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01st September, 2016 Current Affairs

The Hindu Editorials

A green rap on the knuckles
Bio diversity act 2002
Institutional structure The act provides for both centralised as well as decentralised institutional
mechanisms for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. It has the National Biodiversity
Authority at the apex level and Bio diversity Management Committees at the local level, with an
intermediate State Biodiversity Board at the state level.
In this many of the functions are held in the hands of biodiversity management committees. These include
preparation of people biodiversity registers and conservation, promotion of sustainable use of bio
diversity. Among this, people bio diversity registers are the comprehensive records of the bio diversity.
Challenge Bio diversity act though enacted there is no serious implementation.

EIA Environmental Impact assessment

1. The act mandates impact assessment studies for activities which are likely to have an adverse impact on
biodiversity, irrespective of the nature and scale of the proposed project. Today, most projects in
ecologically sensitive areas are able to circumvent the EIA process as they are below the threshold
limits or are not in the listed category. (For example, the law says that only hydro electric power projects
of the size greater than 25MW should undergo EIA studies. So, most of the mini hydro power projects in
India are of 24.99MW capacity. So, cumulative impact of these projects in Himalayas is very disastrous.)
2. Many of the large projects are exempted from the EIA as they are proposed before 2006, the year EIA
act was enacted.
Forest conservation act , 1980 It allows for the legal diversion of the forest land and India is loosing
forests at a rate of 333 acres per day.
In this scenario, PBR people bio diversity registers can be effective tools to counter the false and
misleading statements given in forest diversion proposals and EIA reports.

Note environmental movements

1. Monpa community in Arunachal Pradeshs Tawang district had to struggle for three years
to prove before the NGT that the riverine area proposed for the construction of a dam is the one
of the two wintering sites of the black-necked crane, a protected species held sacred by
2. tribals in Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh, are struggling to protect the last remaining chilgoza (pine nut)
trees from being lost to a series of hydropower projects. Forest Department records do not mention
the significant role the tree species plays in providing livelihood security to


01st September, 2016 Current Affairs

Essay note enacting a law and tolerating its infringement is worse than not enacting a law at all.

Do we need a minimum wage law?

The tripartite committee on fair wages in India appointed in 1948 defines three levels of wages: a living
wage, a fair wage and a minimum wage.
Living wage is what a human being needs to get the basic essentials of food, shelter, clothing, protection
against ill-health, security for old age, etc. A fair wage is lower than the living wage and takes into account
efficiency, from the employers perspective. Minimum wage is similar to the fair wage except in two
respects: it is even lower, and has a statutory dimension. (Minimum wages are legally guaranteed)
Indian Labour conference in 1957 mandates taking in to account five factors for calculating the minimum
wage. They are

Wage must support three consumption units (individuals);

Food requirement of 2,700 calories a day;
Clothing requirement of 72 yards per workers family;
Rent for housing area similar to that provided under thesubsidised housing scheme.
Fuel, lighting and miscellaneous items of expenditure to constitute 20 per cent of the minimum wage.

In 1991, the Supreme Court called for adding another 25 per cent to the wage yielded by the
above calculation in order to take into account childrens education, medical requirements, etc.
Based on the above criteria the minimum wage estimate shall be around 26000rs/month.
In this context, following observations are worth noting.
1. India still today did not notify the United Nations convention no 131 on minimum wages fixing.
2. Minimum wages are as low as 4800/month
3. Contractual workers are paid much Lower than the permanent workers.
So, most of the Government either ignore or undermine the law.

Surrogacy law Indias surrogacy regulation bill 2016 allows for the child less couple married for 5 years to
seek a child through surrogacy route from a close family relative.not necessarily related by blood. In this,
no money shall be paid to the surrogate form the commissioning parents other than the medical expenses.
It prohibits the commercial surrogacy. It disallows homo sexual song, singles, live in relationships,
foreigners to have a child through surrogacy. There are many moral dilemmas are involved in this.
1. Right to procreate Every Individual has a right to procreate and he/she can choose the whatever
method they like to achieve this objective.
2. Right of women on her body the women have a fundamental right to personal liberty and it permits
her to use their bodies as they please.

01st September, 2016 Current Affairs

3. Against to the constitution as per the Indian constitutional structure, if a law seeks to differentiate
equal persons, it shall explainthe reasons for the same. Surrogacy law do not explain the differences
between married and unmarried people eligibility for surrogacy.
4. Wrong premise Surrogacy law is based on the wrong premise that payment of money for the surrogacy
is wrong and is an exploitation. But, failure to have a legal recognition to surrogacy can worsen the
situation further.

Turkeys dangerous move on Syria

Turkeys made an incursions into Syria and declared that it has claimed the town Jarabulas from Islamic
state. But the interiors of turkey are Explicit.
1. It aims to counter the Syrian Kurds who are supported by USA and who are fighting effectively against
the Islamic state. Turkey that has largely ignored the ISIS activity on the side of Syrian border..But today,
It believes strengthening of Syrian Kurds is dangerous to its sovereignty as they have close links with
Kurdistan workers party of Turkey. It may consolidate the demand for Kurdistan.
2. Advancement of Kurds makes turkey to loose cross border access to Syria and Turkey backed rebels will
be in a weaker position in the Syrian civil war.
So, Turkeys plan can worsen the situation further in Syria.

Outwards to Africa
India and Africa have common concerns in health and have many things to give and take. For instance
1. In both countries communicable diseases are the largest killers and incidence of non communicable
diseases is increasing.
2. Both of them spends less than 1% of GDP on Health care.
3. They have young demographic profile
4. Both countries have a rich heritage of traditional medicine.
In this context, India is the capital for Generic medicines in the world and cheap drugs supplied by India are
effective in fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa. India is also pioneering research in health care through open drug
research. So, an effective coordination is possible between them. Indias look Africa policy can be a game
changer if it focuses on knowledge generation and Innovation.
Advance the budget
The plan to advance the Indian budget can have significant benefits to Indian economy. Normally, Last
quarter has a huge expenditure and with no capital expenditure during Monsoon session.


01st September, 2016 Current Affairs

Return land to singur farmers SC Supreme Court held that Tatas shall return the land for singur
farmers as the proper procedure is not followed by the Government during land acquisition in singur.

Ganga River Dolphins The Gangetic dolphin lost its eyes in the course of evolution to adapt to the
muddy water of rivers. They largely navigate by echo-location or sonar. navigate using sound waves
made by clicking sounds through their throat that bounce off targets and return to their large, flat heads
with extremely sensitive auditory systems. They also have rods and cones, found in mammal eyes, that
help tell light from dark.
They are endangered species.

Army Army has announced a design Bureau and it can ease the procurement process and also can boost
the indigenous research.

Brazil president Dilma Rousseff is impeached. This has ended leftist workers party rule in Brazil.

Census census data 2011 shows that Muslims are the least and Jains are the most literate. Among
Muslims only 2.76% are educated till graduation level.

India USA Secretary of State Mr Kerry held that strategic partnership between U.S. and India is rooted
in equal opportunities for all citizens and rule of law. He stressed on the need to respect the right to
protest .

Question of the day

enacting a law and tolerating its infringement is worse than not enacting a law at all. This is the case with
environment protection laws in India. Discuss.


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