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Knowledge and Future

After one class, talking about the relationship between knowledge

and future 11 student said.
Knowledge is learn in every time, the knowledge is a tool that
offers the experiences lived every day; also we could say that
knowledge is to know a date for to collect information and think
about some theme that will be learned with the time. Besides
knowledge is to understand ideas that the human analyze and
find sense in the life, so the knowledge is something that we all
need for life, the knowledge is the base of the life.
The future is something unknown, Then we need to know more
for the future, and have a best vision for it, but we can improve
with the knowledge, so without the knowledge, future will bring
us against the real life. As well as knowledge, future is very
important for the people because it bring opportunities and
dreams that help to follow and finish your goals.
In the future the knowledge will be useful because always will
have place and circumstances for be applied; without knowledge
the future is unknown, so that we cant live easily lacking
knowledge, moreover we need to know more for the future and
have one best, but the future isnt unknown, if we prepare good
and organize our ideas, our future is going to be forge with our

Yojana Mena Cuesta Docente

Estudiantes de 11,11B,11C.

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