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Rec Dinner

Event Report
This Event Report should be first completed by the Project Leader(s) for the event, then
revised by the director of the committee, reviewed by the Advisor, and finally submitted
to the president. Turn a hard copy in, with signatures and all items in the checklist
attached, to the presidents mailbox and save this file as event name.doc on psub01
under the Event Reports\Semester\Committee\ folder. Both copies are to be turned
in no later than two weeks after the event.

Event: Recognition Dinner

Event Date & Time: Friday, December 12, 2014
Location: South Ballroom
Committee: President
Director: President, Amanda Green
Signature: ____________________

Date: ________

Advisor: Margie Jones

Signature: ____________________

Date: ________

Checklist: Director must initial each to confirm it has been included/turned in

Scrap book page:
Planning Calendar:
Set-Up Memo:
Marketing Checklist:


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Rec Dinner

General Summary
Complete the ticket price and attendance sections below. If a certain field doesnt
pertain to this event, it can remain at zero. Also, please thoughtfully answer each of the
questions for it will help this event and PSUB succeed in the future.
Ticket Price:
Students: $0.00
General: $20.00
Attendance: 140 people
General Questions:
1. Please describe this events timeline as shown on the attached planning calendar.
Please be specific so that someone can plan a similar event using just this
This year we started planning Rec Dinner in late September. The first thing we
did was reach out to Missy Wilson and Linda Bucy to reserve the date on Beth
McCuskeys and Bob Mindrums calendar. The next thing we did was decide on
invitations, response cards, and place cards. Once you have an estimate on
attendees you can order your invitations, send invitations out to all the board and
committee members, current boards parents, new boards parents, and special
guests. PSUB01 has the past years invitations to uses as a reference for
wording and what information to include on the invitation. This should all be done
before November.
After ordering the invitations, pick a menu and set a price for guests. Then, work
on designing the invitations and response cards. The drafts from 2014 are saved
in the N driveuse them for a guide and past years invites are a great template
for wording. Be sure to have the entire board proof the invitations and response
cards before printing. Gather addresses from the board of directors for their
parents (you will have to wait until after director interviews to get the addresses
for the new board as well as project leaders, excellence in marketing, and
members of the month). Print these addresses on labels and have them mailed
to parents as soon as possible.
The awards packet need to be updated. The best way to do this is throughout the
semester, for 2014 we did not do this so we split it up between executive officers
and collected the info that way. If you work on this throughout the year, it makes it
much easier to complete in the Fall semester. These packets are given to each
director and exec, and they should have at least one week to complete the
packet with their responses and return to your advisor. Remind them that these

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Rec Dinner

packets are confidential and shouldnt be taken out of the office or shared with
any general members. Plan a breakfast or lunch meeting with the execs to
discuss these packets and decide on the winners for each award. Also, at this
meeting, decide who will be presenting each award and begin working on those
In early November, talk with the directors about scripts. Also, email Bob to remind
him that he will be giving the introduction speech and awarding the Vallely award
he does this every year but a reminder is always appreciated, this year he
could not make it so we had Heather step in and speak on his behalf.
Each director needs to write a speech about their committee, the committees
accomplishments, and about members. Encourage them to look at last years
speeches as a guide. Make sure they mention every committee members name.
Be sure to have them turn them into you so that you and your advisor can revise
them once and return them to the directors to edit. Execs are responsible for
writing speeches about the directors, fellow execs, and some of the awards. Use
the attached schedule to see how speeches were divided among execs. Try to
make speaking evenly distributed among execs if possible.
In early November, invitations should be distributed, speeches should be
collected, and you should begin working on programs. Use old programs as a
guide for what to include, but make it your own and make it unique! Think about
decorations, the catering and events office has some options- this year we
decided to make our own from old vases we found at goodwill. Check the budget
to see if you have room to order additional decorations, etc. This year, the theme
was black and glitter gold. Some years there have been themes and others,
there haventmake it your own! After creating the program, have execs and
your advisor proof, and print, be sure not to print them too early as some
speaking orders and what not may change, my advice would be to wait til the
week of.
As for the day of the event, Margie will order all awards and such, so you wont
need to worry about this. The picture slideshow is something that you can work
on throughout the year, I had a director help me out and make a video with lots of
pictures because she did not have a lot going on at the time. Make sure that all
committees are equally represented, you want all members to see their face at
least once!
Be sure to prepare the certificates for the members, they must be printed and
signed by both the Director of the Union and the President of the PSUB. This
year we decided to a gift for each member. We printed picture of each committee
and put them in frames and had each director write a note on the inside of the
bifold frame. We collected all the completed frames and pictures before
Thanksgiving so we knew that they were all completed and ready to go. We sat
each of the two items at their seat at the dinner.

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Rec Dinner

As RSVPS are returned to you, keep track of them in an Excel sheet as well as
the guests that anyone is bringing, look at the Confirmed Guests sheet saved
on PSUB01. Once you have all of the RSVPS, you can send a final count to
Chris Virgin, and make table assignments. This should be done three business
days from the date of the event. Work with Margie to make the table
assignments and try to keep committees sitting together with special guests
evenly dispersed throughout. From there, you can print the place cards and have
them ready for the big day!
A couple weeks before rec dinner, go through the schedule with the board and
practice everything with the execs, especially the swearing in ceremony on
where to stand and what not. Revise the script one more time and print it out in
large font and in a binder for the day of the event with clear headings and page
See #2 for day of details.

2. Please describe the actual event from set up to clean up.

The week of Rec Dinner, you should have the programs printed, table
assignments made, and place cards printed. Decorations should be organized,
awards ordered, and ready to go. The day of the event, arrive at least 2 or 3
hours early for set up. Ask the execs to help you outyou will need help with set
up and such! Decorate the tables as you want them, get the laptop and projector
from the hotel and get the slideshow set up, make sure that the tables are set up
with the right amount of people and double check the guest list is accurate. This
year we had the place cards already at their tables with a guest list table
assignments posted at the entrance with volunteers with lists helping everyone
find their seats. Have the script on the stage and make sure all of the lighting and
mics are working with the sound tech, test and slideshows or videos. Guests will
start arriving as early as 5:30pm so make sure to have all that done prior. This
year we had the grads at the entrance of the ballrooms with the names and table
numbers in alphabetical order helping guests find their table. The grads were
also given an information sheet about the parents and special guests they were
seated near so they knew who they were to make conversation with. Also, set up
a table in the back of the ballroom with our scrapbook, poster book, display
board, marketing, and anything else that you would like to display from the year,
this year we displayed some framed posters that were signed as well as the
scholarship plaque ! Make sure that all of the execs and any other speakers have
a copy of the schedule so that they are prepared and know when they will be
speaking especially Bob (Heather this year) and whoever is presenting the Jack
E. Walters Award. Be sure to send Bob and Heather a copy of the schedule at
least 1-2 weeks prior. This years schedule is attached as a guide for you. The
evening begins with your introduction and typically Bobs speech, and then tables
are dismissed for dinner. Allow about 30 minutes for dinner and then begin the

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Rec Dinner

ceremonypeople can keep eating, but it can be a long ceremony so you want
to start early. The event begins with exec and director speeches, and then goes
on to awards and ending with recognition of the new board and graduating
seniors (see the schedule). After the ceremony, be sure to direct everyone to the
Great Hall for the induction ceremony. Remind people to wait to take pictures
until after the induction ceremony. The current president will swear in the new
president, who will then swear in the new execs and then new board. The old
board should stand behind the new board all at once during this ceremony.
Afterwards, take pictures, RELAXand then clean everything up from the
ballrooms :)
3. Was there sufficient time for the planning of this event? What needed more time
to plan effectively? What needed less time to plan effectively?
Yes! If you start early on in the Fall semester, you will have plenty of time.
4. How many students did it take to put on the event? List the duties assigned and
what tasks were performed by each position.
The entire BOD is needed to put this on! The execs will help with award
presentations and introductions, and the directors are needed to write speeches
about their committees and their accomplishments. This year I had a ton of help
from execs, directors, and even general members. This event was a great
reminder to use your resources and people are very willing and excited to help!
5. What contacts did you make with any agents, bands, community members, etc.
for this event? List any companies used to purchase supplies for the event.
Catering and Events- Chris Virgin invitations, response cards
Schugg Awards awards for day of
All Star Trophy Vallely, nametags, name plates
Sound- Hall of Music
6. Please describe this events set-up as shown on the attached set-up memo.
Include any other extraneous information that may be necessary to explain the
set-up. (See attached memo)
7. Please list and explain any unanticipated issues that affected this -event either
positively or negatively.

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Rec Dinner

I printed the programs to early with Bob doing a welcome speech, a few
days later we were told Bob would not make it so we then had to re order
all the program paper and reprint.
Get on the directors about their speeches and challenge them to make it
the best of the best, some directors speeches were not exactly what we
had hoped for and many had errors that were not corrected after the first
round of edits.
Show the Walters award presenter were the award is located on the table,
Mauricio couldnt find it this year.
Find out what is going on in the other Ballroom so you wont accidentally
have their sound play in your ballroom.
I forgot to put return labels on the response cards going out to the BODs
parents as well as postage.
I had written committee members names on their invitations but I probably
would have looked better if I used labels like I didnt for parents and
special guests.
On the response cards be sure to include a clear place for people to write
their names.

8. What recommendations would you make for next year or a similar event? Please
be specific.
Do a run through with everyone at the last board meeting of how
the night will go. You can even go down to the ballrooms to
practicejust make sure all questions are answered and everyone
knows the schedule in advance. Make sure that everyone knows
exactly when they will be talking and what they will be saying. It will
help so much in preparing for the night!
Make sure that the script includes passing the gavel information
and awarding the previous president with a plaque
Make sure the Walters presenter knows the order and brings a
copy of their speech to read. Also make sure Margie has an extra
copy just in case. Make sure this person knows where the award is
Make sure the new president knows that they will be introducing the
new board and have them practice pronouncing all the names
Do a practice run through of the swearing in ceremony so everyone
knows where to stand.
There is such a thing as doing things too earlyjust hold off
printing things til the week of so you know things are confirmed.
Keep speeches shortwe always run over on time, introductions
should only be 1-2 minutes and committee speeches should only
be around 3 minutes.

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Rec Dinner

Evaluation Report
Please tally the audience evaluations for this event and type them in below. Please
critically think about and answer the follow-up questions.
Evaluation Information:
1. Please check all that apply:
Grad. Stu.:
2. How did you hear about this event:
J & C:
Residence Hall:
Web Page:
Get Involved:
PSUB Member:
3. Overall, how would you rate this program:
4. Would you pay to attend a similar event in the future, and if so, what do you think
would be a reasonable
How much:

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Rec Dinner

Follow-up Questions:
1. What was the goal of this event?
To recognize the accomplishments of your board from the year and acknowledge the
board of directors, graduating seniors, etc!
2. Do you feel that this event was successful in achieving the set goal?
3. What was the audiences overall reaction to the event?
The rec dinner is always an awesome night! It is a great time to reflect on all of the
years accomplishments and share that with union staff and family.
4. Was there any portion of the event that was overwhelmingly successful?
5. Were you satisfied with the number of people who attended this event? Why or
why not?
Yes, we had 135 attend the event this year.

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Rec Dinner

Marketing Report
Please complete the required marketing checklist and attach it to the event report.
Also, please critically think about and answer the follow-up questions.
Follow-up Questions:
1. Was the marketing done sufficient for this event? Why or Why not?
2. Were there any innovative marketing ideas implemented for this event?
3. How do you feel your level of marketing affected the attendance of the event?
4. Was your marketing done on time according to your timeline?
5. Were there any marketing options that were not completed? Please explain.

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Rec Dinner

Financial Report
Please review the budget for this event and answer the following questions to
explain the financial situation of this particular event.
1. Please list and explain reasons for any variances between the budgeted
numbers and actual numbers.
2. Please list and explain any unforeseen expenditures.
We had to order extra program paper because I printed them too early and they
were printed wrong.

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Rec Dinner

Todays Date: _


Phone: 765-494-8940
Fax: 765-494-8851

Purdue Student Union Board

Catering and Set-up Request Form
Please fill out this form and submit it to Chris Virgin in Union room 160. Please
place your order at least 2 weeks prior to your event.
Event Name: ____PSUB Recognition Dinner

Event Date: ____12/6/2012

Location Requested: _____South Ballroom_____________________________

Contact Name: ___Amanda Green__
Phone Number: __49- 48976______

Email Address:; psub-

Estimated # attending: _140_

(actual number will be provided by December )
Catering Request
*Please put the EXACT time you expect service!*
6:20 PM

Black and Gold Buffet

120 people

Vegetarian plate


Gluten Free Option


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Rec Dinner

Set-Up Needs
*Please put the EXACT time you expect service!*


















Equipment Needed


*Note if Set-up is Standard leave

Portable staging
(with handrails on each side)
Projector cart
(North Wall will function as screen)
Tables (10-tops)

3 units


Tables (6 foot)
(black skirting)



Sound tech




Coat rack




Mirror tile, hurricane, 4 votives per table

Client will add decor later and programs
at each seat

Will you need a sound tech for the event?



# _1___


Will coat check be used if using a ballroom?



Do you wish for the existing furniture to be removed from the

room if using the ADR or Room 118?
Will you need staging?
3 sections of portable staging





How many chairs will you need provided?

# _124_


How many tables will you need?

# _17__


How many mics will be needed if using sound?

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Rec Dinner

If you have any additional information or special requests for your event, please explain:
*Please leave 2 tablecloths on stage tables to cover awards.
*We need four chairs to be placed along the staging area for the speakers.
*Ask Margie about napkin fold (gold color) prior to setup.
Please set up according to the drawing provided. Thank you!!

A sketch of how you would like to see your room set would be appreciated. Please attach to this
document when submitted.
ADVISORs SIGNATURE: ______________________________________________
South Ballroom



Project Cart



4 chairs by stage

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Rec Dinner

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Rec Dinner

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Rec Dinner

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