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Colloquy, 9/22/16

Planning a Musical Event for Your School or


Check to see if this project has the potential to generate enough

o Google documents/polls were handy for our band events.
o Mailchimp and its awesomeness (GET LOGIN for band
Make sure your institution has all the resources available for the
scope of the project you are undertaking.
o Rehearsal spaces, masterclass teachers, no conflicting
Financial planning as necessary.
o Conductor/artist fees, rental piece prices, performance
space fees, food for participants, etc.


Advertise the event!

o Be as specific as possible with respect to dates and times,
as well as any great aspects or artists that will help sell
your idea.
o Cost of event participation should be fully disclosed with as
much specificity as possible, especially if there are
differences for each performer.
Moving fees for pianos, harps, etc.
o Information and interest-generating aesthetics both
Reserve all key individuals/rooms/volunteers well in advance.
o Lots of emailing.
o Make any available aides or secretaries your best friend!
Be sure that contingency planning is a part of the PLANNING
process, not an afterthought that can sharply affect your events
Generate a schedule of events.
o Dates, times, locations, artists/conductors.
o any additional information for the performers should be
included maybe as an addendum.


Always more than you need in terms of volunteers!

o Nothing more frustrating for confused participants than not
understanding directions and having no means of
o Circulating volunteers are a huge help when
complimenting stationed volunteers.


Never a bad idea to have some sort of propaganda/materials to

give as a parting gift/remembrance.
o Pencils, pins, gift bags of cheap but useful things, etc.
Be sure to follow up with participants!
o Every year offers opportunity for expansion (or reduction!)
and improvement.
Follow-up with your staff/volunteers.
o They know better they anyone the aspects that went
flawlessly and those that need attention.

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