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- ZERO SSC NO Malton How To Use The Famous CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS, Mental Training and Personal Empowerment Techniques To Achieve Your Life Aspirations Easier. Faster & More Enjoyabl based on the works MAXWELL MALIZ, M.D., F.1.C.S. author of the best reakthi PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS Presented by THE PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS FOUNDATION, INC. THE 6 WEEK COURSE IN: CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS WEEK#1: WEEK #2: WEEK #3: WEEK #4: WEEK #5: WEEK #6: The Power Of IMAGINATION The Power Of CONFIDENCE The Quest For HAPPINESS The SUCCESS Mechanism Defeating The FAILURE Mechanism The Culmination Of Applied Creative Psycho-Cybernetics: Your WINNING SELF-IMAGE Note: CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS is a registered, protected trademark of The Psycho-Cybemetics Foundation, Inc. Copyright © PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS FOUNDATION, INC. -HOW THIS 6-WEEK COURSE IS ORGANIZED AUDIO CASSETTES There is one Audio Cassette Tape for each week. We recommend listening to this entire Cassette once each day for 6 consecutive days. PRINTED TRANSCRIPTS: The Transcript of each Cassette is provided, to make taking notes easy and review convenient. MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISES There are Creative Psycho-Cybernetics Mental Training Exercises here in this Notebook. We recommend doing all the Exercises once, early in the week, after listening to the Cassette once or twice. Then choose the Exercise or Exercises you wish to use everyday, often, all week long. Some of these Exercises will become a permanent part of your arsenal of Creative Psycho-Cybernetic Techniques, and you'll use these often and constantly, for life. Commentary about the Exercises is at the end of Side 2 of each of the Cassettes. This makes it easy to listen to the Cassettes repetitively, while driving or doing other things, without being interrupted by Exercises you can't do at the time. When you are ready to sit down and do the Exercises, you'll want to listen to this portion of the Cassette. You will also find it helpful to read a copy of the original book, PSYCHO- CYBERNETICS, during these 6 Weeks. This 6-Week Course in CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS is a pre-requisite for the Mastery-Level Course: ZERO RESISTANCE LIVING. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE INTRODUCTION PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS: CREATE YOUR OWN SUCCESS A “science” can be defined as a tested, proven system of knowledge that can be used to produce predictable, accurate results. The science of navigation allows us to calculate exactly where we are anywhere on earth or in space and to accurately predict where our destination is, and when we will arrive at it. The science of chemistry makes possible new compounds and products that enhance our health, nutrition, safety—every area of our lives. With a single bone, the science of archaeology can reconstruct the world and life of an animal that died millions and millions of years ago. The sciences of aeronautics and computers make it possible to maneuver an unmanned space craft millions of miles away with pinpoint accuracy and to broadcast a detailed photographic record of its journey. So a science can be thought of as a system of information so dependable and true that it can be used to make life better. Psycho-Cybernetics is the first science of human development—a system of knowledge that will allow you to make accurate, predictable changes in how you think, how you feel, what you do and the amount of success and enjoyment you get out of life. Psycho-Cybemnetics moved human development out of the realm of wishing, hoping, and undepend- able techniques into the realm of predictable, positive results. ‘You'll find no wishing and no hoping in Psycho-Cybernetics. Psy- cho-Cybernetics is based on scientific knowledge of how the human brain and nervous system work together to produce thinking, attitude and behav- ior. The underlying principles have been tested and proven in countless experiments in laboratories and research institutions around the world. ‘And the practice of Psycho-Cybernetics has been proven successful by the millions of people who have used it to change their lives in remarkable ways over the last thirty years. PSPSPS HSOSS AHS HADHSANHSHHDSSHSSSHS er AAAAAADEDOAROna..iaw., PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE Psycho-Cybernetics works at a fundamental level, and the changes it produces effect all areas of life. As you listen to the tapes and do the exercises in this workbook, you can expect to: © BUILD A STRONG, POSITIVE SELF-IMAGE THAT EXPRESSES THE REAL YOU, THE BEST YOU; SET CLEAR GOALS AND ACHIEVE THEM PREDICTABLY; STOP SEEING YOUR MISTAKES AS FAILURES AND ACTUALLY LEARN TO USE YOUR MISTAKES AS VALUABLE FEEDBACK THAT GUIDES YOU TO YOUR GOALS; ‘© BE MORE PRODUCTIVE AND SUCCESSFUL FINANCIALLY AND IN YOUR CAREER; © FORGIVE OTHERS AND YOURSELF AND WASH AWAY RESENT- MENT THAT TAKES THE JOY OUT OF LIVING; LEARN HOW TO RELAX AND STAY RELAXED; LEARN HOWTO DEAL WITH ANGER, EVEN HOW TO USE IT CREATIVELY; LEARN HOW TO THINK MORE CLEARLY; FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOUR LIFE AND YOURSELF ALL THE TIME; © LEARN HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH EV- ERYONE IN YOUR LIFE—YOUR FAMILY, YOUR FRIENDS, CO- WORKERS, AND ESPECIALLY YOURSELF; ‘@ FEEL A SENSE OF OVERALL SATISFACTION, FULFILLMENT AND PEACE AS YOU ARE BRINGING OUT THE BEST OF YOUR- ‘SELF EACH DAY. Psycho-Cybernetics will not produce these changes overnight. It takes time to leam the new ways of thinking and acting so that they be- come automatic in your life, but you'll begin to experience positive results almost immediately. Psycho-Cybernetics is easy. You'll see that the techniques do not involve will power or difficult effort. The exercises and methods of Psycho-Cybemetics utilize your creative imagination in a relaxed, playful way. They're simple to learn and fun to do, and like any skill, the skill of becoming your best self grows easier with practice. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE How To Use This Program ‘This program is very easy to use. Take one lesson a week and simply listen to the tape and do the exercises for that lesson in your study guide. Do this six days a week. Let the seventh day be a day of rest. On that day sit back and think about what you've done during the previous six days. Try to evaluate your progress as Psycho-Cybernetics begins to change your life. In the second week, go on to Lesson Two and do the same thing. In six weeks you will have gone through the course one time. This is a ‘suggested time frame only. Many people find that they finish some lessons in less than a week while others may take more than a week. The most important thing is to go through each lesson at the rate that is most comfortable for you. You will have learned the basic techniques and principles of Psycho-Cybemetics and you will find your life already changing in positive ways. About The Tapes Listen to each weekly lesson as many times as is convenient to you. After the first time through you can play the tapes quietly in the background while you do other things. Your subconscious will be able to hear and process the information even while you are consciously engaged in other activities. ) BE PMPOoPSPSPSSSSSSGGSOeSSGSeeeeeeeseseseaeeeeeeenasetbiii PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE ‘The Automatic Guidance System WHAT IS PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS AND HOW DOES IT WORK? ‘The word “cybernetics” comes from a Greek word which means “helmsman, a person who steers a ship toa port.” The science of cy- bemetics studies automatic guidance systems like those that enable a guided missile to find its target, a computer to solve complex problems, or robots to do complicated sequences of tasks automatically. ‘The science of cybernetics gives us a very effective way to look at the human brain and nervous system. Our subconscious mind is actu- ally a goal-seeking servo-mechanism—an automatic human guidance system, Psycho-Cybernetics is the science of this human guidance system. ‘This servo-mechanism has access to everything we have ever seen or done, tasted, smelled, felt and leamed. It is all recorded in our brain. If you provide this servo-mechanism with a goal, it will automatically pro- ‘duce the means to achieve the goal. So human beings are naturally cyber- netic, or goal-seeking beings. It's the way we are created. Itis the servo- mechanism that allows you to tie your shoes, fix breakfast and pilot your car through a complicated journey to get to work, while all the time you are thinking of other things. This servo-mechanism is completely impersonal. It works entirely with what is programmed into it. It's an incredibly powerful tool that is totally under the direction of the conscious mind. If you give it positive, successful goals it will produce positive, successful results. It will become a success mechanism. If you give it goals of failure, it will just as auto- ‘matically function as 2 failure mechanism and produce failure. ‘The Importance of Mistakes ‘All automatic guidance systems reach their goals by constantly correcting mistakes. A guided missile on its way to its target has sensors that detect when it is off course. The guidance mechanism then makes the necessary adjustment and proceeds. This is done thousands of times on its journey. The guided missile relies on this negative feedback to guide it to its destination. Without this negative feedback, a guided missile would actually not know where it was going and would never reach its target. ‘The same is true for the human servo-mechanism. It is unfortunate that 50 ‘many of us interpret mistakes as failure and suffer feelings of frustration and discouragement when actually the mistakes we make are exactly the information that our servo-mechanism needs to make the necessary 10. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE corrections to take us to our goals. Your servo-mechanism has no opinion one way or the other about mistakes. It simply uses the information to guide it to its-objective. What we call “mistakes” are actually valuable lessons for success. An important part of Psycho-Cybemetics is learning to use mistakes creatively and to remove the negative feelings that mistakes cause. Self-Image The destination or goal of a guided missile is a set of coordinates programmed into its computer. The goals that program our creative servo-mechanism are mental images, mental pictures, voices and feelings which we create by the use of imagination. ‘The most basic and important mental image that we use to program our servo-mechanism is our self- image. Our self-image is our mental blueprint or mental picture of our- selves. We don't usually pay attention to it consciously, but itis there outside of our conscious awareness in great detail. This self-image is our concept of “the kind of person Iam.” It is Constructed of our beliefs about ourselves, beliefs that have been uncon- sciously formed from our past experiences, our triumphs and failures, our successes and disappointments, and also by our observations of the way other people reacted to us, especially early in childhood. From all this raw information we construct a “self,” “who we are,” our self-image. Once an idea or a belief about ourselves becomes part of this self-image, we accept itas being true. We don't think to question it so we act as if it were true. Our self image determines our thinking, our feelings, our actions, even ‘what we think our abilities are. It controls the amount of success, excite- ment, joy, and satisfaction we have. The kind of life we have, even the Kind of world we appear to live in, are determined by our self-image. Self-image explains why positive thinking is so undependable. It explains why will power is so ineffective and difficult to maintain. Be- cause all the will power and positive thinking in the world cannot produce change and success if they don’t match our self-image. Our self-image is constantly programming our creative mecha- nism, If your self-image is that you are a failure, your servo-mechanism will find a way to deliver that result to you. If your self-image is that you are a victim of circumstance, that will be reflected in your life. If, on the other hand, your self-image is that you are capable and successful, your creative mechanism will produce those results. The science of Psycho- Cybernetics teaches you to change and to create a self-image that is strong, caring, productive and capable. A self-image that is realistic and reasonable and expresses your best self, your true self. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE Imagination—The Tool of Change You built your current sel tal pictures and feelings you've experienced in connection with the events of your life, especially in childhood. And you'll use the same powerful tool, your creative imagination, to con- struct the kind of self-image that expresses the best of you. You will use your imagination to create images and feelings of success, satisfaction, ac- complishment and strength, and with these new positive images you will re-program your servo- mechanism so that it begins to produce results in accordance with your new self-image. You'll learn to use your imagination in a relaxed, playful Way, never straining, never trying too hard. This process will take time—you didn't con- struct your current self-image overnight. But soon the new programming will begin to take. You will feel yourself beginning to think, to feel and to act in accordance with your new successful image of yourself, Eventually this new self-image will become second nature, completely natural and spontaneous, and it will bring you success, satisfaction, enhanced relation- ships and happiness quite automatically for the rest of your life The Proven Path to Success As you prepare to begin your lessons, keep in mind that Psycho- Cybernetics is a science. It is a system of techniques and knowledge that, if practiced faithfully produce remarkable, powerful results. And remem- ber, you are not alone. In the past thirty years, millions of people have fol- lowed the path of Psycho-Cybemetics to greater success, self-acceptance, and satisfaction. You are following in their footsteps. You are beginning a process that will change your life and give you the skills and power to" CREATE your own SUCCESS.” Listen to the cassettes, follow along in the Study Guide, and above all, have fun. Ap- proach your study of Psycho-Cybernetics with an open, playful stare of mind and the results you want will soon follow as they have for so many others For further information, read the Preface and Chapter One, “The Self- Image” in the Psycho-Cybernetics textbook, Lesson 1 Psycho-Cybernetics The Power of Imagination Phil; Sometimes inventions, ideas or individuals are said to be “ahead of their time.” When Dr. Maxwell Maltz’s book, Psycho-Cybernetics, was first published in 1960, it was definitely ahead of it’s time. Unlike many other innovations that have met with initial resistance, Psycho-Cybernetics was quickly and enthusiastically accepted. The book became a huge bestseller In the year since it was published, Psycho-Cybernetics has achieved the stature of a timeless classic. It takes its place along with such famous self- help works as Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, Dr. Maxwell Maltz received both his baccalaureate in science and his doctorate in medicine from Columbia University Pat As one of the world’s most widely known and highly regarded plastic surgeons, he lectured at universities in Amsterdam, Paris and Rome. Dr. Maltz was a Professor of Plastic Surgery at the University of Nicaragua and the University of El Salvador. Since his death in 1975, Dr, Maltz's discov- cries in the field of self-image psychology continue to influence thousands of people worldwide. Psycho-Cybemetics is still on the cutting edge of personal development technology. It remains as timely and topical today as the personal computer. In fact, Psycho-Cybemetics has often been called the first and only true science of personal development. These tapes are a guide forthe practical application of the principles of Psycho-Cybemetics. Drawn from recordings done in the 1960s and 1970s, Dr. Maltz tells you in his own, words how to integrate his principles into your daily life. Dr. Maltz: Try and count the number of times you've said to yourself, “I've a strange feeling; isn’t that strange that I can’tadapt myself to this situation.” “Strange thing, when I feel like this, can’t function properly.” What is all this strangeness. A feeling overwhelms you. A thing that you cannot explain because you're totally unacquainted with it. Yet, you're concerned about t's influence. The strange feeling is the stranger within yourself. Let me introduce the two of you. This stranger within yourself is desperately trying to tell you something. He would like to know you. And, you should get to Know him, You see, all of us have this stranger within us. Someone we can zgetto know and command to be our friend, This stranger's actually begging to become a part of your conscious acts, and you should give him the 12. AND BEING GRANTED AN UNLIMITED NUMBER OF WISHES... Phil: Pat: opportunity to do so. Look closely at yourself; you're in a self, the stranger within you, the heartbeat of your mind. When you're functioning confi- dently in pleasant undertakings as a result of past, successful experiences, this stranger is your friend. But, when you're overcome with negative feelings such as lack of conviction, indecision, anger, resentment, realize that the stranger is your enemy. Remember, that the stranger within does not rule you, but you rule him or her. Remember, that before you can relate to another person, you must be able to relate to yourself. There's greatness ‘within you when you make the stranger your bestfriend. Reinforce yourself with the promise that you can change from a worried man or Woman into someone with confidence. EVERY INDIVIDUAL HAS, HIDDEN IN THE RECESSES OF HIS SUBCONSCIOUS MIND, UNTAPPED, EVEN UNKNOWN . : POWER: STRENGTHS NEVER CALLED UPON BECAUSE PAST PROGRAMMING AND CONDITIONING IS GOVERNING PRESENT DAY THOUGHT AND ACTION. FREEING THESE. POWERS IS LIKE FINDING A BOTTLE, FREEING A GENIE, ‘Congratulations, you've just begun a process that will lead to discovery of, your hidden strengths and capabilities. New doors of opportunity are about to swing wide open for you. Welcome, to Psycho-Cybernetics. I'm Phil Crowley. ‘And, I'm Pat Johnson. We'll be your guides throughout this course as you earn to program your own Automatic Guidance System for success. (Note: what Pat referred to here as Automatic Guidance System is the same as the more frequently used Psycho-Cybernetics terms: ASM ie. ‘Automatic Success Mechanism.) Dr. Maltz: What is Psycho-Cybernetics? It’s not merely a psychology or philosophy of life. Itis not positive thinking, Its positive doing. Itis a guide, 1 gateway to creative living. The word “cybernetics” comes from a Greek word that means a helmsman — a man who steers a ship to port. And, Psycho-Cybemetics is a hyphenated word I coined that means, “steering ‘your mind to a productive, useful goal so that you can reach the greatest port in the world — peace of mind” Psycho-Cybemetics can show you how to improve your self-image; how to stand up under stress; how to turn a crisis into an opportunity. NOTES 13. A TALE OF TWO PATHS IN LIFE We can think of Psycho-Cybemnetics as a tale of two images. What do you see when you look in the mirror? At one time you see a face of frustration; your image is ten inches small, At another time, you see @ person of confidence. Your image is ten feet tall. Which of these two images do you care to have a greater share of the time? The choice is yours Psycho- Cybemetics is the tale of two environments. We hear so much about controlling the environmental crisis without. The riot, the violence, the pollution, the garbage, But, what is more important than that? To control the riot, the violence within, the pollution, the garbage of hurt feelings, resent- ‘ment, hatred and bigotry within before you can talk about controlling the environmental crisis without, Psycho-Cybernetics is the tale of two profes- sions. Whatever your career may be, what is more important is your career of being a professional human being. You develop your craft to practice, Practice, practice; but, you become a professional human being first by practice, practice, practice — learning to live in the present, not in the past. Doing one thing ats time, Remembering that, though, vou may bea Mistake Maker, you are also a Mistake Breaker. You learn that a mistake, a blunder should be a stimulus to you to rise above and find your big self, To make something of yourself. Becoming a professional human being. Then you become a professional in your craft much more effectively. Psycho-Cyber- netics is a tale of two scars. As a plastic surgeon, I have operated on thousands of people who had scars on their faces asa result of accidents at home, on the highway and in industry, affecting one half of one percent of the population, But, Psycho-Cybernetics deals with the inner scars remember many years ago, a beautiful girl of 19 came tomy office. She had a scaron her cheek from an auto accident. I eradicated the scar and gave her back her beauty. And, when I removed the final dressings from her face, I said to her, “Take a look at yourself in the mirror.” She looked, hesitated for ‘moment and then said, “I don’t see any difference, Doctor.” I was stunned. I said to her, “Take a look atthe picture taken immediately after the accident Don't you sec a scar?” She looked. “I see a scar, Doctor.” “Now, take a look at yourself again in the mirror.” She looked then said, “Well, Doctor, | see a difference, but I don’t feel any different.” WHY DOES ‘POSITIVE THINKING’, GOAL SETTING, ETC. SO OFTEN FAIL PEOPLE? BECAUSE THE POSITIVE THOUGHTS, THE GOALS ARE INCONGRUENT WITH THE WAY THE PERSON REALLY ‘FEELS’... INCONGRUENT WITH THE SELF-IMAGE. a. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson As a medical man, I probed into her background, into her past and ascertained that two years before the accident, she was engaged to a young man who suddenly ran off and married someone else. That left her with hurt feelings, with feelings of remorse and guilt that she was nobody. She had an inner scar before the auto accident I said to her, “My dear child, how can you hold yourself responsible for something you didn’'tdo? You didn'trun away, he did; why blame yourself?” She got the message. A year later she came to my office very happy. She had married another young man. This experience opened up a new vista for me. I suddenly said to myself, “Wouldn't it be a Wonderful idea if I could write a book for 98% of people with normal faces who have some inner corrosion, some resentment, some hangup. If I could show them that they could be their own plastic surgeon; not using a knife, of course, but using compassion for themselves, to dig deep within them- selves, to remove the scars they put there themselves. That is how Psycho- Cybernetics was written in 1959. Yet, with all the success, the book tells merely what it is, not how to live it. After lecturing the past ten years to ‘thousands of people the world over, to industry, education, religion, I finally developed a system of learning that teaches you how to live Psycho- “ybemetics daily to make each day the best day of your life. YOU WILL DISCOVER HOW TO BE YOUR OWN “EMOTIONAL SURGEON.” EMOTIONAL SURGERY IS THE REMOVAL OF INNER SCARS, TO FREE THE SELF-IMAGE, ‘TO FREE UNTAPPED POWERS. ‘When we think of a science, we think of a body of knowledge that has been tested and proven. A system thatiis useful and practical and that can be relied ‘upon for predictable results over and over again, Psycho-Cybemetics is such a system. And, as you follow the simple instructions in this course, you'll begim to enjoy its great benefits in every area of your life. It is a system solidly based on scientific knowledge of how the human brain and nervous system work together to produce thinking, attitudes, habits and behavior. As you work with your Psycho-Cybernetics system, you're going to discover ‘many fascinating and useful things about your self-image. You'll earn how ‘your self-image actually locks into place certain boundaries or limits of what you can accomplish. You'll see that when you expand the self-image, you ‘automatically expand the area of the possible. Psycho-Cybernetics even reveals why positive thinking, goal setting and ther methods of self-improvement and self-motivation fail for so many people. These techniques and ideas cannot work when thev are inconsistent with a person’s self-image, The self-image itself must be changed. Dr. Maltz clearly and emphatically promises thatthe self-image can be changed and that you are never too voung or too old to change your self-image for the better. Classes of children as young as eight years of age have studied, understood and benefited from Psycho-Cybernetics and so have senior citizens. One of the most impressive and exciting things about Psycho- Cybernetics is the incredible variety of purposes for which it has been successfully used, Salespeople and entrepreneurs use it to increase their incomes. Professional athletes use it to improve their concentration and performance. [tis used in inmate rehabilitation and to help students to get better grades. Over the last 30 years, millions of people have used Psycho- (Cybernetics to improve their lives in many different ways. Some of these results can be measured inthe marketplace, Others can only be measured in the human heart and mind Pat: You will also be pleased to know that it system than with most any other program or course of self-improvement you ‘may have tried, Primarily because Psycho-Cybernetics does not involve or much easier to succeed with this require willpower, Each step in this course leads naturally and logically to the next ‘The Four Factors That Determine How Much A Particular Person Gets From The Study Of Psycho-Cybernetics Phil: There are four factors that will determine how successful you will be at deriving benefits from Psycho-Cybemetics. Dr. Maltz. calls these the Key Principles of Psychological and Spiritual Relaxation. Although these prin- ciples may seem to present a challenge to you at first, you will find that they become easier as you progress though the course. Eventually, they'll become automatic. Their importance lies in the fact that they provide for the release of tension in vour mental and physical muscles, that state of inner disturbance that can make it so difficult to succeed. Here Is An Underlying ‘Secret’ Of All High-Performers: They Are Able To Relax At Will...To Stay Relaxed In Even The Most Challenging Of Circumstances Dr. Maltz: There are four cardinal principles of psychological and spiritual relaxation. 1) Forgive others, no strings attached, no sense of condemnation, no forgiveness on the installment plan. A clean slate; 2) Forgive yourself, NOTES 16. 7. you're only human. Accept yourself with kind eyes; 3) See yourself at your NOTES best, a person of confidence, not at your worst, a person of frustration; 4) a Keep up with yourself always, never with someone else. Stop criticizing yourself, stop criticizing others. 1, FORGIVE OTHERS 2. FORGIVE YOURSELF 3. SEE YOURSELF AT YOUR BEST 4, COMPETE TO BETTER YOUR BEST Pat: Dr. Maltz observed that people who follow these principlesas they approach their daily activities are much more successful than those who seem to attack life with teeth grtted and fists clenched, trying to win with willpower. You can succeed without agonizing dependence on willpower. Simply by choosing the right automatic mechanism to work for you. (Note: “automatic mechanism’ used here is the same as the more frequently used Psycho-Cybemetics term: Servo-Mechanism.) Dr. Maltz: Within every human being are the Success Mechanism and the Failure Mechanism. And, you have the choice of using either one in your daily living. Your forebrain, behind the forehead, is your goal striving center, the seat of achievement. When you want to reach a goal, you call upon the tape recorder in your midbrain, your electronic computer, the size of a hazelnut, the sum total of all your experience, good and bad. This is called your Servo- Mechanism which works subconsciously, automatically. If you call upon ‘your past successes, you will succeed in the present provided your goals are realistic and within your capabilities and training. If, onthe other hand, you call upon your past failures, you will fail even before you start simply because you can’t think positively with negative feelings any more than you can think negatively with positive feelings. The business of living creatively and reaching self-fulfillment, in essence, means, learning to use the Success Mechanism. And, equally important, substituting the Success Mechanism forthe Failure Mechanism when you are overcome with a mistake that steers you away from successful living. The Success or Failure Mechanism will work for you. It depends on which mechanism you want to use. You may have an electronic computer within your midbrain, but you control it, which ‘means, you control your own destiny. For example, here is my pen, I put it 18. con the table. Now, I want to pick up the pen. That's my goal, and I achieve NOTES itwithout effort. But, when I was an infant I didn’t know how to pick up the — pen successfully, | zigged and I zagged in the direction of the pen to get the pen. But [still tried, corrected my course and finally picked up the pen. Information went to my brain to tell me that I was going in the wrong direction doing the zigs and I immediately changed my direction in the form of @ zag. This process, the brain giving information to the arm doing its action, is called negative feedback. Itis the process of supplying directive data toa mechanism while the action is taking place. After many months of zigzagging, | learned how to pick up the pen successfully. And, ever since then, I pick up the pen without effort, without knowing the muscles involved in the process. In other words, I forgot the zigging and zagging and remembered only the successful performance that | stored in my electronic computer, my Servo-Mechanism, which I use whenever I need to. You can use your subconscious Servo-Mechanism to succeed orto fail It will work either way for you. The choice is yours. Pat: ‘The mental Servo-Mechanism just described by Dr. Maltzis one of the most important clements of Psycho-Cybernetics. You're going to learn to master this internal guidance system within you, Your Servo-Mechanism is de- signed to steer you towards your goals automatically. As we continue, you' I Jearn more about this powerful mechanism and how it works to move you toward the success you desire, You'll also find the specific steps you must take to program your Servo- Mechanism listed in the guidebook that accom- panies these tapes. For now, you simply need to keep in mind that you possess a powerful mechanism that can be programmed somewhat like a heat -seeking missile to successfully reach a target you set for it. (Note: Dr. Maltz studied the works of scientists using “cybernetics” in industry and in the military, such as with guided missle systems, in order to fully understand the human Servo-Mechanism. If you are interested in very technical information on this subject, you will find books on the subject by Dr. Norbert Weiner at your public library.) Phil: ‘This mechanism works with your self-image. Perhaps you know someone who has been described as being accident prone. You might even consider ‘yourself to be in this category. If you stop and think about the function of your Servo-Mechanism, you'll immediately understand that assuming yourself to be accident prone can actually be quite dangerous. Leading up 19. tothe first publication of his book, Psycho-Cybernetics, Dr. Maltz reviewed NOTES ‘mountains of evidence from the field of individual psychology, industrial Psychology and medicine, demonstrating that there are success-prone Personalities and failure-prone personalities just are there are accident- prone personalities. Psycho-Cybernetics makes it possible to reprogram a failure-prone personality to become success-prone. Basically, this is done by altering the self-image. Listen now as Dr. Maltz explains how the self- image operates. Dr. Maltz: What is a self-image? It's the opinion you have of yourself. It’s a blueprint of yourself. It's the road map of where you are going ia life. You ‘will use your self-image to develop a picture you have always wanted to see, apicture of yourself. Some mounting difficulties in driving on to successful, happy conclusions. But, why is this self-image so important? Because it's the product of past experiences, failures and successes, humiliations and ‘other programming. It's the way other people react to you especially in early childhood. From these experiences, you can create a picture of yourself, and ‘most important, you believe it'sa true picture of yourself. But, itso happens ‘that this picture may be false; and, in many cases is, but you never know because you believe that it's true. You can have many different pictures of ‘yourself, but your self-image is the most important one for that is one that You believe to be true. You believe in it enough to base your actions on that ‘ruth. The self-image is the portrait that you have taken of yourself. It is the only one that matters. It's the picture of yourself that you use that either makes you feel confident or insecure. If you see yourself as an ugly ducking, it doesn’t matter that you may be as beautiful as a movie star, you act like an ugly duckling and never venture to take a screen test. Your own picture ‘of yourself is the most important one. It doesn’t matter how others see you, forthey're notthe ones who make your life, who are living out yourllfe. You have control over what you do, No one can tell you how to do everything. area failure. But, wait, how do you know that picture is true? Just because you carry it around with you doesn’t make it true. It is important but not necessarily true. You are acting as if it were true, but it may very well be false. You must change it, and that is where you should take comfort. Take advantage of the fact that if the picture is not true, it can be changed. And, ‘youare the one who can change it. It has been changed in thousands of cases, and it will be changed in thousands more, There's no cause for despair. | | | | If your image of yourself is ofa person who is a failure, you will actasif you | Pat ‘You'll learn how to change this picture through time-proven methods that are so easy and so clear to each of us that it's no wonder that we overlook them. It just takes fresh, new insight, If we had this information and started out with a clean mental slate, programming for success would be no challenge at all for us. Of course, this is not the case. In fact, far from having a clean slate, we have one already cluttered with negative programming from the past. And, in many ways, we ‘could be making it worse as we go. Dr. Maltz. even suggests that we mav be hypnotizing ourselves to be unsuccessful Dr. Maltz: You might be hypnotizing yourself with false beliefs. Yes, hypnotizing yourself It’s nottoo strong a word, You are your own worst enemy. Youcan undermine yourself with critical truths about yourself that even your own worst enemy couldn't possibly dream up. You base your feelings of inferiority on evidence that any fair minded jury would reject. Your truth, about yourself is not truth at all. It’s often just a prejudiced case that you are conducting against yourself. A case more unkind than you would level against any of your acquaintances. You give yourself as much justice as would a lynch mob, When we feel inferior, it's because we measure ourselves against somebody else. We convince ourselves of the entirely ridiculous idea that we should be like somebody else or even everybody else ‘That isa false conception. The “everybody else” is made up of individuals, too. They're just like fingerprints — no two of them are the same. I cannot hita golf ball as faras Arnold Palmer. Does that make me feel inferior? Ia golf, Iam inferior to Amold Palmer. Fine. But, it doesn't make me feel the least inferior. I cannot dance as well as Fred Astaire, but that doesn't keep me from dancing. I do not compare myself with them. I have learned to accept myself as lam. Everyday I meet people — bookkeepers, salesmen, corporation presidents — they are all superior to me in some area. So what ‘These people cannot improve a scarred face, and there are other things I can do better then they can. And, they have no reason to feel inferior to me for these reasons. Yet, many people believe that they are so inferior that they simply cannot live with themselves, To make life tolerable, they strive to be superior. It's false cure. Superiority and inferiority are just two sides of the same coin. The cure is to realize that the coin is simply counterfeit. The simple truth is that you are neither inferior nor superior to your fellow human beings. You are you, that’s all. That's the whole story. You are unique. Rejoice in that. 20. The self-image CAN be changed, but it cannot be turned off. As NOTES the predominate controller of the Servo-Mechanism, it is transmitting directives to the Servo-Mechanism every minute of every day. The question is: what are these diractives? What has YOUR self-image been telling your Servo-Mechanism? Phil: Like many people, you may already be reacting to Dr. Maltz's comments by vowing to change your programming, and change your self-image. That's excellent, but you can't doit with willpower. Through Psycho-Cybernetics, You'll discover that reliance on willpower is the surprising reason why diets, ‘New Year's resolutions, even positive thinking ideas, fail more often than not The use of willpower is actually an attempt by the conscious mind to go to battle against the self-image, but the self-image is always stronger. We hhave to learn to work with the self-image, not against it ‘Have to learn to work with the self-image, not against it. Pat Ifyou have a self-image of failure, it would take tremendous willpower to overcome that image and succeed. If you have the self-image of a lazy Person or a disorganized person or a shy person, it would take incredible willpower to become habitually productive, organized or confident. And, in almost every case, that willpower will not be sustained, Of course, this applies to alll your career or business affairs, hobbies and recreational activities and your relationships and family life. So, i's no longer important how many times in the past you may have failed to change using will power Now, through Psycho-Cybernetics, you're about to learn how to improve Your life with a much more effective tool. Your own creative imagination, Dr. Maltz: We're all aware of the fact that behavior is controlled by the mind, the brain, The brain tells us what to do in the future based on its knowledge of the past. The brain has no future reading or fortune telling. capability. I's marvelous computer, butts limited tothe past and present. The only way ‘it can see into the future is through the imagination, and you have total ‘control over your own imagination. You can imagine yourself any way you ‘Want to inthe Future. Success or failure. Its all up to you. But, all to often, People are not willing to exercise this control. They allow their imagination ‘o destroy their potential by picturing situations inthe past in which they have failed, We all carry mental scrapbooks, but instead of preserving the JeYoUs occasions of life, the moments of accomplishments, some people ' ' ( ( ( ( ¢ ‘ ¢ « ¢ ‘ —___§ "Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." -Napoleon Hill, ' Think And Grow Rich’ —_____ save only their times of failure and frustration. But, it's so easy to take control over your imagination. All you have to remember is that your brain ‘asa hard time distinguishing between real and imagined experiences, if they are vividly enough portrayed. If we picture ourselves functioning in specific situations, it’s never the same as the actual performance. Mental practice can help you perform better in real life. A psychologist demon- strated ths : using controlled conditions, he found that mental practice could help people throw darts accurately. He sat his subjects in front of the targets and told them to imagine that they were throwing darts at it. He did this for several days and tested them for actual performance and found that this mental practice had improved their aim as much as actually throwing the darts. Golfers use this technique, too, When you next watch a golf toumma- ment on TV., note how the pro rehearses his shot, imagining what is going to happens before he physically hits the ball. Another example is shadow boxing, Boxers regularly use this technique to improve their performance in the ring. You, too, can learn to apply this technique to improve your life. You can shadow bor in areas that are meaningful to you. Let's look at a common situation and see how you can apply your imagination positively to achieve success. Say you work in an office. You've held the same job for two years and you want a raise. You've made an appointment with your boss, but before you see him, you practice with your imagination. You can anticipate all the things that he will say that would discourage you from asking for your raise. You can picture him in your mind telling you that you have not done well, that business is slow and that you should be patient. This kind of mental exercise will just make you nervous. in the coming situation. On the other hand, you can practice in the playhouse of your mind by telling yourself that you're worth the money. You create a picture of yourself telling yourself that since you've done good work, you feel you're entitled to the extra money. In your shadow boxing, you stress the positive aspects of the situation. You ‘Want to go in with confidence, and you will not have confidence if you are anticipating failure. Later, when you go in to see the boss, you will not act timid because you feel you deserve what you're asking for. Your shadow boxing has prepared you by enhancing your self-image by stressing the posit your confidence before you ask the boss. Putting it simply, you are betting fe aspect of the situation. You have used your imagination to bolster you yourself. Atthis point, you may be asking yourself whether itis actually true that you ‘can exert real control over your behavior and even outside events using your imagination. Well, it's certainly not quite as easy as “okay, I'll imagine my way to success.” Like becoming good at anything, there are steps you'll have to learn and regularly practice. As Dr. Maltz said professional athletes certainly know the value of this approach. For example, diver, Greg Luganis; golfer, Jack Nicklaus, and skater, Scott Hamilton, all practice their skills with perfect form in their imaginations. The al time great golfer, Ben Hogan, once described for Time Magazine how he mentally rehearsed each shot before he attempted it, making the shot perfectlv in his imagination, feeling his back swing and follow through, exactly as it needed to be. You Cannot Imagine Your Way To Success. But You Cannot Succeed Without First Vividly Imagining It. Pat: Conrad Hilton, creator of the famous Hilton Hotel chain, often talked about the times he spent opening, owning and operating grand hotels in his Imagination. Mr. Hilton said that he imagined himself to be a successful hotel man, and he felt like a successful hotel man long before he became one He continued using his imagination in this manner throughout his life Here's how he once described his reaction to what he read in the biographies Of successful business people. “I was fired with the feel of success and expanding horizons and a lot of new dreams.” It's this feeling produced by Proper use of imagination that is common to highly successful men and ‘women in all walks of life. (Note: it you stay in a Hiton Hotel, you wil find a copy of a paperback book, ‘Be My Guest’, the autobiography of Conrad Hilton, in the bedside table [tis free, to take with you. It is an exciting, inspiring story of a man of both great imagination and great action.) Dr Maltz: We've been talking about the meaning of imagination, Now, you have probably heard people say, “It was so real to me, 1 saw it in my mind's eye." In fact, you've probably repeated it yourself on countless occasions. But, let's take a close look at this remark. We say itso casually, that we often forget its meaning. I's like a word that's overworked. It loses its origins Repeat the phrase, “It was so real tome, I saw itin my mind's eye,” When wwe say, mind's eye, we're using a colloquial symbol for the imagination, ‘What significance do these words have for you? What do they all forth from Your own experience? This could lead to an absorbing process in the more ‘complete use and development of your imagination. You will want to repeat ‘tthroughout the following lessons; and, even more important, you'll want touse it throughout the rest of your life. It wil yield rewards; I know, it did for me. I've become very much involved with visualizing in my imagina- tion. The goal that I want to achieve in my own life, I even went so far as to Se alia et aan) ae aL MUNG Nahin inhale prc develop this practice by inventing my own special imagery. Instead of saying I'm going to put my imagination to work for me, I say, I'm going to sitfor a while in the Theater Of My Mind. It works well forme and many ‘many others have told me that it offers an engrossing frame of reference for them, too. [like this particular mental image because it's easy for almost everyone to visualize the theater. The equipment and key personnel are universally familiar. What makes the Theater Of Your Mind unique from other theaters is the key fact that no one on earth can prevent you from Playing all the parts yourself. But, you're also the director, the playwright and the world's most appreciative audience. Best of all, you can haltand alter the story line as you see fit. It'll work more smoothly for you the more you practice at it. Try it and see if it works for you. Learning To Use THE THEATER OF YOUR MIND Is A Powerful Psycho-Cybernetic Skill....Take special note of this and make a Point of practicing with it as you progress in this Course. Dr. Maltz: Can people change? They can if they change their self-image. This is their greatest asset We all can use a change for the better, and since most of Us are in the habit of short changing ourselves, we must remember that we are_usually better than what we think we are and that we came into this world to succeed, not to fail Dr. Maltz: We have all kinds of watchers these days. We have bird watchers, weight watchers, stock market watchers and weather watchers. Now, how about mind watchers? The mind watcher is keenly aware of the operations in that all important area, the mind. He is quick to fight off tumors of doubt. when they invade. The mind watcher watches for the better side of himself. He builds in his imaginations picture of his past successes. He consequently works to keep improving his opinion of himself. The mind avoider loses himself in trivia, He spends his life escaping. He does not think creatively or seek relevance. He ignores his mind, He loses touch with his self-image. Be a mind watcher. Keep up with yourself. Be a self-image watcher. This is the way to self-fulfillment What are you “working on”? Some portion of EVERY day ought to be invested in improving your opinion of yourself. This might be accomplished by establishing and honoring your commitment to a fitness volunteering at a hospital or in community studying a particular subject or practicing a skill in which you seek can find the things that are most meaningtul to you. ee 25. Dr. Maltz: Hope is imagination on the wing. It is imagination turned into energy NOTES used toward a creative goal, a worthwhile goal. Just as despair is imagination with wings clipped. I wanted to be a plastic surgeon 45 years ago when little was known about this specialty. Yet, my belief, my hope, my aspiration was 0 great that opposition from friends and family, who thought they were trying to help, didn't deter me from my cause. Hope begins when we rise above failure to reach our true self-image of dignity that belongs to us. Phil: Dr. Maltz is going to reveal to you the secret of programming your Servo- ‘Mechanism for success. Just how powerful is this secret? In the preface to the original book, Psycho-Cybernetics, Dr. Maltz relates the story of one of +his colleagues who was also discovering these ideas and said, “] am reluctant to publish my findings because if I presented some of my case histories and described the rather amazing improvements in personality, I would be accused of exaggerating or trying to start a cult or both.” Yes, the results of applying the scientific principles of Psycho-Cybernetics are truly that amazing, and the secret Dr. Maltz will reveal to you now, is one of the most powerful of those principles. It comes to you in the true story of the transformation of a hockey player’s performance. | Dr. Maltz: ‘This man was a hockey player who had been ina slump. His season's output was a terrible six goals in 50 games. He was on the verge of having to quit the game even though he was in good physical condition. But, because of his bad performance, his position on the team was uncertain, and he had become very discouraged. Listen to what he wrote. “A business associate of mine in casual conversation mentioned the book, Paycho-Cybernetics, and how it improved his thinking. He recommended it to me and 1 bought it with the idea that it might help my hockey career as well as my business. I immediately began applying the techniques to improve myself. I sat down in my lounge chair each day in my office and turned the lights off. I reenacted as many situations and as many games as I could remember, especially in the games when I failed miserably. I discovered that in almost every game that I recalled, I distinctly remembered experiencing great emotional fear of being injured while playing. As a matter of fact, this fear seemed to dominate every situation that I could recall. The answer to my difficulty seemed so simple to me as I sat in that dark room. Why, I was constantly thinking of being injured. This preoccupation of mine was enough to throw my entire game into failure after failure. I immediately began to replace these negative feelings Phil and thoughts with positive feelings and thoughts. z recalled every situation in the past when T had done well. hi red. I relived the excitement and the great feeling of being a winner when I scored these goals. I REPLACED the negative thoughts, eliminating the fear of injury. I repeated this system each and every day. Things did not change immediately, but I knew in my own mind that they would. And, change they did. I moved from my position on the bench to the starting lineup. I began scoring goals. T played the game with new enthusiasm. It seemed as though I had never played the game before. My success was unbelievable. My name appeared in headlines. I kept scoring the winning goals when two months before, I could not do the job. An amazing turnabeut. I continued to lead the team in scoring with eight big goals during the European tournaments. Most of them key goals which won games.” ‘The hockey player's transformation from defeated bench warmer to starting lineup superstar, was remarkable. He had todiscover the path back to winning ways on his own, Today, the sports world has fully and cathusiastically accepted this kind of imagination power. For example, a former baseball player with a Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counsel- ing, Jim Johnson, tours minor league clubs as a mental skills instructor and superstars in virtually every sport use creative imagination to win, In the business world, top sales professionals, negotiators, executors and ‘entrepreneurs continue to improve their job performance and increase their success using the same secret the hockey player discovered using Psycho- Cybernetics. The great secret the hockey player had learned was that the brain does not distinguish between real and imagined experiences, if the imagined experiences are vivid. He replaced old failure images and feelings with success images and feelings which he remembered and ‘enhanced with his imagination and was able to change how he felt and reacted while playing the game. Dr. Maltz: Action is the product of the imagination. Habit is the result of imagination. Success and happiness, failure and unhappiness are two daily products of the imagination. You can achieve one or the other with the imagination, You can open the door to your living more life or less life through your imagination. It’s up to you, You're only what you think you are, what you imagine you ate, Not long ago, I gave a seminar on Psycho- Cybernetics in Washington, DC. When I had completed the three-day session, a woman, an acting teacher, came up to me and told me how she had applied the principles of Psycho-Cybemnetics to one of her drama pupils. NOTES She had a student who was an excellent actress because she hated herself in a real life so much that she pitched into roles on stage in order to forget herself. In gpite of her acting success, she was still miserable. The teacher took her aside one day and told her, “Why don’t you create a role you like and put yourself into that. Create the role of someone with a personality you like and live itoff stage.” The pupil did just this. She harnessed her attention to make a better person out of herself. She found out that by smiling and being pleasant, instead of biting her lip and frowning, she made people like her and seek out her company. They found her pleasant and after a while she began tolike herself, too. She had created a new self-image of herself and grew to like it. This girl suddenly changed from alittle self of hatred toa big self of contentrient. In this new character she had created, she found a new person she liked, her big self. She used her imagination creatively. Dr. Maltz: A few years ago, I spoke in Atlanta, Georgia, to members of a sales and marketing organization and their wives. There wasa boy of 14, his name was Ray, and he was to blow a bugle, I think, and play Yankee Doodle Dandy in honor of Maltz who had come from New York. He raised the instrument to his mouth on cue, but he couldn't blow the hom. He just couldn't communicate. He just shook his head in bewilderment. I watched him, [knew he must've practiced this song for weeks, that he wouldn’t dare come into a room full of 800 adults and try to play the song without some rehearsal. He removed the mouthpiece, put another in and still no luck. He couldn’t deliver; he couldn't blow his horn. He went to the rear of the room and sat down by the table and didn't see the slice of apple pie and cheese and the glass of milk that was there for him. He was completely forlorn, utterly alone,in the room of 800 people. I got up and spoke, I said, “Ladies and gentlemen, the topic of my talk is “Ray, who couldn't blow his horn.” I went ‘on the say that there are many Rays and Rayettes in our midst because of some fear, anxiety of frustration cannot communicate, cannot deliver, ‘cannot blow their hos. Phil: ‘The young boy, Ray, in Dr. Maltz’s last story had yet to discover what the hockey player and the actress learned — how to hamess the power of creative imagination. Undirected, left to wander around on its own, the imagination often manufactures images that promote fear and anxiety, the kind of fear and anxiety that, for a while, kept the hockey player sitting on the bench, that kept the actress immersed in an unhappy personal life. The SSM” = 28. Kind of fear and anxiety that ruined Ray's recital, But, that very same NOTES ssgination can be directed to produce confidence instead of fea, ability instead of inability, success instead of failure This is it: most people let their imaginations wander around Undirected far too much of the time. Pat: The hockey play ons toward clearcut, specific goals. The hockey player wanted to improve * and the actress both found ways to direct their imagina- his performance in competition. The actress wanted to create a personality {hatshe and others would appreciate. They each took control of ther creative tmaginations and got wonderful results. By nature, we are eyberaetic which ‘means that we are goal seeking beings. To function at our best, we have to Supply our Servo-Mechanisms with clearcut goals. When you use your “reative imagination to program your Servo-Mechanism with goals of success and high achievement, the Serv /o-Mechanism becomes a Success Mechanism. Dr. Malt says that we even possess a unique success instinct ‘Dr. Maltz: A squirrel does not have tobe taught how to gather nuts nor does it need ‘olearn that it should store them for winter. A squirrel born in the spring has Hever experienced winter. Yet, in the fall of the year, it can be observed busily storing nuts to be eaten during the winter months when there will be 120 food to be gathered. A bird does not need to take lessons in nest building, nor does it need to take courses in navigation. Yet, birds do navigate thousands of miles sometimes over open sea. In short, animals have a Stecess instinct. We often overlook the fact that man, to, has @ success ‘stinct, much more marvelous and much more complex than that of any ‘nimal. Qur Creator did not short change man, Man was especially blessed in this regard, Man has something animals haven't —creative imagination ~ thus man of all creaturesis more than creature. Hes also a creator. With his imagination, be can formulate a variety of goals. Man alone can direct his Success Mechanism by the use of imagination. Weoften think of creative Jmagination as applying only to poets, inventors an the like. Bu, imagina- ‘oni creative in everything we do. Youcan imagine your future, said Henry 4 Kaiser, who attributed much of his success in business tothe constructive, Positive use of creative imagination, Phil: Dr. Maltz lists ten basic Principles for energizing your creative imagination Hore they are | 29. ‘TEN PRINCIPLES OF CREATIVE IMAGINATION NOTES Dr. Maltz: 1) Creative imagination means the starting point of achievement. 2) You must believe in yourself. 3) You must be sincere with yourself, with others, 100, 4) You must know the truth about yourself, you must see. the better side of you. : 5) You must give yourself a new and better self-image. © You must motivate yourself to improve yourself. 7) You must have an inquiring mind, inquire about yourself and about others in a healthy constructive way. 8) You must have a goal. 9) You must act, apply yourself to reach your goal 10) You must refuse to become locked up with frustration. Phil: You're nearing the end of this first session of your Psycho-Cybemetics Course. And, while there is tremendous benefit to be gained purely from repetitively listening to these cassettes, the Psycho-Cybemnetics system has been designed to be directly experienced, not just listened to. Therefore, in a few moments you will be directed to some MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISES which will help you leam and apply the ideas introduced into this session. If you are only able to listen at this time, if you're driving your car for example, you may want to stop the tape, at this point, until you can return to complete the exercise and continue on to the next cassette. Pat: Your Psycho-Cybemetics program has been designed to work for you as a six-week course* of study involving you in a number of learn-by-doing exercises. Dr. Maltz intended for you to go through one complete lesson each week. Using this approach for Lesson One, you'll listen to the tape and do the exercises in the Manual each day for six days. Let the seventh day be a day of rest and reflection. Think about what you've accomplished in the previous six days and evaluate your progress as Psycho-Cybernetics begins to have an impact on your life, The second week, goon the Lesson Two and repeat the same process. In six weeks*, you will have gone through the entire ‘course once, Then we recommend that you repeat the entire course, taking. 21 days foreach lesson. The exercises in each lesson are designed to give you the specific practice you need to become skillful inthe techniques of Psycho- Cybernetics. Ideally, you should set aside 30 to 45 minutes of relaxed, uninterrupted time cach day to do your MENTAL TRAINING EXER- CISES., Remember, that as adults, we often temporarily lose our ability to use our imagination freely and creatively as we did with ease when we were ‘younger. So, some of the exercises may seem a bitdifficultat first. However, all of them will become easy and enjoyable after just alittle practice (IMPORTANT NOTE: THE ENTIRE ‘ZERO RESISTANCE LIVING SYSTEM’ IS DESIGNED AS A 12 WEEK COURSE OF ‘TRANSFORMATION. THE BASICS OF PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS ARE FOR THE HIRST 6 WEEKS. WHEN YOU ARE READY, YOU CAN MOVE ON TO THE SECOND 6-WEEK ADVANCED PROGRAM.) HERE ARE YOUR MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISES FOR SESSION ONI Phil: In each lesson you will find one exercise called, “The Self-Image Builder. For this exercise, you'll use your mirror and special marker. In Lesson One, ‘you'll find a self-inventory worksheet. This is the beginning of an exciting and extremely valuable exercise in self-discovery. On this page, you'll write down your positive and negative qualities. This will start to give you a picture of what you think of yourself, Also, in Lesson One, you'll find page titled, “An Identical World.” This exercise will help you realize how valuable and important your uniqueness is. Next, the exercise, “Once Impossible, Now Easy,” will help you rediscover how quickly and capably you lear. And, “The Theater of Your Mind” exercises, where you'll set up your own personal, private, in the mind theater, which you'll return to many times in the next six weeks. Pat: You'll find it very beneficial to be physically and mentally relaxed before doing the exercises of Psycho-Cybemnetics, Here is Dr. Maltz with a simple technique he developed to help you relax quickly and easily CALM BODY, CALM MIND. Dr. Maltz: Lie down and imagine your body's a series of rubber balloons. There are two valves in your feet. They open And air escapes from your legs. Your legs collapse until they are empty and lie flat against the bed. A valve now ‘opens in your chest and your whole body begins to collapse limply against the bed. Continue this exercise with the arms, the neck, and the head. You don'thave to do this in bed. If you're in the office, try to fix a picture in your NOTES Phil tmind’s eye of yourself lying in bed doing the exercise. You will actually feel the relief from being relaxed. Physical relaxation leads to mental relaxation. ‘When practiced daily, it gives us that relaxed attitude which allows us to better control our actions. Each time you practice this technique when your body and mind are feeling completely relaxed, be sure to say to yourself mentally, “Calm body, calm mind.” This deepens the programming of your serval mechanism. When your body and mind are completely relaxed, say to yourself mentally, “Calm body, calm mind.” As you practice this relaxation technique, you will find the time it takes you to become relaxed will be shorter and shorter. Eventually, you will be able to relax totally at any time and in any situation, simply by saying to yourself mentally, “Calm body, calm mind.” Finally, for this lesson, you'll find an exercise in your Manual entitled, “Goals, Part” Take the time to do this exercise each day this week. Start with simple and easy to achieve goals that are well within your capabilities and training. By achieving these, no matter how small they seem to you, ‘you'll be programming your Servo-Mechanism with an important pattern of success, Now, Dr. Maltz will personally go over the self-image builder exercises for this first lesson. Dr. Maltz: Write on the mirror from top to bottom the word, “Change. C-H-A-N-G-E." Then say to yourself, “This is a most important word for me. 1 am unique and as different from others as my fingerprints. Can I ‘change? Yes, I can, I deserve a second chance. I may be a Mistake Maker, but I’m also a Mistake Breaker. I shall accept myself for what 1 am. I shall ‘see myself with kind eyes from now on. Ishall forget past failures. and I shall bbe the better me from now on, I shall get more creative living out of life.” Every day for six days when you get home from a day's work, sitdown with ‘pencil and pad and write down the following: “What did I forget today? Did 1 forget to be happy that I can make a habit of happiness? Did I forget negative feelings like hatred, resentment, frustration? Did I forget to rise above my mistakes of yesterday? Did I forget to be compassionate? Did I forget to be self-confident? Did I forget to be myself and not try to be someone else? Did I forget that Iam creative and can improve my self-image ‘through the power of my imagination? Did I forget to relax and improve my self-image? MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISE PAGES FOLLOW. NOTES 31. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE LESSON ONE THE POWER OF IMAGINATION Napoleon Bonaparte once wrote, “The human race is governed by its imagination.” Unfortunately for many people, imagination is not good government. It is a dictatorship, an instrument of failure. By not using their imaginations positively, creatively, they are enslaved by allowing their imagination to run wild, without control, to conjure up images more or less at random These people inevitably suffer from self-images of failure, and are incapable of reaching goals. We're all aware of the fact behavior is controlled by the mind, the brain. The brain tells us what to do in the future based on its knowledge of the past. The brain has no future reading or fortune-telling capabilities. It'sa marvelous computer, but it's limited to the past and the present. The only way it can see into the future is through the imagination. You have total control over your own imagination. You can imag- ine any way you want to in the future, success or failure. Its all up to you. But all too often, people are not willing to exercise this control. They allow their imaginations to destroy their potential by picturing situations of the past in which they have failed. We all carry mental scrapbooks, but instead of preserving the joyous occasions of life, the moments of accom- plishment, some people save only their times of failure and frustration. But it's so easy and simple to take control over your imagination. Al you have to remember is that the brain has a hard time distinguishing between real and imagined experiences, if they are vividly enough por- trayed. If we picture ourselves functioning in specific situations, it's nearly the same as the actual performance. Mental practice can help you perform better in real life. Overview In this lesson you will begin to develop three of the major tools of Psycho-Cybernetics that you will use to change your life. They are: 1. Using your imagination creatively 2. Setting clear, specific and realistic goals 3. Leaming to relax your body and mind Research has demonstrated that the exercises and activities in this Program are most effective when done in a relaxed, playful state of mind—a childlike sense of openness and curiosity is the mental attitude most conducive to learning. There are no right answers to these exercises, Whatever results you get are valid for you. Don't worry about comparing yourself to someone else or tying to please someone else. The important person in this process of change is you. Do the exercises in the order in which they appear. Try to allow yourself 30 to 45 minutes of uninterrupted, quiet time at the end of each day to practice. Do only as much each day as feels comfortable to you. Remember: don't strain. Your Psycho-Cybernetics Program is meant to be enjoyed as well as studied. (For further information, read Chapter Three, Imagination—The First Key To Your Success Mechanism in the Psycho-Cybemetics textbook.) 33. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE Principles of Spiritual and Psychological Relaxation Here are four principles of spiritual and psychological relaxation. Being able to live these principles means being able to live a creative and rewarding life, free of the negative influences that hold us back. Keep these principles in mind as you progress through this course. You will notice how much easier they become as you acquire more skills in the practice of Psycho-Cybemetics. . Forgive others. No strings attached. No sense of con- demnation, no forgiveness on the installment plan, A clean slate . Forgive yourself. You're only human. Accept yourself with kind eyes. See yourself at your best, a person of confidence, not at your worst, a person of frustration. . Keep up with yourself always, never with someone else. Stop criticizing yourself. Stop criticizing others. 35. MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISE #1 SELF INVENTORY WORKSHEET An important tool in changing your self-image to one that expresses your productive and successful self, is to have an accurate, up-to-date list of your good qualities and negative qualities. In the spaces below, Uist the good things about yourself as well as the things that you feel could be improved. For example, under assets, you might list qualities such as kid, hardworking, punctual, interested in People, etc. Write them down no matter how small you think they are. POSITIVE QUALITIES | ft: } 2: 3. | 4 ‘ 5, ( 6. ( 7. ¢ 8 ¢ ¢ ¢ NEGATIVE QUALITIES § i. : a: : 2 o 4. ‘ s. e 6. o 7 = 8. o (You may photocopy this page for future use. ) rs rot tis ae for Fre se) MENTAL TRAINING EXERC! AN IDENTICAL WORLD Imagine a world where everybody is exactly the same. The same looks, age, skills, goals, everything. What would such a world look like, sound like, feel like? Write down your observations briefly. Remember there is no "right" answer. (You may photocopy this page for future use.) cll EERE for future use.) ———————————— 37. MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISE #3 ONCE IMPOSSIBLE—NOW EASY Think of three things you were sure at one time you wouldn't be able to learn that now are easy for you. (For example, tying your shoes, riding a bike, driving a stickshift car, reading.) 1 2. 3. Remember how difficult they once seemed and how easy they are now. Now think of at least three things that you would like to be able to do in the future that seem difficult or impossible to you now. (Be sure they're realistic. For example, learning the piano is realis- tic, but playing a concert at Carnegie Hall next year is not.) 7 2. 3 This exercise is to have you realize that you have already accomplished goals in your life you once saw as difficult if not impossible. You can use the confidence of your past successes to help you reach your goals in the present and the future. (You may photocopy this page for future use.) CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETIC LIFETIME USE TECHNIQUE “Once Impossible - Now Easy” Memorize this simple phrase: ONCE IMPOSSIBLE - NOW EASY and use it as your personal slogan, your description of your entire life experience. Whenever you are confronted with a Particularly challenging or difficult situation, a new skill you need to learn that appears intimidating or difficult: 1.° STOP - do NOT let stress and anxiety build up! 2: Go to the Quiet Room in your mind and... 3. Quickly review your list of ALL the things in your entire life that were “Once Impossible” but are “Now Easy.” 4. SEE that you have lived this transition time and time and time and time again. 3. Tell your Servo-Mechanism, “here’s another one.” and what seems “impossible” will soon be “easy.” LLCO eel — SSS MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISE #4 Relaxation Here is a simple exercise Dr. Maltz has devised: Before your lesson, check yourself to make sure that you are relaxed, not only mentally but physically. During the day, when you are feeling tense, it will help you to relax. Lie down, or sit in a comfortable chair and imagine your body is a series of rubber balloons. There are two valves in your feet. They open and air escapes from your legs. Your legs collapse until they are empty and lie flat against the bed. A valve now opens in your chest and your whole body begins to collapse limply against the bed. Continue this exercise with the arms, the neck and the head. You don't have to do this in bed. If you're busy or at work, fix a pic- ture in your mind’s eye of yourself lying in bed doing the exercise. You will actually feel the relief as you became relaxed. Physical relaxation leads to mental relaxation. When practiced daily, it gives us that relaxed attitude, which allows us to better control our actions. ‘When you feel your body completely relaxed, say to yourself men- tally: “CALM BODY, CALM MIND.” Do this exercise each day before you begin your Psycho-Cyberneties lesson. In addition, practice it as often as is convenient for you during the day. Each time your body is completely relaxed, say to yourself mentally “CALM BODY, CALM MIND.” This deepens the programming of your creative mechanism. As you practice this relaxation technique, you will find that the time it takes you to become relaxed will become shorter and shorter. Eventually you will be able to relax totally at any time, in any situation, by simply saying to yourself, “CALM BODY, CALM MIND.” The skill of being able to relax instantly will be a valuable resource to you in all areas of your life. (You may photocopy this page for future use.) CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETIC LIFETIME USE TECHNIQUE CALM BODY, CALM MIND, CALM MIND, CALM BODY As indicated on the previous page, after a bit of practice with this technique, you will be able to give yourself the advantage of INSTANT RELAXATION at any time, any- where simply by stopping what you are doing and giving the “Calm Body, Calm Mind, Calm Mind, Calm Body” directive to your Servo-Mechanism. When To Use This Technique 1. Immediately before going into an important meeting Immediately before an important presentation Anytime you feel anger or anxiety building up inside When confronted with a crisis In athletics. In golf, before putting. In bowling, before picking up the ball. Etc. Installing this Instant Relaxation Response into your “human system” gives you a “trick” few people possess or have mastered. Practice it and see how the time required to relax diminishes. 4. MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISE #5 NG EXERCISEHS THE THEATER OF YOUR MIND Having a'special mental “place” in which to imagine scenes from the past and future can help concentrate and focus the imagination. It often makes our memories and dreams richer and more vivid. In this exercise you will create your own mental theater, a special place where you can go to do many of the creative imagination activities in this course. ‘Most people see visual images. For some it's easy to create detailed mental pictures. For other people it takes more practice. About 20% of the population doesn’t make visual images consciously. These people think mostly with inner voices, sounds and feelings. This is natural and normal. All of the exercises in this study guide can be done using inner sounds, voices and feelings. Simply do the exercises using whichever form of imagination is most comfortable and produces the best results for you. Above all, don't try too hard. Take ita step at a time—and have fun, PRACTICE THE FOLLOWING EXERCISE: 1. Imagine yourself in a movie theatre. Make it a comfortable, relaxing place. Look around you—notice what you see. Feel how com: fortable the chair is. Make your imaginary theater as real as you can by paying attention to detail. What color are the walls? The ceiling? How big is the theater? What color are the seats? Are they comfortable? How do they feel? 2. On the movie screen put a picture of someone you really like, ‘* Make the picture bigger and closer to you. Notice any change in your feelings. * Make the picture smaller and farther away. Make the picture disappear in the distance, then bring it back. Again, notice how your feelings change. * Make the picture out of focus more and more— then bring it back into sharp focus. ‘Gradually tum the picture into black and white— then bring the colors back until they are very rich 1 { { { ; : , ‘ t ‘ ‘ = . = « = 2 = = and beautiful. S e « = = = If you are practicing with an inner voice of someone you like, make the voice closer, farther away, louder, softer, higher and lower, faster and slower. Experiment and notice how your feelings change. Page for future use.) PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE As you practice this exercise, you will see how changing a mental image can change your feelings. This knowledge will give you great control over your emotions and moods. For many people, the feelings become more intense when the image is bigger, closer, more colorful and in sharp focus, and less intense when the image is smaller, farther away, less colorful, and out of focus. For some people the opposite is true. Experiment in this way with other pictures and notice which changes make your feelings stronger and weaker. Check the answer that is correct for you, MENTAL PICTURE Stronger Feeling Weaker Feeling Bigger Closer Farther Away Smaller More Color Less Color Sharp Focus Out of Focus MENTAL VOICE Stronger Feeling Weaker Feeling Closer a Farther Away Louder Softer Of all the above picture variations, which produced the greatest change in your feeling level? (Bigger/Smaller) (Closer/Farther Away) (More Color/Less Color) (Sharp Focus/Out of Focus) (Louder/Softer) This exercise teaches you what you can do to your mental pictures or voices if you want to make the feeling stronger or weaker. Sha PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE 43. THEATER OF THE MIND—EXERCISE SEE MIND—EXERCISE 1, Sitting comfortably in the theater of your mind, see a picture on your movie screen of a place you'd really like to be. Itcan be an actual place or one that you create completely from your imagination—a sunset beach, or a beautiful mountain meadow, a quiet lake or a bright city street. Make a picture that attracts you strongly—the colors rich and beautiful, the scene inviting, 2. Now get out of your mental theater seat, go up to the screen and enter the picture on the screen. Actually be in the beautiful place you were looking at from the audience. Notice how your feelings change. Make the experience as completely real as you can without straining. Pay attention to details. Look around you—What do you see? What do you hear? If you're at the beach—hear the sounds of the waves and sea birds calling. If you aren't using a mental picture, imagine a place you'd like to be in the way that is most comfort able for you—concentrate on the sounds or the way the place feels. What do you feel? ‘The wind against your face? The sand or the grass under your feet? ‘What do you smell—the tang of a pine forest, the aroma of the sea—of fresh cut grass? Enjoy being in your wonderful place. Notice your emotions. 3. Now get out of the picture (you can float if you want to) and Tetum to your seat in the audience, From the audience, see yourself on the screen in your beautiful place. Watch yourself move. Notice how your feelings change. You will find that your feelings become stronger when you are “in” the picture and less intense when you are in the audience seeing the picture on the screen. You will return to your mental theater often as you progress through your Psycho-Cybernetics lessons. You will find that your ability to create vivid, detailed images, your skill at making them brighter, closer, bigger, louder, etc., and your ability to step in and out of them will quickly increase with practice. re ere ——————————_ __—e PPRERSRRRARERARBAeBRAse CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETIC. LIFETIME USE TECHNIQUE THEATER OF YOUR MIND ‘THE THEATER OF YOUR MIND is one of the most powerful of all Psycho-Cybernetic Techniques, because it has universal and constant application. At first, it may take a bit of time to make the transition and actually get relaxed, comfortable in the Theater. With practice, you'll be able to decide to go into the Theater and instantly be there. Athletes use variations of this Technique to prepare for games and in between plays, before difficult shots, etc. Because of this, it was incorporated in the comedy movie “Happy Gilmore” (1995) about a hockey player trying to make it as a pro golfer. Athletes use it as a means of relaxation, as was depicted in this film OR as a means of carefully picturing exactly what they want to occur, so that the subsequent physical act feels like “deja vu.” Sales professionals, speakers, seminar leaders, actors, stand-up comedians and other performers use this for “mental rehearsal.” Many doctors use it to mentally rehearse surgical operations they intend to perform. 45. MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISE #6 “STEP IN—STEP OUT” Being able to step in and out of your mental pictures is one of the most valuable imagination skills you can have. You will be using this exercise in many different ways through these six lessons in Psycho- Cybemetics. By practicing this STEP IN—STEP OUT exercise faithfully, you will be reprogramming your servo-mechanism with powerful images of suc- cess, achievement, happiness and satisfaction, You will begin to create a self-image that expresses the best you, the strong, capable and productive you. Do this exercise for a few minutes each day for the next six weeks. Itis very simple and very powerful. 1. Remember an unpleasant memory. STEP OUT of the ‘memory and watch yourself in it from the audience of your ‘mental theater. Make the screen as small and as far away as necessary to see the memory and learn from it, without re-experiencing the unpleasant feelings. Repeat this with several unpleasant memories. 2, Then watch a series of pleasant memories on your men- tal movie screen. STEP IN to each memory. Relive each experience as if you were actually there again, Allow your- self to feel the pleasurable feelings fully. Ina few weeks, by doing the STEP IN—STEP OUT exercise, you will develop the happiness habit. Your servo-mechanism will begin to auto- matically draw you to positive, pleasurable experiences and to minimize the negative effects of unpleasant experiences. photocopy this page for future use.) GOALS We are “cybernetic,” meaning goal-seeking beings. To function at our best, we need to supply our creative servo-mechanism with clear-cut goals. Once programmed, the servo-mechanism then operates spontane- ously, subconsciously. Programmed with goals of success and achieve- ment, the servo-mechanism functions as a success mechanism. If itis programmed with negative images of failure, it functions just as automati- cally as a failure mechanism. In each of the six lessons in this Study Guide you will do exercises to develop your skill at setting and achieving the kinds of goals that will make you the person you want to be and provide you with the you want to live. In this first lesson, create a goal for each of the six days. Make your goals realistic—simple and easy to achieve. By achieving them, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem to you, you will be building a pattern of success with which to program your servo-mechanism. In time, you will build a goal setting and achieving habit of great power and momentum, one that can literally change your life. DO THIS EXERCISE EACH DAY FOR SIX DAYS: 1. In the spaces, list your goals one day at a time. This week especially, be sure they are simple goals you can accomplish easily. As you develop the success habit you will set and achieve higher and higher goals for yourself. 2. In your mental theater, see yourself as already having achieved the goal. STEP IN to the scene and experience the satisfaction and en- Joyment of having obtained your goal 3. Then list any steppingstones—steps to take to achieve your goal. It's perfectly fine if you can't think of all the steps to achieve a goal. Once you have a goal clearly imagined, your servo-mechanism works subconsciously to provide you with the steps you need to achieve it. (You may photocopy this page for future use.) _—_ oe cry this page for future use.) PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE For example, let’s say your goal is to send that birthday present to your niece.” 1. See yourself coming out of the post office after sending the present. 2. STEP IN to the movie and feel the satisfaction of accom- plishing that task. 3. Then think of the steps you needed to take to accomplish it: + Wrap the present + Puttin the car in the morning + Stop at the post office on lunch hour That's all there is to it. On the following Daily Goal Worksheet plan your goal for tomorrow. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE DAILY GOAL WORKSHEET Write in the present tense, as if you already have achieved the goal. Day I~GOAL: Steppingstones: OO Day 3—GOAL: Steppingstones: Day 4—GOAL: Steppingstones: Day S—GOAL: Steppingstones: oo Day 6—GOa\ Steppingstones: (You may photocopy this page for future use.) —— 49, MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISE #8 MIRROR EXERCISE | : CHANGE DO THIS ACTIVITY EACH DAY FOR SIX DAYS: With the special marker, write on your mirror from top to bottom, the word “CHANGE.” Then look at yourself in the mirror and say: “This is a most important word for me, I am unique and different from others as my fingerprints. Can I change? Yes, I can. I deserve a second chance. I may be a mistake-maker, but I'm also a mistake-breaker. I shall accept myself for what I am. I shall see myself with kind eyes from now on. I shall forget past failures and I shall be the better me from now on. I shalll get more creative living out of life.” Briefly write down feelings and thoughts that occur. Notice any changes from the beginning of the week to the énd. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 (You may photocopy this page for future use.) MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISE #9 WHAT DID I FORGET TODAY? Each evening this week, review the day using the list below. WHAT DID I FORGET TODAY? Did I forget to be happy? Did I forget negative feelings like hatred, resentment, frustration? Did I forget to rise above my mistakes of yesterday? Did I forget to be compassionate? Did I forget to be self-confident? Did I forget to be myself and try to be someone else? Did I forget that I am creative and can improve my self-image through the power of my imagination? 8. Did I forget to relax and improve my self-image? AAV ewe Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 (You may photocopy this page for future use.) CREATIVE PSYCHO-CYBERNETIC LIFETIME USE TECHNIQUE WHAT DIDI FORGET TODAY? Taking a few minutes at the end of each day for, as Zig Ziglar says “a check-up from the neck-up” is an excellent lifetime habit. The WHAT DID I FORGET TODAY? gives form and organization to this thinking. A useful extension Of this is to pick one “forget” item off of each day’s list to rectify with action, either yet that night or first thing the next day. Another way to think of this is: what did I forget to do today that the self-image I'm building says should have been done? Send a note of gratitude to someone. Call a friend. Go the extra mile for a client. Etc. 52. TEN PRINCIPLES FOR CREATIVE IMAGINATION Here are ten principles for creative imagination. Keep them in your thoughts this week. It is not necessary to remember all of them, but you will find that, as you progress in your study of Psycho-Cybernetics, it will become easier and more natural to live them. Creative imagination means the starting point of 2. You must believe in yourself. 3. You must be sincere with yourself, and with others, too. 4. You must know the truth about yourself, You must see the better side of you. 5. You must give yourself a new and better self-image. 6. You must motivate yourself to improve yourself. 7. You must have an inquiring mind. Inquire about your- self and about others in a healthy, constructive way. 8. You must have a goal. 9. You must act. Apply yourself to reach your goal. 10. You must refuse to be overcome and locked up with frustration. (ou may photocopy this page for future use.) MENTAL TRAINING EXERCISE #10 53. PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE LESSON ONE REVIEW QUESTIONS J. What does Psycho-Cybernetics mean? 2. How do discipline myself to use Psycho-Cybernetics? 3. What is the servo-mechanism? 4. What is necessary to make the servo-mechanism function? 5. How are these goals placed in the mechanism? s ‘What is the most important mental image to place in the servo-mechanism? PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE ‘What happens when we feed the servo-mechanism with inferior or unworthy infor- mation? Is there such a thing as a creative mechanism? What is the sel 10. How much of our lives are ruled by the self-image? 11. If our lives are ruled by our self-images, how can we change ourselves? 12. How do we know our self-image is right? 13. How do we know when the self-image is wrong? PSYCHO-CYBERNETICS STUDY GUIDE 14. Why do we act, feel or perform as we do? 15. How much does will power have to do with changing my self-image and achieving my goals? 16. How does the brain know the difference between an imagined or actual experience? 17. Do I react to the world as it actually is, or to what my imagination tells me it is? 18. How can I use my imagination to help me succeed? 19. How can imagination cause me to fail? 20, Whenever I say, “I’m going to act this way tomorrow,” what am I doing? 21, What are the four cardinal points of relaxation that will become natural to me as I continue to study Psycho-Cybernetics? Lesson 2 Psycho-Cybernetics Confidence Dr. Maltz: How canI stop the worry habit and stop the feelings of fear? You must remember that worry, anxiety and fear are useful traits under certain circumstances, and the time to worry or have anxiety is when you have a goal in mind and you're troubled with te fact that you don't know which road of five different ways of eaching your goal, which road you should take. In these instances, you have a goal, and you take your risks in life, taking a chance to get your feet wet remembering that you came into this world to succeed and not to fail. You use worry and fear only when you have a goal and you're wondering how to reach it, Once you make up your mind to accomplish this, you'l discard the fears and the anxieties, ond work and create the proper climate to fulfill yourself and reach this goal. And even if you fil, you most remember that no one is perfect and that none of us can reach all goals all the time If you've ever been emersed in worry and tried using willpower tostop, you already know first hand that this approach doesn’t work very well. There's more than one way to worry however, and we're about to discover how to worry constructively Dr. Maltz: Most of us have some feeling of insecurity now and then in our lives, Pat Phil: ‘and all this frustration or insecurity becomes chronic if we don’t let go of it. In many instances, this insecurity comes from some error in childhood when ‘we may have been criticized or reprimanded by a parent or friend, and this may happen also in adult life if we have been ridiculed for some error, or if wwe have reprimanded our own selves for this blunder. You must realize that the business of living happily and successfully is to rise above a blunder or a mistake or a feeling of insecurity. That is what success is all about Insecurity should be a stimulus to turn it into an opportunity to do something worthwhile in the present. You don’t cure insecurity by willpower, but by substituting a goal in the present and reaching for it. How much more could you accomplish if you possessed a mechanism that ‘would substitute confidence and enthusiasm for insecurity and worry? Welcome to the second audio session of Psycho-Cybernetics where Dr. Maltz has another exciting secret to reveal to you. But first, let me tell you 4 rather old but illustrative story about a reporter who got an incredible NOTES 56. Pat ‘opportunity — an exclusive interview with the devil. This reporter de- scended to the devil’s domain and the interview was begun with the ‘customary grand tour. The reporter oooed and aaah’, and furiously scribbled ‘notes as the devil led him from chamber to chamber proudly showing off the tools of his trade, including weapons like nuclear bombs, guns, knives, chemical poisons, narcotics, and finally what we called “emotional weap- conry” - jealousy, envy, and greed. Some of his weapons were represented quite horribly. Narcotic addiction, for example, was represented by a room fall of people obviously in a state of extreme withdrawal. Then the devil said, “Now I'l show you my most powerful weapon of all. It is far more Useful to me and damaging to humans than anything I've shown you so far.” ‘The reporter eagerly followed him to the next chamber. The devil unlocked the door, swung it open, and proudly gestured inside where, to the reporter's surprise and disappointment, there was nothing but alittle wedge shaped piece of-wood on a flood lit pedestal : “You've shown me the most terrible weaponry on earth,” the reporter said, “And now you show me this dumb block of wood?” “What gives?” “That, the devil said, “is the wedge of doubt.” Doubt, and in particular, self-doubt, may be the weapon with which we inflict the most damage on ourselves. Discovering how to conquer doubt can give youa powerful advantage in every aspect of life. Is it possible to banish doubt from our lives?” Let's find out. Dr. Maltz: If you placed a five year old at the console of the world’s most complicated electronic computer, what would happen? If you were lucky, there'd be no short circuits. The most that would come out of the computer would be gibberish. The child would not have learned to program the ‘machine properly. Any machine is only as good a its operator, and we know that all of us have a complex computer right in our head. But all too often, We are like the five year old at the computer. We have not programmed our ‘own computer guidance systems, Instead of putting it to work for us towards creative goals, we let it sidetrack us by wandering aimlessly over negative experiences of the past. What we have to do in order to achieve self- confidence is to give commands to our internal computer guidance system that will pot us on the track of successful, positive experiences. Take the case of a student of psycho-cybernetics whose life was limited by lack of confidence in a very specific area. Thisiis the story of a woman, I'll NOTES 57. call her Helen, who felt inadequate as a housewife because she was always afraid to involve herself with any kind of creative activity. She hated doing anything with her hands. Inthe course of her study of psycho-cybernetics, Helen was made to see that she had been living under the domination of a distorted self-image. Her problem was revealed to her through the memory of a simple childhood experience. When she was eleven years old, Helen took piano lessons. She loved playing the piano and wanted to be a famous ‘concert pianist. One day, she was practicing her exercises and she overheard her father and mother whisper to each other, “Well, she certainly is clumsy with her fingers,” her mother said. Her father nodded in agreement. “One thing is certain,” he said, “Our Helen will never be a real pianist.” Helen was crushed. She immediately accepted as fact this careless observation about her hands, After all, it was made by her own parents. Consequently, she accepted their belief: She hypnotized herself with their false belief. She set out to prove the truth of what her parents had so carelessly said, Pretty soon the piano lessons degenerated so much that she abandoned her ambitions, and she abandoned atthe same time, her ability to work with her hands. As ‘an adult, Helen avoided any activity that meant working with her hands, but through psycho-cybemnetics, Helen realized that she couldn't be held responsible for the opinions of her parents as far as the piano was concerned. She immediately de-hypnotized herself from these negative beliefs in herself. She was free to develop along her own capabilities, and she took up the piano again ‘There is alittle Helen in all of us. Itis the passive acceptance of what others have hastily told us are our negative qualities, and all of us can and should de-hypnotize ourselves from the negative beliefs of others. And then, we ‘must go on to what to do when we're freed of our false beliefs about ourselves. NOW IS THE TIME TO SERIOUSLY QUESTION EVERY LIMITING, RESTRICTIVE BELIEF YOU HOLD ABOUT YOURSELF, YOUR TALENTS, YOUR ABILITIES. CHOOSE SOME LIMITS TO TEST, IF ‘THEY HAVEN'T BEEN TESTED IN QUITE SOME TIME. DO NOT JUST ACCEPT WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD OR BELIEVED TO BE ‘TRUE ABOUT YOURSELF IF THAT DOESN'T SERVE YOUR, PRESENT DAY PURPOSES. WHAT MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE BEEN ‘TRUE YESTERDAY MAY OR MAY NOT BE TRUE TODAY. NO HUMAN STAYS THE SAME. NOTES 58. 59. Pat Helen accepted what her parents said about her hands and her ability easily. NOTES ‘Their casual remarks had a very profound effect on her. She accepted what =“ they said was her ability as truth, just as she accepted other things they told her. Butin this case, was it the truth? As an adult, Helen discovered it was not true atall. Helen's experiences are not unusual. We often fall innocently into the trap of accepting something about ourselves as true, and letting it govern our lives. We come to believe that’s just the way we are. Phil: ‘Take the case of this next man who believed that without a formal education he was not worthy of success. Patient: “I don’t know how to explain this, doctor, but I just don’t think well of myself.” Patient: “I've never had any confidence in myself ever since I was a kid.” Dr. Maltz: “You must have succeeded in something.” Patient: “Not that J can remember.” Dr. Maltz: “Well, what do you do for a living? Patient: “I travel, door to door sales. Actually, I'ma bill collector. I'm ashamed of what I do. You know, furniture on the installment plan, TV, appliances. It's nothing much, but it’s a living.” Dr. Maltz: “Have you ever done anything else?” Patient: “How could I doc, no education, you know.” Dr. Maltz: “Do you do much reading?” Patient: “Yeah, I read a lot, but I never really had any goals. I guess I never took any chances.” Dr. Maltz: “Do you have any children?” Patient: “Three boys - 18, 17 and 12. The two older ones are in college.” Dr. Maltz: “Do you get along well with your wife?” Patient: “Great! We love each other. The trouble is with me, I just don’t have any courage and I'm afraid I might lose my job.” 60. Dr. Maltz: “Wh is that? You've had it for a long time.” NOTES Patient: “I get frightened when [ have to meet strangers - you know, sort of panic - and I.get a pain right here in the pit of my stomach.” Dr. Maltz: “Have you seen your physician about it?” Patient: “Yes, but he said there’s nothing wrong with me. It's all in my mind.” Dr Maltz: “That could be. It's a common problem.” Patient: “You've got to help me doc.” Dr. Malte: “How?” Patient: “You wrote that great book. Show me how I can get some confidence, some guts to change my life,” Dr Maltz: “Bat there's nothing I can do my friend. It'sall up to you, No one can hand you confidence om a silver platter. You must eam it yourself.” Patient: “I've tried to but it doesn’t work. Dr. Maltz: “Everything you've said about yourself has been negative. Don’t you ever look at yourself with kind eyes?” Patient: “I guess not. I don’t like myself too much.” Dr. Maltz: “If you don’t, who will? Why did you stop school?” Patient: “My father died when I was in my first year of high school. I had to quit and support the family. I never had the nerve to go back. Dr. Maltz: “Listen to me. You came into this world to succeed, not to fail. The ‘burden was too great when your father died and you bad to be the man in your family and make a living, That was too much, I can understand that. I can also understand why you feel that you're nothing, that you didn't have a formal education, that you never had any confidence, but listen my dear ‘man, you did something for your sons. You sent them to college and you sweated to do it. How about doing something for yourself. How about sweating for yourself a litte?” Patient: “How doc?” Dr. Maltz: “You're not the young man who saw his father die. How long ago was that?” Patient: “About forty years ago.” Dr. Maltz: “Forty years ago. You couldn't do anything for yourself then but you can help yourself now. You are a different human being now. You are confidence, You build confidence in yourself by looking at yourself with kind eyes and giving yourself another chance in life. Now, you had a goal for your sons getting them into college, now have a goal for yourself. Don't ery in your soup any more about yesterday. Live creatively in the now. ‘Thousands of others who are worse off than you have done something with themselves. Believe in yourself that you can do better than what you think you can, and doit! Thatis the beginning of confidence. Live in the present.” Phil: The man thanked Dr. Maltz and left. About a year later, he came back to the office, only this time there was a big smile on his face, Patient: “Doctor, you'll never guess what happened.” Dr. Maltz: “It looks as if it was pretty good.” Patient: “You're right. I quit my job after I left your office. Now I havea job with an insurance agency. I'm doing great.” Dr. Maltz; “No more fears?” Patient: “Nope. I forgot about yesterday - the boy who saw his father die. I'm living in the present, and it's great to be alive. I just wanted to come by and thank you.” Dr. Maltz: “Any more pains in your stomach?” Patient: “Not a one. They're all gone, along with my fears.” Pat: Some individuals easily meet new people, communicate well, and influence others, Yet others are tongue-tied. In both cases, is it just the way those people are? The path to increase an expanded confidence and capability may well begin with questioning your own beliefs and feelings about yourself, and recalling where those feelings originated. Dr. Maltz: The trouble is that not enough attention is paid to one’s self-image. ‘There would be less heartache and less conceit in the world if more attention were paid to one’s self when looking in the mirror. To see the face behind the face - the face of your mind - and learn to do something creative for yourself. Being aware that you can arise above a mistake means confidence. NOTES 61. Phil: There is quite a difference from conceit which is lack of confidence, expressing your false sense of superiority to cover up some form of inadequacy. When you look at yourself realistically and learn more about yourself in a creative way by avoiding the pitfalls of negative feelings, you do something creative. Confidence means self-respect that you share with yourself and with other people. Confidence is creative, Conceit is destruc- tive, Thus, a healthy use of psycho-cybemetics to find your true worth and rise above problems and defeat and develop confidence, makes you aware that conceit hurts the one who uses it During any moment of fear or uncertainty itis well for us to form the habit, of remembering the past successes. Strong, positive memories will sidetrack the recall of past failures and thus permit our servo-mechanism to provide us with constructive results, Athletes practice their skills. They build on their successful performances. Practice also develops positive habits. When you have failure, say to yourself, “So what.” ‘Your mind is one of your most precious possessions. Don't give it up by default Think your own thoughts, not what you believe others want you to think. According to John Stewart Mill, a renown 19th century English essayist philosopher, “if all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and ‘only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had power, would be justified in silencing mankind.” Your inner thoughts especially are your ‘own. Living in civilized society, there are sometimes restraints on your actions, but never on your inner thoughts. “My mind to me a kingdom is,” wrote Sir Edward Dyer, 16th century English poet. Make your mind a kingdom, not a jail. Let your thoughts be free as birds that fly in the sky. Don't censure them and criticize them and hate yourself if they don’t always fall in with the pocket of majority opinion as you know it, Have a mind of your own and rise to your full stature of self respect. Think creatively within your capabilities, Dr. Maltz shows us that our thinking can indeed be changed. In the scenes we're about to witness, we'll observe two very different styles or types of thinking applied to the same basic situation, As you listen, think about how you normally respond in this type of situation, In the first scene, we meet Harry, sales representative forthe American Supply Company. Harry is an experienced, moderately successful sales professional who would be NOTES welcomed by just about any employer. This morning, Harry has a special appointment with the company president at 10:30 am, however Harry came in athis regular arrival time of 9:00 and has been sitting at his desk stewing ever since. Harry: “I should have made the appointment earlier. I hate sitting around like this. ‘The suspense is killing me. I don’t know what I'll be able to tell Martha if 1 don’t get the raise. She wants some new clothes badly and I've got to put anew addition on the house. The kids are getting too old to share bedrooms. I'm afraid they’ re not doing well in school because of that. And the other ‘guys in the shop, I think I must be the only one who hasn’t had a raise in the last three years. I wonder what frame of mind Dickinson isin now. If hit him at the wrong mood, there’s going to be an awful scene. He'll probably bring up that Jamison account and throw that in my face. Butit's not my fault haven't been able to sell them. They had a bad year and they've cut back on their standing inventory. ; Does this sound at all familiar to you? Have you had moments like this in your life? What kinds of feelings is this style of thinking causing for Harry, and how will those feelings affect how Harry presents himself in the meeting. with Mr. Dickinson? The answer is pretty obvious. There is no way Harry can make a good presentation with this kind of thinking and feeling. ‘Mr. Dickinson: “Have a seat will you? I've jut gottomake a quick phone call, then V'll be able to talk uninterrupted.” Harry: “That's it, no luck. He's got his mind on other things. I'll never get it now.” Phil: Harry delivered the only kind of presentation he could under the circum- stances he created. A negative, hesitant, doubtful one, and, he got the result he expected. ‘Mr. Dickinson: “Harry, I'm awfully sorry about this. I understand your problems and you need the money, but things are tight around here, too, Perhapsiif you worked a little harder things might pick up. You come in again in a few months.” Now, let's eavesdrop on Jim Morten, one of Harry's co-workers. Jim also had an appointment with Mr. Dickinson, but instead of coming to the office carly, he thought he would start the day off right and drop by one of his easy accounts ~ quick sale, just to get things set up for the rest of the day - to get. 63. Jim: himself into a positive frame of mind. When Jim’s time came to see Mr. Dickinson and he was shown into the office, Mr. Dickinson was on the Phone, but Jim sat down and waited for him. Let's listen to Jim's style of thinking and consider the feelings his thoughts created. “Dickinson's on the phone, Probably ina bad mood. Well, ! got some news that'll pick him up a bit. ll tell him before I put him on the spot. No need to be nervous. I deserve what I'm asking for. Afterall, I've been opening up the territory, and I've managed to shake the tree a litle too. I got some bad accounts but they're not my fault. Everybody has those. | also got some new accounts. He ought to be pretty pleased about that. Keep in mind that Jim and Harry were producing about the same amount of business. The difference between them this morning was not in their sales performance, it was inside their own minds in their styles of thinking. While Harry's‘conversation with the boss reflected anxiety and worry, Jim’s conversation reflected confidence and feelings of success. In a sense, both Harry and Jim worried before their meetings. Jim worried in a constructive way. He concentrated on how to present his case most effectively. while Harry focused on his boss’ probable reactions. Harry gave up control. Jim exercised control. Mr. Dickinson: “Jim, things have been tough around here. I'd like to do better, but {think we can give you what you want. How about another $2,500.00 for this year? Keep up the good work and see me in 6 months or so and we'll have another chat. Okay?” Dr. Maltz: Jim succeeded where Harry failed because of confidence. No matter how confident Harry felt, he didn't use it, whereas Jim did, Let's replay some of what happened. When Harry came to the office, he waited to see the boss but he allowed himself to be overcome with negative feelings. (“I don't know what I'll be able to tell Martha if I don’t get the raise.") He used the past destructively by recalling experiences of failure. (“I think I must be the ‘only one who hasn't had a raise in the last three years.") Harry lacked confidence in himself and instead of approaching his boss with the attitude ‘that he deserved what he was asking for he went with anticipation of being rejected. He anticipated what would happen if he were rejected. Rejection ina sense became his goal. But Jim on the other hand was successful. (“No ‘need to be nervous. I deserve what I'm asking for.") He used the techniques athletes use. He cultivated the winning feeling in anticipation, Because he 64. 65. anticipated success, he achieved success. His goal was success. Unwit- NOTES tingly, we allow what we anticipate to become our goal. If we are concerned with failure, we will achieve it Phil: How do most people develop the skills and abilities that they are good at and feel confident about? If you stop to think about it, you'll realize that most, of the things we do well and feel confident about, have come about more by accident than through deliberate planning. The classes we liked in school, the jobs we got early in our working career, the type of area in which we grew up - these situations led us into the development of certain abilities and caused us to simply ignore others. Dr. Maltz: By using your imagination creatively, you live in the present - today - determined to have one thought ata time -one goal ata time. Seeking goals within your capabilities. You practice without pressure, without tension, relaxed as you go for your goal, concentrating on it, Keeping your eye on the ball, imagining you're reaching your goal, refusing to let fear sidetrack you. ‘There is, within each one of us, a life instinct which is forever working toward health, happiness and al that makes for more life for the individual This life instinct works for you through what I call the creative mechanism, or when used correctly, the success mechanism, built into each human. being. We succeed by using our assets within us to reach productive goals - our assets of understanding, compassion, self-respect and self-acceptance. ‘We always talk about the wonders of modem science as preparing us for the future. But one aspect of science we often forget about is the knowledge of the past - archaeology. Just think of some of the fascinating discoveries that have recently been made about ancient Greece. Dr. John Pappadumecheu was digging near a village in Greece and uncovered fifteen wooden vases carved in geometrical designs. It was the first such find in history. The vases hhad been preserved in mud since the Sth and 6th centuries B.C. Or take the example of Professor John L. Caskey from the University of Cincinnati, He found the Mycinean settlement that dates back some 3,500 years. He found a temple, palace, private homes with inside plumbing, and a municipal sewer system 3,500 years ago. From time to time, we lean of new excavations that bring old civilizations to life, Archaeology helps us understand our origins. It gives us an apprecia- tion of other societies and more insight into our own. But you should be an archaeologist oo, and you don't need an axe or a shovel, or any instrument KVIATISITSVSIVTIVSISISVISSSIVVISVIAVRARAAARARV*SVSee2seesee OO eee forthat matter, AU you need is five minutes when you can rest after your day's work, Use these five minutes to concentrate on yourself, to ty to find those hidden treasures that you've forgotten about for ages. Dig down through the debris of failure and you will find hidden ‘treasures that are more Jmportant to you than those found in some by-gone civilization. These {weasures are your self-respect, sincerity, understanding, your self-confidence and your courage. They will help you each your daily goal, They will give ‘You the proper self-image and bring success to your undertakings. How do you appraise yoursel(? I's remarkable that we'te at least objective ‘appraising ourselves, Lastly, in our understanding of others, we may stil be lerational in understanding ourselves. From what I've read, even the great Sigmund Freud, whose creative and courageous work bas had such impact ‘nour thinking, could not completely fathom the mysteries of his own mind And sat goes with others -the physicist, master of technical concepts, may have a distorted, untruthful view of himself. The judge who dedicates his life ‘o justice and truth may know litle truth about himself. Now what is your truth about yourself? Do you feel inferior because you never made as much ‘money as someone else? Is your truth that asa single woman you are a total failure because you didn't marry? Or do you believe a physical feature shows your inferiority along nose, a weak chin? Ordo you destroy yourself ‘ith other so-called truths? Too many people see only negation when they think they see truths about themselves. They block off joy because they're 50 entical of themselves their truths are distortions, Stop short changing ‘Yourself and de-hypnotize yourself from your ridiculous atacks on yourself Try to be objective. Give yourself some justice fora change, then you may be able to move forward into a more creative life SEE YOURSELF ONLY WITH "KIND EYES"! Pat’ ‘The more you de-bypnotize yourself with psycho- ‘ybemetics, the more portunities you'll find to succeed Dr. Maltz: How do you know you are youself with ll the pressures and tensions ‘acing you? The business of being your true self consists in standing upto Pressures andthe tensions and problems of the day. Problems will always confront us. They are there to surmount. That is what enhances ‘our integrity as human beings, giving muscle to our spiritual and intellectual fibers Success doesn’t mean being successful, success means the capacity to rise Phil: above a problem or failure, a tension, a corrosion, a conflict. How do you know yourself? You begin to know yourself when you give yourself the chance to develop and make your image grow when you tackle problems. Ifyoulet negative feelings overcome you and complain that life was unkind, that you were born unlucky, then you are not yourself. Then you've become less than what you really are, and you'll make your image shrink in size. How do you know yourself? You look in the mirror and ask yourself this question. And you, not someone else, must answer it. You answer it by knowing you are a combination of frustration and confidence, happiness and despair, and you resolve to mean something to n0 one but to yourself. And through this resolve, you have the desire to amount to your true self. This desire gives you the direction to reach your goal of finding the better part of ‘you- the true you - refusing to be less than what you think you are through some error ofthe past. You are yourself when you are true to yourself. Then life has meaning, Psycho-Cybemetics allows you to surgically remove the inside-the-mind scar tissue that is concealing the real you. Dr. Maltz: We are all bom with a real self. Itis ours since birth. As we grow up our self becomes more developed through experience. But we do not start cout with everything. One of the things we have to acquire is personality. Even babies take on personality in very short order. Infact, many of us think of babies as all personality. Just about everyone loves little babies. Why? ‘They're cute of course but t's their open personality that we like best. When. ‘a baby is unhappy, he cries, and we know that he cries freely. And when the baby is happy, he also expresses himself freely. The expression may be totally spontaneous - a grin erupting into a gurgle, but it gives us great pleasure. The baby communicates his personality. He's spontaneous. He has not yet leamed our refinements, our ways of hiding and holding back our emotions. ‘What emotion hurts person the most? All negative feelings hurt in various degrees depending upon the individual. The fear of making a mistake which prevents you from taking chances in life hurts you. The feeling of insecurity that you're nobody because you failed in some undertaking hurts. Aggres- siveness of the wrong kind when you hurt others hurts you a great deal. Loneliness, that terrifying feeling of being separate from others, even though you may be in the room with a thousand people, hurts because you have denied yourself the right to communicate with yourself and with others. Uncertainty, the feeling that life is too fanatic, hurts you because you cannot relax and cannot respond tothe times of stress. Hatred is even worse. Hatred means that you hate yourself first and then you hate other people. It ‘means that you have become a traitor to yourself letting the termites of nothingness bore holes within your mind and spirit, leaving you empty as a ‘human being. With hatred go envy, jealousy, and all the cancerous moods that deprive you of your self-respect as a human being. However, I believe that indifference is the one emotion that hurts person most because it means ‘emptiness. It means that you're hibernating from reality, living in a make believe world, a dark dungeon, a concentration camp you have built for yourself, and you negate your life force. Life changes every day, and not reacting ot ina creative way means that every day you're dying, not living. Creative living stems from a constructive point of view. Not responding to life makes one a vegetable. It is far better to try and fail than leave things as they are and not bother tying. Upand down. We all have these ups and downs which we call moods, which depends on the image we have of ourselves as we meet the pressures and challenges of living. At low periods, we become more critical at times - critical of others and of ourselves. We are more irritable and care little about ‘other people. We are depressed, unhappy, ashamed of our self-image. The high periods are periods of hope and excitement, periods of belief and self- confidence. We exultantly tackle today's problems to reach our daily goal ‘with assurance, Here we have a self image we're proud of, one we can live with. We feel on top of the world until we dispose of the surplus energy we have stored, then subsequently, we may fall into another slump of depres- sion and discouragement. Man has his ups and downs at various times. He is filled with belief and hope on one occasion, and then filled with frustration and despair on another occasion. He is filled with compassion today and with resentment tomor- row. There isan eternal struggle within him between the will to find his self- respect and the will to renounce his identity. The eternal battle between his big self and his litle self. This is man, yet with his desire for self-fulfillment, he can rise above failure, mistake, a blunder ora heartache, and become the successful human being he really likes. And he can also use the confidence of his past successes in his present undertaking to make himself a happier person most of the time. A man may be down, overwhelmed with a deep NOTES 68. Phil: depression as a result of failure, but because of his fortitude, he can rise above it to amount to his big self, and it’s just as true thata: moment of success achieving a goal at that moment, he may be overcome with a deep feeling of depression. Ihave found this in myself and in many successful people in all walks of life: artists, actors, musicians, physicians, lawyers, teachers and successful students. When depression suddenly appears, remember to adjust to it, that tomorrow is another day to reach fulfillment, that depression is one of the traits of humanity, and it should be a stimulus to rise above it and reach for your better self. ‘You should understand that your behavior depends on your self-image and that this self-image can change back and forth like your face, depending on whether it is tense or relaxed. Since your moods are part of the natural business of living, no matter how dismal the outlook may seem to you when you're low, remember this: you will feel better presently if you cam reactivate the success mechanism within you. Dr. Maltz: Use your imagination. Sit down in a chair and relax. Go into a room Pat Dr. ‘of your mind. See in your mind your past successes. Picture them and feel them. This will help you improve your self-image, returning you to confi- dence and happiness. Have you ever noticed that when you're in a good mood things seem to go better? When you're in a bad mood things seem to go badly. In both cases, the things we experience seem to confirm and validate the mood we're in. Maltz: Real or imagined injury. Hurt feelings, remorse, guilt, heartache or resentment. They block self-fulfillment. They steer you away from your goals, You must realize that itis you and you alone who are in position to remove your emotional scars. You must nourish your self-respect and develop confidence in your own sense of direction. Self-fulfillment has to bbe achieved. A person who sees himself as liked, wanted, acceptable and able, a person who feels oneness with others, he possesses a rich store of information and knowledge. Be too big tofeel threatened. Have a self-reliant responsible attitude. Relax away emotional hurts. Develop self-esteem. You must retain respect for yourself even though you fail in an undertaking. You must always rise above a failure and try to reach your full stature of dignity ‘asa real, fulfilled person. Program yourself for pleasant thinking. Concen- trate on building self-confidence, esteem, self-expansion. Re-evaluate your beliefs. Live creatively. Your negative feelings are there for you to rise 69. « « 6 € € « « ¢ € 6 4 4 4 ¢ ¢ ¢ 4 ¢ ‘ @ ° 6 ¢ « e e e e e e e e e e e o e e e ® e e e 70. above. You do not have to respond at all times with negative feelings. You NOTES ‘must learn to stand up under stress by remaining relaxed and free, You must see that you should not make mountains out of mole hills. Be too big to be threatened by one error. Phil: Most writers will tell you that what they do is quite difficult One famous Writer said that creative writing is easy, you just sit down at the typewriter and give blood. Writers often talk about writer's block which is really a ‘mood or a state of mind that cuts off the flow of creative ideas. Dr. Maltz recalls this story about a friend with writer's block. Dr. Maltz: A friend of mine, a famous author, a man who has written many fascinating novels, told me a story about himself. One morning he found himself in the grip of a strangely depressed mood. He felt scooped out, hollow, depleted, He felt like two book ends with no books inside him anymore. He could not write. He called within himself and nothing happened. There was no response. He decided to go for a walk about the ‘grounds of his farm, He filled his lungs with pure air. As he was walking, he paused before a grape arbor. He looked at the heavy clusters of purple ‘concord hanging from the vines. He looked around him and saw other signs of the fantastic bounty of nature. In the orchard he stopped before an apple tree, He had neglected this tree, had never pruned it, but nonetheless it was heavy with fruit, All around him he saw the abundance of nature. Other dreams, other views, other signs of the generous yield of nature. Who could tally this crop that surrounded him? In this great world of abundance how ‘can any one man be hollow? He was part of nature - part ofits abundance He walked back to his desk at peace with himself, He no longer felt depleted. Phil: Was it the actual abundance of nature, the real grapes, the real apples that caused the author's mood to change? No. Remember, as Dr. Maltz says, we do not respond to the world as itis, we respond to the world the way we imagine it to be. The abundance of nature caused a change in the images the author was entertaining and these new, abundant, vital images are what ‘changed his mood. We can literally create our own reality - a successful, prosperous, confident reality, or, an incomplete, unfulfilling reality purely by the power of our thinking ALTER THE IMAGES YOU VIEW MOST OFTEN INSIDE YOUR OWN MIND AND YOU AUTOMATICALLY CHANGE THE ACTUAL EXPERIENCES OF LIFE. Dr. Maltz: There is an abundance within yourself to make you happy. Youare part of this world. You share its abundance. It exists within you. Confidence, instant confidence, can grow within you, ready to be harvested at: any season at any time, You just have to reach within yourself. You will find it in abundance Now I'm sure that God did not mean for us to spend so much of our time being miserable, for as human beings, you and I are among the most amazing and remarkable creatures on earth. We should devote more of our days to being glad about this and putting the wonder of ourselves to better use. ‘We're all familiar with the physical symptoms of tension - the tight feeling in the stomach and throat, the restlessness, quickened heartbeats. We become jumpy, and we're ready to jump - to jump away from danger, run from an enemy, or into a fight. Just as these symptoms are useful to an ‘animal, they're helpful to us too when we encounter sudden danger. Take the simple actof driving on the highway. When the roads are relatively free from. ‘traffic, it's a pleasure to drive, Given room to maneuver, a comfortable car, and a well designed road the competent driver can find commuting a Pleasure. Often a refreshing period before and after a days work. But when there is danger, either from another driver's recklessness, bad weather conditions, or toomuch traffic, we suddenly find ourselves under stress. Our ‘tension reaction develops and we should be thankful. It’s something in our bodies which allows us to respond to situations more easily, more rapidly. It gives us that extra energy to be alert to the other car, the ice slick, or an instant stop. And in our modem age, there are lots of stress situations. In our work we're sometimes in potentially dangerous situations in which ‘our tension reactions help us. Construction workers, electricians, factory workers, and many others, are often faced with sudden physical danger. ‘Their tension reactions protect them the minute they perceive any kind of physical threat. Another one of the most common sources of tension comes ‘ot from physical danger but from interpersonal relations, In fact, the people Who are closest to us, our parents, our children, our partners in both business and marriage, often give us the most cause for tension. A husband and wife, in a simple argument, often provoke in each other the most primitive animal reactions of fighting and fear. Usually, when an argumentis over, the tension Jeaves, but when situations are not resolved people retain their fear and anger reactions, even when they're no longer needed. At this point, they hamper NOTES their lives, Their tension no longer helps them, it hinders them, They're carrying the extra weight of the past on their backs. Worry is the least effective form of thinking. It causes anxiety and frustra- tion, Itshuts down creative thinking and robs us of energy that could be used to solve problems, Worry is destructive, and it produces no solutions, only ‘more worry. Yet, we all worry, and weall seem to have many things to worry about It’s built into our culture. It's built into our style of thinking We ‘worry about our families, our futures, our health, our finances, our friends. Dr. Maltz has a powerful recipe to end worry, and that is to worry constructively. By doing so, you can actually build a new habit of thinking about problems that will lead you to solutions and achievement rather than frustration, Here are five simple techniques that Dr. Maltz suggests you use to stand up to worry ’ FIVE TIPS FOR CONQUERING WORRY Dr. Maltz: 1. Don't ponder over how you're going to say something when you have a firm goal in your mind. Just open your mouth and say it. Improvise as you need to. 2. Don’t think to much before you act. Put your goal foremost in your mind and then act. Correct your actions as you go along, not before you start. 3. Stop criticizing yourself after each action no matter how simple. Use criticism sparingly, not continuously 4. Make a habit of speaking louder than usual. Inhibited people are notoriously wispy voiced. You don’t have to shout at people, but just try to raise the volume of your voice. 5. Let people know you like them, Compliment at least three people a day If you like what someone is wearing or doing, say so. Be direct ‘Small Potato, Big Potato..... Here is another practical symbol of what you are learning in psycho- cybernetics. Go to the kitchen and get a small potato. Keep it someplace where you will see it every day this week while you are studying the lesson ‘onsself-confidence. Each time you see it, remind yourself not to let your self= NOTES 73. image shrink to the size of this small potato. Say to yourself, “I will not NOTES coddle my regrets. I will not carry grudges. I shall forgive and forget. I will ‘not waste precious time brooding on small matters. I shall make my image grow with the confidence I had in the past and self-confidence I have now.” Phil: Small potato, big potato, you can be as big as you want to be, as capable as you want to be, and as confident as you want to be in the ways that you want to be, and as confident as you want to be through the big-ness of your thinking. Psycho-Cybemetics is about power. Far too many people need- lessly give away their power over the present and the future to negative feelings rooted in their past. Today, far too many people give power over, their lives to mind and mood altering drugs, both legal and illegal. Now, with ‘your growing understanding of psycho-cybemnetics, you can firmly take the reins of power in your own life and be the very best you that youcan be. Now, here’s Dr. Maltz with his ten principles of personal power. The Ten Steps To Personal Power Dr. Maltz: 1. Realize that your principal goal in life is to live and be happy, and that confidence is a state of happiness that is a goal in itself. 2. Confidence means positive thinking plus positive doing and trying. You ‘must have a goal, You must have great desire, a feeling of enthusiasm that you can reach your goal. Imagine that you are already there. Then act! 3. You must think in terms of success, not failures. Evoke the feelings of past successes. If you feel successful, you will act with confidence. 4. Acquire the habit of confidence. Confidence is built on confidence ‘Remember the saying, “Nothing succeeds like success.” 5. Re-activate your servo-mechanism to re-live the confidence of the past. 6. Go back in your memory and re-live a successful experience. If you insist you've never had a successful experience, imagine in your mind how you would look and act if you were successful in some undertaking. The mind cannot tell the difference between a true experience and one vividly ‘imagined in dewail 7. If you insist on worrying, then worry constructively about a positive goal Slowly and surely achieving your goal saying to yourself that itis possible, ‘not impossible, and that with a little courage and faith, you will reach it. 8. Accept the negativ capacity to rise above negative feelings, even failur 9, Substitute a good feeling of confidence for a bad feeling of frustration, feelings as a challenge. Remember, confidence the NOTES ‘Make a habit of it. You can do it now 10. Don’t replay an old record of frustration and unhappiness in your mind. Substitute a new record of confidence and happiness Pat’ You've almost reached the end of this second session of your psycho- ‘cybernetics course, This system has been designed with many exercises you can do to learn and apply the ideas you're discovering. If you're not able to perform the following exercises right now, you may want to stop this tape and position to return to these exercises and go on to cassette 3 Phil: Let's look now atthe exercises in your Manual for building self-confidence. In these exercises, you will lear to vidly recall past successes and re- experience confident feelings. You will earn to create synthetic experience ~ that is, images of imagined successes that can't tell the difference between real and synthetic experience. You can program your servo-mechanism for success with either or both types of experience. You'll also learn how to climinate the negative feelings of past negative experiences, and, you'll set clearer daily and weekly goals to stimulate the right kind of creative thinking Pat’ In your Manual turn to the page titled “Effective Exercises For Creating Confident, Successful Feelings.” Use these instructions to put the power producing affirmation “I am confident” to work for you every day Now, here's Dr. Maltz with another mirror exercise Dr. Maltz: Write the words “self-confidence” on the mirror. Now look into it and say to yourself, “I must use the principle of athletes to forget the failures of yesterday and concentrate on the successes of today. I must also concentrate ‘on my past successes, after all, I have succeeded sometime in something. I ‘must recall the confidence of past successes for my present undertaking and make it a habit like brushing my teeth. If I do this, I will achieve instant confidence.” Pat: Next, you'll find the constructive worry worksheet. This isa wonderful tool for replacing destructive worrying with a constructive, productive worrying that frees you, not freezes you, that achieves goals and leads to success. ‘You'll notice that you're invited to photocopy this worksheet, Many people continue to use it frequently, literally for life, and you may want to do the same. Next, you have more goals exercises. Remember that the very basis of psycho-cybernetics is your natural goal-seeking behavior. You're certain to be at your best automatically when you have positive goals clearly in mind. Phil: Remember to take a litle time to relax mentally and physically before involving yourself in these exercises. Then you'll not only be learning more about psycho-cybemetics with each exercise, each day, you'll also be programming your powerful servo-mechanism for greater success. CONFIDENCE IS NOT SOMETHING YOU GO AND GET. IT IS ALREADY INSIDE YOU, IN FAR GREATER ABUNDANCE THAN YOU COULD EVER NEED, WAITING TO BE CALLED UPON, TO WORK ON YOUR BEHALF. IN THIS SESSION, YOU'VE LEARNED HOW TO GET THE THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS THAT DIMINISH CONFIDENCE OUT OF THE WAY, SO YOU CAN FREE YOUR SELF-CONFIDENCE. NOTES 75.

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