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Based on true events, Paalam, Soledad follows the struggles of Sister Soledad with her faith
and her principles amidst the realities of Santa Clara, a small town ruled by closed minds, false
hopes and repressed sexuality.
Morality because they're concern about the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad
behavior. Sister Soledad wants the people in santa clara to know the morality of changing and
loving their bodies. She also wants the poeple who live in town to be aware of having a family
plan. The father in santa clara also want the people in town to know that having sex is forbidden
and sacred. That having sex is about making love.
Realistic because they're doing what they think is good for them, so they won't suffer in a
decision that the father wants them to do. They're just being real on what they are saying or doing
because it is "napapanahon" now a days. They think there's nothing bad about being real to their
words. The story is closed to reality and also want to inform us that we've been ruled by false
hopes and closed minds.
Righteousness because the father in santa clara want the people in the town to be lead in the
right way of God. he is implementing the laws of God in them, so that people will have their Good
life. He is doing and telling tro the people in the town everything he learned from God's words.
Open- Mindedness
Open mindedness can be seen in the theater play because they use vulgar words that aren't
appropriate and most people think it's sinful but the words being said is definitely true and the
truth is people minds is the real sinful. They are talking there about sexual things without any
hesitation. Just like Sister Soledad even though she is a sister, she is saying words that the others
can't say striaghtly, like the private part of the girl's body, she is saying it because it is the right
word for it.
Religous because they have a strong faith in god. The father in Sant clara wants the people in
town to follow the words of god. He also wants them to know that marriage is forbidden and
shouldn't have taking for granted. That marriage is not only making baby and having sex. It is also
about making love. Sister soledad always consulting first god before making decisions. The story
somehow wants us to know that words aren't really sinful until we put actions to it.


Precious Bihasa
Mark kevin Barroga
Blessi Bautista
Erica Banting

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