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Studen's book summaries.

5th year English

Psychic & Future

Language School

Quino Villa Bruned

(Student's book, pag.10, 16)

Language focus I
vidente / psquico
clarividente (n, adj)
palm reader
que lee la mano
foresee / guess

sitth sense
ESP (extrasensory percepcion)
have a hunch

sexto sentido, intuicin
percepcin extrasensorial
tener una corazonada


tricks of the trade

key events
psychic abilities

trucos del oficio

acontecimientos clave
habilidades de vidente


1. ESP
ESP: 'extrasensory perception' involves (PES in Spanish):
-reception sensed with mind
-but without using senses of the physical body
-such as telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance, precognition, retrocognition...
-ESP is also referred to as a sixth sense.
2. Some definitions
Telepathy is the communication between people, involving mechanisms that cannot be
understood by science.
Clairaudience is the ability to hear sounds beyond the range of normal hearing.
Clairvoyance is the power of perceiving things beyond the natural range of the senses.
Precognition is the ability to predict future events, to foresee the future.
Retrocognition is the capacity of recuperating one's memories of past lives.
Sixth sense is an instinct that we have forgotten, that is asleep in ourselves, except when
we have a hunch.

3. Critical comments I
Telepathy is more common that you are thinking. When you say 'table', I generate a
symbolic image of 'table' in my mind, although I wouldn't be watching it. So verbal language
is a form of telepathy.
Telepathy is a fact. For instance, Australian aboriginals are able to communicate
telepathically over distances of more than 30 kilometers
Science is not able to accept the ESP, since all investigations have failed. I believe that the
scientific method is not a panacea: I can not look at the parts of a cell with my glasses,
consequently scientific paradigm can not analyze a reality that escapes his gaze.

Studen's book summaries. 5th year English

Language School

Quino Villa Bruned

Language focus II

birth chart /natal chart


carta astral


what on earth!
have a look
all sorts of people

qu demonios!
echar un vistazo
todos los tipos de gente


3. Astrology and birth chart

Astrology is the study of the motions and relative positions of the planets, sun, and moon,
interpreted in terms of human characteristics and activities. It isn't a science, but some
people not know it.
Birth chart or natal chart is a map of the universe that shows the position of the planets
when a person was born, and consequently astrologers use it to predict the future
and to discover the potential of personality.
4. Horoscope
Horoscope is the prediction of a person's future based on a comparison of the zodiacal data
for the time of birth with the data from the period under consideration.
5. Critical comment II
Some people need to decipher their future, and they ask for their help from astrologers and
fortune-tellers. The future doesn't exist, but those peolple unknow it; the future is only an
illusion that has been created by our mind.
Astrology isn't a science, it's only a pseudoscience. I want to point out some of its
-Horoscope signs were designed over 3000 years ago. Then there were twelve
constellations known, but nowadays astronomers have discovered many more.
-The positions of the stars that form the constellations are only apparent.
-Constellations influence on personality hasn't been demostrated.
-Different horoscopes never coincide in time.
-The horoscope cannot predict the future, because the future doesn't exist.
Astrology is one thing, and altered states of consciousness another very different thing.
ESP can be analyzed from parapsychology or from transpersonal psychology.
Parapsychology is only a pseudoscience, however transpersonal psychology fits into another
paradigm in which extrasensory perception involves several altered states of consciousness.
I want to add my comment

Quino Villa.

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