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The impact of computers on business

Nowdays, computer plays an important role in different sphere of our life.
Sure, computer has a major impact on business because both elements
permanently are changed. We are depedents of computers in business. Why? I
can it explain. Although we can do many things in business without computers,
we cannot evolve. We are addicted with different gadgets and from the way are
changed, therefore business in nowdays depends of computer. If we can to
create somebody site web for our business, the chance that we will sell more
products or we will find the new partners for business increase so much. The
computer give us new oportunities for devoloping and growth professional, and
this is amazing, when we stay at computer and we can manage your business
and you can to see world, we can talk with different intersting people who help
you on business and in others areas.This world is full of oportunities in business
development. Sure enough exist and many disadvantages of the impact of
computer on our business and in general spheres. For example If we spend so
much time at computer, we are at risk of losing some wonders of living life, we
become less interested in face-to-face communication, and from the this way we
can loss friens with who we talk at coffee about our experience, pain, and
If we want to create a succeseful business we must to put together real
life and computer advantages, because life is built on balance and harmony.

Elaborated by: Oftici Mihaela

CB 1305 G
Checked by:
Coropcean Svetlana

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