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Middle aged/older men can look out for and respect the younger generation.

I am going to discuss the way age is represented through the use of camera, editing
and mise-en-scene in the extract from Criminal Justice.
There is a low angle shot of the older man when talking to the younger one while
giving him advice. This represents him as dominant as hes seen as bigger and being
looked up to literally by the camera. This suggests that the information hes giving to
the younger man is useful and is looking out for him because he doesnt have to be
doing this as hes above the man in the situation and could have just left him but
instead is looking out for him.

There is an over the shoulder, mid-close up shot of the older man making a joke at the
younger one. This reflects that the older man has a certain amount of respect for the
younger man as the close up shows that hes focused on him and paying attention to
him rather than just dismissing him. Making the joke also shows that the man is trying
to welcome him into the prison and getting him to understand the place.

The mise-en-scene of the older mans shirt saying listener when he takes off his
hoodie after the younger man enters the cell shows that hes more experienced and
willing to help the newer people; the camera really focuses and stays on the shot of the
shirt suggesting that its something important for the character. It suggests that even
though the man is in prison he will still look out for people who dont feel comfortable
willingly. It also suggests that without saying it directly hes willing to help the new
person. The fact that his clothes are different can also suggest that in a way hes higher
and different to the others in the prison.

The use of the dialogue and sound when the older man says he set you up when
confronting the younger man about why hes in prison shows that hes correcting the
young man right from the start and understands the prison. It shows him as smart that
he knows whats happening and also willing to help by calling the younger man out
and informing him that hes being messed around.

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