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Team Members:

1. _Ali Perez
2. _Alondra Lopez
3. Alexis Garcia

Main Idea of Film:

Theres this lady
who weird things
keep happening to
her so she calls a

Genre: Horror
Line of Dialogue: "Ive gone mad.
Stark raving mad."
Character:Gregory Gumshoe
Prop:bright red lipstick

Beginning of
story: How does it

Middle of story:

End of story:
How is it resolved?

What happens? What is the conflict?

Theres a girl who is in a

classroom waiting foe her
friend and before her friend
gets their strange things
starts happening

Both girls are hanging

out together when weird
things start happening
and they both go get a

Here weird things friend goes

with her friend and tells her
weird things are happening
but instead of helping her
friend calls her crazy

The detective come and he

starts doing some

At the end we see all

character die

One Paragraph Synopsis of your film (refer to PDF on class website for how to write a one paragraph synopsis):
Girl has weird/strange things happen to her she tells her friend then her friend does not believe then both of
them experience these moments together so they go get help but they die at the end

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