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PDE3 Course Portfolio Requirement Check List

Online Reading Wonders Implementation Course LA

1. Initial Introduction introducing the reader to
your school, classroom and area of focus in
Wonders. This area of focus should be tied to
school and/or complex area goals and address
Hawaiis Common Core. _____
2. Discussion in the online collaboration
learning space (please print out to include) (at
least 3)_____
3. Student work from 5 students showing and
describing where they are initially in the focus
area in the captions_____
4. A reflection about the student work samples
and the area of focus as it relates to Wonders
and Hawaiis Common Core_____
5. A description of the five lessons (you could
include the lesson plans). _____
6. Student work from the same 5 students
showing where they are as a result of the lessons
in the focus area (be sure to include captions
with each work ____
7. A culminating reflection on the course._____
Be sure to tell what happened, why it happened,
what might it mean, and what are the implications
for your practice?
Be sure all artifacts have captions!! Captions
transform documents into evidence and assist you in

articulating you thoughts. A caption is a statement

attached to each document in the portfolio that
What the document is
Why it is evidence
What it is evidence of

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