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Conditionals and Time clauses

1. Dont forget to turn off the lights before you(leave)______________
2. Go to bed when the film(finish)______________
3. They(not get) married ________________ until they find a place to live.
4. If I see Emma,I(tell) ___________ her you are looking for her.
5. Ill call you as soon as I(arrive) _____________ at the hotel.
6. You wont be able to park unless you(get) ____________ there early.
7. As soon as it stops raining,we(go) ________ out.
8. She wont like curry if(not like) ______________ spicy food.
9. Dont write anything untilI(tell) ____________ you
10.When she finds out what hes done, she (be)___________ furious.

Complete with a word or expression from the list

As soon as before if unless- until - when
1. I must write the date in my diary _____________ I forget it.
2. Lets wait under the tree _____________ it stops raining.
3. This job is very urgent so please do it ________________ you can.
4. We wont get a table in the restaurant _______________ we dont book.
5. Ill pay you back _______________ I get my first salary
6. I cant go ____________ you pay for my ticket .Im broke.
7. Theyll be really happy ______________ they hear your news.
8. I want to go on working _______________ Im 60. Then Ill retire.
9. I must renew my passport __________________ I go to NewYork.
10.___________________ you work harder, you wont pass the final exam.
Match and write sentences.
1) If you had gone to bed earlier,
2) If Mum hadnt cooked dinner,
3) If you had been honest,
4) I would buy this book
5) You would know what to do
6) If Mary had taken that job six months ago,
7) Id be in London right now
8) We wouldnt be in trouble
9) If I had bought that lottery ticket,
10) I would go to the party with Rita

a) we would eat at a restaurant.

b) she would not be unemployed today.
c) if I hadnt already promised to go with
d) if I hadnt spent all my money on CDs.
e) if we had followed his advice.
f) I would be rich today.
g) you wouldnt be so tired.
h) Dad wouldnt be so angry now.
i) if I hadnt missed the bus.
j) if you had listened to her instructions.

Rewrite the sentences using the word given.

1) You should talk to William about this. YOU
If I were you, I would talk to William about this.
2) Shell be very worried if I dont call her. UNLESS
Shell be very worried ______________________________________ her.
3) Well go fishing tomorrow if the weather is fine. PROVIDING
Well go fishing tomorrow ___________________________________________ fine.

Conditionals and Time clauses

4) You shouldnt stay up so late. WERE
If _________________________________________, I wouldnt stay up so late.
5) She forgot to lock the door because she was in a hurry. HAVE
If she hadnt been in a hurry, she __________________________________________ to lock the
6) Ill make dinner if you promise to wash the dishes. PROVIDED
Ill make dinner __________________________________________ to wash the dishes.
7) Ill read that article if I have nothing else to do tonight. LONG
Ill read that article ___________________________________________ nothing else to do
8) She wont come to the party unless John invites her himself. IF
She wont come to the party _________________________________________ her himself.

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