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NAME (Times New Roman, 14, Bold, CAPS) (single, 0, 0)

Address (Times New Roman, 10)

Phone/Email (Times New Roman, 10) (spacing- single,0,0)

Academic Qualifications (Times New Roman, 12, Bold) (single, 6, 6)

Course Name (TNR,
size 11, Bold)
Graduation (TNR,11)
12th Class (TNR,11)
10th Class (TNR,11)


Year of Passing

(spacing- single,0,0)
(spacing- single,0,0)
(spacing- single,0,0)

(Centre Aligned)

Marks Obtained

Academic Achievements/ Awards and Accomplishments (TNR, 12, Bold) (single, 6,0)

Awarded award name (italics) for brief description of achievement.

Year of Achievement
(Times New Roman, size 11)
Year of Achievement(TNR, size 11, Italics)
(Times New Roman, size 11)
Year of Achievement(TNR, size 11, Italics)

Work Experience (TNR, 12, Bold) (spacing- single, 6, 0)

Company Name, Department, Designation (TNR, 11)

o Brief description of work done( TNR, 11)
o Brief description of work done( TNR, 11)
Company Name, Department, Designation (TNR, 11)
o Brief description of work done( TNR, 11)
o Brief description of work done( TNR, 11)

Duration(TNR, 11,Italics)

Duration(TNR,11, Italics)

Internships/Academic Projects (TNR, 12, Bold) (spacing- single, 6, 0)

Company Name, Department, Designation (TNR, 11)

o Brief description of work done (TNR, 11)
o Brief description of work done (TNR, 11)
Academic Project 1 Title (TNR, 11)
o Brief Description of work done in the project. (TNR, 11)
Academic Project 2 Title (TNR, 11)
o Brief Description of work done in the project. (TNR, 11)

Duration(TNR, 11,Italics)

Year of Completion(TNR, 11,Italics)

Year of Completion(TNR, 11,Italics)

Positions of Responsibility (TNR, 12, Bold) (spacing- single, 6, 0)

(Position Held)
o Can highlight some achievement/work done in that position. (TNR, 11)
o Can highlight some achievement/work done in that position. (TNR, 11)
(Position Held)
o Can highlight some achievement/work done in that position. (TNR, 11)
o Can highlight some achievement/work done in that position. (TNR, 11)

Year (TNR,11,Italics)

Year (TNR,11,Italics)

Extra Curricular Activities/Social Work (TNR, 12, Bold) (spacing- single, 6, 0)

Mention Societies or different events been part of along with the year. (TNR, 11)
Year (TNR,11,Italics)
Mention Societies or different events been part of along with the year. (TNR, 11)(single,6,0)
Mention Societies or different events been part of along with the year. (TNR, 11)(single,6,0)

Other Skills (TNR, 12, Bold) (spacing- single, 6, 0)

Mention Computer skills, or other acquired skills along with certification (if any)
Mention Computer skills, or other acquired skills along with certification (if any)

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