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e.g. She's busy PREPARING a report. drawing up

Break into
1. Perhaps we should DO a feasibility study?
2. Are you really going to PRESENT that idea to the members ?
3. It's not the best time to LAUNCH that washing-machine.

Lay of
Deal with
Go over

4. I'm thinking of CREATING my own company.

Work out

5. We really must PENETRATE the African market.

Take on

6. I'm sure we can FIND a solution.

Look after

7. We HANDLE thousands of orders daily.

Put of

8. I'd like you to INVESTIGATE the problem right away.

9. Twenty miners were DISMISSED yesterday.
10. Let's REVIEW the main points again, shall we ?
11. We'd better GET insurance to be on the safe side.
12. We're thinking of HIRING a Personnel Manager.

Fall through
Look into
Bring out
Draw up
Bring forward
Carry out

13. Don't worry - I'll TAKE CARE OF that.

14. Do you mind if I POSTPONE our appointment until tomorrow ?
15. Talks between management and employees have FAILED again.
16. Peter's presentation was SET TO AN EARLIER DATE.

Take out
Set up
Put forward

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