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Final Group reflection over topics presentation

Due 2 days after your group presentation


NAME ___Levi Hongsermeier______________

SCORE ___________/ 20 pts

Give one specific example of something you learned from the group that you probably wouldnt have learned working alone.
I learned that my group members work best under pressure. We completed this project basically the day before when it was
crunch time. Everything came together quite well and I liked the end result but it sure was done in the 11th hour.


Give one specific example of something the other group members learned from you that they probably wouldnt have learned
I do not like when things are done last minute. I sent a couple e-mails encouraging them to hurry it up. I wouldnt have learned
that if my group had not waited to finish this project so close to the deadline.

Reflecting back on what you learned through the ropes course, please answer the questions that follow.

Did everyone have something to say? If not, how was the group able to maintain the persons self-esteem and draw them out?

Yes. We were all very vocal and willing to talk about our plans for the project.
2. Was there a person/persons that was not willing to work? How did the group handle that problem?
No. All three of us were very willing to work and completed our assigned parts well.
3. Was there a person/persons that seemed to take over the project? If so, how did the group handle that?
If there were to be a person who took over the project, it would be me. I decided what each person should do and headed most of the
project. The group handled everything well. I tried to be fair when directing out what each person should do and each person did their
share willingly.
4. In the beginning, was there a variety of opinions on how to solve the problem? How was that handled?
Not really. We discussed what we thought the project should be and then the work was decided. We had no real problems to speak of.
5. Did you apply anything that you learned from the ropes course to this group project? Please explain your answer.
Communication is important. Communicating clearly is vital for any project or situation. As soon as it was communicated how we
wanted to do the presentation, things went very well. We communicated back and forth as to what we had gotten done and what had
yet to be completed. There was a span of time over the last couple days that I had not heard from the members of my group; the
communication was lost. I was worried if they had been working on their shares but once they responded and communication was
open again, things went perfectly fine.

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