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Seminar 3: Journal

Seminar 3: Journal
Lila S. Huff
Baker College

Part 1.

Seminar 3: Journal
From the readings in the chapter 6 and 7 of Through Womens Eyes, it is significant to
note that women have suffered a lot since time immemorial. Chapter 6, Reconstructing Womens
Lives North and South, 1865-1900,explores the women wage labor rates and lives in the
Southern redemption and reconstruction. Chapter 7, Women in an Expanding Nation:
Consolidation of the West, Mass Immigration, and the Crisis of the 1890s, explores the conflicts
and challenges faced by women during the migration menace of the late 19th century. Comparing
the readings about womens experiences then and today, it is prudent to say that a lot has
changed. With reference to wages for the women laborer, it is evident that todays woman enjoys
as much benefits as that of a man. The historical stereotyping of women as a source of cheap
labor has faded. The woman of today is able to venture into jobs where the men are and equally
receive as much benefits as the men.
Another aspect that ought to be compared is the role of the women in development. From
the readings, it is evident that the women in the south played a significant role in the redemption
and the reconstruction. Todays women are also regarded as the pillar of a household, society and
a nation altogether. It is through womens efforts that success is achieved in many households.
The statement is supported by the phrase, Behind every successful man there is a woman.
Besides the above mentioned readings, the book Womens Voices Feminist Visions
(WVFV), in chapter 5, discusses in depth how celebrities such as Beyonc Knowles have used
their media influence to fight the negative stereotyping of women. From the readings, it is
evident that women have historically been stereotyped to be weak than the males in the society.
In my own opinion, that is not the case. The power of women is what makes a society thrive. As
the saying goes When you educate a girl child, you educate a whole society.

Seminar 3: Journal
Part 2; Everybody Loves Raymond
The chosen episodes for this assignment were Debras parents, Faux Pas and Sister-in Law.
While watching these episodes, one thing stands out. There is always a conflict with as to be
resolved as each episodes ends. In the episode Sister-in-Law, Amy tries to grow closer to
Raymond but the later finds it rather annoying. The aspect of family relationship is depicted in
the aforementioned episode. Despite Amy being Raymonds second wife, he does not want to
grow closer to her because he feels she talks too much. His body language towards her says it all.
That is rather ironical since a husband and a wife are expected to be the closest of all the bonds.
In addition to that, the issue of male to female communication rises. Raymond does not have the
courage of telling Amy about how he feels about her talking too much because he is afraid to
hurt her feelings.
For the case of Raymond and Amy, it is rather different. In addition to that, the episode
Debras parents, Ray accidentally walks into Debras parents having sexual intercourse. As a
result, he somehow finds it difficult to communicate to Debra on the issue but gather courage and
tells her. From the aforementioned, the issue of family hierarchy arises as Raymond feels its
Debra who has the right to know about the information first as his wife and daughter to her

Dubois, E. & Dumenil, l. (2005). Through Women's Eyes. Macmillan Publishers.

Seminar 3: Journal

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