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Urine Therapy:
The Last Resort or The First Choice?
There are three main ways to do Urine Therapy, namely, Drinking, Massage,
and Urine Packs.
The early morning first urine is the best. Sleep early, so that you are able to get
up between 5 and 6 in the morning. Just rinse your mouth with water without
even brushing your teeth. Drink all of this first urine. And drink it not as
medicine but, with a spiritual frame of mind, as an elixir of life. Follow it with
Pranayama (Breathing Practice) and Meditation for at least half an hour. Then
drink about two to three glasses of water which will help you to clear your
bowls. You will feel fresh for your daily routine. Besides this, you may drink the
urine one hour after lunch and one hour after dinner.
MASSAGE of head and body:
Take the first morning urine and have it stored in a jar for at least 6 to 7 days,
away from direct sun light. It will get matured. The day you want to do
massage, Early morning fresh urine can also be used. It will get matured. The
day you want to do massage, the previous night you should take bath with
shampoo or soap. Next morning massage the whole body very gently from head
to toe including hair. Let the urine get absorbed and dried completely on the
skin, which may take an hour or two. Afterwards, bathe with plenty of water but
DO NOT USE SHAMPOO, SOAP or OIL. Follow this procedure as frequent as
you may feel, at least once a week is a must.
If the disease is of a serious nature kind and you are looking for fast recovery,
you must go on a fast by drinking only urine and water during the day. By
evening you may have fresh fruit juice or vegetable soup. Begin with one day
fast. If you feel the results are encouraging and your energy level is maintained,
you may continue fasting for more days.
Collect the first morning urine in a dark colour small bottle with a dropper lid.
Older and matured urine is more effective. Take boiled hot water in a cup and
keep this bottle having urine in it till the contents of the bottle get warm. Bend
your head 90 degree sideway and pour a few drops into one ear. Bring the head

back in a normal position. Take a tissue and dab it inside the ear to soak the
extra urine. Repeat this process with the other ear.
For eyes always use fresh urine. Use an eye cup available from the chemist
shop. Allow 10 to 15 minutes to bring the urine down to room temperature.
Wash the eye cup, first with plain water and then with the fresh urine. Fill the
cup up to the brim with urine and put the cup against the eye. Try to blink while
the eye cup is firmly kept on to the eye for about one minute. Discard the used
urine, rinse the eye cup with the stored fresh urine, and repeat the same process
on the other eye.
Urine packs will definitely work wonders. Apply the urine-soaked packs to the
affected area. To refresh the pack, whenever you pass urine, simply wet the pack
with the urine. You may also keep the urine pack on the affected area while
sleeping overnight.
Why Urine Therapy ?
Before starting Urine Therapy, let us understand how Urine is related to our
body and life. Whenever we go to the doctor with any complain, the first thing
he recommends us is to get urine and blood tested. Based on these
investigations, the doctor prescribes medicines to restore the balance of the
chemical system in our body. Conventional method of Allopathic treatment does
not relate to the word cure. Till now there is not a single Allopathic medicine
which has no side effect. Moreover Allopathy relates with symptomatic
treatment whereas Alternative method like Pranayama and Ayurveda heal the
internal system. In this regard one must own the responsibility of ones own life.
Do not let others decide for you what YOU ought to do. The moment this
miracle happens in you, half the battle is won. You become architect of your
own destiny, and in return you gain a sense of freedom First of all, let us face it,
urine is not an another kind of medicine. After all it is a product of nature
prepared by our own laboratory within our body.
How Mind and Body are related to urine!
Right from the moment we wake up in the morning until we go to sleep at night,
our mind is constantly active and lives in duality which breeds conflicts. During
this split we may also get agitated, excited, or angry. With all the conflicts and
turmoil in our mind, our nervous system gets affected and damaged. If our body
is not able to cope with all these shocks, it results in imbalance in our bodys
chemical system which may take some form of disease.
During sleep, the so called analytical mindwhich was so active and loaded
with thoughts running after logic during the dayis totally silent and no more

active at all. Sleep is the only time our body gets a chance to work without the
interference of the mind. Now, the question is, is it possible for us to attain the
same silence of the mind while we are awake during day? Only while in sleep
the body gets chance to repair the damaged nervous system. For the process of
repair our body needs a host of essential chemicals. Once these chemicals are
produced, they are absorbed by the body as per its requirement and ability. The
excess of these chemicals come out in the form of urine in the morning.
Remember, urine is not a waste matter, it is an excess of those valuable
The power of thought
The composition and balance of the chemicals in the urine depends mainly on
the state of mind and diet. We should never underestimate the potential and
power of our mind. Our thoughts are the product of our mind which directly
effects the Anabolism, Catabolism and Metabolism of our body. By negating,
confronting or even suppressing the thoughts will result adversely. But if you
start simply looking at the thought, watching and witnessing without attachment
and involvement the same mind becomes your companion, beloved and source
of strength. Then the body with its own intelligence will start functioning
naturally in tune with the whole system, So, let us begin with the mind and not
with the body alone. Most ailments are the result of going away from Nature.
No matter what disease one has, one can heal oneself by awakening ones inner
natural power of healing. The body is simply a vehicle to carry out instructions
given by the mind. That is why the mind comes first then the body. Therefore
the preference should always be given to the mind, rather than the body alone or
rather any therapy. All you need is determination, commitment and build trust in
oneself from within. When it comes to mind, body, and spirit, science has never
been able to reach to the depths of the fathomless universe. It is our mind
which creates hell or heaven for us. Let us face the fact that our mind is always
influenced by our thoughts which are going to be there as long as we are alive.
Thoughts are the product of our own mind like unending waves of the ocean.
We cannot control or suppress our thoughts; neither can we direct them nor put
them aside. Thoughts create duality and breed conflict. Instead, one has to
simply watch our thoughts without any involvement, comparison, expectation,
or judgment. This process of watching and looking at our thoughts is
Our body normally contains a host of diseases including cancer etc. Whenever,
there is deficiency of oxygen in the body or an imbalance of chemicals any kind
of disease may surface. In oxygenated blood environment cancer cells do not
survive. Besides this we also strengthen our immune system to guard against
any kind of disease.

Any kind of medicine is effective only 20 to 25% rest 75% healing happens
through mindset alone. This healing process takes place when the mind is totally
in the state of thoughtlessness and experiencing silence, oneness and emptiness
of space. This state of awareness is meditation.
We get into state of Meditation simply by watching our thoughts, without
expecting anything, as we look at sunrise, a stage show, or a movie, without any
involvement or getting affected by the drama whats going on. It is as if
watching the smile of a child. In this process, we notice that thought gets
dissolved by itself. Then later on, another thought will emerge and we go
through the same process. Meditation is nothing but total silence of the mind,
and silence is the Meditative state.
The holistic potential of our Breath
There is another way to enter into the same state of quietness, emptiness and
silence, that is through Pranayama (breathing practice). For this, please go
through the attachment carefully and do it diligently twice a day. Let the
approach be spiritual and not just mechanical exercise. Think that you are
neither your body nor your senses, but a part of the whole cosmic energy.
This process of Pranayama may lead towards Meditation.
Easy, step by step towards Pranayama:
Pranayama should always be done empty stomach.
Depends on the health condition of the individual. In normal circumstances one
should sit cross legs in relaxed position (Lotus pose / Sukhasana) See that the
spine is straight and erect. So that the flow of energy generated through Kriyas
at the base of the spine is moving upward without any obstruction.
If the person is unable to sit, he or she can do Pranayama while lying in bed or
sitting on a chair, basically one has to be relaxed and there should be no tension
in any part of the body. Even the face is adorned with smile. Secondly, both the
hands should be kept on the knees, palms facing upward to let the cosmic
energy enter.
* Remember, the objective is to move inward, spiritually and discover and
invoke ones own ability to heal . After every Kriya sit quietly doing nothing.
Simply watch the breath and feel how slow it has become or possibly, it has
completely stopped. You may remain in this state of stillness for as long as you
wish. Feel the emptiness of space. Oneness, with no interference of the Mind
and Thought. This is MEDITATION. Witness these precious moments of Bliss
wherein the TIME also stops.
It is simply deep breathing through the nose. Sit in a relaxed position with your
spine erect. Take a deep breath through the nose filling the lungs fully. Retain

for 2 to 3 seconds then exhale slowly through the nose only because there is
direct connection with the lungs. Remain in that state for a little while and then
again inhale. The inhalation and exhalation has got to be rhythmic at the
medium pace, neither too fast nor too slow. This is one cycle. Repeat 20 times.
Bhastrika increases the capacity of the lungs and makes our blood enriched with
* After the above Kriya sit quietly doing nothing. Simply watch the breath and
feel how slow it has become or possibly, it has completely stopped. You may
remain in this state of stillness for as long as you wish. Feel the emptiness of
space. Oneness, with no interference of the Mind and Thought. This is
MEDITATION. Witness these precious moments of Bliss wherein the
TIME also stops.
In this kriya you are throwing the air out with a stroke (forcefully) through the
nose but not through throat because there is direct connection of both the
nostrils with the lungs. While doing so you will notice that your stomach goes in
automatically. As if you are cuffing through the nose while keeping the mouth
completely closed. You do not have to make an effort to breath in, it will happen
on its own. Maintain one stroke one second. In the beginning do this atleast for
50 times and every session try to increase the number of strokes. Certainly, after
days of practice you may be able to reach 500 or 800 strokes. Kapalbhati
activates all the internal organs and enhances the immunity level to fight against
any disease.
* After the above Kapalbhati Kriya sit quietly doing nothing. Simply watch the
breath and feel how slow it has become or possibly, it has completely stopped.
You may remain in this state of stillness for as long as you wish. Feel the
emptiness of space. Oneness, with no interference of the Mind and Thought.
This is MEDITATION. Witness these precious moments of Bliss wherein the
TIME also stops.
Anulom Vilom:
This kriya is an alternate breathing through each nostril. Begin with closing the
right nostril with right hand thumb, after breathing in deeply from the left
nostril, close the left nostril with the middle finger of the right hand exhale
through the right nostril in the same condition breath in deeply through the right
nostril and close the right nostril with the right hand thumb. Exhale the air
through the left nostril. This is one round. Repeat the process at least for 10 to
15 minutes or even 20 to 30 minutes. As per ones own ability. Anulom Vilom
does the function of transporting the energy generated through previous Kriyas.
Thus increases the immune system and enhances the healing process.
* After the above Kriya sit quietly doing nothing. Simply watch the breath and

feel how slow it has become or possibly, it has completely stopped. You may
remain in this state of stillness for as long as you wish. Feel the emptiness of
space. Oneness, with no interference of the Mind and Thought. This is
MEDITATION. Witness these precious moments of Bliss wherein the
TIME also stops.
Breath combined with the Sound of OM (Aum or Omkar)
With this Kriya the exhalation automatically gets prolonged without much
Take a deep breath as we do in the case of bhastrika. While exhaling open the
lips and keep the teeth apart to create the sound O. By keeping the sound of
O short, slowly close the lips lightly. Keeping the teeth apart, let the sound
M emerge and continue this sound as long as you can without putting any
kind of strain or effort. While creating the sound, M see that it comes out
from the deepest level of naval. This is one round of OMKAR.
In this Kriya, experience the vibrations generated at the chest level and reaches
to the brain. In this process each and every cell of the brain gets activated and
rejuvenated. It also soothen the nervous system in the most natural manner, plus
helps the process of healing. After one round of Omkar, just watch inwardly at
breath, and in that total silence, listen to the Echo of the Omkar. After a while
then start again with the next round. Like this you may do 3 to 5 or 10 times as
one feels.

The content of this message merely should be considered as information or

suggestion only. Please do not follow blindly what I say here. Assume your own
responsibility for whatever action you take in your life. The healing power and
strength has got to emerge from your own determination and commitment
within and not from outside.
Love & Light,
Sudarshan Dheer
Phone : +91-22- 2284 0206

Principles & Philosophy of AUT

Shivabmu - [ Shiva - Holy, Ambu - Water ] the urine of self, is a product of
body, flows out because it is excess.

Human Urine is an antidote to poisons.

Sushrut Samhita [45 / 228]

There exists nothing in this world which can not be used as medicine
- Vagbhatt
Hence Shivambu is neither harmful nor unless.
Properties of Shivambu
Shivambu has (Sharp, Subtle and Liquid) Properties.
Shivambu has Vyavayi property. Vyavayi substances are those which get
absorbed & transported all over the body easily via body fluids.
Shivambu also has Vikasi property. These substances cause breakdown of
combination of dosa & dusa
Shivambu have both laxative & emetic properties (AQaaopaadhr p`Baava, ]
qva-Baagahr p`Baava)

Apart from this few references are found in ancient texts of Indian Medicine
about properties of human Urine.

Human Urine is basic, bitter and lignt. It destroys diseases of the eyes, makes

the body strong, improves digestion and destroy coughs & colds.
- Harit (1st Chapter on Urine)

Human urine destroys position, property used it gives new life, purifies blood,
clears skin troubles, is sharp in taste & contains many salts.
Bhawa Prakasha

Human urine controls bile in the blood, destroys worms, cleans intestine,
control cough & calms the nerves. It is sharp in taste, destroy laziness & is an
antidote to positions.
-Yoga Ratnakar [Mutrashtakam V. II ]
Here one may not that, above references commonly emphasise, Shivambu
preliminary detoxifies and purifies the body and elimination. Human body is
made up of Five Great Elements.

Every cell in our body is composed of one or other five great elementsEarth , water, Energy & Either
Therefore any attrition in this original frame can only be prepared by using this
file great elements in same are modified forms.
Nature Heals not Physician :
The human body has the inherent ability to restore health. Healing is an ordered
process which includes the generation of symptoms that are part of mechanism
of the biological system attempting to heal it self . The physician's role is to
facilitate & augment this process with therapeutic actions complementary to,
and synergistic with this healing process. Uropathy strengthens this Natural
Healing Power by purification and detoxification of whole person.
Whole person treatment :

Health & disease result from a complex interaction of physical, mental,

emotional, genetic, social, environmental, spiritual & other factors. The
harmonious functioning of all aspects of the individual is the essential to health.
In body all the systems are intimately interlinked, interdependent &
dynamically balanced. Hence Disease or imbalance in one part directly affects
the ones other parts of that whole. There is never a single cause for disease. All
the pieces must be integrated in order to create a whole picture of an individual
and his/her illness. Therapy can then be directed for underlying as well as
immediate causative factor, thus treating the whole person.
Health :
The World health Organisation [WHO]in drafting its constitution sought a
definition for health, which conveys the need of every person enjoy the ability
to take advantage of their potential for vigour & happiness. Health according to
the W.H.O is a state of complete physical, mental & social well being and not
merely the absence of disease are infirmity.
Still more closer to Holistic attitude Dr. Henry Lindlahr has defined Health as
normal & harmonious vibration of the elements and forces composing the
human entity on the physical, mental and moral planes of being in conformity
with constructive principles of Nature applied to individual life. Ideal
characteristics of Healthy person according to text of anxiety Indian medicine

Healthy person is and who follows regulated life regulated diet & conduct, one
who would be able to face the dual situations with balance, one who could
detatch the himself from the worldly things, one who is kind & donates a
portion of his income for the weaker sections, one who consider others equal to
him ( Universal brotherhood) and one serves the suffering humanity.
Identify & Treat the Cause :
Deasease does not occor without cause. The main cause for most of the illnesses
is Violations of Nature's Laws.

According to Ayurveda, Rishis say that a man betrays his own conscience.
(Nature), overindulges in physical pleasures like eating and gets indigetion
which is the root cause of all diseases. Bapu (Mahatma Gandhi) said," Due to
ignorance , Carelessness, Violating eating and leaving limits, disease is caused .
"Symptoms are not the cause of illness. Symptoms are signals that the body is
out of balance, and are the expressions of the body attempt to heal itself. Causes

originate on many levels, but are often found in patients life style, diet, habits or
emotional state. When only symptoms are treated the underlying cause remains
and the patients may develop a more serious chronic condition. All treatments in
Uropathy are directed to root cause and are not for just symptomatic relief. The
basic cause for all disease is the violation of laws of Nature at physical, mental
& social levels. It could be in thinking, living, breathing, eating or excreting.
This is the main cause for all illness although disease may manifest in various
form, in different degrees of serverity at different levels. Violation of law's of
Nature may include.
Stress, tensions and mental agitation.
Running behind wordly pleasures.
Eating unwholesome food - inadequate or excessive intake of nutritive food.
Living in unhealthy, unhygienic dwellings.
Lack of exercise, inadequate or too much reat and sleep
Doing things untimely hours.
Superssion of Natural calls and instincts.
Association with wicked and negative thoughts.
Much of sophistication and fascion. Use of various stimulants & drugs.
Progressively spoiling surplus surrounding and bad environmental sanitation.

Those who always live according to the laws of Dharma (nature of ones own
self) who respect and regard God (true consciences), who always take Satwik
food, conquer Indrias, who possess noble character, the life of such person will
be prolonged liberally - says shastra.
A healing crisis is an acute reaction, resulting from the ascendancy of Natures
healing forces over disease condition. Its tendency is towards recovery and in
reality in the result of cleansing and healing efforts of Nature.
All microbial agents are secondary cause for disease, primary cause is
deposition or stasis of morbid substances. This disposition of morbid & toxic
substances occur only due to violation of Natural laws & heriditory tendencies.
Pathology can only occur where there is morbid stasis & deposition, leading to
lowered resistance. No infection can occur, unless there is already fertile soil, in

which the germs can thrive.

These morbid toxic substances could be endogenous or exogenous unutilized,
unaccimilated products or end products of metabolism or any foreign or
excessive substances in the body.
Modern science recognizes these morebid substances as 'Free radicals' These are
solitary radicals attach themselves to stable biological molecules and cause
breakdown of cell membranes. In Ayurveda these are considered as excessive
The main abode of these morbid toxic substances is alimentary tract but
deposition, stasis occurs all over the body. It inhabits and hinders various
physiological & biochemical process in the body leading to diminished immune
resistance, abnormal composition of blood & lymph.
In Panch Karma it is said, that effect off vatta cause spreading of morbid toxins
all over the body. The modalities of Uropathy like Urine fast & Urine massage
first reduce the vatta and brings all accumulated toxins in its abode for
elimination Shivambu Chikitsa is an eliminative line of therapy helps to attain
Samyak Shudhi.
Shivambu And Life Style :
The complex biochemical processes and physiological functions in the body are
directly or indirectly influenced by certain internal and external factors of the
organism. Shivambu is the product of such widely exposed, but still
dynamically balanced human organism. Hence contents and ingredients of
shivambu are dependent on internal and external environment of the organism.
And it is because of this reason in Modern Medicine Urine is tested and
chemically analyzed for diagnostic investigations, in Chinaise Medicine and
panic Healing the physical properties of Urine are checked to understand the
condition of vitality(Qi or Prana) of the organism. In simple words the contents
of Shivambu are depends on our eating, drinking, excreting, living, thinking
habits, attitude s and surrounding environment(weather conditions and
seasons ). Human organism is dynamic and in continuously changing. Because
of this, the taste of morning Urine is different from afternoon or evening the
contents of the Urine is different from contents found is diseased condition.
Every human being is unique in his or her physical and mental constitution,
hence the urine. That is, the ingredients of urine vary from person to person.
Thus the contents of Urine are also dynamic. Therefore if Urine has to be used
and produced as therapentic agent or tool from pharmaceutical factory of human
organism, Yogic way of living, thinking and Satwick food described in ancient
texts is essential, mandatory.
The Practice of Integrated Approach of Urine Therapy (IAUT)

The Shivambu chikitsa is a system which seeks to enhance and promate the
body's natural inherent selfhealing mechanism. The practice of Uropathy
therefore may range over a wide spectrum of treatment modalities.
With integrated approach Urinetherapy may be defined as an art of living &
healing which deals about prevention & treatment of various physical and
mental diseases by internal and external application of Urine in various forms
using its versatile, physical & chemical properties without interfering the bodys
natural healing process.
Shivambu Yoga and Nature Cure Center (SYNC) is a pioneering institute
endowed with multitherapy facilities where practical methods of Uropathy are
developed & evolved after years of experience. After many trials and
experimentation , three phase integrated Uropathy treatment pattern is
developed; to be applicable at three stage.
Eliminative Phase Prevention At Physical
Soothening Phase Treatment Pranic and Mental Planes
Reconstructive Phase Rehabilitation Of Human Existance
Thus Shivambu Chikista is used for the maintenance of the existing health
(Prevention) for attainment of the lost health (treatment) and for repair of
disability [rehabilition].
Primarily in this phase all those treatments are given which facilitate the process
of detoxification & purification of the body. The duration of this phase may last
3 days or 7 days or 14 days or more, depending on disease condition and
patients physical and vital constitution.
Commonly prescribed eliminative treatments areComplete Urine fasting
Autourine enema or cow ueine enema
Full body massage by matured Urine
Therapeutic sun bath
Shivambu Nasyapanam
Shivambu girdle pack
Shivambu Vaman Kriya or Kunjal
Gomutrapanam (Cow urine drinking - dose depend of patients weight)
Other complimentry eliminative treatments like steam bath, various types of hip
baths, and other modalities of Alternative medicine.
All these about stated treatments are given almost every day during this phase.
Specific treatments may not be given in certain conditions if found
Methods :
Shivambu Fasting: It is complete voluntary abstinences from food expect water
and Shivambu. Therefore it demands total physiological and psychological rest.

Emphasis is given on total urine and adequate water drinking. Autourine

enema(or cow urine drinking) is very useful to clean the intestine. Generally
fasting is continued until complete body purification is sought. The purification
is confirmed by clean ucoated tounge, disappereance of foul breath and clean
watery motions. Increasingly during shivambu fasting appetite is not felt.
Urine massage:

In damar tantra the urine is asked to a boil and make it concentrated to its one
fourth quantity in earthen pot and then matured urine is recommended for
massage. Keeping these guidelines in mind at SYNC Urine is commonly stored
and reduced to its th quantity by charging it under different colour rays (blue,
green, yellow, orange & red) n solar cooker for several days ( 21 or 48 or 108
days) The urine is stored in earthen or copper pots. Later this charged matured
urine is filtered by line fold cotton cloth and then used for massage.For
lubrication certain meducated oils are aloes mixed.
Generally massage solutions are prepared in following proportions
In hot season Old charged Urine 75%
1. Seasem Oil 25%
2. Camphor 2-3 pieces (for good odour)
In cold season Old charged Urine 70%
3. Mustard Oil 30%
4. Camphor 2-3 pieces
In skin ailments Old charged Urine 70%
5. Neem Ool 30%
In certain disorders the matured urine is mixed with extracts of some herbs in
specific proportions.
The massage movements and manipulations (friction, stroking , kneading,
hacking etc.) are performed in such a way that peripheral systemic circulation is
stimulated and venous and lymphatic drainage is improved .
Massage is a passive exercise hence in chronic patients with lowered vitality,
massage should be done very smoothly.
Shivambu Mud Packs : Ant hill soil and Urine is mixed amd mud packs of 9" x
12" x 1" size are prepared. During fasting these cold mud packs are applied over
the lower abdomen ( Covering hypo gastric & pelvic area) Similar mud packs of
small size (2" x 4" x1") are applied over the forehead.
Ideal timing for application of these packs is early morning and afternoon. The
application is applied for 20 - 30 min. During night in some patients hot mud
pack of similar size is applied over the abdomen & sometimes on head.

Shivambu Kriya : Kriya form an important component of Shivambu kalpa. The

flow of Prana(Life Energy ) to all vital organs of the body is regulated in an
orderly manner by practicing these kriyas. Kriya help to purify the nadis,
balance and channalise the prana at subtler levels.
Commanly practiced kriyas are Shivambu Nasya, Neti, Vamana, Basti,
Kapalbhanti, Nauli, & Trataka. Amroli Kriya is an advanced technique to be
performaed by spiritual sadhakas.

In morning after cleaning the mouth and doing certain kriyas, drinking the fresh
Urine. All the diseases from birth will disappear.

Amroli is the drinking of midstream, leaving the first for it is too pungent and
the last which is useless. He who drinks Amri, suffs it daily and practices
Vajroli(Yogic Kriya) is said to be practicing Amroli.
This is the continuation of eliminative phase. The duration of this phase is same
as the duration of fasting, 3 or 7 or 14 days. The fasting ids gradually broken by
liquid diet and eliminative treatements are tapered. Therapeutically, this fastbreaking period is very delicate and important as impatiency or hurry in
breaking the fast lead to complications. Soothening treatments like massage,
mild sun bath, shivambu packs, compress , hot mud packs, simple yogic asanas,
breathing exercises and acupressure are employed in this phase. Patients are
encouraged to drink all the shivambu.
The natural wholesome liquid diet ( xxx marathi xx) given in this phase is
tender coconut water, lemon honey water, butter milk, plain fruit juices,
vegetable soups, rice gruel, postrissage of green gram, raggy, Jawar. The general
physical and psychological rest for conservation of energy and the attitude of
Upavasa (dwelling near to God.) is mandatory.
This is also very important phase as it makes effect of earlier treatments ever
lasting. After complete purification of Deha (Body), Prana(Vital Force)and
Mana(mind) by a continuous Shivambu kalpa, this is the phase of the
rejuvenation, reconstruction of body and mind The dynamically active body
energy vital force and mental faculty is balanced by dietic regimen, certain
yama niyamas ( ruls & regulation in life style) physical excercises, prayer and
medition. The duration of this phase is about 108 to 21 days. During this period,

patient is made to understand and experience what is good for his/her health and
made acustom to natural way of living. The emphasis given on Monkey Diet,
fresh seasonal natural raw vegetables, fruits, salads, juices, sprouts, soups. The
balanced diet xxx marathi xx of wholesome food items is encouraged. Urine
drinking twice a day(usually after long rest) and complete urine fast (24 hrs)
once a week, gives no chance for disease to reoccur. Patients are educated about
the root causes of their disease and asked to be away from their risk factors.
Apart from this patients are encouraged to follow simple natural lifestyle in
conformity with principlesand laws of nature
The above stated treatment pattern is used for all patients with varity of
diseases. Some necessary alterations and modifications are done in certain
diseases.Following points are commonly seen observation in thousands of

During this phase all the excretory systems of the body are activated and
accumulated toxins and morbid substances are expelled out .
In first three days, total intestinal cleansing (xxx marathi xx) is achived.
Patient goes for 5 to 10 loose motions everyday. Initially stools are seeing loose
and then become yellowish watery. Some patients report to have burning
senstesion around the anus( not hermorrids). This could be due to excretion of
toxins & acidic stools. After 4 to 6 days of fasting, some patients pass brownish
(not melaena) strictly stools. These observations are commonly seen in people
with pitta and vatta domination. Importantly as elimination is activated, tongue
become coated and patient feel altered (in some cases) tastes. Later as intestines
get totally cleaned tongue becomes clear. Patients with Kapha and pitta
domination get frequent vomitings. All phlegm from respiratory tract and acidic
watery vomitus is expelled out. Initially patients feels nausia, depression and
headache. Many times patients feels to discontinue the treatment. Since patients
are asked to drink all the urine and adquate water, frequency of urination is seen
to be increased(once in every 45 to 60 min During Shivambu fasting patient
feel no apptite. If patients makes laziness to consume all the urine, immediately
weakness and tiredness is experienced. Due to vigorous Shivambu treatments,
psychological functions fluctuate rapidly leading to change in mental condition.
Some patients feel dull and depressed and some irritated or excited. Few
patients feels always sleepy during the fasting.
Physiological effects of Shivambu massage:
Medicinal effects of matured Urine.

One would does shivambu massage thrice in day and night, will live longer

The joints and body will becomes strong, firm. He will live in (pranamanda)
bliss. O' Parvati if he does body massage during night, he will attain brightness
(Suvarnakaya) and his heart will be stronger.

O' Maheshani (Parvati), one who will regular body massage, he will become
great warrior. Within three years his body will start shining (bright ). He will
acquire art and knowledge. He will win over speech and will live long healthy
When compared to other massage, after Shivambu massage patient feels light
& energetic. It is thought that the salts is matured urine activate and balance the
flow of Vayana prana in the body. After massage, one feels centered, calm and
tranquil. It is observerd that, pranic healer feel easy flow of prana after
shivambu massage. Various fungal and other skin ailements are found to be
disappeared after systematic application of matured urine.
O' Maheshani (Parvati), one who will do regular body massage, he will become
great warrior. Within three years his body will start shining (bright). He will
acquire art and knowledge. He will win over speech and will live long healthy
life When compared to other massage, after shivambu massage patients feels
light & energetic. It is thought that the salts in matured urine activate and
balance the flow of Vayana prana in the body. After massage, one feels
centered , clam and tranquil. It is observed that, pranic healer feel easy flow of
prana after shivambu massage.
Various fungal and other skin ailments are found to be disappeared after
systematic application of matured urine.
Medical effects : The manipulation and moments( like friction, rolling,
kneading, percussion movements etc.) applied by operator have certain
mechanical effects one the skin, mechanical empting of veins & lymphatic.
Metabolic effects : This is the sum- total effects of massage to whole body.
Supply of nerve excitability and prolonged strong manipulations decrease the
irritable leading to sedation. Effects of massage on motor and sensory nerves :
Gentle touch or light massage increase the nerve excitability and prolonged
strong manipulations decrease the irritability leading to sedation. Effects on
vasomotor nerves : Short and gentle application causes vasoconstriction.
Prolonged gentle application causes vasodilatation. Strong manipulation cause
sudden hyperemia(vasodilation) Massage improves circulation to skin, muscles
and internal organs. It mobilize the fat, help for breakdown of adipose tissue.

Secretor glands in the skin are activated and skin becomes smooth and elastic.
Skin functions are improved. The circulation, nerve innervations and nutrition
to the muscles is enhanced. Nerve and muscle fatigue is removed.
Psychological effect of fasting :
In fasting the digestive system get complete rest it's all energy is diverted for
elimination As al toxins and disease agents are eliminated, blood and lymph get
purified. Patient finds improvement in his complains. All extra fat in the body is
reduced and patients feel calm and quit, mind becomes clear. Complete
shivambu fasting for patients with under weight and lowered vitality is not
advisable. In patients below 40 Kgs. Of weight, fasting more than 4 days lead to
complications. It is observed that one day fasting per 10 Kgs. of weight is
Physiological Effects Of Shivambu Kriya :
Kriyas are putificatory procedures removes all the blocks from nadis leading to
rhythmic balance flow if prana in the body. The hypersensitive macus
membrance of respiratory, digestive and opthamic tracts is hyposensitized
(desensitized) by regular practice of various Yogic Kriyas. The voluntary
control can be developed over the reflexes, and all allergies are removed.

If yogi performs Nasya every morning, his Kalpha, vatta and pitta diseases will
be cured. Appetite will improve. Body will be strong and powerful.
In this phase cleaning slows down and tongue, sclera become clear.
Nail beds, conjunctiva become pink indicating purification of blood, improvent
in blood composition.
Real hunger is felt by patient.
Increased frequency of urination in eliminative phase is decreased, in this
phase. Patient get good sleep.
By this period most of the patient experience about 60 to 70 percent of
implement in their desease.
Mentally patients feel happy and confident..
In this phase patient is given the post treatment regimen to be followed at
home During this phase patient find improvement in general health along with
the recovery from his/her disease. It is observed, patients who follow prescribed
regimen strictly with deep faith, get total cure even from chronic disease. If

patient refrain from risk factors of disease and follow life style according to
laws and & principles of IAUT, very rarely gets relapse of that disease.
Patient feels energetic and enthusiastic. He finds his physical and mental
working efficiency being doubled.
In many patients healing crisis are observed in this phase. The consumption of
sacred leaves (like Bel, Tulsi, Neem, Durva, Umber etc) those are offered to
different Gods( in India pooja vidhi) along with Shivambupanam is found to be
very effective in chronic diseases.
Shivambu yoga & nature-cure Center (SYNC) is serving in the field of Natural
Health Sciences since last 22 years. The center has accomplished much, science
its founding in 1974 by Dr. Shashi Patil.
The privilege of pioneer institute came to our way when former prime minister
Late Sri. Morarjibhai Desai took note of our activities and personally visited the
center on 19 December 1981 to guide and boost our confidence.
Later in November 1990 recognition of our authenticity in Urine Therapy and
Natural Medicine came, when Dr. Shashi Patil was invited by Govt. of Romania
for treatment of cancer patients.
Now as internationally known-vital force in science based Uropathy & Natural
Medicine, education & research; SYNC offers highest quality treatment &
training in various modalities of Alternative Medicine. Till now thousands of
patients suffering from various diseases have availed training & benefits from
this center, which has been documented in our testimonial register.

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