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Have you ever faced any problem in adding time?

If you have ever have faced the slightest difficulty in adding

time or duration expressed in hours and minutes, this trick is
meant for you.
Say you have to add 4 hours 55 minutes and 2 hours 40
Make 4 hours 55 minutes into one number, which will give us
455 and do the same for the other number, 2 hours 40 minutes,
giving us 240.
Shortcut Trick to Add Two Numbers
Simply add these two numbers together:
What you need to do is add 40 to the above result. No matter
what the hours and minutes are, just add the constant 40 to the
total obtained by adding the time in above manner.
695 + 40 = 735; this means 7 hours 35 minutes.
Be Careful
If there is no carryover from minutes to hours and the minutes
digits are less than 60, don't add 40. What you get after first

step is your final answer. Say for example, if you have to add 2
hours 20 minutes and 3 hours 35 minutes:
So you straight away get your answer as 5 hours 55 minutes.

Another Illustration
Similarly, if someone is coming after 3 hours 55 minutes and
right now the time is 1:35PM, you can use the above method to
find the time of arrival.
Adding 40 + 490, we get 530. Hence the person will arrive at

More than two duration

This method can easily be extended for adding more than two
So say for example, if you have to add 3 hours 40 minutes, 2
hours 25 minutes and 1 hour 55 minutes, we can do it like this:
Adding 40 twice to 720, we get 800. Hence, the answer is 8'o

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