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Use the Telnet window to complete your coursework in two environments on a live Teradata

system! Your personal usernames and passwords are shown below. Follow the sequence as
seen here before returning to your lab instruction page.
1) You must first login to the Unix environment.
a) Go to the Start menu on your PC, click Run..., type telnet, and click OK.
b) Enter your username and click enter.
c) At the next prompt enter your password if you have one. First time logging in? Click here.
UNIX MP-RAS Environment

UNIX Username: wbt1541

UNIX Password: Your password

2) You should now have a Unix $ prompt. To start the bteq program enter lowercase 'bteq' as
seen below and click Enter.
The BTEQ logon syntax is: .logon td1541
You are then prompted for your password: (enter td1541)
BTEQ Startup Example:
SMP042-4 $ bteq
Teradata BTEQ for UNIX5.
Copyright 1984-2002, NCR Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Enter your logon or BTEQ command:
3) Now you can logon to Teradata using the assigned username and password seen below.
Teradata Environment

Teradata Username: td1541

Teradata Password: td1541 (at the "Password" prompt)

.logon td1541
Password: td1541
*** Logon successfully completed.
4) At this point you may return to your lab instruction page and start doing the lab exercises.
IMPORTANT:If you lose your UNIX password, or it expires, send a message to
Training.Support@Teradata.Com so you can re-establish a new one.
NOTE: If your Telnet client does not connect you to the server, review

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