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JOURNEY, An Introduction

This is the journey of mankind, a Royal Maze through the fog of the night and the swamp to the
stars and immortality. A maze is filled with blind alleys and wrong turns, and I am not a prophet. I
do not know whether we will go to the stars and lay claim to our immortality or not. But we could.
A map exists. This map is provided by the Forbidden Sciences.

"I think, my Kepler, we will laugh at the extraordinary stupidity of the multitude. What do you say
of the leading philosophers here [U. of Padua] to whom I have offered a thousand times of my own
accord to show my studies, but who, with the lazy obstinacy of a serpent who has eaten his fill,
have never consented to look at the planets, or moon, or telescope?" An excerpt of a letter by
Galileo to Kepler, 19th August 1610,

Galileo had the same problem as that faced today by Psi researchers, ufologists and empirical
metaphysicians. Blind, dogmatic rejection. Galileo's colleagues at the University of Padua would
not so much as look at his telescope, much less through it at the night sky. Likewise, the academics
of our day are bound to the religion of reduction, and cannot keep their jobs if they so much as
question it. They are unwilling to look at the scientific proof of star-traveling humanoids, or the
scientific proof of reincarnation. If they consider such matters at all, they waste their time
debunking the daily horoscope.

UFOs ghost silently along close overhead or race in a few seconds to outer space. That reminds me
of levitation, a power of the mind. UFOs abruptly disappear in one place and instantly reappear
someplace else, perhaps hundreds of light years away. That reminds me of teleportation, another
power of the mind. If it weren’t for levitation and teleportation, star travel would not be possible at
all. UFOs and Psi turn out to be closely connected. UFOs show us the vast possibilities of the
mind, far beyond the powers of physics and technology. We may come to look back on the present
age of technology as a dark age, a time of abysmal ignorance about anything important.

Physics rules out the possibility of a technology of star travel. Despite that, every UFO enthusiast
I’ve ever met believes UFOs just have more advanced technology than we do. If we could go from
first flight in 1904 to first landing on the moon in 1969, then surely in a few hundred years, we can
go from space travel to star travel!

I wish it were so simple. Present space technology can at best be extrapolated to about one-tenth
light speed. That isn't nearly fast enough. The kind of star-planet-moon combinations needed for
complex life are few and far apart, perhaps thousands of light years. And if star travel were just a
matter of technology, Earth would long ago have been colonized by evil ETs. That has not
happened. This fact is known as Fermi’s paradox. Either there are no ETs, or evil ETs cannot jump
light years. This is a very important clue to the secret map.

Lawrence Krauss, a respected physicist and cosmologist, is the author of THE PHYSICS OF STAR
TREK. He takes the Starship Enterprise apart and does the calculations, and it just doesn’t work.
For instance, it would take all the energy the Sun has produced and ever will produce just to
achieve Warp One.

In any case, FTL (Faster Than Light travel) is too slow. Stars and planets capable of evolving
intelligent humanoids are few and far apart. A star must be long lived and old enough (about 4.5
billion years) for intelligence to have evolved. That rules out all the type “O” blue-white giants that
will blow themselves up in just a few million years. A star must be warm enough to maintain liquid
water on a planet like Earth. That rules out the type “M” red dwarfs, which is too bad, since they
are the most common type of star. About 80 percent of the stars within 22 light years of us are type
“M,” even though we can’t see them with the naked eye. A star must be a singlet, rather than a
multiple star system, in order for planets to have stable orbits. At least half of all star systems have
multiple stars. Our own star is a high metal type “G2” yellow dwarf singlet. Astronomers have not
yet found another exactly like it, although they must be out there somewhere. Earth-Moon systems
like ours are quite rare, being the accidental consequence of just the right kind of collision with the
right kind of planetoid. It gave the Earth a large metal core, one-half its radius, including a lot of
radioactive metals. This has kept plate tectonics going on Earth, long after it has ceased on Venus
or Mars. Plate tectonics are necessary for humanoids. Without plate tectonics the mountains wear
down and the continents are submerged by the ocean. Our Earth-Moon system has a lot of angular
momentum, so we have 24 hour days. By contrast, Venus rotates slowly backwards. Having a
large moon keeps the Earth stable in its tilt. Without the large moon, Earth could lay over on its
side, like Uranus. All this means that suitable Star-Planet-Moon combinations may be hundreds of
light-years apart. See the book RARE EARTH.

Despite that, we have been visited by at least 50 different species of star-traveling humanoids since
May, 1947. We know this from the “landed occupant” studies of Gordon Creighton and Charles
Bowen. See the book THE HUMANOIDS, edited by Charles Bowen. The only practical method of
star travel is teleportation, instantaneous jumps over hundreds of light years. And if one can
teleport, surely one can levitate, providing the slow and silent flight of UFOs over lightly inhabited
parts of the globe.

If the mind is capable of teleportation and levitation, it can’t be the brain, nor the activity of the
brain, and cannot be made of ordinary matter. It must be made of Dark Matter, invisible and
intangible, something discovered by the astronomers and still very mysterious.
None of this is speculation. I rely totally on scientific method, not the same thing as accepting
whatever is in the textbooks.

About half of what scientists believe is the worldview of reduction, a dogma, a matter of faith. We
could even call it the religion of the scientist; articles of faith that cannot be challenged and still
hold a job as an academic scientist.

There are and have been a few people such as D. D. Home and Uri Geller who could levitate and
teleport objects, even themselves. These are inherent and potential powers of mind-stuff. How do
we develop such powers to the interstellar level? Not easily or quickly. We develop such powers
by spiritual evolution, and along the way, we lose our primitive traits, such as greed, violence, and
lack of empathy for other life forms. This is the solution to Fermi’s Paradox. That is why
knowledge of star-travel is connected to knowledge of the eternal. Sic Itur Ad Astra, "the way to the
stars...and to immortality."

In 1950, the talk turned to ETs, and the great Italian scientist, Enrico Fermi, said, “If ETs are at all
common, where are they?” What he meant was this. For the past 1.5 billion years, Earth has had
liquid water, oxygen, and dry land. If we came across a planet like that, we would colonize it. But
this hasn’t happened. That is the paradox. Fermi’s mistake was to assume that ETs would be like
present day humanity, greedy, violent, uncaring about the ecology, reproducing out of control, like a
plague on the planet Earth. A spiritually advanced species would not be like that. That is why ET
didn’t colonize us. Only spiritually evolved species can teleport light-years. Our humanoid
brethren come in peace, carrying no weapons. They are not here to save us, or colonize us, or
convert us. Like our own anthropologists, they wish only to leave untouched the primitive culture
under study. That is why UFOs pose no threat to national security. It also explains why they make
no official contact, and confine their landings to remote and lightly inhabited regions of Earth.

Take nothing on faith. Make no assumptions. Consider the evidence for UFOs, levitation and
teleportation for yourself. It is every bit as good as the evidence for "dark energy." Better, actually,
since I have an alternative explanation for the temporary acceleration of the Hubble expansion, in
the chapter on physics, meaning there is no need to postulate the existence of dark energy. My
alternative is that anti-matter has anti-gravity. This has many consequences.

We now stand at a branch point in history. Down one path lies the scientist’s religion of reduction
of everything to physics. As a religion, it provides little comfort. If we took that path people would
reject science and with it all of rationality. We would then fall prey to new superstitions, producing
the collapse of civilization and a new Dark Age. It has all happened before.

Down the other path lies a renaissance of the spirit. It rejects all religions and articles of faith. It
expands scientific method to all questions. For every question, there is a realm of reproducible
experience that can provide the answer. If people only knew that Professor Stevenson has proof of
reincarnation, and that Gordon Creighton has proof of star-traveling humanoids, we would be half
way home to a glorious new age. That is our Journey, one that will change us. The Journey is as
important as the destination.

Physics is the key, and understanding it is the first step. Nonetheless, I have put that chapter last. If
there is one subject where people are inclined to accept whatever the scientists say, no matter how
paradoxical, it is physics. The physicists are the High Priests of the religion of Reduction, and the
Psi-cops (CSICOP) are the Grand Inquisitors. I have discovered the feet of clay of this false idol.
The physicists may think themselves too clever to be restricted by the rules of logic and
mathematics. I challenge that arrogant and absurd claim. One can do physics without paradox,
singularity or infinity, as I show in the physics chapter. There is no need to accept paradox.

Open your mind and give up your intellectual arrogance. Skepticism is just another article of faith,
not an alternative to it. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so long as it is in
the right direction. Let that first step be rejection of religion, particularly the religion of the
scientists. Then the Journey can begin.

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