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Geotextiles and geogrids used in combination with quality aggregate minimize disturbance and allow

construction equipment access to sites where the soils are normally too weak to support the initial
construction work. They also allow compaction of initial lifts on sites where the use of ordinary
compaction equipment is very difficult or even impossible. Geotextiles and geogrids reduce the
extent of stress on the subgrade and prevent base aggregate from penetrating into the subgrade,
thus reducing the thickness of aggregate required to stabilize the subgrade. Geotextiles also act as a
separator to prevent subgrade fines from pumping or otherwise migrating up into the base.
Geosynthetics have been found to allow for subgrade strength gain over time. However, the primary
long-term benefit is preventing aggregate-subgrade mixing, thus maintaining the thickness of the
base and subbase. In turn, rehabilitation of the pavement section should only require maintenance of
surface pavement layers.

7.6.4 Geotextiles and Geogrids

Geosynthetics are a class of geomaterials that are used to improve soil conditions for a number of
applications. They consist of manufactured polymeric materials used in contact with soil materials or
pavements as an integral part of a man-made system (after ASTM D4439). The most common
applications in general use are in pavement systems for both paved and unpaved roadways, for
reinforcing embankments and foundation soils, for creating barriers to water flow in liners and
cutoffs, and for improving drainage. The generic term "geosynthetic" is often used to cover a wide
range of different materials, including geotextiles, geogrids, and geomembranes. Combinations of
these materials in layered systems are usually called geocomposites.
Geotextile and geogrid materials are the most commonly used geosynthetics in transportation,
although certainly others are sometimes used. This generality is more accurate when only the
pavement itself (not including the adjoining fill or cut slopes, retaining walls, abutments, or drainage
facilities) is considered. Table 7-14 provides a list of transportation applications for specific basic
functions of the geosynthetic. Each of these functional classes, while potentially related by the
specific application being proposed, refers to an individual mechanism for the improvement of the
soil subgrade. Stabilization, as reviewed in this section, is a combination of the separation, filtration,
and reinforcement functions. Drainage can also play a role.

Table 7-14. Transportation uses of geosynthetic materials (after Koerner, 1998).

General Function

Typical Application

Separation of
Dissimilar Materials

Between subgrade and aggregate base in paved and unpaved roads and
airfieldsBetween subgrade and ballast for railroadsBetween old and new
asphalt layers

Reinforcement of

Over soft soils for unpaved roads, paved roads, airfield, railroads,

Table 7-14. Transportation uses of geosynthetic materials (after Koerner, 1998).

General Function

Typical Application

weak materials

construction platforms


Beneath aggregate base for paved and unpaved roads and airfields or
railroad ballast


Drainage interceptor for horizontal flow Drain beneath other geosynthetic


The separation function prevents the subgrade and the subbase from intermixing, which would most
likely occur during construction and in-service due to pumping of the subgrade. The filtration
function is required because soils requiring stabilization are usually wet and saturated. By acting as
a filter, the geotextile retains the subgrade without clogging, while allowing water from the subgrade
to pass up into the subbase, thus allowing destabilizing pore pressure to dissipate and promote
strength gain due to consolidation. If the subbase is dirty (contains high fines), it may be desirable to
use a thick, nonwoven geotextile, which will allow for drainage in its plane (i.e., in this case, pore
water pressure dissipates through the plane of the geotextile).
Geotextiles and geogrids also provide some level of reinforcement by laterally restraining the base
or subbase and improving the bearing capacity of the system, thus decreasing shear stresses on the
subgrade. Soft, weak subgrade soils provide very little lateral restraint, so when the aggregate
moves or shoves laterally, ruts develop on the aggregate surface and also in the subgrade. A
geogrid with good interlocking capabilities or a geotextile with good frictional capabilities can provide
tensile resistance to lateral aggregate movement. The geosynthetic also increases the system
bearing capacity by forcing the potential bearing surface under the wheel load to develop along
alternate, longer mobilization paths and, thus, higher shear strength surfaces.
Geotextiles serve best as separators, filters and, in the case of nonwoven geotextiles, drainage
layers, while geogrids are better at reinforcing. Geogrids, as with geotextiles, prevent the subbase
from penetrating the subgrade, but they do not prevent the subgrade from pumping into the base.
When geogrids are used, either the subbase has to be designed as a separator or a geotextile must
be used in conjunction with the geogrid, either separately or as a geocomposite.
The ability of a geosynthetic to prevent premature failure and reduce long-term maintenance
costs provides extremely low-cost performance insurance.

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