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Palitaw Recipe


2 cups glutinous rice flour

cup granulated sugar
1 cup water
cup sesame seeds, roasted
1 cup grated coconut

Remember: Dapat I toast muna ang sesame
seeds tapos ihalo sa may sugar
1. Combine glutinous rice flour with water
and mix until a dough is formed. And
then put sugar.
2. Scoop about 2 tablespoons of dough then
mold it into a ball-shaped figure.
3. Flatten the ball-shaped dough using the
palm of your hands.
4. Boil water in a cooking pot then put-in
the flattened dough.
5. When the flattened dough starts to float,
remove them from the pot and set it
aside allowing water to drip.
6. Roll the rice cake in grated coconut then
put in the sugar-sesame seed mixture.
7. Arrange in a serving plate then serve.
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2 cups glutinous rice flour

1 cup water

Cooking Instructions:
1. Combine the rice flour and water in a
bowl until a smooth dough is formed.
2. Form small balls then flatten the balls
into quarter inch thick.
3. Stretch the dough to make an oval
For Latik

1 can coconut milk or cream

Cooking Instructions:
1. To make latik, start by pouring coconut
cream into a saucepan.
2. Bring to a boil with continuous stirring
until almost dry.
3. Turn heat to low and continue stirring
until the curds separate from the coconut
4. Continue stirring until the curds are
browned but not burnt.
5. Drain and set aside.
For The Sauce

1 can coconut cream

2 cups coconut milk (Pangalawang piga)
1 cup brown sugar
Water (To adjust thickness)
Pinch of salt

Cooking Instructions:

Mix coconut milk and brown sugar.

Simmer and let the sugar melt.
Add a pinch of salt.
Drop in formed palitaw and let it cook.
Once the palitaw float, it is cook.
Add the coconut cream and let it simmer
until the sauce is slightly thick in
7. Add cooked latik and remove from heat.
Palitaw Sa Latik Recipe

Beef Tapa


2 lbs beef sirloin, thinly sliced

3 tbsp vinegar
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp salt
6 tbsp white sugar
tsp ground black pepper
5 cloves garlic, grated or minced
Vegetable oil for frying

1. In a large bowl or Ziploc bag, combine
ingredients for the marinade. Add beef,
cover or seal and refrigerate overnight.
2. Remove meat from the marinade and
drain well.
3. Pan fry the meat, in batches in hot oil
until brown.
4. Serve with plain rice or java rice, fried
egg, slices of tomatoes and cucumber.

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