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Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019

Charrone Grant
Grade 1G

Subject: Mathematics
Duration: 5 days
Focus Question: To which group do I belong?
Sub Topic: Ordinal Numbers
Attainment Target: Students will:
o Use the basic operations with numbers and number patterns.
o Use relevant language to give and receive information
o Represent and interpret numerical/ pictorial patterns.
o Demonstrate an understanding of numbers, types of numbers and numeration systems.

Objectives: By the end of singing mathematical jingles, participating in discussions, performing

numerical games, counting and singing songs students will be able to:
1. Identify ordinal numbers first to tenth.
2. Read and recognize ordinal numbers in story form and worded problems.
3. Complete Mathematical problems in textbooks identifying ordinals and cardinals.
4. Count from 1 to 20 by singing or playing indoor/outdoor games.
5. Say what ordinal numbers are and when they are used.
6. Identify, count and write Numbers/ Names 0-19/20
7. Associate number with number names.
8. Place numbers 1-20 in serial order.
9. Identify Mathematical symbols (=, + and -) to complete mathematical sentences.
10. Speak and write various ordinal numbers.
11. Identify objects and persons in situations showing positions/ordinals correctly.
12. Compose and sing jingles, songs or poems about ordinal numbers.
13. Work in groups to determine and tell the position for each person in their group and or class.
14. Identify letters in their names using first and last.
15. Recognize and use terms first and last in given situations and in class.
16. Differentiate between first and last

Prerequisite Knowledge: Student should already

a) Be able to count in order to 20
b) Have knowledge of numbers and their importance to everyday life.

Content Summary: An ordinal number is a number that tells the position of an object in a
sequence. The symbolic representations of ordinal numbers are formed by combining the
corresponding cardinal number and the last two letters of the ordinal name.
Note the pattern:
o First is written by combining 1 and the st to produce 1st
o Second is written by combining 2 and the nd to produce 2nd
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
o Third is written by combining 3 and rd to produce 3rd

o Fifth is written by combining 5 and th to produce 5th

Skills: Observing, grouping objects, writing and telling definitions, singing, working in groups,
identifying and writing ordinals
Resource Materials: number cards, pictures word cards, YouTube video, Television, Speakers,
flash Drive, and Primary Mathematics for Jamaica Grade 1.

Day 1
1. Students along with teacher will venture to an area on the outside. Students will be introduced
to lesson objectives and topic and reminded that even though they have moved from inside the
controlled classroom they are still in a classroom irrespective of the location and are expected to
remain and operate as they would inside.
2. They will be asked to state what they know from their prior experiences, knowledge what
ordinal numbers are and instances when ordinals are used.
3. They will be given a scenario through questioning; If Rory and Lisa are in a race and Rory
finishes the race after Lisa, in what position does Rory finish the race.
4. Individual students will be asked to pretend to be both Rory and Lisa, tell how many persons
are in the race and participate in whole class discussion on which position each person in the race
will finish. The terms two/ first and last are desired outcomes.
Explore/ Explain:
 Students will be encouraged to participate in a whole class activity where they will be in
teams of six. Six items (cones) will be placed strategically apart and large enough for
students to see.
 They will line up in a racing situation and asked to stay in the area that the race will be
observing the starting point. They will also be given the rules of the activity and
encouraged to remember instructions as best as possible.
 Students along with teacher will demonstrate how activity will be executed with
instructions repeated. (Each runner must collect the cone bearing the colour of their team,
and can only collect one cone at a time as each person on the team must get a chance to
carry or collect said cone to its correct place).
 At the sound of a whistle students who will start the race will run to the cones and take
back the cone to a member of his/her team. This will be repeated until there is a winning
team that completed the activity the fastest and accurately.
 The class will be asked to explain/ say why each child was placed in his/her respective
position. Through further discussions, the concept of first, second, third, fourth, fifth and
sixth will be established.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G

 The students who participated in the race will be given cards with the names of their
positions. Six other students will be given cards with numbers 1-6. They will be asked to
stand beside their “partner” already in line. Each pair of cards will be placed on the board.

 Students will be asked to observe, think and tell how ordinals are formed, when they are
used etc.

 Students will place cards with the first six positions in the race and associate the
cardinal names with the ordinal number and say how the ordinal numbers are formed.
 The class will be engage in discussion to ascertain if they can write symbolic
representation for ordinal numbers first to fifth on the board.
 Individual students will be asked to write ordinals on the board, desks or in the air.
 Students and teacher will then return to the classroom, where items will be placed on a
desk in front of the class or students’ groups (chalk, eraser, crayon, pencil, glue).
 Students will listen to teacher directed questions such as: Which place is the glue in?
which item is the fifth position? Which position is the chalk in? which item is in first
place? They will give appropriate responses to these questions based on their
understanding of positioning as well as ordinals.

 Students will be place in groups of six. Each group will be given two sided
cards with the ordinal number symbol on one side and its ordinal number
name on the other side (1st -6th) students will position themselves based on the
card they received. Think and tell what happens if they all faced the other
way? Who is first and last now?
 Locate pages 21, 22 and 23 in textbook, talk about the pictures they are seeing
and complete by circling given position ( second, fourth, first, sixth).
 Write the position of the circled object on page 23(Home work).
 Create a song, jingle, poem, mobile on ordinal numbers.

Day 2
o Students along with teacher will sing ordinal number song created using body percussion
and or other instruments.
o Participate in whole class recap of what an ordinal number is and give the cardinal
number that matches the ordinal number and vice versa.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
o Recall instances where ordinal numbers are used.

o State how ordinals are written orally.

o Random students will represent in writing on the board ordinals from 1st to 6th.

1. Students will listen to teacher clarifying any misconceptions they may have and then answer
teacher direct question/ scenario: In a race of three persons someone comes in __________,
__________ and __________.
2. Students would be prompted to write sentences about themselves: telling the first thing that
they did in the morning, who was the first child at school, what’s the first thing they do after
school etc.
3. Students along with teacher again relocate to an area outside which will provide additional
space for free movement of students.
4. Students will again be reminded about the rules of the outdoor classroom and then given
instructions about activity to come.
5. Students will now be divided in teams of ten. They will clap and count until they get to ten.
6. Students will be asked to recall and tell how ordinals for one to sixth are pronounced. They
will then be asked if the numbers are extended to tenth what will be the ordinals that come after
7. They will further state why they think these answers are such and how they are written.

1. Students along with teacher will participate in playing game “Get the Bacon” … a ball, cone,
baton etc. will be placed in the middle of both teams of ten (Students are placed in teams of ten in
ordinal positions from 1st to 10th). Teacher or appointed referee will call an ordinal number and
the first person representing that ordinal number who takes the object from the centre and
heading back to his/her place without being tagged wins a point. This will continue until all
teams have tried.

1. Students along with teacher will return indoors, where students will complete writing the
symbols for ordinal numbers for first to ten.
Eg: First ------1st, tenth ------10th
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G

Day 3
Engage/ Explore
 Students along with teacher will sing the ordinal numbers song created by teacher.
 Students will be directed to pre- loaded video from YouTube, where Ostriches are
competing in a race.
 They will after which participate in whole class discussion on what the video is
 They will then participate in recall of information they already gained and demonstrate
how to write ordinals 1st to 10th.
 The students will observe a sequence of three actions demonstrated by teacher. The class
will give the action in order they which they were performed.
 Clap your hand (first) turn around (second) touch your head (third)
 These will be written on the board and use to play game “Simon says” for eg. Simon says
second action.

 Students will be asked to say the months of the year as teacher points to the words
 Students will say the position of each month eg. Which month is the first month?
o The month in the seventh position is?
o The fifth month has how many letters?
o Students will write the month in which they were born and arrange themselves in
the correct position.


 Students will copy their first and last name and say which letter is first etc. This
will be done for each child’s first and last names initial letters.
 Students will draw a line between the ordinal number to its ordinal word

1st fourth

2nd eighth

3rd second

4th tenth

5th first

6th third

7th ninth

8th fifth
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
9th seventh

10th sixth

Day 4
 Students along with teacher will be using various body parts to create rhythms while
counting to twenty.
 They will use number cards to touch, say and clap the number that they see and or which
comes next in the serial order.
 Students will fill in missing numbers on number sheets after counting and singing songs.
 Students will count themselves and write their number on a card, students will then be
given another card to write the ordinal number and the symbol to match their number.
Students will then stand in their correct position displaying their ordinal numbers.


 Students will explain what they know about ordinal numbers and how to write the
 Students will then say what would happen to ordinals when the direction has been
changed, what they notice.
 Discuss with peers the pattern of forming ordinal numbers.


 Student will write the ordinal numbers from the first to tenth and their symbols.

Day 5
 Students along with teacher will sing and play the counting game (one and twenty)
using body percussion to enhance song, spelling names of numbers.
 Students will then participate in whole class discussion on the game what it is about.
 Identify and use words relevant to game subject and content from board.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
 In groups, students will race to see which group can place numbers from one to twenty in
the counting order
 State how difficulties they encountered while doing so.
 Come up with ways to solve their challenges individually and in pairs/groups.
 Students will say the ordinal numbers from first to twentieth.
 State what they notice about ordinals 11th to 20th.
 Say why they think it is important to know numerals, their names and the order in which
numbers are written especially ordinal numbers.

 Students match ordinal number first to twenty with their symbols.
 Work in pairs to pronounce and spell ordinals 11th to 20th.
 Play worded games in groups and or teams.

 Students will complete work sheet.
 One student from each group will say what they learned at the end of the lessons.

Areas of Evaluation Excellent Good Fair Poor Needs

Effective use of teaching aids
Time Management
Students’ Participation
Teacher’s use of content
Use of reinforcement
Meeting Objectives
Students grasping concept
Other Comments:
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G

Subject: Integrated Studies

Grade: 1
Focus Question: To which group do I belong?
Duration: 5 x 45 Mins.
Attainment Targets:
1. Recognize and make distinctions between home language and SJE to improve /
acquire language and literacy competencies
2. Communicate with confidence and competence for different purposes and
audiences, using SJE appropriately and creatively
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the ideas of sets
4. Apply coordination and control while doing physical activities
5. Develop the capacity to interact respectfully and positively with others

Objectives: At the end of discussions and other activities, students will be able to:
a. Use home language / SJE to talk about different groups to which they belong
b. Respond appropriately to questions and directions addressed in SJE
c. Recognize sight words appropriate to grade
d. Describe groups using appropriate words
e. Use the full stop appropriately at the end of sentences about different groups
f. Read words and copy / write a word or sentence about groups appropriate to the grade
g. Use the word set when referring to a group
h. Write the name of the a classroom item with the following colour
i. Colour pictures given according to number
j. Label the colour on items given
k. identify the four basic shapes
l. find shapes on picture and colour according to shape
m. Group items according to their texture.
n. Make a chart after grouping the items according to their texture.
o. Fill in the blanks
p. Match each picture to the correct name for each group.
q. Draw and write the group name for the group drawn
r. Do worksheet

Content Summary:
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
Colours are all around us. This is to make them unique. The same way different family
members have names, different cars and houses have different shape and colour.

All things around us have different shape. A shape is the outline of something. We can
group things together by their shape. There are four basic shapes. They are the circle,
rectangle, square and triangle. Some items have more than one shape at times.
Eg: The moon. Sometimes the moon has the shape of a banana.
We can group things according to how they feel when we touch them. Some things feel
hard (rock). Some things feel soft (cotton). Some things feel rough (wall). Some things
feel smooth (mirror).

Day 1
Objectives: a, b, c, h, i, j

 Students will be asked to observe and pay attention to video entitled, ‘Colour colours
 Participate in whole group discussions about the things they heard and saw in the video.


Class along with teacher will be singing the song, “Can you find the colour (red), the
colour (red), and the colour (red), in the room….
While singing the song individuals will go and identify items in the class with the colour
red and others to be named.
Teacher substitutes different colours in the song and have individuals identifying objects
with the colour in the song.


Students will participate in discussion held with class on why things have different
colours and shapes and if they think colours are important.
State their favourite colour and shape and say why this is so.

Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
 Students will identify their favourite colour(s). Instruct them to draw anything that has their
favourite colour, colour it and write the name of the colour.

Evaluate: In groups students will

a) Write/ Draw the name of any classroom item with the following colour

White ___________________ green ___________________

Red _____________________ yellow __________________
Pink ____________________
Blue ____________________

b) Colour picture given according to number

c) Label the colour on items given
d) On page 117 of text, class will draw and colour a set of yellow fruits and red fruits
in the basket respectively. They will also be asked to write the names of the yellow

Day 2
Objectives: a, b, k, l
Activities / procedures

 Whole class will be shown a film on shapes. (Shapes song for kindergarten by The Ki boomers)
from which a whole class discussion will ensue about what they saw in the video.
 Students will be directed to go on a shapes hunt whether in their minds or in the classroom to
identify similar shapes as ones discussed or seen on film.


 They will be encouraged to find pairs of items in the classroom with the same shape. Draw and
name them.

 Students will explain to class that shapes are all around us. A shape is the outline of something.
Invites class to match the shapes and circle each shape whose name begins with letter Gg.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
 Discuss pictures of familiar groups (class, school, family, etc.) State why they are in these groups
and say what are the similarities between the various groups.

 Students will write a word or sentence about the group to which they belong? They will use
capital letters and full stops appropriately in their sentences.
 Draw pictures to show the various groups to which they belong.
 Write one sentence about the group drawn.
 Lie in the free time area and uses their bodies to make the four basic shapes

Evaluate: Students will:

a) Identify the four basic shapes
b) Look at the picture on page 124 of text find the different shapes and colour them as
c) Draw and or paint a picture to represent an aspect of a story or poem read. Write a
word, short phrase or simple sentence to indicate the aspects represented.
d) View and talk about each other’s work respecting each other’s feelings and

Day 3
Objectives: m, n

 At the sound of music individuals will pass around teacher created bag containing different items.
 When the music stops they will be prompted to take something from the “Feelie Bag” and talk
about the texture of it after showing it to class.
 Students along with teacher will discuss what he/she took from the bag and say how it feels and
use appropriate words related to describe what they found.

Explore/Explain: Students will:

 With seat partner, go around the class and identify things that have the same texture as the one
picked earlier. Identify the word that describes the texture of the item.
 Use manipulatives to show/model the number of members in a group or set.
 In groups compare the members in the sets using terms/symbols for ‘equal’, ‘greater than’, ‘less
than’. Sort various manipulatives, group them and give reasons for the groupings (colour, shape,
texture, size).
 Use number names to describe their sets.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
 Teacher leads class into the reading of content at the top of pages 126 and 127 respectively and
discusses it with class. (We can group things according to how they feel when we touch them.
Some things feel hard (rock). Some things feel soft (cotton). Some things feel rough (wall). Some
things feel smooth (mirror).

Elaborate: Students will :

 Use ‘is’, ‘are’ to construct sentences describing groups.
 Use available technological devices to play games to reinforce concepts about sets.
 Perform songs, jingles and or poems about groups to which they belong as a class choir,
responding to basic musical cues as they sing to reflect dynamics such as loud, soft, high, and

 Give groups items to put in groups according to their texture.
 Identify activities performed by various groups Eg. Teacher teaching the children at play.
 Use movements/movement patterns in a logical sequence to depict each activity.
 Present movements to class and have them identify the activity being carried out.

Day 4: Students will:

Engage/Explore: Students will:

1. Participate in whole class discussion on the concept of ‘tradition’. E.g. Celebration
activities for Christmas and Easter. Watch a short clip about how different groups such as
the school, religious groups and families observe certain traditions (long standing
practices) and talk about it.
2. Write copy or trace two simple sentences about traditions which are celebrated read
sentences aloud to class.

Explain/ Elaborate: Students will:

 Identify activities performed by various groups, in their groups formulate and discuss some class
rules and say how these rules affect members of the class. Take turns in conversation. Write,
copy, and trace a rule to the class.
 Play games such as ‘Simon Says’, and ‘Follow the Leader’, to demonstrate their understanding for
 State what would happen if everyone obeyed/disobeyed rules in class, school, church and different
areas of society and the world.

Evaluate: In groups Students will:

1. Use word wall, as well as corners to learn sight words related to groups to which they
belong for example: groups, member, rules, respect, other, help, learn, agree and
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
2. With teacher’s assistance, find basic information about a specific group to which they
belong and use information located to develop their own simple sentences.

3. Use information as a class to compile and decorate a magazine about the groups to
which they belong.
4. Compose and send an email to a religious group expressing appreciation for the work
they do (feeding and providing food and clothes for the poor etc.).

Day 5:
 Students will be directed to listen to audios of short vowel sounds and consonants presented in
isolation as well as within the context of words.
 Model and produce sounds and then discuss where they have heard or seen these sounds in whole
class discussion.
 Listen to stories about rules and responsibilities of members of a group.
 Read aloud parts of stories which represents how different characters in a story observe rules

EXPLAIN: Students will:

1. Highlight how observing rules and responsibilities make a group work.


1. Read short passages and poems about groups to which they belong.
2. Role-play different characters in one of the stories, respond to questions posed by
peers and teacher about the character portrayed.
3. Draw aspects of the story they enjoyed.
Evaluation: Students were able to:
Areas of Evaluation Excellent Good Fair Poor Needs
Effective use of teaching aids
Time Management
Students’ Participation
Teacher’s use of content
Use of reinforcement
Meeting Objectives
Students grasping concept
Other Comments:
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G

Subject: Phonics
Grade: 1
Duration: 3 days
ENGAGE: Students will:
1. Along with teacher listen to and sing along to Jolly songs in an effort to:
Revise some of the sounds and actions already learnt” /s/, /a/, /t/, /i/, /p/, /n/, /c/, /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/,
/m/, /d/, /g/.
2. Listen to and sing along to teacher created jingle to introduce stories responding to cues and
doing actions depicted.
Introduce the sound /o/ using a story, such as the one below, and the action.
Oliver and Holy have moved to new house. They have a new bedroom with bunk beds in it.
Near the bed is a light switch, so they can turn the light on and off themselves when they are in
bed. That night, Holly curls up with Oscar, her toy rabbit, and Oliver reads his comic. “You
can turn the light out when you’ve finished,” says Dad. Oliver leans over to the light switch
and turns it off. “Off it goes,” he says. Then he turns the light back on, saying “o, on it goes.”
He turns the light on and off saying, “o, on it goes. Off it goes; o, on it goes.” Then he hears
his Dad’s voice. “Stop turning the light on and off, Oliver! You will break it. Turn it off, and
go to sleep.” Oliver turns off the light and goes to sleep.
1. The children will model the point of a finger, as if pushing a switch on and off saying “o o o”.
 Explain how the letter <o> is written. It starts with a ‘caterpillar c, etc.
 The children write over the dotted letters in their books.


 Blend the words hot, mop, pots, dogs.
 Say the sounds with their seat mates then blend the sounds together and read the words.
 Point to the dot underneath each sound as they say it.
 Say the words corresponding to the pictures in the Pupil Book: Bat, octopus, sock and
 The children listen for the word without the /o/ sound (bat), and cross out its picture.
 Create word bank: top, pot, dot, pod, dog, sock, tock, rock, mock, dock, hop, mop,
hog, pond, spot, cod, cog, cot, got, hot, nod, not, pop, rod, drop, trod, stop, cost, odd,
moss, cross.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
 Call out the sound /o/ and some other sounds already covered for the children to write.
 Dictate the words hog, hop, dot and mop.
 Call out some words from the Word Bank.
 The children listen to the words and hold up a finger for each sound.

Day 2.
Letter Sound /u/:

Listen to and sing along to jolly songs.

Revise some of the sounds already learnt: /s/, /a/, /t/, /i/, /p/, /n/, /c/, /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /m/, /d/, /g/,
ENGAGE: Students will:
Listen to teacher created jingle about story time, they will sing along with her and complete
actions stated in jingle, (sit up straight, fold their arms and look at teacher.
Getting ready to listen to story.
Story: Introduce the sound /u/ using a story, such as the one below, and the action.
Uncle Bud often comes to visit his niece and nephew, Anna and Ulrich. Today, he has brought
them each a big umbrella. Anna’s umbrella is spotty, and Ulrich’s umbrella has red and white
stripes. In the afternoon, the whole family goes out for a walk. Although it is a sunny day,
Anna and Ulrich insist on bringing their umbrellas with them. Everyone laughs except Uncle
Bud. “I’ll take my umbrella, too,” he says. The family sets off for their walk in brilliant
sunshine. After a while, they notice some big black clouds on the horizon. A little while later,
the feel the first raindrops starting to fall. Soon it is pouring with rain! Uncle Bud, Anna and
Ulrich put up their umbrellas, shouting, “u, u, up umbrellas!” They are the ones laughing
now! They have a lovely time, splashing in the puddles and dancing under their umbrellas.

EXPLORE: Students will:

1. Pretend to be putting up an umbrella, with one hand holding the umbrella and the other
moving up, saying “u, u, u’.
 Explain how the letter <u> is written.
 The sound the ‘u’ produces
 The children write over the dotted letters in their books. Writing ‘Uu’, while making the
 Blend the words sun, mud, cup, dug.
 Say the sounds with the seat mate, the blend the sounds together and read the words.
 Point to the dot underneath each sound as they say it.
EVALUATE: Students will:
 Say the words corresponding to the pictures in the Pupil Book: umbrella, dog, mug, drum.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
 The children listen for the word without the /u/ sound (dog), and cross out its picture.

Compose word bank:

Up, us, sun, run, mug, tug, dug, rug, hug, cup, cut, hum, hut, mud, nut, pup, sum, snug, suck,
duck, muck, gulp, hunt, dump, hump, pump, dusk, tusk, dust, must, crust, trust, skunk, stump,
truck, stuck.
 Call out the sound /u/ and some other sounds already covered for the children to write.
 Dictate the words run, sum, cut and mug.
 Call out some words from the Word Bank.
 The children listen to the words and hold up a finger for each sound.

Day 3.
ENGAGE: Students will:
1. Listen to and sing along with Jolly Songs revising and doing the basic actions of some
of the sounds already learnt: /s/, /a/, /t/, /i/, /p/, /n/, /c/, /k/, /e/, /h/, /r/, /m/, /d/, /g/, /o/, /u/.
2. They will then along with teacher sing story time jingle to get ready for story to come
which will introduce the sound /l/ using a story, such as the one below, and the action.
It is Luca’s birthday and he is having a party. Luca’s friends have brought lots of present
for him. Luca and his friends play some party games while the food is set out. There are
lettuce sandwiches, little cakes, liquorice laces and lemonade to drink. Most importantly,
there is a big birthday cake in the shape of a lion. Luca and his friends play ‘blind man’s
buff’ and ‘pin the tail on the donkey’ and gets a lime lollipop as a prize. She licks her
lollipop, going “llllllll.”

1. The children stick out their tongues, pretending to be licking a lollipop, and saying “l l l l l l l l
l l”.
2. Identify the sound and words that gives the llllllll sound in its initial stage from the story
3. Say how the letter l can be written , write the letter in the air on their desk etc.
 Explain how the letter <l> is written. It is a tall letter.
 The children write over the dotted letters in their books.

 Blend the words leg, lips, help and plan.
 Say the sounds with their seat mates then blend the sound together and read the words.
 Encourage the children to point to the dot underneath each sound as they say it.
 Say the words corresponding to the pictures in the Pupil Book: lemon, grapes, leaf and
 The children listen for the word without the /l/ sound (grapes), and cross out its picture.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
 Create word bank play worded games with words given/ identified: lap, lad, leg, lip, led,
let, lid, lit, lot, clap, clip, clog, glad, glum, plan, plot, plug, plum, plus, slam, slip, slug,
held, milk, help, lent, lump, list, slept, ill, hill, kill, mill, pill, till, doll, loss, spell, smell,
lick, lock, luck, click, trick, stick, clock.
 Call out the sound /l/ and some other sounds already covered for the children to write.
 Dictate the words lap, log, lad and lit.
 Call out some words from Word Bank.
 The children listen to the words and hold up a finger for each sound.

Areas of Evaluation Excellent Good Fair Poor Needs

Effective use of teaching aids
Time Management
Students’ Participation
Teacher’s use of content
Use of reinforcement
Meeting Objectives
Students grasping concept
Other Comments:

Subject: Language Arts

Grade: 1

Duration: 5x 1hr

Unit: 1

Focus Question 2: To which Group Do I Belong?

Attainment Targets:

 Automatically recognize words including basic sight words through repeated exposure
and mnemonic devices.
 Develop phonetic aw addressed in SJE awareness and use knowledge of letter sound
correspondences in order to decode unfamiliar words.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
 Read for meaning, fluency and enjoyment of texts, using a variety of clues to gain
information and identify ideas and events.
Focus Strands:

 Grammar and Conventions… Adjectives.

 Word Recognition and Vocabulary Development…Letter ‘Tt’.
 Writing… Exploring Writing
 Listening and speaking…Use words to describe themselves and actions they can do.
 Comprehension… Identifying Conventions of Print/ Story Elements.
Objectives: After reading, singing, participating in whole class discussions, role playing etc.
Students will be able to:

1. Recognize and make distinctions between home language and SJE to improve and acquire
language and literacy competencies.
2. Respond appropriately to questions and directions.
3. Describe themselves and others using appropriate descriptive words and phrases.
4. Identify and list adjectives.
5. Define the term adjectives.
6. Choose correct adjectives to complete sentences.
7. Compose sentences using given adjectives.
8. Compose songs, jingles about adjectives
9. Identify the letter ‘Tt’ as a capital and common letter.
10. Trace and write the letter ‘Tt’ using knowledge of alphabet sequence.
11. Produce sound and action to identify letter ‘Tt.
12. Identify, pronounce and spell words with the letter ‘Tt’.
13. Tell the location i.e. initial, medial or end of the ‘Tt’ sound in a number of one syllable
14. Construct sentences using words containing initial T.
15. Document ideas, experiences and information about themselves and their environment,
using pictures, text, print, lists and captions.
16. Write letters with common forms increasingly showing a distinction between upper and
lower case letters.
17. Apply concept of writing/ print, left to right, top to bottom in texts and note books.
18. Write capital and common letters using lines and space.
19. Understand and use correctly terms referring to conventions of print, book, cover,
characters, pages, beginning, end, time, place, sequence and main ideas.
20. Identify the 5 W’s in the text and print.
21. Write questions of their own using one or more of the 5W’s.
Skills: Students will be: identifying, listing, spelling, pronouncing, spelling, writing, reading,
discussing, forming sentences, listening and speaking, using question words.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
Content Summary: Adjectives are words which tell what a naming word looks like. Or
are used to describe nouns. Examples: tall, short, greedy, sleepy, rough, tough, blue, lazy,
red, old, cold, new, juicy, beautiful, handsome and strong.

The letter ‘Tt’ can be written as a capital letter and as a common letter. The action that
matches involves moving the head from left to right as if you’re watching a ball being hit in a
tennis match. The tongue is placed between the teeth while the teeth are clamped or closed to
produce the‘t’ sound.

Materials: Grade One Integrated Language Arts Workbook (pages 58/59), charts, pictures,
handouts, storybooks, alphabet cards/charts, Jolly Phonics Grammar Songs.

Day 1: Grammar and Conventions….Adjectives

Activities/Procedure: Students will:


1. Listen to Jolly Phonics Grammar Song#1 about Adjectives. A whole class discussion will
ensue about what the song is saying.
2. Students will be led in the singing of the song about adjectives for them to identify
adjectives listed.
3. Students will then give examples of adjectives in groups that they know from prior

4. Adjectives will be written on the board that students identified, for whole class to be able
to identify, pronounce and spell.
5. Students will use phonetic awareness to identify words in parts and as a whole as well as
to spell words.

6. Students will in their own word give a definition of what an adjective is. They will then
write on mobile their definition of adjectives.

7. Students will from their experiences and knowledge identify at least five adjectives from
their classrooms and the nouns being described.
a. Ball _____
b. Girl_______
c. Friend _____
d. Teacher______
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
e. Wall_________
8. Individually use simple adjectives to describe themselves and others in sentences. (I am a
handsome boy). My friends are kind. Gerica is beautiful. etc.
Evaluate: Students will in groups:

Group 1: Create song or jingle about adjectives.

Group 2: Create an adjective mobile.

Group 3: Make a list of Ten (10) Adjectives.

Group 4: Use the following adjectives in sentences: big, beautiful, cold, old, greedy, blue, sleepy,
rough, new, sour).

Group 5: Complete phrases using adjectives to describe specific nouns

a. dog____ bag_____ fruit____ day______

b. pencil______ tree _____ dress______ cat________
c. lady_______ book______

Day2: Word Recognition and Vocabulary Development …. Letter ‘Tt’


1. Students will listen to teacher read jingle from handout: Tommy tiger, Tommy tiger will
you talk to me? Tell me all the things you know that starts with the letter Tt.

2. Students and teacher will sing jingle together.

3. Students will tell which words they heard in the jingle that has the Tt sound.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G

4. Students will use handout with jingle to highlight words that begin with the letter t.
5. They will then look at pictures of other words that have the t sound and highlight those.
6. Words will be pronounced and spelt.

7. Students will explain to class the two ways that letter Tt may be written and write the
letter in the air or in sandbox.
8. They will also say/ tell the action associated with the letter Tt.
9. They will individually and in groups make the sound associated with the letter Tt while
doing action/body movement.
10. Say when the capital letter T is used and give examples, likewise the common t.

11. Students will go on a letter ‘Tt’ hunt, to find as many words and objects in the class that
begins with the letter Tt’.
12. In groups they will touch their toes when they hear words that have the letter Tt from the

following words: tire, tomb, little, tub, bat, call, toy, football, butter, tar
winter, tip, beat, till, cook, tall, take, pot, white, tomato
tail, tough, turkey, doctor, eat, time, plant, twenty, tease
13. They will say where they hear the t whether at the beginning, middle, end or no where at

14. Students will participate in playing the guessing game:

All the words you guess should begin with the "T t" sound.
a. What number comes after one? (Two)
b. What number comes after nine? (Ten)
c. What number comes after eleven? (Twelve)
d. To get toothpaste on my toothbrush I must squeeze the ______. (tube)
e. We just got a pet with a shell. It's a ________. (turtle)
f. That big striped animal behind you is a _______. (tiger)
g. Twice a year I go to have the dentist check my _______. (teeth)

In groups students will:

1. Make a list of five words that begins with the letter Tt
2 .Make sentences with any five Tt words they know or have learnt.
3 .Make a Tt letter chart or mobile.
4. Trace the dots to write the letter Tt then create a jingle.
5 .Draw and write the names of five things that begin with the letter Tt.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G

Day 3
Writing/ Handwriting
1. Students are lead into singing the song, ‘The author writes the book’ while presenting
each group with at least two books.
2. Students will participate in class discussion on who an author is and use words such as
author, book, cover, pages etc. in the context of conventions of print.
3. They will then list the important facts they know about print and writing.
4. Let them observe how the words are written in the books. (With proper spacing between
words, all of the letters are not the same height, etc.)
5. They will use books to identify the beginning, covers, pages, headings, titles etc.
identifying capitals where used and making a distinction between the capital and common
6. Apply concept of writing/ print, left to right, top to bottom in texts and note books, by
copying simple sentences.
7. The class will discuss in groups the importance of writing properly, students will give
reasons why they think it’s important to write properly.
8. Students will in groups identify and explain terms such as book, cover, pages, capital
letters, common letters etc.
9. Students will document ideas, experiences and information about themselves and their
environment, using pictures, text, print, lists and captions.
10. Use capital and common letters in documenting ideas, sharing about self-etc. paying
attention to line spacing and spacing of words.
11. Students will write the following:
Today is Tuesday. Today is the seventh day in the month of November.
I belong to a group of children that goes to Farm Primary and Junior High School.

Day 4
Listening and Speaking
1. Students will be introduced to action song
We have eyes and we can see.
We have mouths and we can talk.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G
We have ears and we can hear.
We have feet and we can walk.
2. They will be asked to read words and do actions silently (miming). Touching the body
part named.
3. They will participate in singing song along with teacher.
4. Students will in groups identify parts of the body mentioned in the song; they will touch
the respective body part then in a sentence say what that body part is…Example: This is
my nose. These are my eyes. I have two hands.
5. In groups talk about themselves using words to describe also say what they can do best.
6. Students will take turns saying who they are and what they like to do best.

7. Students will use the opportunity to say one thing that they do not like to do and why.
8. Introduce another classmate by the things that they can do, their favourite body part and
one thing he/she doesn’t like to do.

9. Students will along with teacher play the game ‘Simon Says’, respective parts of the body
will be highlighted and the rules followed until there’s only one winner.
Example: Simon Says touch your head, students will do action….walk around in a circle,
any student who does this will be disqualified from the game as Simon didn’t say.


10. Teacher points to Students and says respective body parts and students will respond
accordingly with a sentence.
Teacher says/ point and say nose Student’s Response This is my nose.
Mouth This is my mouth.
body This is my body.
ears These are my ears.
eyes These are my eyes.
arms These are my arms.

hands These are my hands.

legs These are my legs.

feet These are my feet.

Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G




1. Start this lesson by explaining to class that a story answers five basic questions, also
known as the 5 W's: who, what, when, where, and why.
2. Tell your students that today, they will be listening to the story, The Three Little Pigs, and
answering reading comprehension questions based on what they learn.
3. Ask your students if they know what the 5 W's are. Write them on the board if they come
up with the correct answer. Add the ones that they didn't come up with on the board.
4. Give examples of each from a story that you have recently read in class.

Explore/ Explain:
5. Read the story The Three Little Pigs to the class.
6. Teacher will pause periodically to ask questions that will help gauge students
understanding of the story. Some great examples include: What did the first pig build?
What happened to the pigs’ homes? Who wanted to blow down the pigs' homes?
7. Ask your students to come up with a question for each of the 5 W's and write them in
their notebooks.
8. Instruct your students to come up with a "how" question as well. For example: How did
the main character solve the conflict?
9. Set the timer to 5 minutes.
10. Instruct your students to share at least one question that they wrote with the class.

11. Pass out a copy of the Three Little Pigs Story Map to each student.
12. Explain to the class that they will be answering the 5 W's about the story that was just
read. For each box, they should draw a picture illustrating the: who, what, where, when,
and why of The Three Little Pigs.

13. Give your students the 5 W's worksheet to complete with a partner.
14. Go over the worksheet with your students as a class.
15. Remind your students to write their answers in full complete sentences.
Lesson Plans for Week October 7-11, 2019
Charrone Grant
Grade 1G

Evaluation: Students were able to:

Areas of Evaluation Excellent Good Fair Poor Needs

Effective use of teaching aids
Time Management
Students’ Participation
Teacher’s use of content
Use of reinforcement
Meeting Objectives
Students grasping concept
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