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Good morning!

Thank you for covering my classes today. The following is your schedule for
- Homeroom
- 1st period: 8th Grade Math
- 2nd period: OFF
- 3rd period: 8Th grade Math
- Lunch
- 4th period: 8th Grade Math
- 5th period: Geometry.
8th Grade Math: The students will be solving equations with variables on
both sides of the equal sign. They received notes on this yesterday as well as
a color by numbers work sheet that they should turn in to the box if they
have completed it.
When the tardy bell rings, instruct the students to do their Do Now for
today in their notebooks (they should all have this). Give them about 10-15
minutes to do this and then pass out the worksheet provided for you.
Please have them work independently use the space provided below to list
any students names that were disruptive and they will receive lunch
detention upon my return.
Geometry: The students will be working on their angle postulates and
relationships. During class, have them work in small groups and do both the
worksheets titled 1-4. It will be pages 14, 15, 16, 17 I believe. They will know
what to do.

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