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Teaching Philosophy

Teaching is the inspiration to life.
Teaching is not only about being there and giving the lessons and make the
students learn, teaching to me is being ready for the life. In an institution when
pupils learn there is a teacher who tells them what to do, and there are the
students who listen and are ready to finish their assignment and teacher is always
there ready to answer the questions. Teaching is not only about the school, it must
always continue in life.

Every student is unic and everyone brings something special in class, and everyone
should know that teaching and learning should not be excepted only by the teacher,
there the student should keep learning and not waiting only by the teacher, a
student needs to know how to learn itself, Students need to read and explore to
open their mind and to understand better.

Adults and Children.

Teaching adults and children is a big difference. Teacher should know how to deal
with them, through the lessons which are given, for example with children is more
easy, lessons can be learn by singing, different games, and while with adults,
teachers should be more patient, because adults can be more shy and feeling

Time and Management

These two things are very important, both: Teachers and students need to know
how to manage their time. Teachers need to know how minutes they should talk to
let some time to students to express their opinion too. Students need to respect
their time too, to make questions and to manage their time to learn and to respect
each other.

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