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- Fixed modorder not being saved properly
- Added 'no info... yet' message when mods/ scan is still in-progress
- Fixed modman.command double-clicking on linux?
- Fixed advanced find tags not honoring start= when greater than match count
- Fixed advanced find tags not honoring limit=
- Fixed hidden files and directories not appearing when finding resources
- Updated log4j2 to 2.0-beta9, fixing a hang when run with Java 1.7.0_25
- Changed FTLDat to allow opening dats in read-only mode
- Changed modman.exe to fail rather than use VirtualStore
- Added modman_admin.exe, which always runs as administrator
- Added a Validate warning for junk files whose names start/end with tilde
- Added a Validate warning for junk files whose names start+end with hash
- Added a Validate warning for junk files named '.dropbox'
- Added a check during patching to skip junk files
- Added an error popup when the jar is double-clicked
- Added rawappend/rawclobber suffixes to preserve whitespace in 'misc.xml'
- Minor optimizations to reduce memory usage
- Added uncaught exception handling for background threads
- Cleaned up some dodgy code when initially prompting for FTL's location
- Added another common game location: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FTL"
- Added
- Fixed
- Fixed
- Fixed
- Added
- Added
- Fixed
- Added
- Added
- Added

"Return FTL to an unmodded state before switching to a new version"

advanced find tags' panic arg (was "true" all the time)
advanced selector tag not narrowing results when it had a value
perpetually green "Update" button
--global-panic commandline arg to show mod devs typoed find tags
commandline tips in readme_modders.txt
sloppy parser Validate error about things not allowed at root
a Preferences dialog as an alternative to editing modman.cfg
a troubleshooting note about Java 1.7.0_25 to readmes
support for embedded descriptions in *.ftl files

- Added a commandline interface
- Incorporated strict-then-sloppy XML parsing into the patch process
- Added special XML tags for advanced appending
- Added XML Sandbox for tinkering with append tags
- Added 'Engi Scrap Advantage' example mod
- Added scrollbars to progress popups to show long error messages
- The main window's geometry is saved on exit
- Added urls in the statusbar when hovering over links
- Added periodic checking for SMM updates
- Added FTL launching on Linux
- Fixed critical bugs in InputStreams returned by FTLDat
- Added a button to open the mods/ folder
- Added FTL resource extraction
- Made the mods list resizable (drag the divider)
- Changed modorder saving to occur on exit, instead of after patching
- Added a mod's estimated release date to the "No info" notice
- Added an explanation of encodings to the modder readme

Added LF to CR-LF conversion for *.xml.append, *.xml, and *.txt

Added a Validate warning for text files with LF line endings
Fixed data loss when decoding Windows-1252 text with accented characters
Changed catalog auto-update url from GMM's repository to SMM's
Added tolerance for non-standard zips containing backslash paths
Added a Validate warning for non-standard zips containing backslash paths
Fixed Validation checking that scanned selected mods in reverse order
Restricted double-click selection to repeated clicks on one title cell

- Changed mod list to a table with checkboxes
- Instead of extracting to temp, mod data is transferred directly into dats
- Added a GUI progress bar during patching
- Added a Validate warning for paths with non-ASCII chars
- Added support for windows-1252 ANSI and UTF-16 text in mods
Changes shared with Grognaks Mod Manager 1.8:
- Added periodic updates to the catalog of mod metadata
- Added ini setting: update_catalog
- Added a log warning during patching if a mod gets clobbered
- Added a log warning during patching if a modded file's case doesn't match
- Made the main window resizable
- Changed listbox selection to use double-click
Grognaks Mod Manager 1.7:
- Last official release

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