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Life Lists Annotations

By: Will Arling

1. Visit all seven continents
To visit all seven continents would be very fun to me. This is a goal of mine
because I want to see all the monuments, cultures, and natural wonders of the world. I
plan to accomplish this goal by traveling as much as I can and taking every opportunity
to travel.
2. VIsit every state in the USA
To visit every state in the US would be very fun. I wish to do this because every state is
unique. Every state deserves to be seen individually. I plan to do this by traveling as much as I
can to new places.
3. Summit Mt. Everest
Climbing a mountain has always been a dream of mine, so why not the biggest mountain
on the planet. I want to do this because it is the highest point on earth and that is something to
witness. I plan to do this by going to nepal and finding a way to get on an expedition, hopefully a
way that doesnt cost $65,000(which is how much it costs to go).
4. Visit another planet
To be on another world would be incredible and astounding. I plan to do this by
taking the first opportunity to go whenever that may be. I wish to do this because I want
to be one of the lucky few to see another world and have my name in the history books.
5. Join the military
To join the military has always been a dream of mine. I plan to enlist when I am 18
or after college. I want to do this because it seems like a good cause to spend my time on
and to get respect from others.
6. Meet a US president
Before I die I wish to meet a US President. I want to do this in my lifetime because
whoever the president would be at that time would be the most powerful person in the country,
and one of the most powerful in the world. I plan to do this by going somewhere that they are
doing some event and meet them there.
7. End terrorism
To end terrorism would be a big accomplishment. I want to accomplish this because
terrorism is certainly one of the biggest threats facing the world today and it needs to stop. I plan
to accomplish this by working with the governments of these countries to infiltrate and destroy
8. Cure Zika
Before it becomes a bigger epidemic I would like to cure Zika. I wish to do this
because Zika is causing millions of babies each year to be born with severe birth defects.
I plan to do this by using mosquitoes with Zika to spread the cure by injecting them with
the cure and then releasing them. It's a work in progress.
9. Live a fulfilling life

My nineth life accomplishment is to live a fulfilling life. I plan to do this by staying positive
and taking every opportunity that comes to have fun and do well. I wish to do this because you
only get one life, so enjoy it.
10. Not die full of regret
My final life accomplishment is to not die full of regret. I plan to do this by not
focusing on the past and living in the future. I wish to do this because there is no time in
life for regret.
Rubric rating submitted on: 9/18/2016, 12:18:34 PM by
3 (Proficient)

2 (Progressing)

1 (Beginning)

Drafting (x2)
3 (Proficient)

1.Lists 25 goals
2.Separates goals into

Meets 1 proficient

Meets none of the


CUPS (capitalization,
usage, punctuation,
2 (Progressing)

1.Begins each goal

with a verb 2.Uses
correct spelling and
3.Annotations are
written in complete

Meets 2 of the
proficient criterion

Meets fewer than 2 of

the criterion

Annotations (x3)
1 (Beginning)

1.Goal is stated
above annotation
2.Begins each
annotation with an
-ing word (gerund), a
conjunction, or "to"
(infinitive) 3.Each
annotation is 3-5
sentences long

Meets 2 of the
proficient criterion

Meets fewer than 2 of

the criterion

Time Management
3 (Proficient)

1. Project submitted
on time
Uses class time
wisely and efficiently

Meets 1 of the
proficient criterion

Meets none of the


CUPS= 2.5

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