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Finding the Claim (p.

1. Argument: Cripple doesnt have to be
a dirty word.
2. Argument: Synthetic nature causes
true nature to have no value
3. Argument: The minimum wage should
be raised
Identifying Rhetorical Context (p. 64)
Subject: Explosion of the Challenger Shuttle
Occasion: Nighttime speech day of explosion
Audience: Entire Nation
Purpose: Consoling/comforting country. Also to
publicly pay respect for the people who died
Speaker: President Reagan

Shifting the Rhetorical Situation (65)

1. You get caught defacing a statue of
your rival schools mascot.
a. Explain to college
i. Pride in school; influenced by
peer pressure; doesnt mean Im
a bad person
b. Apologize to other school
i. Payback, you had it coming; not
a big deal; dont blame school for
my mistakes
ii. Ive grown as a person
c. Personal responsibility, logic vs.
emotion, group responsibility

2. Plagiarizing an essay and failing
a. Have a scholarship, talking to
teacher who caught you:
i. Really sorry, dont punish me, I
want to go to college
b. Are the teacher, meeting with
parents and lawyer:
i. Agreed to Student Code of
Conduct, Learning from mistakes,
c. Apologetic vs. lecturing, defending
vs. explaining
3. Other

Text on ad on page 70:

As a parent, the side effects of immunizations can
be unsettling. They may include redness, swelling
and fever.
But, the effects of not getting your child immunized
can be worse. The same diseases that have plagued
children for generations still exist today. But now,
you can do something about them.
For more information about immunizations, ask your
Activity: Analyzing Appeals (p. 70)
Ethos: American Academy of Pediatricians
Pathos: Picture of cute baby
Logos: Written argument

Activity: Analyzing Evidence (p. 72)

Claim: Inequality isnt really that bad
Evidence 1: Income of poor Americans has
Evidence 2: Mobility is still a reality
Evidence 3: Advantages are inherent in society
Activity: Identifying Logical Fallacies (p. 77)
1. Either-or Fallacy: If you dont donate, the puppy
will die (no actual connection) A
d hominem
2.Hasty Generalization: Just because your parents
smoked and lived, that doesnt mean it applies
to everyone
3.Slippery Slope
4.Hasty Generalization B
5.Ad Hominem

Activity: Analyzing Bias (78)

Man doesnt understand what the women face
He doesnt have a fair view of reality

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