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Fuel cell vehicles

(Zero-emission cars that run on hydrogen)

A fuel cell vehicle (FCV) or fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) is a type of
hybrid vehicle which uses a fuel cell, instead of an engine, in combination
with a storage device, such as a battery, to power its on-board electric
motor. Fuel cells in vehicles generate electricity to power the motor,
generally using oxygen from the air and compressed hydrogen. Most fuel cell
vehicles are classified as zero-emissions vehicles that emit only water and
heat. As compared with internal combustion vehicles, hydrogen vehicles
centralize pollutants at the site of the hydrogen production, where hydrogen
is typically derived from reformed natural gas. Transporting and storing
hydrogen may also create pollutants.
Fuel cell vehicles have been long promised, as they potentially offer
several major advantages over electric and hydrocarbon-powered vehicles.
However, the technology has only now begun to reach the stage where
automotive companies are planning to launch them for consumers. Initial
prices are likely to be in the range of $70,000, but should come down
significantly as volumes increase within the next couple of years.
Unlike batteries, which must be charged from an external source, fuel cells
generate electricity directly, using fuels such as hydrogen or natural gas. In
practice, fuel cells and batteries are combined, with the fuel cell generating
electricity and the batteries storing this energy until demanded by the
motors that drive the vehicle. Fuel cell vehicles are therefore hybrids, and
will likely also deploy regenerative braking a key capability for maximizing
efficiency and range.
Unlike battery-powered electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles behave as any
conventionally fuelled vehicle. With a long cruising range up to 650 km per
tank (the fuel is usually compressed hydrogen gas) a hydrogen fuel refill
only takes about three minutes. Hydrogen is clean-burning, producing only
water vapour as waste, so fuel cell vehicles burning hydrogen will be zeroemission, an important factor given the need to reduce air pollution.
There are a number of ways to produce hydrogen without generating carbon
emissions. Most obviously, renewable sources of electricity from wind and
solar sources can be used to electrolyze water though the overall energy
efficiency of this process is likely to be quite low. Hydrogen can also be split
from water in high-temperature nuclear reactors or generated from fossil
fuels such as coal or natural gas, with the resulting CO2 captured and
sequestered rather than released into the atmosphere.

As well as the production of cheap hydrogen on a large scale, a significant

challenge is the lack of a hydrogen distribution infrastructure that would be
needed to parallel and eventually replace petrol and diesel filling stations.
Long distance transport of hydrogen, even in a compressed state, is not
considered economically feasible today. However, innovative hydrogen
storage techniques, such as organic liquid carriers that do not require highpressure storage, will soon lower the cost of long-distance transport and
ease the risks associated with gas storage and inadvertent release.
Mass-market fuel cell vehicles are an attractive prospect, because they will
offer the range and fuelling convenience of todays diesel and petrolpowered vehicles while providing the benefits of sustainability in personal
transportation. Achieving these benefits will, however, require the reliable
and economical production of hydrogen from entirely low-carbon sources,
and its distribution to a growing fleet of vehicles (expected to number in the
many millions within a decade).

Hydrogen fuel cell features

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles combine the range and refueling of conventional
cars with the recreational and environmental benefits of driving on electricity.
Refueling a fuel cell vehicle is comparable to refueling a conventional car or
truck; pressurized hydrogen is sold at hydrogen refueling stations, taking less
than 10 minutes to fill current models. Some leases may cover the cost of
refueling entirely. Once filled, the driving ranges of a fuel cell vehicle vary,
but are similar to the ranges of gasoline or diesel-only vehicles (200-300
miles). Compared with battery-electric vehicleswhich recharge their
batteries by plugging inthe combination of fast, centralized refueling and
longer driving ranges make fuel cells particularly appropriate for larger
vehicles with long-distance requirements, or for drivers who lack plug-in
access at home.
Like other EVs, fuel cell cars and trucks can employ idle-off, which shuts
down the fuel cell at stop signs or in traffic. In certain driving
modes, regenerative braking is used to capture lost energy and charge the
Diagrahm of fuel cell

Illustration on how fuel cell vehicle works.

Fuel cell vehicle illustration


Fuel cells have a higher efficiency than diesel or gas engines.

Most fuel cells operate silently, compared to internal combustion

engines. They are therefore ideally suited for use within buildings such as

Fuel cells can eliminate pollution caused by burning fossil fuels; for
hydrogen fuelled fuel cells, the only by-product at point of use is water.

If the hydrogen comes from the electrolysis of water driven by

renewable energy, then using fuel cells eliminates greenhouse gases over
the whole cycle.

Fuel cells do not need conventional fuels such as oil or gas and can
therefore reduce economic dependence on oil producing countries, creating
greater energy security for the user nation.

Since hydrogen can be produced anywhere where there is water and a

source of power, generation of fuel can be distributed and does not have to
be grid-dependent.

The use of stationary fuel cells to generate power at the point of use
allows for a decentralised power grid that is potentially more stable.

Low temperature fuel cells (PEMFC, DMFC) have low heat transmission
which makes them ideal for military applications.

Higher temperature fuel cells produce high-grade process heat along

with electricity and are well suited to cogeneration applications (such as
combined heat and power for residential use).

Operating times are much longer than with batteries, since doubling
the operating time needs only doubling the amount of fuel and not the
doubling of the capacity of the unit itself.

Unlike batteries, fuel cells have no "memory effect" when they are
getting refuelled.

The maintenance of fuel cells is simple since there are few moving
parts in the system.

Obstacles to Further Development/Deployment

Fuel cell technology: Significant improvements in fuel cell durability and

costs are needed for FCVs to achieve commercial success. These are limited
by the properties of catalysts and available membrane materials. Targets set
by industry aim for an operating life of 5,000-5,500 hours and 17,000
start/stop cycles for a fuel cell system. Achieving this target would allow

FCVs to be competitive with conventional vehicles in terms of durability. To

date, automotive fuel cells have not demonstrated this level of reliability.

On-board hydrogen storage: Although hydrogen contains three times

more energy per weight than gasoline, it contains one-third of the energy per
volume. Storing enough hydrogen to obtain a vehicle range of 300 miles
would require a very large tank, too large for a typical car. Currently the most
cost-effective option is using high-pressure tanks, yet these systems are
large, heavy, and too costly to make FCVs cost-competitive. Other options
include storing hydrogen in metal- or chemical-hydride or producing
hydrogen onboard.

Hydrogen production: Hydrogen can be produced using a variety of

methods; with substantially different GHG footprints. For FCVs to be
competitive as a GHG-reduction strategy, more development of low-cost and
low-GHG hydrogen production methods will be needed.

Distribution infrastructure: There is currently no national system to

deliver hydrogen from production facilities to filling stations, similar to that
for diesel or gasoline. A completely new distribution infrastructure will be
required to allow mass market penetration of FCVs.

Vehicle cost: For FCVs to become cost-competitive, high production

volumes are needed to make vehicle plus fuel costs less than those for a
gasoline vehicle.

Competition with other technologies: There is a range of potential

alternative technologies available for use in the transportation sector,
including higher efficiency gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles, biofuels,

HEVs, and PEVs. To be competitive with these technologies, FCVs will have to
improve in terms of performance, durability, and cost.

Safety and public acceptance: Safety concerns include the pressurized

storage of hydrogen on-board vehicles. Hydrogen gas is odorless, colorless,
and tasteless, and thus unable to be detected by human senses. Unlike
natural gas, hydrogen cannot be odorized to aid human detection;
furthermore, current odorants contaminate fuel cells and impair cell
functioning. It is also more combustible than gasoline, although flames
produce lower radiant heat which limits the chance of secondary
fires. Improved on-board storage will reduce safety concerns.
Consumers will have to become familiar with and embrace fuel cell
technology before FCVs can become widespread. In addition, the durability
and reliability of fuel cells will need to be comparable to the lifetime of a
conventional passenger vehicle, approximately 14 years.


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