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Business Writing: Memorandum Writing Exercise

Instructions: Read the question carefully. Working in pairs, draft a memo that would best
present the following information.
In recent months, your company staff have not been punctual in reporting for work. Your
general manager has taken note of the worrying trend and asked you, the HR executive to
nip the problem in the bud.
Write a memo to your company staff. Ensure that your message is clear, concise, courteous
and complete. Include in your memo:
1. The importance of being punctual.
2. A table or graph explaining the trend of latecomers.
3. Some recommendations on how they can be punctual.
Some information that you might need.

July 3% of staff late for 5 times or more in a month.

August 10% of staff late for 5 times or more in a month.
September 20% of staff late for 5 times or more in a month.
October 25% of staff late for 5 times or more in a month.

Working hours: 9am to 6pm

Top 5 reasons for being late:
Could not get a taxi.
MRT train broke down.
Got caught in the traffic jam.
Heavy rain.

Copyright 2009 Terence Tay

Business Writing: Memorandum Writing Exercise

Instruction: Read the question carefully. Working in pairs, draft a memo that would best
present the following information.
Your company will hold its annual Dinner and Dance(D&D) party soon. Due to the
recession(poor business climate), the D&D would be scaled down. Your boss has asked you
to write a memo to all staff and inform them of the upcoming D&D function.
Write a memo to your company staff. Ensure that your message is clear, concise, courteous
and complete. Include in your memo:
1. Date, location and duration of the D&D.
2. A map on how to get to the D&D location.
3. Some information on the activities that they can expect.
Some information that you might need.
Date: 3 December 2009
Venue: Orchard Parade Hotel Ballroom
Duration: 7-11pm
Activities(some suggestions):
Lucky draws
International Buffet spread
Singapore Idol (Karaoke competition)
Magic Show
Gurmit Singh aka PCK(the emcee)

Copyright 2009 Terence Tay

Business Writing: Memorandum Writing Exercise

Instruction: Read the question carefully. Working alone, draft a memo that would best present
the following information.
Your company has decided to take part in a business sports league. The first event is a 5-aside indoor soccer competition. Your boss has asked you to write a memo to inform all staff
and recruit some interested parties.
Write a memo to your company staff. Ensure that your message is clear, concise, courteous
and complete. Include in your memo:

Date, location and duration of competition.

A map on how to get to the competition.
Some information on the activities that they can expect.
A form for them to sign up.

Some information that you might need.

Date: 21-22 November 2009
Venue: The Arena, near East Coast Park
Duration: 7am to 2pm
Entry fees will be fully paid for by company.
Over 1 weekend, participants get to play in a tournament and compete against 17 other
teams. Generous prizes for eventual winners.
Participants are advised to get a medical checkup before they sign up.

Copyright 2009 Terence Tay

Business Writing: Memorandum Writing Exercise


: All Staff
: Terence Tay, HR
: 10 November
: Free Health Checkup

Due to the recent flu epidemic, a number of our staff has fallen ill regularly. The company
understands the importance of keeping our staff healthy and has engaged SingHealth to
organise a free health checkup for all staff.
Date: 21 November, Saturday
Venue: The Atrium
Time: 10 am to 2 pm
The complete health checkup package consists of:
blood test
blood pressure examination
stress evaluation
posture examination
chiropractors consultation
H1N1 vaccination
All fees are paid for by the company and you are encouraged to take advantage of this
opportunity. Please contact Angela Chong (HR executive) at ext. 648 if you are interested.

Copyright 2009 Terence Tay

Business Writing: Memorandum Writing Exercise


: All Staff
: Terence Tay, HR
: 10 November
: Free Health Checkup

Due to the recent flu epidemic, a number of our staff has fallen ill regularly. The
company understands the importance of keeping our staff healthy and has
engaged SingHealth to organise a free health checkup for all staff.


: 21 November 2009 (Saturday)

Venue : The Atrium

Time : 10 am to 2 pm
Complete Health Checkup
The complete health checkup package consists of:
blood test
blood pressure examination
stress evaluation
posture examination
chiropractors consultation
H1N1 vaccination

All fees are paid for by the company and you are encouraged to take advantage of
this opportunity. Please contact Angela Chong (HR executive) at ext. 648 if you
are interested.

Copyright 2009 Terence Tay

Business Writing: Memorandum Writing Exercise


: All Staff
: Terence Tay, HR
: 11 November
: Staff Punctuality

Recently, there has been a sharp increase in the numbers of latecomers. The management is
concerned with this trend. We would like to stress that it is very important to be punctual for work.
Being early on on time would allow us to start the day on the right note. We are also expected to
display our professionalism by being punctual.
Figure A shows the number of latecomers from period of July to October 2009.
Figure A

Percentage of Latecomers









*Latecomers: Staff who are late for 5 or more times in a month.

Some of the reasons cited include heavy traffic and breakdown of the public transportation. As we are
approaching the monsoon seasons, we encourage all staff to leave their homes early so that they can
arrive at the workplace on time.
We hope to see an improvement soon. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please contact
Alice Ho at ext. 648.

Copyright 2009 Terence Tay

Business Writing: Memorandum Writing Exercise


: All Staff
: Terence Tay, HR
: 11 November
: Annual Dinner and Dance

Our company is holding its Annual Dinner and Dance (D&D) party at Orchard Parade Hotel
(refer to Figure A for more details) on 3 December, at 7 pm. This year, there are activities
galore for you. These activities include lucky draws, a magic show and even a Singapore
Idol contest. With Gurmit Singh aka Mr. Phua Chu Kang as emcee, youll be guaranteed
lots of laughter. So dont miss out on the fun!
We hope to see you soon. If you have any enquiries, please contact me at ext. 648.
Figure A

*Nearest MRT station: Orchard MRT Station

Date : 3 December 2009

Venue : Orchard Parade Hotel Ballroom
Time : 7 to 11 pm

Copyright 2009 Terence Tay

Business Writing: Memorandum Writing Exercise


: All Staff
: Terence Tay, HR
: 11 November
: Annual Dinner and Dance

Our company will take part in the business sports league this year. After a two year hiatus,
we are looking to recapture the title and be crown champions once more. We need fresh
bodies and if you have the will to win, are competitive and love team sports, you are exactly
what we need. The sporting calender starts 21 November 2009 and ends on 15 March
This years sports league has been revamped to include female participants. Games such as
ultimate frisbee, touch rugby, floorball, 9-hole golf are also added to the traditional 5-aside
soccer and 3v3 basketball. Kicking off the schedule will be 5 aside indoor soccer at The
Arena at East Coast Park(See Map A for directions). Our company has agreed to pay the
entry fees so you just need to register and show up.

Map A
Event: 5-aside Indoor Soccer Competition
Date: 21-22 November 2009
Venue: The Arena, near East Coast Park
Duration: 7am to 2pm
All football aficionados, please register your interest by signing up on the registration form attached
below. Reservations based on a first come first serve basis. Please call Alan at ext 455 if you have any

Copyright 2009 Terence Tay

Business Writing: Memorandum Writing Exercise

Attention: All interested participants are advised to get medical clearance before signing up.

5 Aside Soccer Competition Registration Form


Full Name

Contact Number

Preferred Position


Copyright 2009 Terence Tay

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