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Millennials activity

Is the term Millennial part of the illusion of control or not?

We consider that the term Millennial is a part of the illusion of control. Millenials is a label
that has been put in the new generations. It gives this generation the same kind of freedom
as the reading does, the doing whatever we want and also doing whatever makes you
happy. We think that this illusion is being created mainly by enterprises.
Enterprises create a uniform line of thought through schools and colleges, to manage
and control this generation as a mechanism of power for their own process and their own
employees with a singular thinking form. Through this five year process the schools can put
the new ideas of what they are going to find in the future. On the other hand we always see
what millennials are through the internet and tv and these ads are paid by the companies
which impose this construction.
This construction creates a different visin of success. During the economic boom of
50s and 60s there were enough economic growth to administrate wealth among the
population This was reflected in the possibilities for promotions in companies and the
success for this generation, baby boomers, was based in being a company director.
Nowadays, since the economies are not growing enough, there is not much possibility for
many people to receive promotions and high salaries, so the discourse of success is
changed to make it based on doing what we love. Thus the generation becomes conformist,
because its success is not based on being promoted, but loving your current job and not
demanding more. The ritual of truth of being millennial is achieving success through loving
what you do, this benefits companies because it makes you a conformist.
This construction makes the demands of a generation manageable. Since the
economies are not growing a lot and population is, there is not great chance to distribute
wealth among the population. If this generation demanded the same as the baby boomers,
the system wouldnt last much. Granting a house, two children, schools, commodities, and
vacations for 7 billion people is unsustainable. To make this bearable the companies start
influencing the goals of a generation for they to demand something realistic and sustainable.
The construction is made for people to get used to the new ways of get millennials
used to unstable jobs. The new tendencies of companies are to hire people to work three
days a week or outsourcing for cheaper salaries. This connects with the characteristics of
work for millennials where we have many works in our life and work in a less structured
company. This is because companies tend to outsource services to make their operations
cheaper, therefore paying less for the same work, which is the famous work project-based,
which is why we will have less jobs. The point of this is that millennials wont complain for
this because that is what being millennial means.
Through disciplinary power schools, in specific Tec de Monterrey replicate this
through architecture and educational model. Since we are going to work based on projects
and with an uncertain structure as it is explained above, the courses are designed with a
project-based and changeable structure at the will of the teacher. Learning commons, the
classrooms and the new offices for student affairs are made to get us used to this projectbased work in teams and new structure. This new structure will have us working among
many other people in a comfortable environment with our colleagues, because that helps

you love what you do. Finally the entrepreneurship of Tec is based on the ground that our
income will not be enough to sustain or needs and we will have to create another small
company for extra income.
In the end being millennial is a construction, but we will have to face it and analyze it
to think what we can do with this realities we are going to face. We are millennials because
being millennials is really based on the administration system we belong and work in, and
we will be millennials until we change this system.

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