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Gayathri Reddy Kanmantha Reddy

Mr. Mortenson
Honors 1000/Section 500
September 20 2016
Chrysler 2011 Commercial Writing Diagnostic
In 2011 Chrysler released a commercial for the Chrysler 200 with Eminem and the city of
Detroit. This commercial offers the right way of seeing for the city of Detroit and this way
hoping to create a luxurious feel for the car, therefore creating more profit. In the Chrysler 2011
commercial, symbolism of Eminems life to Detroit, and the Urban form of culture were used to
declare a right way of seeing to different audiences.
Eminem played an integral role in representing Detroit and its vision in the commercial.
The symbolism of his life to Detroits history makes him a physical representation of Detroit due
to the many hardships in his life. Detroit has had many failures and crashes in its history that
hindered it from becoming something bigger which is exactly what Eminem encountered. He had
an absence of a father figure and was ignored by his own father and had to deal with the death of
his music mentor. He was also bullied and beaten by the black youths in his lower-middle class
Detroit neighborhood. When he was recognized for his talent in hip-hop, He was still struggling
to succeed in a predominantly black industry. The struggles of Eminems life were never ending
and this symbolizes the struggles of Detroit offering an active way of seeing where Detroit never
got a break and it never stops. The commercial had a constant motion to it as well representing
the repeating motif of the Detroit hustle and hard work.
The commercial starts of discussing an oxymoron with the idea of luxury while showing
factories in the back. The first Urban form is the factory, then the interstate road signs showing,
introducing Detroit. The factories offer a view and vision of functionality, hard work, and

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experience. Then the urban form changes to downtown where cultural monuments, buildings,
and architectural details such as Joe louis and the spirit of detroit still stand representing a
prosperous time period in Detroits history. This urban form offers a view at the iconic moments
in Detroit History and how its been to hell and back, triggering Detroit Pride. This creates a
way of seeing where the Vision of the city has changed and lacked consistency and public
support however it has always recovered and made a comeback. The transition shows that
Detroit can offer both Hard work, functionality, and experience as well as luxury.
The right way of seeing was expressed through the use of the transitioning urban form
of Detroit and the symbolism of Eminems life as a physical representation of Detroit. The
commercial triggered Detroit Pride and this would most likely be targeted toward native
Detroiters. The way of seeing for each audience differs due to experience. A Detroiters view of
the world is much different from a non-Detroiter therefore their experiences differ. The right
way of seeing offered through this commercial is Detroit rising through its ashes and failures.
This is what the a native Detroiter would see as the right way of seeing.
Works Cited Editors. "Eminem Biography." A&E Networks Television, 24 May
2016. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.
Tetzeli, Rick. "Super Bowl Ad Stories: Chrysler, Eminem Break an Awkward Silence in Detroit."
Fast Company. Fast Company, 30 July 2012. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.
Chrysler. "Chrysler Eminem Super Bowl Commercial - Imported From Detroit."YouTube.
YouTube, 05 Feb. 2011. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.
Symbolism of Detroits life to Eminem
A physical representation of detroit through his many hardships in life
No specific dad figure, death of his mentor, bullying

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failed but still lasted and still here and triggers the detroit pride
Eminem never had a break just like detroit never did, always in motion it never stops
The Urban form of culture throughout showing the right way of seeing, targeted toward
People who have never been here talking about this city
Moving from factories(functionality,hard work,experience) to people in nice clothes and
doorman(luxury)-this car has everything this city has to offer
The change of Urban form
Detroit man, Joe louis, DIA-physical representations of Detroit,invoking the detroit pride
The right way of seeing matters because it is what sells or throws out the final product, be
it the vision of the city or a car
The vision of the city is Detroit rising through ashes through it failures and hard work
through its urban form
The right way of seeing also differs due to which audience and experience is being
targeted, a non-detroiter vs. detroiter

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