navi smoke up, theyre heading to top lane, trying to find a pick,
but maybe not expecting loda, rose up the arrow, and it hits kuroky. Do they jump this?
This is this dangerous. They didnt see a hero, they just saw the stun. Now sentry
deployed, still diving. XBOCT launches long range stun. EGM gets caught, he forced
up. He is on the high ground, but hes gonna fall, but I think might be too late S4,
counted position, BKB now.
: EGM TP is out, he survives. Well actually there once a bkb and s4 is
gonna live. Navi theyre force something out. Another arrow, another one, Loda, he
keeps on fishing, sooner or later you gonna get a bait.
: here comes S4 prepping around the mid. Navi is securing to retreat.
Hes got blink but no hes too late. They found out XBOCT, the worst hero that could
: Relocate back here, and they wanna bring Funnik back in the fight. Its
double damage on Dendi, lets see how much he can do. And Linas death, and now
theyre gone for akke. Arrows gonna miss, they find akke, akke just melt. get the bear,
dont let the bear go. Hes running fast, running hard and nobody can chase it down.
XBOCT blink, and thats recall. And its amazing.
: Glyph is out, XBOCT will keep on swiping. Theyre gonna lose a lane
of racks here, theyll have to decide if they wanna contest. Its not an easy go. S4, he
wasnt sure, he didnt jump yet. He gets lifted, hes stunned and brought down. Now,
Funnik juke it out, XBOCT is smacking the bear, but its living. Its winning the fight.
Loda MKB is up, standing and delivering. Tthey get the racks, they lose a razor and
they get a bat as well. Navi big win for them there but, the work is not done yet.


: its arrow to fly, not sure where it is. Now looks like Navis coming in.
XBOCTs channeling a stun, well see the bear but he wants to contest it, relocate as
well, lasso is gonna be there,

: S4

: S4 no BKB, he gets caught yet again. The stuns there, lodas aegis
soons to be expire. Now manta, hes driving back. No buyback on the batrider, very
faraway. Its two lane of racks Lumi, could this be a game.

: I dont know man


: Its mid lane pushing though,

: And then they go, hard to kill. Kuroky with the blink, the lift, akke
caught. Navi is finding the pick off. Its could be game, two lanes of racks, soon to fall.
Loda though, driving them back, starfalls there, something stolen. The bear, man fight it
out with XBOCT. Loda locked in position, does not get to hold, then the arrow called,
another lift.
: Lift again, Kuroky just lifting Lina. The racks melt. Lodas trying his
best to hold down, try to defensive hold down, but XBOCT on the front line, thats
second lane of racks. S4 is back and I think thats time for Navi to get the hell out of
this. Got exactly what they wanted, XBOCT says no I want more, I gonna just storm
down and get the mid racks.
: Get me a range racks as well, youre not buying back, and you must not
have he says, and he did go. Kuroky another lift, this time is bkb for S4, but hes not
using it to fight. And now they grab Loda. He gets forced up into the frame, lift it up,
drop down and dead. Loda is fallen and the sweet of that disarray, Navi is on the break
of 1 game away from taking the entire tournament.
: and they go, it could be three lanes of racks. It could be really farewell
game. Alliance might be trailing, for the first time ever in this series. Here we go,
Funnik is falling fast, tether stun there. S4s lassoing Funnik. Funnik will fall, but egm
get caught, and egm is dead. XBOCT is merciless. Thats three lane of racks. Thats
probably game. Hes get the buyback, hes still alive, and alliance are on the very last
: Dendi overcharging blocking damage, urning himself. XBOCT is
immortal. They disarm and they gonna keep up right clic. XBOCTs still alive. How is
this man alive?


: Finally, he will die, but hell buyback, Dendi will too. Theyre coming
right back here, actually no relocate. They do lose a few, they lose 4 but thats make a
creep, and Alliance now good luck leaving your base. Navis pulling this game out of
the head, it will be fell like a momentum, was taping against them. They find the fight,
they found the pickoff, and all of sudden this is their game.
: alliance show them some real cahony. Theyre gonna win this fight.
Loda has DD as well. This bear will absolutely murder everything. Bear wins game.
Will it win thisone? Theres glyph on navi, theres buyback on the wisp. Arrow is not
gonna accomplish anything. Here comes the bear, here comes S4, hes found funnik, in
comes as well..
: its disarmed against the bear. Hes not doing anything. Funnik
survives the initiation. XBOCT, I want that rapier. I want the aegis. Thank you very
: But the Divine is now on Funnik, and Navi are gonna cut Alliances
head off, down to the middle lane.
LD/Luminous : GG!

Game 4
: game 4 is now underway! Here we go, Navis so close, they can taste it,
they can smell it, but they have not yet secure that aegis for themselves, and on we go to
introduce the player. S4, on the Alliance, the captain, the drafter, heading towards
mid as Nightstalker, rushing the bottle. Akke, support Crystal Maiden. Alliance,
theyve been denied an aggressive trilane in the past, they wont go for it here. They


will go defensive. Loda, on the Gyro. EGM, your support Wisp. Bulldog, the Nature
Prophet. And on the Radiant side, Navi, a lot of momentum riding on them for right
now. XBOCT, your Alchemist. Funnik, your jungle Batrider perhaps. Dendi can be
playing the Puck. Kuroky, on the Rubick. And that puts Puppey on Bane. Well have to
see where Navi over. It looks like both teams wanna go defensive, so were expecting a
very fat Alchemist right now.
: yeah, at the same time, and keep in mind that the way AdmiralBulldog
likes to play on the lane is setting up a couple of treants, walk the two camps early on,
block the second spawn of that camp by one minute and go back to jungle. So, I think
Kuroky as well as Puppey is gonna have a little bit of time. A little bit of difficult
time finding early levels.
: And now Bulldog is going for as a very standard lane build, gloves of
haste, double clarity, hell send his first two treants on the jungle, one in each direction,
and simply walk to block the camp. Hell do it again before the 1 minute spawn, and
then, at that point, since that camp only spawn once every 1 minute instead of 30
seconds in a row. Hell head into the jungle to rush that Midas.
: yeah, Funniks gonna be jungling as you said and they do not want any
camps to be blocked off, but these treants are. They are really annoying.
: yeah, hell send one to bot camps and one to pull the lanes back, so the
lane is gonna push a little bit, at least for now, this camp is blocked, and this camp,
however, is not. And Funniks jungling is not gonna be denied, so hes slowing down
the supports, but Funniks gonna have an easy time.
: yeah, AdmiralBulldogs one the best players who kinda does this jungle
shenanigans, and so far, he is effective. Look at this creep wave, with 8 creeps and it is
slowly gonna push in against AdmiralBulldog eventually.
: yeah, he is gonna be able to summon treants in a second, he may
actually misses the second block, though, but now hes just gonna get in time. Puppey
cant sleep em both. So, this camp has been blocked twice and generally he goes right
back to the jungle now and thats all were gonna see. Oh? No? hes staying under the

: he knows a big creep wave is coming


: and Navi have had enough already, theyre going for it.


: this is actually pretty smart, coz you know thats gonna be 8 creep on
the tower and its gonna be very very easy dive. So you have things like Nightmare, Lift
to set itup, unless AdmiralBulldog senses it coming, they dont have ward, they dont
have vision. Oohh, hes gonna go check .
Acid Spray.

: Its early boots for XBOCT, hes gotta push this wave in, doesnt have

: these treants are coming up the hill, they will see the Navi supports.
Just expert micro, he knows, he knows what Navi wants to do against them.
: Yeah, he scouts them out and will be back, Bulldog playing cat and
mouse here. So the trades elsewhere, its a free farm for Alchemist, maxing Greevils
Greed for XBOCT, not rushing the Midas fully though. Whereas Loda rushes it, he
skips boots. XBOCT going for the more aggressive killing build, might be able to run
Bulldog down but right now Bulldogs very defensive. Hes keeping the experience off
this lane. You compare that to Funnik, hes not but he is farming faster. Hell stack the
jungle and rush the blink, so a very different approach from these two offlaners.
: now we see a little bit of tower damage from tier 1, but its not gonna
be significant in any sense. XBOCT is struggling to find a little bit of farm, well, you
cannot be between the two towers, so. In fact, he is being harassed by Admiral.
: hes taking some tower shots as well. He has to wait for the next wave.
From both directions, the towers are really working against him. He has a salve here,
hell be okay but hes being forced to use his regen early. Meanwhile, top lane, youre
getting Wisp a lot of levels; EGM already having two. So, his levels are not being
denied and actually, I think overall that is giving Alliance a slight edge because if you
have underlevel supports against Wisp, we know what happen. We can just smell it.
: Back in the mid lane, we havent really talked about it so much. Oooh,
Kurokys here.
: Looking for a kill, s4 as Nightstalker is one of the hardest hero to gank,
hes got incredibly high base armor, already 6 and a lot of HP, not gonna be an easy nut
to crack. Theyre going in. Funniks coming in as well, could be a first blood to Navi, s4
falling fast, not gonna have a best start, he is gonna drop. Navi, once again a first blood
is going their way.

: its always on the mid lane.


: and they forced a Bulldogs TP. Thats pretty huge.


S4 is so accustomed, as of late, to play this tempo controllers mid and dominate the
lane. The Puck, the Batrider, lately in the series, weve seen the Beast Master, weve
seen the Night Stalker. Weve seen him on heroes that arent really as good as winning
the lane and Navi not only recognizing the fact and punishing him. But, in terms of
winning the lane, coz Dendi is already winning the lane. But they are also ganking him
a lot so its really a two prong assaults. Ban out the supports and gank s4 and on the
back of that, already gold and experience, I mean it could be much farther than
Alliances favor, but instead, its pretty close.
: yeah, again, Navi has made the adjustment in the series, they have
changed the picks and bans, targeting different players. And Alliance needs to answer,
so far theyve been absolutely standard and it seems that a standard game is not good
: So far, s4 does his basic items, hes farming okay, hes got bottle, hes
got magic wand, the tier 1 mid did fall earlier, so hes got some gold off of that.
Ultimately, Night Stalker is not as item-dependent as other heroes, Night Stalker doesnt
really need a blink dagger, he doesnt need big items to initiate and he could still have
an impact simply by running around and threatening to gank. Remember, they do have
Relocate, they have got global lineup. Here we go mid.

: all you need is a dream coil, is it gonna be used?


: oohh, they cannot get in range, 4 heroes, ooohh, thats some hate on s4.

: they actually lift him and toss him back, no Nightmare, nothing, TP will
be coming from Wisp, and they will back off.
: yep, Akke tethered up and EGM is slapping down Dendi with some
orbs, a lot of harassing. Well, Alliance has the Wisp, so I suppose they should feel pretty

: so, should we go to game 5 now? Or?


: I think well play it out, Lumi.

: Back on mid, Dendi dropping low but he should be okay. But yeah,
Gyrocopter knows he gonna be in the middle of team fights, he knows magical damage
is gonnabe intense. So, thats the spell you wanna max out.
: XBOCT is free farming, XBOCT is up to 2k gold. Weve seen
normally he likes to Treads into straight Shadow Blade, hes been opting to skip Midas


in most games. If he wanted the Midas, hed already have it. So, well just have to wait
and see what he goes for. Theres always that Battlefury build, but against such an
aggressive gank line up, it seems pretty greedy.
: Yeah, maybe, I think hes straight rushing a BKB. But it seems like its
overly defensive.
: yeah, I dont think so. If he wanna opt for that, I reckon he wont get
Treads but a Phase Boot. And, to me its a most likely a Shadow Blade, but its
interesting to see that hes just holding, seems like he wanna keep his options open. He
isnt really sure what kind of game we have in front of us yet.
: well, at the same time, Dendi has been very active on that bottle
crowing on the mid lane. So maybe hes just havent picked it up. Yeah, well see how
hes gonna go. But it is night time now, so Night Stalker, it is his time to shine, the first
night is so important for the NS and well see whether hes gonna get his move.
: The tier 1 falls bottom, Navi, first blood, taking a tower, and then now,
well, gold are heading their way. Experience is still pretty much aligned.
: despite that Navi has pushed out so much. Keep in mind that there are 4
heroes on the bottom lane. Meanwhile, on top lane, we see Loda pushing in.
Meanwhile, mid lane, s4 is crushing in towers. So, despite losing a tier 1, Alliance is
actually ahead. But, if they successfully get this tier 2 tower without spending too much
time thenI can say all for one that they are going out the window.
: Funnik now uses his Firefly to clear out the creep waves. Navi continue
to get the pressure of this tier 2 tower. And for the time being, s4 is sitting back, hes
rotating into the lane. Well see some additional supports coming soon. its coming for
Akke, hes jumping in, hes gonna go for Nova, not casting yet. S4 is on the prowl, but
he lift it up, drawn in, Coil as well. Heres your Call Down, Loda unloading the damage.
2 to fall, make it three, and Navi are heading a long retreat.
: Night stalker still alive right now, tries to get the slow, he does find him,
Funnik tries to fly off the cliff, not gonna be as we see EGM picks a triple kill on the

: meanwhile, Dendi though, he can make a play on s4, the silence is

: its Double Damage on NS.



: Dendis gonna go down. Its a team wipe!

: Get out of here says s4, I have a DD, Im Night Stalker and Im
moonwalking all over the bot river and now they are gonna be pushing the bot lane.
: Lumi, this game is 1 to 0. Navi has the first blood, they took tower per
tower, theyre free farming an Alche and one fail swooped all. Alliance is now leading 5
to 1. My goodness.
: theyre not done, theyre gonna get the tier 1 tower. Keep in mind,
Night Stalker, night time. Hes only strong half the time, right?
: Mid lane, mid lane, Bulldogs in trouble, now he got stunned, they are
really diving under the tower. Theyve got a lift, Kurokys coming in. Its 4 heroes mid.
They do get Bulldog, but Akkes TPed in. Hes got a Frostbite. Hes holding Xboct in
position. Hello! s4 is coming in and theres their Relocate from EGM, and Dendi, hes
on the un. S4, how far will he go for this? He finds another kill, Dendi did not go to his
orb and will fall.

: I do not think he can go to his orb. He get stunned and picked off.

: s4 able to run him down, now, hes start to demolish this tower,
remember how poorly his lane was. He got shut down, they gank him and all of a
sudden, 3, 1, and 2, Your Wisp, 4, 0, and 1, Urn and Arcane Boots for EGM. And now,
Lodas in his comfort zone. Hes a 1 position carry, he can go stack the ancients if he
likes. Their team has map control. The one piece of good news for Navi is that this
aggression will end at certain point. Night time will end, s4 will have his ult on
cooldown, and Alliance will be forced to play a bit more defensively but that time is not
now. This time is Alliances and here they go again. Smoked up, Navi, no Blink on
Funnik, Puppey only level 4, supports that are liabilities are about to get caught.
: oohh, Puppey, he is so dead. Puppey isnt not gonna make it back.
Dendi is doing everything he can to protect his allies, but. You see how dangerous it is
to go into the jungle. Thats a Prophet not teleporting and that is a Wisp not relocating.
Its just s4 with a Crystal Maiden ganking so this is gonna get really really dangerous
very quickly on Navi.
: yeah, kills are really important. But I actually think the fact that they
took down a tower
: Ohh, XBOCT, XBOCT, hes gonna get silenced, its gonna be nukes,
nukes, nukes. The teleport rotation is from Dendi, hes gotta cancel it. Relocate back


mid, he sees Kuroky and he is so dead. Kuroky, no chance back at the bottom. Admiral
Bulldog tries to stop the TP, can Puppey make it home? Yes, but barely, barely, makes it
: just by the skin of his teeth. His treads coming soon, the Alliance right
now, s4 is hunting Dendi, no Blink for him. In fact, theyll back off towards mid, but
another tower falls for the Alliance, mustering their courage.
: well, Alliance havent won it just yet. Do not count out Navi, this is the
team that has a ton of resilience.
: Here we go, though. They found XBOCT. Its night time XBOCT! and
Night Stalker is on you. Relocate comes, XBOCT is gonna fall. Instantly he melts,
down again! And still no Shadow Blade. Not having that free farm he had previously.
Loda now has a BKB and now if youre Navi, you need to start worrying about your
physical damage. Theyll need to secure some. But here we go into the smoke gank,
Akke, EGM, s4, they are all here, remember that everyone can get here quickly too.
Kuroky right in the middle of them. Look at him melt!! No chance, no way out. Theyll
take a spill. That was too easy. That was way too easy. I mean hows Kuroky gonna
make spectacular play like last game when he dies that fast? It is nearly impossible to do
anything as that Rubick.
: you were talking about Navi needing some physical damage, there is
none, aside from XBOCT, who has some.
: Hes got 900 HP, even if with Chemical Rage, he only got 3 armor, hes
not gonna last long.
: Imagine, when the fights are coming out, hes gonna need something
like a BKB, maybe hes gonna have an AC but if you look at the buildup Loda is going
for, he has a ton of tank, I mean once he finishes the Helm of Dominator, hes gonna
have like 18 armor, magical immunity, hes gonna be shooting live ,of course. Lets not
forget about Overcharge, that thing blocks a lot of damage.
: Night time is available on s4, hes level 11. They took the tier 2 top.
Navi, the map feels really claustrophobic right now. Theyve got a Blink on Funnik, the
Blinks out on Dendi, they have a smoke, they wanna be fighting with these heroes, they
wanna be finding kills. So much aggression in this hero composition, but the way they
play is very passive. As they roam around, they are spotted by a Dire observer ward.
Alliance know where Navi are and if they do wanna fight, they still have the Aegis but it


will expire pretty soon. One minute to go and a BKB on Loda, I think its a go time for
Na or for the Alliance. Navi, their backs are against the wall here.
: it looks like were seeing some roaming. A Crystal Maiden solo
roaming to the enemy secret shop.

: yeah, that doesnt happen.

: shes not afraid. If she gets jumped, there is Relocate, there is TP, so
this Crystal Maiden is running a favor from his allies. And here we go, they want
XBOCT on top hes got a Shadow Blade and a detection on the Dire.
: this is like watching Conquer and Spend, he run up to Dover mid and
says I got you, man Here we go, XBOCT, he shadow bladed up, Aegis soon to be
reclaimed, they have a sentry ward but XBOCT hiding in the trees, hes got a TP,
quelling blading through, not TPing just yet, he dodged the gank. So, nice movement by
him but again, Alliance are not investing too much in that, not a smoke and Bulldogs
farming. They have a relocate, so Lodas also farming. When they go for ganks, they
dont have to invest as much as Navi.
: right, and even if those ganks fail, thats okay. Because you know Navi
is constantly farming as 4 or 5, so definitely losing out in terms of gold. Yeah, the chart
is just not favoring Navi right now.
: still, Navi withstand the storm, they hold on to tier 2 mid. The Aegis is
now expires. So theyll have a rest time. But, night time number two is coming and let
me tell you, Night Stalker, he is really a nightmare to play against this guy when he is
winning because that second night time lasts a whole lot longer than the first.
might have?

: I mean hes also got 2600 in his bag. Any guesses on what item he

: BKB would be the obvious choice, but I mean, Basher a possibility,
Aghanims a possibility, hell, a straight Heart for s4 wouldnt surprise me so much.

: Aghanim Scepter is also not bad either.

: if you wanna map control, I think Aghs and get a gem is the single best
build you can go for. And the reason for that is, for you who dont know, Night Stalkers
ultimate Darkness, when hes got an Aghanim Scepter it rewards, ooohhh its night
time period he gets a flying vision around him. So he got a gem, theres no way to
ward a map. Everything will get dewarded.


: XBOCT being forced to TP back. Hes getting farm but his farm is
coming very slowly. Yeah, he is forced to build a BKB, he needs to tank at frontline, not
entirely sure how much its gonna be effective.
: he needs armor too. Theres a lot of physical damage on Alliance, I
mean Bulldog now has his Shadow Blade, hes working towards a Scythe. Sure hes got
BKB but thats only the start, theres so much physical DPS from Alliance that he needs
AC and he might need his next time to live through that team fight.
: s4, hes roaming again by himself but if he finds a good one, hes gonna
be expecting a Relocate, and expecting a TP, checking all of the obvious neutral camps,
didnt find one. But again, Navi are forced to rotate, they smoked up as well and if that
smoke breaks they will know that a hero is nearby. In fact, Alliance can defend their tier
1 tower on top, because all they have to do is TP s4 in and then just
: I dont think theyre TPing in. in fact, they are gonna take that tier 2
bottom and Navi either back or they might just get wiped.

: they have to back now, like they dont see a Night Stalker on bot lane.

: theres an observer ward, but s4 is so far back that even if they wanna
go on, theres just no way.
: they see s4 right, so they just have to back, they cannot even take that
tier 1 tower as 5 players. That is how far Navi is behind.
: Now the tier 2 falls bottom, they defend their tier 1, they take a tier 2,
its been all Alliance all the way since about the 6 minutes mark, 20 minutes in leading
12 to 2, striking back in game 4 and well, well on their way to a decisive game 5.
: that just speaks the power of one single engagement. Normally, when
they go early game engagement, you lose a fight, you have a lot of time to make a
comeback, and youll only lose like your outer tower. But it was a 1 to 0 starting in the
favor of Navi, in fact a first blood against s4 on mid lane. And suddenly after a 5 man
wipe, the game just changed, right? and now Navi have to play defensively.
: yeah, just look where their heroes are. Usually at the base, if theyre
leaving the base, its as 5. Alliance, they can farm, they can split push, they can gank. Or
they can do this, 30 seconds before Rosh is up, say were gonna wait for the Rosh,
were gonna force the fight mid now. Lift this up for Navi, they got a blink on Dendi,
they got Kuroky with his level 7, so Puppey has Fiends Grip. Theyve got the makings
of a team fight, but is it really enough? Its hard to say.


: Yeah, Lodas got a BKB, s4s got his BKB being delivered. With these
two in the front lines dishing out ton of damage,
: yeah, you cant go on these guys, and you cant ignore them. Rocking
in hard place right now, Navi Puppey dwindle. BKB now complete. Alliance really
forcing this mid fight, XBOCT will go back after this tier 2 falls and it will be denied.
Great play by Dendi, but the bigger thing is that tier 2 is down mid.


: hes got a BKB, theres actually no way to cancel it. So, if he TPs out
just in time, hell be okay.
: oooohh, Shadow Blade, dusts coming out. Oh hes got a BKB, hes got
to TP right now. Oh the right clicks oh god, oh god,
: yeah, not popping Chemical Rage, the extra HP and regen, it almost
cost and thats what Im talking about, the physical damage, you can see it right there.

: right, I mean, that was so close,

LD : that was s4 not having any big damage item, just Armlet which is big but he hasnt
got the pure damage item that comes next, a Basher, the Abyssal Blade, the Desolator, I
mean whatever he wants to go for. That, and he really packs a punch. And into the Rosh
pit Alliance go, Eaglehorn is up on Loda, feeling like Alliance tempo, feeling like its an
Alliance game, not over just yet, but this Aegis, its big and theyre about to get it.

: and Navi knows that they cant really do anything about it.

: Roshan will fall. Aegis is on Loda and now Alliance is one big step
closer to taking this game. So if youre Alliance, youre close, you have BKBs,
Butterflys coming soon to Loda, do you just sit back and farm? Do you force the fight
now? How much more do you think they wanna win?
: I think a lot of it has been dictated by the night fall. Usually we dont
say things like that in a lot professional games, but you have Night Stalker, so you
definitely need a plan around that. Obviously you have to intertwine that with the Aegis
timing as well. I think they can. They have enough items to go right now. If you look
at Navi, sure they have decent team fight, with a good Alchemist stun, with a Puck
Dream Coil, with so many BKBs on Alliance, they dont really have to be afraid of
anything. They can just charge right in.


: yeah, Firefly just used. Alliance are gonna wait this out. S4, or rather
Funnik is having a hard time getting into the fight. Well see if they actually commit. S4
onto the high ground he goes, toggling the Armlet, no, he turns it off, no leap yet.
Funnik, Firefly will soon fall, he has managed to delay the creep wave. But Alliance
will just wait it out. They havent even brought Bulldog to the fight, ultimates are out,
now he will TP in. he could pressure bottom, but hes pressuring top, though. Hes
looking to force this. I think if Alliance are just gonna get buyback from Navi, you just
back off and you keep on farming.
: the one thing that they have to be very careful about is Funnik. If
Funnik gets a Blink, Lasso, and then a Force Staff, there is no way..
: Here we go, XBOCT. Alliance, they dont have a gem, actually they
have a gem on EGM, s4 doesnt care, he gets stunned and he keeps on rolling. Theres
no glyph, this tower is falling soon, Kuroky, somethings stolen on him.

: ooohh, a Lasso, force staff back, you gotta kill EGM quick

: and they will not!! The Meks coming out and the Call down comes
out. XBOCTs trying to right click, but he just does not do any damage to s4.

:its double kill for Loda!

: three on the deck, XBOCTs not gonna win this, not against Alliance.
Their fall might unveil, they take four, they only lose one, this is racks. This one might
as well be game, 16 to 4, 25 minutes in. Navis getting smashed.
: yeah, they lost a Crystal Maiden, they lost a Wisp, Wisp bought back
and Relocated back in. but immediate Racks and Dendi tries to make some play, Dream
Coils used, Lodas lifesteal and armor as well as HP from BKB, he says no prob.
: yeah, thats a really nice play by Dendi, coz if he at least can pop the
Aegis there, its a pretty safe place, he can just drop out, but not able to do it. So the top
racks will fall, range and melee. Alliance are really on a roll. Theyre feeling hot.
: yeah, Navi, Im not exactly sure how they are gonna make a comeback.
But its gotta come from XBOCT and XBOCT times in team fights and not picking up
any kills is an issue. In fact, in that most of the team fights, hes trying to focus on Akke,
the Crystal Maiden, and could not get the kill. And by the way Crystal Maiden is going
for a BKB, and when shes got a BKB, Im gonna lose it coz were gonna see some


: S4 is on the frontline, hes got a gem now, BKBs off cooldown, hes
got a haste as well. If Navi gotta run, theyre screwed. They already are but here we go,
theres three minutes time on the Aegis. Silences thrown out. Funnik jumping in, does
catch EGM. EGM no buyback, and if he gets caught, it could be bad. Hes low but
Meks up. Puppey just get smacked down, this Puppey will fall, Dendi next. S4!! Hes
out of control and it looks like possibly the end. 3 dead, double buybacks from Navi,
just giving too much ground here. Dendi leaping in, jumping out, still no reward.
: theyve got some chain stun, theyve got Kuroky tries to play against
everybody. Kuroky cant tank enough, Lodas dropping low as well, thats a two man
coil, they want AdmiralBulldog, but Lodas gonna get dropped.

: theyve spent a lot to defend this, another buyback here..


: AdmiralBulldog is gonna get focused, Navis gonna make it.

: oh no, Lodas alive, can they lock him down? they need a stun, he slept,
and they prep, and they get the gem as well. If Navi hold, now it becomes a big fight;
but XBOCTs falling fast, not dead yet, there is no Fiends Grip, now Lodas trying to
run, oh wow I think they might actually do this, theres a Wisp Relocate, too late!
Lodas dead. 21 9 , Navi are hangin on for dear life. Oh Lumi, they spent a lot there.
: they spent a lot but they have a ray of hope as Navi win, thats the first
team fight they won in 27 minutes. Buyback be damned, they have something going
their way. Lets quickly check out what have been made out that team fight, Funniks
made about 600 gold, Puppey spending buyback, hes got nothing, Dendis picked an
enemy gem and has an Ultimate Orb so if he ever picks a Hex perhaps, maybe we will
see some sign of life. Kuroky obviously as a support also dying quite a bit, not gonna
have too many items.
: yeah, its been great, Funnik has found with a minimum farm with a
hero thats a bit squishy at this time, the timing has been impeccable. Still though,
Alliance knows that next Rosh is coming, and this next one matter a whole lot more
because now Loda is one item away from being god in these fights.Once he gets
Satanic, theres no killing him. I mean, I dont think they have the damage yet, maybe if
he lock him down before he BKB, maybe if theres no Wisp Relocate to save his life to
turn around. Then you get an Aegis and they have to kill him twice and that is very
: yeah, take back what I said about Flaming Lasso, that is not an option
anymore. Because AdmiralBulldog got a Scythe of Vyse so if he blinks in and he lassoes


the Wisp, hes gonna get hexed and gonna get focused. Like you said, hes not tanky at
this point so AdmiralBulldog in aggressive Alliance is just closing the gap and I dont
know Navi is gonna find some wiggle, but they need to find something.
: Alliance, map control solid, Rosh should be an advantage to you. And
with BKB is up on Loda, its hard to actually go in on them. If you go in with Bat, like
you said, he just get Scythed up. Alliance, patience from them, now a BKB is coming
for Akke. Weve seen him cast some amazing Freezing Field, so dont be surprised if
Akke is the Secret MVP in the next team fight.
: Im expecting a to be seeing Akke when he picks up the BKB because
we dont see BKB Crystal Maiden a lot in pro games.
: in theory, with the next Aegis, with the Wisp Relocate. I mean youre
still looking at heroes who dont have much. And now Roshan will fall, Navi never
intend to contest and this already Aegis and Cheese, give it to Alliance. They are close
to one good push, one good fight, if they can two lanes of racks, Navi are pretty much
out of this game.
: Right now, Navi just dont have enough damage output. In fact,
everyone in Alliance can just right click with their BKB and probably they would just
outdamage Navi. They will glyph and they will TPs their tier 1 tower top. XBOCT, you
need to get
the hell out of there.

: he gets the tower.


: now, XBOCT, can he get out?

: Relocates comes, hes got BKB, theyre heading the wrong way,
theyre not gonna find him, great juke by XBOCT and he keeps his team alive. Hes
also by the way got a Demon Edge. Should be MKB.

: sorry, I thought you meant divine,

: we can always pray for one, but not gonna happen. Mid lane, mid lane,
XBOCT, Shadow Bladed up, and its not gonna give away too soon. Oooohhh, they

: How did they know that he was there?

: they are probably is close. Oh, Akkes got a DD. And the Loda has
Aegis. BKB will remove the double damage, but he doesnt need it.



: he doesnt need BKB, its go time.

: theyre going down mid though, Navi , they are really going to have to
force this. If they dont, racks is down.

: How do you stop? How do you stop Loda?

: they dont have buybacks by the way. Just the Batrider buyback on
Funnik. So maybe he jumps in and dives to slow them down and then buys back. But
well have to see. Here comes Loda, hes got the tower chipping away, hes really hard
to deal with. The racks, the tier 3, all in jeopardy as the tier 3 melts. Still theres cheese
on s4. Can they really bring him down? Hes got two lives, Lodas got two lives.
Bulldogs got buyback. So theres 8 heroes in this push. And a leap away by our Bat,
Funnik already got to go, s4, very hard to go for him, remember, hes got the cheese.
Still alive, standing strong, glyphs been used. towers about to fall, they nuked and
silence Funnik, now the tier 3s down, Funnik out of this fight for quite a few seconds.
The racks is gonna fall, Lodas taking it. Now, XBOCT backstab on Bulldog Hes gonna
drop. On to Funnik, Lassoing up but Loda is still alive. Hes still got a Satanic, XBOCT
is hexed and XBOCT will fall!!
: S4 its triple buyback coming out from Na`quad buyback. They
need to make something out of this. Dendi finds a two man coil, and they could go right
on it. Funnik, ooh he silenced him up.
: theres relocate there. Loda still got BKB, Bulldog will fall though. Are
they? No, they are not dead yet. XBOCT buyback and is dead again. And s4, hes gonna
chase. Alliance, the sweetest monster, they force a game 5.

: GG!

Game 5
: Its game 5 of the best of 5Alliance versus Navi . 2 million dollars at
stake. there is no more game to fall back on. There is no more second chances. You win
or you finish second and here we go. Na'Vi, the international 1 champion, they attended
now 3 grand finals. Can they make a second championship theirs. Can they take another
home. XBOCT the alche, Funn1k The bat, Kuroky on the Rubick, Dendi the TA mid
and last but not least Puppey on the jungle Enigma are first ever game 5 at the


international. On the side of the the Alliance, the kings in the north, yet to lose a series
at this tournament, theyve lost a few games in a row here but they battle back to force
this game. S4 on the siganture Puck, EGM the IO the Wisp, Akke the Crystal Maiden,
Loda on the Chaos Knight and theyre heading to the bottom lane. Last but not least, its
AdmiralBulldog expecting to go 1 v 1 against with Funn1ks Bat starting with the magic
stick and heading to top lane.
: at the mid lane Dendi is gonna have a little bit of assistance. Puppey
will destroy the first creep with demonic conversion and that should be tiny kind of
assistance there and of course he is gonna be match up against S4s Puck by the way no
pulling here. So this is as a true 1v1 as its possibly gets.
: yeah nice work by Bulldog here, he sent a tree on the top rune will deny
the Meanwhile, on the bottom lane, theyre running XBOCT but unable to pick him off.
Hes way off
: I think hes going to get a first blood on top. I dont think Admiral
Bulldog is expecting this at all
: yea this lane could get first blood but really not until level 2 I feel, lets
see though. If he could run him down with Napalm
: If he can get like one stacks on him just with Nappalm and right clicks.
It could do it.

: There is not many stacks now. Theyre gonna have really to wait for

: Bottom lane, bottom lane. Xbocts on the run. He gets pulled into the
Tether. Hes channeling the stun but hes been locked in position. Hes dropping fast but
hes not dead yet. Lodas low. Loda is gonna die.
: Xboct got the first blood. AdmiralBulldog is going for the kill right
now. Tether breaks the trees. Tango up here. Xboct, hes gonna juke.

: EGM is low. Akke is Low. Xboct, is he really gonna do it?

: Xboct goes for kill. Is he gonna get it? Xboct gets the double kill. My
God, Xboct is simply too damn good.
: 1v4. He find 2. He does fall but man, Navi talk about a clutch play
there. That is so huge. that could just win them the game, that one moment right there.



: Im shaking my hand in this believe.

: Theyre trying to go again, once more to go for XBOCT. The 1 second
stun, he locked now with them.
: Magic Stick, 4 charges. Can he get to the trees? He will. Hes gonna be
saved. Tango? Hes gonna live. Theyre still going going for this.



: They got the jukes. So much jukes for trees being destroyed one more
stun. He still jukes into the right side. Tower, EGM is slow. Can you get the kill? EGM?
Oh my god the Acid Spray gets the kill. XBOCT!

: So there is quad lane in bottom. Lets just call it what it is. Its a quad

: Oh they wanna go one more time on the bottom lane. Xbocts down to
behalf HP. Pops the magic wand quite a bit early. He drops the stun. He needs to get a
lift.Theres a lift, defensive toss back and Navi is save for once again. XBOCT live
: They want Loda. Loda is ganked. He is gonna get lifted. Hes gonna get
tossed back. Were gonna see stun on the face, Malefice on top as well and Loda is
trying to get the kill, oohh, nice pickup by Alliance, nice pickup. Great pickup by them
but Loda dies as a Chaos Knight. This hero does not flash farm. This hero does not
really catch up with from farm so dying there is a huge lost none the less. Xboct falls
but Dendis still farming. Funniks still farming. Puppeys still farming and were so
used to when Alliance is waiting, Loda gets off to hot start and everyone is back and
hes being shut down right now.
Top lane, They want Funn1k. Funnik get relocated back here, and Funnik just melted to
the pressure. Can he make it alive? No. Dead.
: Big kill for the Alliance. All of sudden EGM is level 5. Hes close to
level 6. That Bat is actually level 7. I mean, the gold is nice but the experience is the big
thing for them.


Oh watch out, Puppey is on the hunt. Theres a lot of Traps here. S4 is heading down
the river. He gets malefice, BLACK HOLE! and S4 will fall. Another kill for Navi

: Oh my goodness. Every single lane is being decimated by Navi.

: The first tower for the Alliance falls top. The tier one is down and now
they can go back continue to pull, get that Wisp a level 6 and go for some ganks.
But here we go, relocate on the Xboct and he dragged into position. This time does he
get out? A.a.anot that easy. Alliance strikes back with the vengeance, 5 to 5 and a
much need to kill. They continue to shut this out down.
5 heroes mid for Navi, they love to fight early. They love to fight constantly. Theyre
hunting S4. Theres a blink, theres a lasso as well. Locked in place and look it how he
: oh Akke, youre in the wrong neighbourhood. There gonna be a
Malefice on top. Theyre backing off. Cause that was a huge backstab from Loda. Oh,
EGM, hes gonna, Oh There is the kill. And now Loda is in a huge trouble. Can they up
stun? Meanwhile Loda somehow finds a double kill. The stun comes out, oh Akke.
Akke is still alive. Kuroky on the back line trying to do the right clicks. Oh, the Sap
from Kuroky. Theyre not done just yet. Dendi tries to get a mels strike. He buys it.
Oppa Dendi, Oppa Dendi, out of his mind right now. Here comes S4. Dendi though will
fall. Immediately, Alliance replied. They do Buyback on Loda. A costly defense from
: Oh Kuroky, what a play. Kuroky got S4. S4, warping out, is still alive,
even better he replied, still standing strong. Funnik, one more hit, not enough, he will
not dying. Its two dead for Navi. And S4 is really playing with fire here. How does he
live? How does he live?

: Heres the Relocate, Here we go.

: Kurokys dropping. Oh my God. XBOCT is trying yo get the kill.
Meanwhile Dendis trying to focus on S4. S4 dies again. The Relocate goes back out.
Loda says wheres my bus home? cause Dendi is dropping a big Mel strike.
for Dendi.

: and Navi is pulling away with this game. Bulldog will fall. Triple kill

: Dendis looking for more. He got Mel strike. Funn1k? oh what a Tether
away from EGM. EGM will survive.



: Alliance, the giants from the north, from Sweden are in a lot of trouble.

: Dendis continue to farm on the top lane. 1300 gold in the Bank. Its
gonna be a Blink Dagger, one of Dendis favorite item and should be honest a really
really good item in this game. If he could Blink on the back line and focus on EGM or
focus on Akke, theyre jut melt in 2 hits.
: Ok, here we go. Alliance are going for Rosh but they are gonna back
off. Its very tense here. A terrible fight at Rosh is probably GG for Navi. Alliance are
not ready to take that risk yet.So much, Navi, they might even go for it. Remember,
theyve got Acid Spray maxed. They got Melt. And theyve got the vision superiority
with the Firefly. I think Navi could take this. Alliance are gonna have to fight. No Blink
on S4. No Aegis easily available and comes down to Reloace to gank. It comes down to
vision. Will they get it? Treants are into the Pit. Navi is bringing down the Rosh fast.
S4s prepping the jump. Firefly is there from Funn1, not gonna let them go in easy.
Relocates there. BLACK HOLE!
: Loda gets caught here. Wheres your physical damage? Theres
nothing, and Blackhole got canceled. Wheres Dendi? Puppey is dropping low. Puppey
is dead. S4 is dead now. 2 men stuns up. Loda is still fighting everybody away. Dendi is
still alive. They cant stop him. EGM in a hole world of trouble. Hes gonna live.
Bulldog TPs in. Relocate TP with Buyback. CKs here. Dendi get out of there!

: He wants to fight, He wants to fight.

: There is no detection. Hes trying o get out. Oh my god, he is down. Oh
Akke try to do something. XBOCTs dropping low. Akke, hes gonna drop as well.
Dendi, hes doing way too much. Nobody is actually focusing on him. Dendis perhaps
trying to right click on Loda down to behalf hp back line here. AdmiralBuldog is
getting focused. Dendi is just cleaning house. Kuroky gets picked off. Flame break on 3.
Funn1k is trying to survive, sprout giving vision and Admiral Buldog is trying to get the
kill on Funn1k, firefly on the low ground. Hell has his blink dagger up very very soon.
: Still Roshan stand. This time Dendi wants to go in. while that happens,
Bat Rider backs to the pit, its low. Theres no Black Hole. There is no way to steal this.
S4 looking to leap. Rosh is low. Can he grab it in time? Dendis back off. BKBs up.
One the backside Funn1k falls but EGM will as well and now Roshan just with a
slimmer of HP. If Dendi gets this, if he gets this they might not be able to stop him.

: S4 TP back here. And hes bashed. Dendi is dropping low. Roshan



: S4 picks up the Aegis. Alliance is still in game 5.

:Now theyre pushing bottom. The tower will fall. Alliances still in this
game. 24 minutes in. That Rosh fight couldve sealed their fate but somehow, someway
using that Dire advantage theyll find a way.
Here we go. So theyre forcing the two tier bottom and theyre doing shortly before
Roshan respawn there is only few minute to go. One and a half two at most and that
means that Alliance with a harder time contesting this instead of Alliance. We dont
want to fight against your five men. Were gonna rely on our split push. The tier two
bottom falls. Navis gonna get another tower for them. Theres 2 remaining for both
And now, Rosh is dropping fast, no raction from Alliance. They just give this up.
Theyre still not committing. Now they found S4. Hes the key to this successful of
fight and he does die. Hes got a buyback but its too late, the rosh is down. Puppey
moving forward. Aegis to navi and now its time what they really made of. Theyre
pushing in mid and they may just force the high ground

: Great split-push coming in for Admiral bulldog trying to pressure top.


: I dont know if its fast enough

: Its not. Its not. Tier two is gonna drop in the mid lane here quickly. I
think Navi, they wanna go high ground. They see the victory. They need to claim it. 33
second. If they can force out a buyback from Puck, theres the buyback, here we go.
: theyre sticking around mid. They really wanna fight. Theyre gonna
stay on the high ground. They pop up Mek. Theres the trap deployed. Meanwhile, the
Alliance is pushing the top lane, pushing the bottom lane. The tier three mid falls. Navi
are going for the mid racks dropping it fast. Alliance has no sign of wanting to defend.
S4 is here. Akke baits on the stun. Navi is not finishing the racks yet. But they lifted
S4. He just bought back. If he dies that could be game. He blinks away. They take the
: They got to all TP right now. TP quick right now. S4 is gonna try to
cancel as many as possible. He cancels 3, my god. Funniks gonna try to TP but hes
gonna defend against everybody. Meanwhile, Loda working on the melee racks at the
bottom. Reality rift. Oh Funn1k youre getting slaughtered. Hes gonna get back off.
But the racks get huge trouble. They will defend.


: Alliance out manoeuvring Navi, they have almost taken the racks.
Thats Kuroky. Hes dead. Kurokys down. Loda, Allliance, the kings of the north.
: AdmiralBulldog hexes up Funn1k. Funn1k is gonna go down as well.
Oh my god alliance. .
: Theyre doing it. The Alliance is doing it. Two lanes of racks. Its so
hard to comeback now. Navi theyve got the aegis.
: Oh its not done yet. XBOCT, he sees Loda. can he drop that stun? Oh
EGM. Oh BKB. TP. Oh my god. EGM is gonna to TP as well. We need a malefice. We
will get a malefice.
: Theyre going on Loda now. There is no BKB this time. Hes dropping
fast. Is there a black hole from Puppey? No its not. Its on cooldown unable to use it.
Lodas low. Armlet is toggling on. He still got BKB. Hes baiting this with buyback.
EGMs low. EGM is not dead yet. Lodas standing strong. In blinks Funn1k. Hes
caught by the Tether stun. He might ended up being in trouble. EGM running but will
get caught. Loda as well. Do Navi go throne? Do they do it right now? Is it all in?
: they dont enough time to throne right now. Keeps in mind that
AdmiralBulldog is pressuring at the bottom as well. Navi, i think they have to back off.
No they said they want to go in. Xbocts no BKB, nice ghost scepter blocking the stun.
But he gets lifted. EGM, oh no. Akke. Oh what a crit.
: Dendi unloads but Bulldog is going for the throne. There is no glyph.
They must defend.
: Oh S4. Hes gonna try jump to right side. He will not make it again.
Bulldogs trying to get the rax. Puppeys here. Hes got to drop the malefice but hes got
to respect the hex. Admiralbuldog could just hex him and kill him
: EGM, hes still alive. Hes baiting them all. Bulldog still working on
the tier 4 towers. Alliances losing 2 but they got one, gem hits the deck. The creep is
pusing in. The base might soon fall. Its coming down to the wire. Bulldog is playing
cat and mouse with Puppey. The tier 4 is in jeopardy. Navi is running out of options.
Its a necro 3. Its all in on the push
: Oh my god were gonna see TP from Dendi and that will drive
AdmiralBulldog out of the base. Meanwhile you see Xboct is trying to run. Every
buyback is being spent on both sides.


: Look at the damage he did here. Thats the last tier 4. Their way to the
throne is now open. AdmiralBulldog, Alliance, they find the pick up as well. They find
XBOCT. He BKBs. Does he get out in time? No crits no crits. He will live. So navi
theyre out of option here they gotta force to fight and take raxes very soon theyre not
gonna win in the war of split push.
prophet tp.

: they are not gonna win in a war an risk it.They have relocate you have

: look at it, boots of travel in puppey. Hes got BKB, hes got blink, hes
got black hole
: there is no way they can trade for tower before they wreck the throne
because there is no damage output from Navi.
: theyve got a lot of damage but thing like melt dont you help against
tower. There is no, there is no desolator on this team. You cant crit on structure.
Theyre not the best play up to push the base. Alliance has fantastic pushing line up.
Now they are relaxing. They are sitting back. They know the next roshan coming in a
few minute. Pressure is on navi. For alliance, youre your buybacks, wait for the next
rosh. If you take the next rosh you can pretty much just throw bodies at the throne and
win the game.

: Oh what a micro, kill the gem, a little bit of extra gold.

: There was nothing on it. Its just gold and its a courier they dont have.
By the way i do wanna point out, Admiral Bulldog bought that necro 3 from the enemy
fountain so thats a next level stuff.


: it definitely was

: Roshan is up in 30 seconds. The clocks ticking. Right now navi, the
know they have to fight roshan and they also know bulldog is gonna come straight for
the throne. Hes gonna go for the jungle. He wants to chop them off of their knees and
end this game. They know loda can relocate in. If their TPs got canceled, if they got
caught, they could lose without ever getting to fight. will S4 be the hero? will he play
that role yet again. Hes already been the hero those far. can he do it one more time?


: here we go, could be a huge clash in the river. Akke, blink. He will get
caught. He has a buyback if this crystal maiden is down, but the push comes top. Its a
nice pick on navi. Its not enough to put down the rosh.
: they cant rosh. They dont have enough damage. They dont have
enough time. S4 cancels TP. Hes out. He cancels the tp. Puppey is not gonna be back in
the base. Hes got bkb but no boots of travel. Oh, cancels dendis tp as well.
: now they go for the throne. It could be game. Funniks down. Alliance
are doing this. They need a little more. Xboct is about to fall. Throne is in jeopardy.
Theres the glyph. It could be their last dance.

: Dendis back. Hes gonna try to focus on everybody but there is so
much stop. There is no more glyph available. The throne is down to behalf HP, quarter
HP. Alliance surrounding from all sides.

: BKBs out. They want this throne. Theyre gonna do it. The king from
the north Alliance, win. They win ti3

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