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1. Describe Gatsbys past in detail. How does it appear to Nick?

Son of a wealthy family in the Middle West, San Francisco

All his family is dead as if the memory of that sudden
extinction of a clan still hunted him
Educated in Oxford-brought up to America
Came into a good deal of money
He travelled through Europe collecting jewels, chiefly
rubies, hunting bid game, painting a little, things for
Had something very sad happen long ago
He went to war- tried to die and later, accepted a
commission as first lieutenant
In a battle with Germany they stayed 3 days 2 nights
with a 130 men with 16 Lewis guns and killed 3 German
Promoted to be a Major, every allied government gave
him a decoration
He knew Daisy when they were younger and was in Love
with her he had to leave to go to war when he came
back Daisy was going to marry him
Nick caraway doesnt believe Gatsby at the beginning because
he hurried the phrase educated at oxford or swallowed it
there, like Jordan has said. Afterwards, he had to make an effort
to restrain his laughter because he believed no word. On the
other hand, when Gatsby show him his medal form Monte Carlo
and the picture in Oxford, Nick believes every word that came
through Gatsbys mouth.
2. How does Wolfshiems presence suggest something more
sinister or unknown in Gatsby?
Meyer Wolfshiem is a professional gambler and the man
rumoured to have fixed the 1919 World Series making a fraud?
The luncheon with Wolfshiem gives Nick his first unpleasant
impression that Gatsbys fortune may not have been obtained
honestly. Nick perceives that if Gatsby has connections with
such shady characters as Wolfshiem, he might be involved in
organized crime or bootlegging. Moreover, there is intimation
that Gatsby may be able to fix Nick up with Wolfshiem in an
undisclosed venture so this reveals an unknown part of Gatsby.
3. What is Gatsbys dream?
Gatsby is in love with Daisy Buchanan. During the war, before
Daisy married Tom, she was a beautiful young girl in Louisville,
Kentucky, and all the military officers in town were in love with
her. Daisy fell in love with Lieutenant Jay Gatsby, who was
stationed at the base near her home. Though she chose to
marry Tom after Gatsby left for the war, Daisy drank herself into

numbness the night before her wedding, after she received a

letter from Gatsby. Moreover, Gatsby bought his mansion in
West Egg solely to be near Daisy. Daisy has apparently
remained faithful to her husband throughout their marriage, but
Tom has not. Therefore, what Gatsby wants is Daisy to divorce
to Tom and marry him. Gatsby wants Nick to arrange a reunion
between Gatsby and Daisy because he is terrified that Daisy will
refuse to see him. Without Daisys knowledge, Gatsby intends
to come to the tea at Nicks house as well, surprising her and
forcing her to see him.
4. Reflect back on Nicks dedication to Gatsby in Ch1. How is this
becoming clearer?
In chapter 1, Nick Caraway admires Gatsbys sensitivity, hope
and romantic readiness. This is made clear by how passionate is
Gatsby to Daisy. He created huge parties just for the hope to
meet someone who knows Daisy. His romantic readiness is
demonstrated, as he has loved Daisy since he was just young
even though she is married to Tom Buchannan. Finally, Gatsby
buying his mansion in West Egg solely to be near Daisy
demonstrates the heightened-sensitivity and two other

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