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Part of My Life

by Gabriela Arrevillaga
Read other essays by Gabriela Arrevillaga
My name is Gabriela Arrevillaga. I am 17 years old. I am from Mexico from
Tapachula Chiapas. This city is hot all the time, and we have a beach.
I have a beautiful family. I have one brother and one sister. My fathers name is
Jorge and my mothers name is Irma. My sisters name is Irma too, and my
brothers name is Jorge, and he is married with Alejandra, and they are going to be
parents in November for first time, and all the family is so exaited!
I have a beautiful dog. He is a Siberian husky. He is my baby, and he is very lovely.
I love my dog! My hobbies are dance, sing, swim, skate, be with my friends, and go
to the cinema with they.
I love dance and when I was a child I studied ballet and it was a really good
experience to me. I really enjoyed that. When I went to the Secundary School I
studied in 2 different schools, and it was fun, because I could met new people. The
High School was really cool for me. I liked very much this time.
When I was 9 years old my father told me that I will need come to USA to learn
very well the English, but in these time I started to study English in Tapachula.
Before to come to USA I finished the High School. I studied in the Preparatoria
Tapchula. In this school works my father and my brother too.
When I was in Mexico I had and I have many friends. I like making friends. I was
with them all the time. We wet to many places and parties together, and we went to
the cinema or eat together and I really enjoyed this these moments. My best
friends are Rosalba, Miriam, Paola, Anahi, Jorge, Alex, max, Salvador, Eder, Pauline,
and Hugo. I really enjoy be with them, because they are so nice. But actually my
best friends are my mom and my dad, my sister and my brother, because with they
I can talk about all in my life, and when I have a problem they always are with me
to help me.
My brother Jorge is 29 years old. When he was 19 he served a mission in Puebla
City. Then, when came back to Tapachula he started to study to be a lawyer. He
finished his mayor 2 years ago, and now he is a lawyer. The last year in December
17th he got married with Alejandra, and now they are going to have a baby. He is a
My sister Irma is 25 years old. When she was 16 she was living here in USA, but in
Denver Colorado for 1 year to learn English, and she told me that it was a good
experience for her. She got back to Tapachula and she finish the High School. Then
she went to Puebla to study, and actually she is there studying languages. Now she
has a boyfriend, and maybe the next year they are going to get marry.
I really love animals, and I wanted to study veterinarian medicine, but actually I
change my mind, and when I got back to Mexico I want to study international
tourist, but I will want to have many animals, because I really love them.
I want to study my mayor in Tapachula, the city where I am from. There, there is a
university who has this mayor, and I think that it is going to be perfect to me,

because I will can be with my family and with my friends enjoying them. Ah! Also
my little dog.
My plans for the future are: learn very well the English, got back to Mexico and
start to study my mayor, then finish my mayor. Then work a few time to earn
enough money and go to Hawaii and Europe, and one day get marry with the
correct person, and have 3 children, and make a wonderful family like my family.
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My Wonderful Life
by Joleen Chin

Read other essays by Joleen Chin

My name is YuLin Chin. I came from Taiwan. I was born in 1969 in the capital
Taipei and lived there for 31 years. My father was a public servant before, but he
has retired now. My mother was a housewife; she always stayed at home and took
care of her family.
My parents have four daughters; Im the youngest. I have three older sisters; they
have already been married for many years. In addition to those sisters, I have
three brothersinlaw. They all love me, but I love their children more. I have not
only three cute nephews, but also one beautiful niece. We often take short trips
together. I love my family. My parents care about childrens education; they told us,
Knowledge is the most precious treasure for everyone! I always remember those
words in my mind.
I went to elementary school when I was 7 years old. Those six years were the
happiest time in my memory. I didnt need to worry about anything; teachers just
gave a little homework, so I had most of the time left to play with my sisters and
my neighbor children. Everyday was a holiday!
When I was 15 years old, I chose to study at the Mackey Nursing school. I wasnt
sure what I wanted to do at that young age. My mother told me it would be the
best choice. The Mackey hospital was a famous hospital, so I could find a good job
when I graduated. Thats the first time I came into contact with Nursing; Im
grateful that my mother made this decision for me. I feel I like nursing more and
more everyday now.
After I graduated from nursing school, I worked in the Mackey hospital. That was
my first job; I was a nurse in the surgical ward for 2 years. Dr. Mackey was a
missionary from America. He established this hospital to help Chinese people 100
years ago, because he felt that medical care was very poor in Taiwan. He wanted to
save more peoples lives. I thought, if an American could do that, why couldnt I? I
wanted to be like him and take care of patients. Sometimes when I worked, I felt I
needed more knowledge to help me. Therefore, I went to the National Taipei
Nursing College to continue my studies. I learned more skills about nursing in those
2 years.

When I graduated in 1991, I applied to the Taiwan Adventist Hospital for my second
job. At first, I worked in the surgical ward. After 1 more year, I transferred to the
outpatient department so I could work a regular shift everyday. At that time, a big
change came to me; the hospital chose me to work with the hospital chief. It was a
great honor for me. I worked hard to help my boss in his clinic.
On the other hand, my parents wanted me to learn more about nursing
management at the same time. As a result, I took a difficult university test. It was
smooth going for me after I was accepted to the National Taipei Nursing University.
My major was Nursing Management. I was so happy, because it required the best
score to come into this level. During those 3 years, I still worked hard in the
daytime and went to study every evening. I always did my homework until
midnight; I felt tired every day. Sometimes I wanted to give up, but I couldnt! I
knew that work and education both were important to me.
Working in the hospital was very stressful for me; my way to relax was to travel.
Thats my favorite activity! I like to go to a new place that I have never been to
before. Every year, I took vacations to go abroad; I have already been to 13
countries and learned about their cultures. I hope I can travel the whole world.
I graduated from the college in 1997. At the same time, the hospital praised my
work; they promoted me to be an assistant head nurse. At first, I was scared and
refused the position. I preferred to work by myself instead of ordering someone to
do something. I felt I had not enough experiences to lead other workers. However,
the hospital made the same decision after 6 months. The chief told me I couldnt
refuse again, because I had gained more good experience in those months. They
needed me to help the hospital to make some improvements. Finally I agreed to
that, so I had more responsibilities to manage the whole department. I worked in
this position for 3 years.
Last year, I made a decision for myself; I wanted to continue my masters degree in
the U.S.! I got my parentsand coworkerssupport. Now I can learn both
knowledge about my specialty as well as English. I know this way will be very
difficult for a foreign student, but I want to challenge myself. I believe I can do it
Now I have graduated after 4 years with a Bachelors degree. Of all the experiences
in my life, education is the most important part. I have studied more knowledge
about nursing since the first day I went to nursing high school at 15 years old. I
have never stopped learning till now. Although tests were difficult in the university,
and it was hard for me to schedule classes after work, I finished all of them and
didnt have once absence. I like to learn every new thing. Studying has no age
limit. People usually say, Its never too late to learn. I think Ill follow this truth in
my future and come back to my country to devote what I learn to all the people
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My Autobiography
by Romulo del Carpio
Read other essays by Romulo del Carpio

My name is Romulo. I was born in Chiclayo City. Chiclayo is the north of Peru. I
lived there for 25 years. My father was Jorge Del Carpio. He was a retired public
employee. My mother is Maria Ines Sanchez. She always has been a hoursewife,
and always has stayed at home, and taken care of her family.
My parents have eight boys. Six of their sons are married. Four sons are returned
missionaries and the younger son is serving his mission in Bolivia. My oldest brother
lives in New York. The second lives in Berna, Switzerland. The sixth lives in Utah,
and the last is serving a mission in Bolivia.
My family joined the Church in 1973. The testimony of my father was very
important for me, because the Gospel taught him many things. It taught him order
in the life. He always told us never to depart from the gospel, because this was very
important in our lives.
I studied in grade school in the school named San Jose from 1978 to 1982. I had
only one teacher. She was Elizabeth Puicon and my best friends were Alfonso
Becerra and Jose De Los Santos. Actually they are professional. My school was near
my house and I always went walking to the school.
I studied in high school in a school named Politecnico from 1983 to 1987. In this
school I had many friends very good. I started to play basketball until became to
play for my school. I always liked the Math. Almost always I didn't study, but in the
courses in letters I always was worried.
Later I studied at the University from 1988 to 1992 in the architecture program.
When I studied in the University played basketball for the school, and had many
friends. When I finished the University the University had two good friends. One is
name Luis, and the other is Carlos we were always studying and playing.
When I finished the University. I had to do my thesis of graduation and I choose
design a Vacation Center in a place out of the City. This was one of the best jobs
that I did.
I after graduated as an architect. I started work in a company of the government
for three years. I later worked for a private company for one year, and at last
worked for the Administrative Offices of the Church in Peru for three years. For this
work I went to many places in my country and others countries like Bolivia,
Ecuador, Colombia and Chile. My work was design and supervisor of construction of
chapels. Almost every week I was traveling to different places.
When I was kid I liked to know others countries. And when I was 26 years old. I
decided travel to USA. I saw Miami and thought that it was beautiful. I felt very
strange because everyone spoke English, and I couldnt communicate with any
people. After that trip I decided to travel again, and in September 1999.I traveled
for the second time and went to visit others friends and my brother in New York. In
this trip I saw many cities such as New York, New Jersey, Utah, and Houston.
During this trip I met new friends, and they spoke to me about their studies in the
United States, and the possibility to study a Master of Business administration
When I came to my country and my work, I spoke with the manager, and told him
about my trip and my goals of studying for a MBA in the USA. He gave me all his
help, and in November I decided to apply to BYU. Everything was very easy for me
to come here.

I thought that the Lord was pleased that I came to this place. When I arrived here I
didnt understand anything. It was very difficult for me, because I only studied
English in my country for four months and only four hours a week. I was worried,
because thought that I would never learn English, but now I am studying in the
English language Center (ELC) at BYU, and every time I learn many things and now
I think to can learn English.
Now I am happy here in Provo, because I am working in the gym at BYU. I am in a
excellent ward. My bishop, councilors and members are very good. Also I have good
friends and roommates. They are always help me with the pronunciation of the
English. During this time I really will miss my family, especially my mother and my
brothers. I will also miss my City and my friends. When I arrived here it was very
difficult for me because I didn't know anything, the food and the customs are very
Finally, after I finish study English. I want to study a MBA. Later I want to go back
to my country to continue my work.
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Emanuelle's Life

by Emanuelle Floriano
Read other essays by Emanuelle Floriano
My name is Marilena Emanuelle Bichara Floriano, but I like Emanuelle best. Im
from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. I was born on October 31, 1978, in Queimados-RJ. I
have a big family. There are three older brothers and three younger sisters. Im
right in the middle.
I had a great childhood. My family always was together, especially in Christmas and
New years. Also, I had some bad times, too. When I was 5 years old, I had an
accident. My brother and I were playing next to the construction site. He held a hoe
up. It was heavy to him. He couldnt hold it for a long time. Then, the hoe fell and
hit me on my head. My mother took me to the doctor immediately. I got well soon.
My family got baptized in the church, when I was 6 years old. We are LDS. Elder
Bergeson and Elder Wesmman baptized my family. Two years late, I got baptized,
In 1995, I graduated from high school. In the same year, I tried to get into college,
but I didnt pass in my exam into college. Then, I studied to be nurses aid. After I
finished my course, I started to work at Prontonil. It is a hospital for children. I
worked there for three months. I quite my job, and became a telemarketer. I my
job as telemarketer, I had the opportunity to make many friends, people that I just
talked to them on the telephone. Sometimes, I met some of these people. It was
really fun to make friend using the telephone. I worked there for two years. Once
more, I quite my job and changed my way completely. I decided to come to the
Everything began when brother Bergeson went to Brazil and visited my family. He
invited me to come to the USA to live with his family, and to learn English. It was
hard to me to decide if it was a good idea or not, because I needed to leave my

family and friends in Brazil. It was scared, because I didnt know to speak anything
in English. I needed to learn a new language as a child.
Now, Im an international student at ELC. I enjoy this time that I can learn about a
new language and a new culture. I wish to stay more time here and to learn more
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Reminiscences of My Life (Imaginary Autobiography)

by Hideaki Higashi

Read other essays by Hideaki Higashi

Im going to be seventy years old three days from now. Therefore, I want to leave
information about me. What did I do? What can I leave for my descendents? What
did I inherit from my ancestors? Im going to write about these questions.
When I was one year old, my parents deserted me to an orphanage. Accordingly,
the only thing I know is that I was born in Japan. I grew up there with children like
me. That orphanage was not good place. The room were very small, and the meal
were not delicious and not enough. Those children in there always looked like
unhappy. However, I felt happy in spite of the difficult situation because I always
had a dream and hope. My dream was go to a university.
When I was five years old, I had a good opportunity. One rich man came to visit my
orphanage to search for good talent. When he met every child in the orphanage, he
said his hobby was playing Reversi. The other children didnt pay attention about
his hobby. They just tried to make the man feel comfortable. Someone massaged
him, and another child brought a cold drink to him. The other children made just
smile. But it didnt make the man decide to adopt them. I didnt do like the other
children, however. I was just thinking about a good strategy.
Finally, I got a good idea and tried it. I asked the man to play me a game of
Reversi. It made the man interested and pleased. The first time, I won. The man
felt a little angry and embarrassed. He asked me to play him another game.
However, I refused. The man felt angrier and finally said the word I was waiting for.
I promise that, if you win again before I won two times, I will adopt you, said the
man. During the next game, I cheated him. I lost the game on purpose. He felt
satisfaction and confidence. Thus, he said to me with smile, This is the last chance
I will give you. In the last game, I won by a huge margin. He groaned and said to
me, From now, you are my child."
After that, I could go to good school. It was even a private school! Therefore, I
needed to study hard. When Iwent to high school, I participated in the student
council because my parents wanted me to so much. It was good practice for
business. (I recommend it.) When I was a junior, my adoptive parents were killed in
a car accident. Therefore, I inherited a huge sum of money. However, I didnt waste
the money. I felt sad and I wanted to forget it, so I studied hard.

When I was eighteen years old, I went to the ELC at BYU. I went there to acquire
English. I wanted to get a good job. I wanted to work internationally. English was
very important at that time. (Now, we dont need to study other languages because
we have good translation machines.) After I graduated from the ELC, I went to
BYU. I studied about mechanical engineering there. I studied harder and harder
every day.
One year before I graduated from BYU, I finally invented a car that can fly in the
sky. Therefore, I got a patent and a huge amount of money. I founded a car
company called Sky Automobile and I got more money. Next year, I changed the
company name from Sky Automobile to H2 Sky Company, because the cars fuel
was hydrogen and my initials are H.H. Three years after this, I built a huge house
with a pool and tennis court. It was my dream.
My dream had come true, but I didnt have a wife. I was already twenty-six years
old, so I wanted to marry someone who was a nice lady! I put an advertisement in
the papers, on the radio, and, of course, on T.V. Many ladies gathered all over the
world. However, it was too many, so I couldnt make a choice. I gave up the idea of
marrying someone and went on a trip to rest from all the pressure. I traveled to
many places like Canada, Germany, and Spain. When I went to Milan in Italy, I met
a very beautiful lady.
The moment I saw her, I felt shocked, and I fell in love with her at first glance. I
couldnt think about anything but her. Therefore, I took an extended vacation to
spend time with her. Her name is Mika. She was twenty-four years old. She is half
Japanese and half Italian, so she can cook Japanese food. (Actually, this is very
important for me.) Her hobby is playing tennis. It was a good thing for me because
I have a tennis court in my yard.
After a month, we were married in a beautiful church in Milan. After that, my wife
had triplets. How I was pleased with this! I gave a my children a good education
and a good environment. Therefore, they grew up in a good way. One became an
astronaut. His name is Tsutomu. This name means effort in Japanese. Another
became a star. Her name is Yuuki. This name means courage in Japanese. The
last one succeeded to my company. Her name is Megumi. This name means
blessing in Japanese. Now, they take care of my wife and me. Therefore, I am
very happy.
I wish, finally, to write about my property. I will give my children a huge amount of
property the day I die. Please take care of my wife and my dog called Tiny. In
addition to this, I want to teach you about my ancestors' treasure and my treasure.
I will leave one map and nine pictures. Use these hints, and please find it! I think it
is not so hard. Always remember the words I gave you! Please keep good
relationships with each other. I pray for your success. Good luck, my children!
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Oops, I am 60 Years Old! (Imaginary Autobiography)

by Hoon Jin Jung

Read other essays by Hoon Jin Jung

My name is Jung, Hoon Jin. I was born in Susan, Korea on the 2nd of February,
1974. I had a happy childhood and spent my time in a beautiful natural

environment. Susan is located near the sea near and is famous for its beautiful
beaches. I'm a good swimmer, because I usually played in the ocean. I love
everything, because I was influenced by nature.
I entered Dankook University in 1992. I majored in business law. Also, I was
interested in English, Japanese, and computers. I worked as a journalist for the
university newspaper. I thought the best time to travel was while I was a student,
so I traveled to Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, and the USA. Through this
backpacking trip, I discovered that the world is small.
I joined the army immediately after completing my freshman year. I was an editor
of the Army newspaper. I served in the military for three years. Military service was
very difficult, but it gave me many things. For instance, I met many good friends
there. Also, I learned planning, management, self-control, and cooperation from
being in the military.
After graduating from the university in 2000, I studied abroad in the USA. I went to
the Brigham Young University's English Language Center, and, after taking a
language course, I studied computer science at the University of Utah. I became
familiar with English and computer techniques, and I found many good international
I came back to Korea and got married to a beautiful woman in 2005; her name is
Kim, Hyun Jung. We went to the same university, and studied English to prepare to
study abroad. After she graduated from Dankook University in Korea, she studied
food engineering at Texas A & M University in the USA. After she came back to
Korea, I proposed to her. She accepted my proposal, because we are a match made
in heaven. Now, she is teaching students at the university. My wife is a good
professor and home-loving woman. She makes us comfortable.
I ran a trading company while I studied for my MBA. I continued to work for this
company for 30 years and gained many experiences. Our company's profits climbed
steadily every year, so I made a lot of money. I wrote a book about business. I
wanted to share the information I learned from my job experience to prepare firm
owners. The earnings from my company are used for charitable work. When I was a
college student, I saw a TV program about charitable work. Someone said, "Help
someone else sincerely when you are in difficulties." I was deeply moved by his
words, so since then my philosophy has been to live happily with the world.
After retiring from my company recently, I'm planning to travel with my beautiful
wife around the world. I want to spend all my time with her. This summer holiday,
we are going to China and Japan. We are very excited! We are interested in Chinese
and Japanese cultures. For a long time, we have dreamed of traveling in China and
Japan. To prepare for this, we have studied their languages and cultures for three
Now I live in Seoul, Korea with my family. I have a wife, two daughters, and a son.
There are five of us in our family. Two daughters go to the university. one daughter
is studying computer graphic designer, she wants to be a good graphic designer.
The other daughter is studying English at Brigham Young University in the USA. She
wants to be an English professor. Our son is a high school student. Someday, he
wants to be an international lawyer. They study very hard. Our family creates sweet
home. My family philosophy is to live gratefully for everything. I love my family.
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