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Experiment – I

To test and measure the mental activities of a subject using the Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices

Psychologists have proposed several theories of intelligence. Theories can be broadly classified as either
representing a psychometric/structural approach or an information-processing approach.
The psychometric approach considers intelligence as an aggregate of abilities. It expresses the
individual’s performance in terms of a single index of cognitive abilities.
On the other hand, the information- processing approach describes the processes people use in
intellectual reasoning and problem solving. The major focus of this approach is on how an intelligent
person acts.

Some representative theories of Psychometric Approach:

1)Uni/one factor theory of intelligence: This theory was proposed by Alfred Binet. It arose from his
interest in differentiating more intelligent from less intelligent individuals. He conceptualized
intelligence as consisting of one similar set of abilities which can be used for solving any or every
problem in an individual’s environment.
2) Two-factor theory of intelligence: Charles Spearman proposed this theory employing statistical
method called factor analysis. He showed that intelligence consisted of general factor (g-factor) and
some specific factors (s-factor). The g-factor includes mental operations which are primary and common
to all performances. In addition to the g-factor, there are also many specific abilities which are
contained in the s-factor.
3) The theory of Primary Mental abilities: This theory was proposed by Louis Thurstone and states that
intelligence consists of seven primary abilities, each of which is relatively independent of the others.

4) Hierarchical model of intelligence: This theory was proposed by Arthur Jensen. According to this
theory, abilities operate at two levels, called LEVEL I (Associative learning) and LEVEL II (Cognitive

5) Structure of Intellect model by J.P. Guilford – This theory classifies intellectual traits among three
dimensions: Operations, Contents & Products.

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Some representative theories of Information-processing Approach:
1) Theory of Multiple Intelligence: This theory of intelligence was proposed by Howard Gardner.
According to him, intelligence is not a single entity; rather distinct types of intelligences exist. Each of
these intelligences are independent of each other. This means that, if a person exhibits one type of
intelligence, it does not necessarily indicate being high or low on other types of intelligences. Gardner
studied extremely talented people, who had shown exceptional abilities in their respective areas, and
described eight types of intelligence:
a) Linguistic (Skills involved in the production and use of language)
b) Logical-Mathematical (Skills in scientific thinking and problem solving)
c) Spatial (Skills in forming visual images and patterns)
d) Musical (Sensitivity to musical rhythms and patterns)
e) Bodily-Kinesthetic (Using whole or portions of the body flexibly and creatively)
f) Interpersonal (Sensitivity to subtle aspects of others behaviors)
g) Intrapersonal (awareness of one’s own feelings, motives and desires)
h) Naturalistic (Sensitivity to the features of the natural world)

2)Triarchic Theory of Intelligence: Robert Sternberg proposed the Triarchic theory of intelligence. He
views intelligence as “the ability to adapt, to shape and select environment to accomplish one’s goals
and those of one’s society and culture”.
According to this theory, there are three basic types of intelligence:
a)Componential Intelligence
b) Experiential Intelligence
c) Contextual Intelligence

3) Planning, Attentional-arousal and Simultaneous-successive (PASS) Model of intelligence:

This model has been developed by J.P. Das, Jack Naglieri and Kirby. According to this model, intellectual
activity involves the interdependent functioning of three neurological systems, called the functional
units of brain.
These units are responsible for:
a) Arousal/attention,
b) Coding or processing and
c) Planning

Measurement of IQ:
In 1912, William Stern, a German Psychologist, devised the concept of Intelligent Quotient (IQ).
Intelligent Quotient (IQ) refers to Mental age divided by chronological age and multiplied by 100.
IQ = MA/CA x 100
The number 100 is used as a multiplier to avoid the decimal point.
If MA is more than CA, IQ is more than 100.
IQ becomes less than 100 when the MA is less than the CA.

Types of Intelligent test:

Intelligence tests are of several types:
1) Individual or group tests (on the basis of administration procedure)
2) Verbal, non-verbal or performance tests (on the basis of the nature of items used)
3) Culture-fair or culture-biased tests (On the basis of favoritism towards any one culture)

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Introduction to the test:
RSPM was devised by J.P. Raven. It is the test of mental activities consisting of sixty tests divided into 5
sections. In RSPM, the word standard refers to the fact that the norms of the test has been decided after
testing it on a large sample. Therefore, it is a standardized test. Each section consists of twelve
The word progressive refers to the difficulty level of each problem which increases progressively and
matrices refers to the geometrical figures. It is a non-verbal test where the use of language is limited to
instructions only. The test measures the general factor (g-factor) of intelligence.

Materials Required:
1. RSPM Booklet
2. Scoring Manual
3. Pen/Pencil

Procedure and Instructions:

The subject is given the RSPM booklet and scoring sheet. This booklet consists of certain geometrical
figures in which a part of it is missing. The subject has to choose from the alternative given geometrical
figures. The subject should not skip any problem and solve all of them in an orderly manner.

Introduction to the Experimenter:


Introduction to the Subject:


Introspective Report:
Q.1) Did you find the test difficult? Which set was difficult?

Q.2) What do you think about the time constraint of the experiment? If given a chance, would you like
to do the experiment again?

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Q.3) What is your overall opinion about the test?


Result discussion and Conclusion:

Raven’s standard progressive matrices (RSPM) is a non-verbal test in which the subject examines an
incomplete pattern and chooses a figure from the alternatives that will complete the pattern.

In this Intelligence test, the chronological age of the subject is ___________. According to the
chronological age, the raw score calculated for the subject is ____________. The percentile rank of the
subject is ____________.

The given percentile rank represents the percentile of all gross scores which falls under it.

The subject’s percentile is converted into IQ which is ___________ and the Subject is described as

From the above experiment, it is concluded that RSPM is a useful tool to evaluate the intelligence level
of the subject.

Important points:

 Draw figure 1.2 (pg. 11 of the text book) “Normal curve pattern showing distribution of IQ
Scores in the population” on the second blank page.

 Draw Table 1.1 (pg. 11 of the text book) “Classification of people on the basis of IQ” on the third
blank page.

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