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Intersecting lines are lines lying in the same plane and having one point common.
If lines are intersecting, then the projections of their intersection must align in adjacent views along
projection lines rule of intersection. Otherwise the lines do not intersect.
Planes can be established or defined by:
1. 3 points ( a line and a point)
2. two intersecting lines
3. two parallel lines
If more than 3 points are used, there is a possibility of creating warped planes.
Warped planes are apparent planes that are defined by four points or more but are not really planes.
To determine if a plane is warped, apply either rule of intersection or the rule of parallelism.
Applying Rule of Intersection
To apply the rule to determine whether a plane is valid, do the the procedure below.
Testing for Validity
Assuming the plane ABCD, vertexes labeled clockwise shown with A at the lower right position, is
shown in two related views top and front views. Do the following :
1. Connect opposite vertexes with lines (A & C, B& D) intersecting at E.
2. Check both views whether they show point E to lie in the same projection line. If they do, then
the plane is valid, and invalid (warped) otherwise.
Correcting the Views
To make plane ABCD a valid one, correct one of the views as follows:
1. Select the vertex to be positioned correctly (say C).
2. Select the view to correct (say the front view).
3. In the view to be corrected, locate the projection of the common point of intersection (labeled
E) on the line joining vertexes whose positions are correct (B & D). This is the correct position
of the point of intersection.
4. Connect E to the remaining point with correct position, A.
5. Extend the line AE until it intersects the projection line containing E from the top view. This
intersection is the correct location of C.
Applying Rule of Parallelism
Two lines that are parallel in a plane must stay parallel in all the views of the plane. To apply the rule,
simply locate two parallel lines in one view and determine if they stay parallel in adjacent views.

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