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Facts about current leader

-Thomas Mulcair was elected leader of the NDP on May 26th 2011
-He was born on October 24th 1954 in Ottawa
History of NDP
-NDP was founded in 1961

-Economy: The NDP would like to cut taxes down to 9% and build up our economy with 1.5
billion a year.They also plan to create a lot more jobs
-Environment:The NDP wants to make a trade program that will stop climate change which will
enforce safety regulations
-Justice:The NDP plans to stop abuse against women, increase their shelter funding, and
launching an inquiry into murdered and missing women, They will also train and hire more
police officers.
The NDP will be trying to fast-track foreign credential recognition for immigrants, and family
reunification. They would also like to raise minimum wage to $15, creating 40,000 jobs for the
youth, and breaking down excessive ATM fees.
-Children and Child Care:
The NDP is trying to bring good quality and affordable child care. The NDP will be asking
profitable corporations to invest money in child care, and other causes.


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