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"Sh oot f or

t h e m oon .
Ev en i f y ou
m i ss, y ou 'l l
l an d
am on g t h e
st ar s"
- Les Br own

"I w i l l l et t h em
be l i t t l e, f i l l
t h ei r h ear t s
w i t h l au gh t er ,
h el p t h em
gr ow w i n gs,
n u r t u r e t h ei r
sen se of
w on d er ,
i n sp i r e t h em
t o bel i ev e, an d
l ov e t h em l i k e
t h er e i s n o
t om or r ow ."



My philosophy of teaching is that the

student always comes first. I always
make it my mission to be there for
my students when and if they ever
need me. If one of my students does
not understand a concept that we
are going over, I will do whatever it
takes for that particular student to
grasp that concept. My student's
success is very important to me, and I
hope that I can be a stepping stone
that leads them to their success.

I have three very important mottos to

me, and those are:

Be nice to everyone around you

Always try your best
Have fun

I expect that all of my students will

follow these rules. As long as everyone
follows these three things, I believe
that we can have a successful year!
Make sure that you have the tools that
you will need to participate in every
day activities in the classroom;

Colored Pencils
Notebook Paper

All About Miss. Malick...

To start off, I have wanted to be a teacher since I
was in middle school. I would always play school
with my friends and my two younger sisters.
Family is very important to me, and I love to
spend time with my sisters. I enjoy reading in my
spare time and I always love to watch movies. I
am not that big in to sports, but I did love to
swim, and I was on my swim team for about ten
years. My favorite animal is a horse and I love the
color purple. Fun fact: I am part Korean!

Contact Miss. Malick...

Phone Number: 484-801-7605
Email Address:

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