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Intelligence is the ability to learn from experience,to be able to
solve problems and use knowledge to adapt to new situations.It
is about using the knowledge and skills we have to help us tackle
problems in everyday life.
IQ stands for intelligence quotient.It is a quantitative value of a
person's intelligence based on the person's performance on an IQ
test which is designed to measure a range of capabilities.

Types Of Intelligence tests

1)Standford-Binet : He based his test on the idea that intelligence
was more to do with mental reasoning and problem solving than
motor skills.Children scored on a scale depending on how well
they performed in the test to give them a mental age.Then this
would be compared to their chronological age to see who
was"slow". The test was devised by Lewis Terman and the current
version of the test included 4 components:-verbal reasoning,abstract reasoning,-quantitative reasoning,-short-term memory.
2)Wechsler-Bellevue Test: The tests give an overall IQ score
resulting from a verbal IQ score and a performance IQ score.The
verbal scale consists of tests like : -information(general
knowledge questions about the world),-similarities(questions
about ways in which two objects are similar),-vocabulary(quest.
about definitions of words).While the performance scale consists
of tests like:-picture completion(the missing part of a pic. must be
discovered and named),-picture arrangement(a series of comicstrip pic. must be placed in order to tell a story),-object
assembly(pieces of puzzle must be assembled into a complete

3)British Ability Scale: Are 23 tests covering a range of

abilities.The main element of BAS is its cognitive scales which are
divided into 2 categories:
-core scales:6 cognitive tests that measure verbal ability,spatial
ability,and non-verbal reasoning.There are two for each ability.The
scores are then added together to generate a GCA .
-diagnostic scales:used to measure specific cognitive abilities
such as object recall,recognition of pictures and speed of info

Reliability,Validity,Predictive Validity
Theories of Intelligence
1)Factor analytic approach:It is a complex statistical technique
that allows to interrelate aspects of a test to see which items link
together strongly.Spearman had the idea that there was one
factor within intelligence. He called it g (general intelligence) he
believed this because all items on an intelligence test correlated
well with one another strongly.
Cattell(1971) proposed that there are only 2 main forms of
intelligence :-crystallized intelligence(based on previous
knowledge and skills,vocabulary,reading comprehension),-fluid
intelligence(based on novel ways of thinking,next number in a
sequence test)
2)Multiple Intelligences(1983):He proposed that there are seven
different types of intelligence in a person.-linguistic(speech
production,ability to learn new language),-interpersonal,intrapersonal,-musical(ability to create and understand sounds
such as pitch and rhythm),-logical mathematical(use of logic and
mathematics to solve a problem),kinaesthetic(ability to use
movement and our body to solve problems),spatial(ability to

perceive spatial info and recreate visual images , and ability to

rotate shapes visually).
3)Triarchic Theory(Sternberg 1988):Defines intelligence as mental
activity central to one's life in real-world environments.This theory
comprises 3 types of intelligence:-analytical(is evoked while
planning,analyzing,criticizing,reasoning,always a single correct
solution),practical(used while implying,implementing,and
using,everyday tasks,multiple solutions,-creative(focuses on
discovering,inventing,applying new ideas)

To Intelligence

1)Emotional Intelligence: According to Goleman(1995) emotional

intelligence is how we handle ourselves(our
goals,behaviors,intentions)and how we handle our
relationships(understanding others and their feelings).There are 5
components:-knowing your emotions(self-awareness)-managing
your own emotions,-managing relationships(managing the
emotions of others),-recognizing and understanding other
people's emotions(empathy and social awareness),motivating
2)Creativity and Unusual Test:Guilford(1950) distinguishes
between convergent(focusing on a single solution) and divergent
thinking(creativity) involving the generation of many different
answers to a problem.Guilford devised many tests to measure
creativity including:-quick responses(word association test) ,remote consequences(suggesting radical answers to unexpected
events),-unusual test(to suggest unusual uses for everyday
3)Problem Solving:
-Means-end analysis(planning strategy) :the problem solver has to
divide the problem into smaller number of 'sub-problems' in order

to reach the goal.Each 'sub-problem' should reduce the difference

between the starting point and the end point.
-Trial and error: People try lots of different ways to solve a
problem,fail and make errors throughout but finally solve the
problem this way.
-Lateral Thinking: is about solving a problem creatively (thinking
outside the box)
-Backward searching: starting with the end results and reversing
the steps needed to get those results in order to figure out the
answer to the problem.

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