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Adding burdensome years

Few months from now, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines will open its
gate to welcome new batch of scholars, including the junior high school completers,
also known as the 11th graders.
Though numbers of college freshmen flanked so low, PUP still need to accommodate
massive population of students brought by the K to 12 Curriculum.
Instead of graduating from high school and becoming college freshmen, Grade 10
students must go through moving up ceremony in able to attend senior years.
During senior high school, students are expected to go through their chosen track,
in preparation for their desired course in tertiary level. With this kind of setting,
students wholl graduate from senior high will no longer be required to attend
They say that high school life is the most unforgettable moment a person could
have. But will it still be unforgettable, fun-filled and precious now that the learners
are given six years?
Studying in high school for four years already seems rough; and now, two more
years are being added up for what they so-called innovation and upgrade to our
education system.
Even though high schoolers enjoy being in high school, as teenagers, you cant
expect them to be fond of studying, demonstrating skills and knowledge, at all
times. Teens are known for having an aggressive attitude that was caused by
hormonal changes that happen during adolescence stage. This aggressiveness can
somehow cause laziness and can even lead rejection to the additional years of
Adding two more years also creates an additional burden for poor families and can
worsen the dropout population of schools.
Yes, our societys demands are indeed becoming more and more precise, evidently
emphasizing the necessity of adapting to the ever-changing worldand even
schools are not exempted to those changes.
Change is inevitable and it truly is. But what if a certain change is not apt and its
subjects are not ready for it?

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