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EPQ (Extended Qualification Project)

Question: Is animal Testing cruel, corrupt or just current

testing procedure?
Name: Keith Kaja
Why Im interested in this project?
I am keen on doing the EPQ in light of the fact that it gives me a chance to
research about a project task surrounding something I have gained
interest about and thought of how the topic is relevant today. It would also
provide me with the chance to find out about the topic as it is not studied
about in class. I am very interested on studying pharmacy at university so
my planned question would be significant and constructive as well as
being immensely interesting. Another subject I am enthusiastic about is
drugs and their effects so I was eager to incorporate this alongside
chemistry into my EPQ. I feel that doing an EPQ project would enhance my
writing and communication skills as well as other skills such as time
management, which will definitely come to great use in the future.
Experts I could get advice from?
The manager of my work experience
Super health intend researchers, which could be reached through
the manager
Personally known pharmacist
Teachers- Biology and Chemistry teachers
Definition of Primary research
Primary research is new research, carried out to answer specific issues or
questions. It can involve questionnaires, surveys or interviews with
individuals or small groups.
Definition of secondary research?
Judgement based on the carried out primary research. The method of
writing secondary research is to collect primary research that is relevant
to a writing topic and interpret what the primary research found. For
instance, secondary research often takes the form of the results from two
or more primary research articles and explains what the two separate
findings are telling us
Secondary sources that I could use and how they are relevant?

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