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River Valley Area Community Gardens, Inc.

Minutes for Saturday, September 10, 2016

Starting at 1:00 p.m., Spring Green Community Church Library
Present: Anderson, Rouse, Schneider, McVay, and McCarville Quorum present? Yes
Schneider made the motion to establish a quorum, McVay seconded. Motion carried, with those present voting for the
motion: three votes, against the motion: none; and abstaining: one vote.
Proceedings: Meeting called to order at 1:05 p.m. by McVay. Minutes from last meeting were approved.
Announcements: Update on 501(c)(3) application for tax exemption still awaiting signatures from Anderson and Hilston.
Hilston signature was finalized by Anderson with permission from Hilston so that completion of the form prior to mailing
form and payment were completed. Anderson agreed to collaborate with McVay to finalize completion and mail form by
no later than the end of September.
Old Business: No old business discussed.
New Business:
1. Fiscal year 2017 General Operating Budget
a.) Budgetary priorities discussed, reviewed, and sorted for upcoming gardening season. Cost/funds
appropriated. Adjustment of $50 for annual meeting facility fees allocated for $50 to include a
facility kitchen for annual potluck. Annual facility fees included water which averaged to be less than
$5 per month without the cost of the village meter rental fee for each fill throughout the growing
season. Miller to pursue pressure gauge needed on site for water hydrant.
b.) Budget revenue included 14 plots x $30 in addition to 8 plots x $20= $580 in total annually.
c.) Possible solutions for reduction in maintenance expenses included alternative to use of a PO Box at
the USPS. It was determined this is something that needs to be kept in place for public use and
prevention of misplaced mail. Central location and safety of mail is key.
d.) Suggestions for reduction of grounds keeping expenses include:
a. Germplasm for mixed border plants
b. Seeds for demonstration/food pantry plots
c. Transplantation of paste tomatoes via UW Madison (Ken)
d. UW Madison on site trials including both seeds and implants (Julie)
e.) Budget requirements discussed included:
a. State annual report cost of $54
b. donation of time and tillage by Jim, Caryl, and Jerome Sprecher
c. shed for storage
d. roto tiller vs. lawnmower? Able to rely on village mowing?
e. depression of shut off valves
f. irrigation system to be reusable and stored for future use
g. local donations of straw bales vs. mulch purchase
h. advertising methods
i. Doug mentoring gardeners
j. combination of Registar and Treasurer position
k. possibility of Carla Carmody joining Board to provide assistance with production of food
With no further business, a motion was made by Rouse to adjourn the meeting, with McCarville to second, 4 members to
approve and 1 member to obstain. Meeting adjourned at 2:35 pm. The next Board of Directors meeting was scheduled
for Saturday, October 1, 2016 @ 1:00 pm at the Spring Green Community Church library.
Respectfully submitted,
Rose Ellen Schneider, Secretary via
Sheryl McCarville

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