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Group 1:


Where does Milton go on 14 February ?

Answer: Line 116 : Hes gone and tomorrow is ... Hes likely still in jail
(based on line 112: When they came to arrest him on grounds of
malfeasance in office... )
2. Who is the talker I am (par. 1 line 2) actually ? Milton, Joe or other ?
Answer: I am a computer, named Joe (very clear/ explicit)
Group 2:
1. Is the computer talking itself ? Is it a fantasy story? A computer cannot speak,
right ? So, whats on your mind about the story ? Give your opinion, in detail !
You like this story or not ? Give your reason ! Is Milton such a fool and a
coward man ? Why didnt he find a girl without Joes help ? And if you are in
the same situation, please explain, if you were Milton and if you were Joe, then
what would you do if nobody interested in you at all ? Would you find mr. Right
with your own ways ? That means you force yourself to get him in short time ?
Answer: Of course not, without a programmer. Logically the word speak in a
sentence He has made me speak (line 5) is the result of a machine
having been programmed by a programmer (person) and the way of a
machine speak is 100% different from humans (agree that...?!)
Fortunately, we do not really like this story (hi-tech) beyond our
competence. However, it is quite inspiring to widen our knowledge
about possible future life that might be experienced by us next.
Milton is very genius (line 4-5; cited Joe) but coward (line 35-36; what
Milton said to Joe) thats why he utilized Joe to do it more
We believe that you never think to become a machine only,
like JOE. Remember ! How sophisticated a computer is depends on
how a programmer (brain ware) can program (entry data through input
devices processing output) it, wonderful team work among brain
ware, hardware and software.
We never give up in our life optimistic. Almighty God is everything
for us, people who still hold on a belief, Thy will be done. What a
proverb says Where theres a will, theres a way.
2. Something that I got from the story, Milton is freak. He didnt socialize well,
did he ? Just knowing to operate a computer and suffering there, agree with
our opinion ? I think he is such a stupid man, agree ? And why ?
Note: Please, give a very supporting idea on each statement that youll speak.
Answer: The choosing of word Freak (abnormal thought) contrary to his
instruction on Joe (line 22) is very rude, introvert (quiet and shy;
more interested in their thought than outsides) is more polite.

Group 3:
1. Do you think that Charity is a Miltons true love ? Why ?
Answer: Based on our opinion about true love, it has not happened yet
because Joe started to betray Milton (line 106-107 ... It fits me).

Is Joe as a machine has some emotional like human ? Explain !

Answer: Human is human being; personal emotional temperamental; etc.,
while Joe is only a machine, a computer. It was impersonal. How
emotional it is depends on what kinds of application have been
arranged in it and how the user (person, programmer) respond to its
response because the automatically typed on its screen is shown
plainly, no pitch (tone, intonation/stressing) to express emotion. Agree

Group 4:
1. Based on that story, have they made an appointment that Charity will really
come to feb 14 or the imagination only? Give the supporting idea!
Answer: Its just a Joes hope (line 113-114).

Why wont Milton but Joe say to her youre my true love ? Answer and
understand those questions carefully, correctly and perfectly !
Answer: Because Joe betrayed Milton by not telling the increasing and
astonishing resonance between Charitys extended data bank and its
(line 106-107 ... It fits me) until he was arrested.

Group 5:

Do you agree with that story, is it love true (true love...?!)? Why ?
Answer: Based on our opinion, TRUE LOVE:
natural, give and take, just do love in togetherness. (Chot)
love is unexpected phenomena, from where it comes and when it
comes as well as with whom we go through without caring our
beloved person looks. (Nike)
how we can accept and respect our partner, either in his badness or
goodness. (Wiwik)
freedom in depicting an ideal figure, though it cant be found in
only one person. Just accept our partner like what he is really now.
being closed we fell heart beat swiftly and always think of him/her
when we are apart, though loving sometimes doesnt have to
possess cause love is merely about sincerity, could be in click
one to another. (Yusi)

The answer: IT IS NOT true love, LOVE IN A FANTASY only.

2. Is love only looked from physically, like in this story? Please tell me about true
love in detail.
Answer: It has been clearly stated in our statement which is contrary to
what Miltons thought, as well Joes.
Group 6:
1. What actually happened between Milton and Joe in the last story ? Did Milton
finally find his true love ?
Answer: They were in different place (line 115), separated and Joe betrayed
Milton by not telling the increasing and astonishing resonance between
Charitys extended data bank and its (line 106-107 ... It fits me) until
he was arrested. Implicitely Milton has not known yet what Joes
2. What is the true love for you, do you agree with Miltons way to find his true
love ?
Answer: Similar to question raised by group 5
Group 7:

Why was Milton Davidson too perfectionist to get a couple ? Even he had
met many perfect girls, he still couldnt find the perfect one.
Answer: He thought the ideal girl (line 17) or perfect one could help him to
find his true love.
He realized that there must be a two way street (switched link)
between himself and the girls, but it didnt happen (line 62-63)


Why was he only share his problem with his computer ? Why didnt he look
for a human to be his friend ? Human is more sensitive and can understand
other human more than a machine, isnt he ?
Answer: Thats one of the charasteristics of the introvert, he felt that his
closest and most comfortable friend was his privat computer. Wholly
the text tells us how close their relationship is, how Joe feels as the
same way as Miltons although what Joe posed a particular expression
is merely an expression of what Milton wished. In short, Milton is more
convenient to share his problem with his own thought (copied in Joe,
his experimental model computer).

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