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Student’s name: NGUYỄN CẨM LINH

Student’s code: 1967010143

Class: 19BAV6


Topic: The Benefits And Harms Of The Internet for Office workers

I. Introduction

Good evening Mr. Phuc, classmates and guest. Today, I would like to present a topic
about the benefits and harms of the internet for office workers.

A. Attention: The internet has increasingly developed and has became an indispensable tool for
office wokrkers. They cannot deny the benefits that the Internet brings to them, but they also
depend a lot on it in performing their duties at the company. However, besides those benefits, it
still has some limitations that can harm for office workers if they are not careful in how to use it.
It also brings many harms that no one expected.

B. Relevance: The advent of the Internet has marked the huge development of mankind. The
Internet completely changed the lives of all people in the world, especially for office workers.
Office workers have to admit that the Internet has been bringing us a lot of benefits since it
appeared. However, there are also many harms as well as risks coming from it. If office workers
know how to use it properly, it can be their best assistant. However, if we neglect in protecting
ourselves, we may have to face the risks coming from it.

C. Credibility: The benefits and harms of the Internet are a matter of concern office workers,
because the Internet is currently a very popular medium used by office workers. If they don’t
know how to use the Internet but aduse it, it will cause great harm to life and spirit.

D. Central Idea: Let's find out the benefits and harms of the internet for Office workers to use
effectively and avoid unexpected negative effects.

E. Preview: Within this speech, I will show some pictures and short videos about the situation of
Internet use, the benefits, the harms and influence of the Internet the work of office workers.

F. Equipment: I need to prepare a large hall with about 300 seats, using a large screen that can
be connected to a computer, sound and light.

G. Types of Speech: The Informative and Persuasive Speech

Now we will go into the central issue today, which is the benefits and harms of the
internet for Office employees:

II. Body
Firstly, the internet helps office workers reduce stress. Every day, 8 hours a day working
in a closed office, office workes are surrounded by "stress", the pressures in daily work directly
affect psychophysiology, creating changes, inhibiting, changing the behavior of each person,
affecting the quality of work and life. In both work and personal life, the Internet is indispensable
for office workers. Continuous internet access, regular viewing and sharing of video clips,
images or music on forums or social networks, internet access on many different devices...
people working in office areas have partially relieved the need for information search and
sharing, contributing to relieve them of the pressures encountered in daily life and work.

Sacondly, Internet is a big global store of information. Anykind of information is

available on the Internet. Office workers can find it the most popular search engines, such as:,,, etc. Some of them are very useful in the work of office
workers, for example they are tasked with drafting a contract , they can find contract templates
on the internet for reference, other things that help their lives. Searching the net with Google,
they can find everything they want.

The next benefit of the Internet is email. Internet mail will be delivered to the destination
in seconds. Sending an email is much cheaper than calling, or sending a regular letter. The fact
that office workers sending and receiving documents, announcements, invitations, etc. from
departments, partners or customers has been made easier, faster and much more economical
thanks to the use the internet effectively. Besides that, the purchase of assets, supplies and
stationery for the company, office workers can also shop using the Internet. they just choose
what their company wants them to buy, fill out some form and click ok. In a few days, they will
receive what they ordered directly to their company, without having to go anywhere. You can
pay by credit card, pay the postman upon receipt of the package, or transfer money from your
bank account. Today. most of the larger banks offer money transfer services using the Internet.
And in some cases office workers have used the internet to organize online meetings upon
request from their superiors.

Besides the benefits that the Internet brings, the Internet also brings harm to office
workers. Firstly, because of the convenience that the Internet brings, office workers are gradually
becoming more passive. Lazy in thinking, lazy looking for and discovering new things.
Furthermore, dependence on the Internet can be a major obstacle in developing their creativity.
Instead of thinking independently, they often take benefit of the diverse sources of information
on the Internet to finish the task as soon as possible.

Another drawback is that the Internet is the most popular source of spreading viruses.
These viruses can attack the privacy of office workers, get some information about them
including their company's important information when they visit a malicious website.

Another problem is wasting time, shopping addiction, gaming addiction. Office workers
are always engaged in many online activities such as checking email, chatting, online shopping,
business transactions, etc. Internet has also created “Game Online” addicts, they are willing to
spend a full lunch break to satisfy your passion. Moreover, they also play games during working
hours. And, sitting for too long in front of the computer screen, the phone also causes physical
damage and adversely affects our eyes, neck or spine.

III. Conclusion

In conclusion, the Internet has been very popular and is an indispensable part of office
workers. The Internet has many benefits, but it also has many limitations and harms. Office
workers must make smart choices, not allowing the internet to distract or disturb their minds.
They should use it in a way that brings harmony in life and Use the Internet most effectively,
avoiding too much dependence on the Internet. The Internet really helps change people's lives
both mentally and physically. Office workers should see the Internet as a useful tool, not
something that can control them.

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