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Hello Parents,

The School of Art Knocks is an after school opportunity for your

child to not only develop his or her artistic talents, but also their
personalities on Madame Doodles School of Art Knocks YouTube
Each week when we meet we will not only be creating a cool new
project, but we will be recording step by step on how the project is
done; with your kiddos explaining the process. In addition, we will
be learning about famous artists, going on art related field trips,
developing animation... Basically, your children and I will be
producing an arts enriched YouTube channel together, that will be
viewed by children all over the world, who may not have access to
the Arts.
Space is limited to 5 per grade grouping per session, so grab your
little ones spot now!

I look forward and am exceedingly excited about what your

children and I will create together!

Chrissy Noel Kinslow aka Madame Doodle


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