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Freuds Theory

Individual and society are in eternal conflict

3 basic and interacting parts of personality:
1. Id- unconscious, works according to the pleasure
principle (the idea that all needs should be met
People are born with sex drives (sex and aggression)
that leads to a constant tension between the
individual and the society
2. Ego- conscious, makes the decisions, operates according
to the reality principle (desires of the id must be satisfied
in a method that is both socially appropriate and realistic)
3. Superego- works according to conscience (personal view
on what is right and wrong)
Cooleys Theory
Individual and society are inseparable: society cannot exist
without interacting individuals
Looking-glass self
o Looking-glass is the society a mirror in which we can
observe the reactions of others to our own behavior
o There is no self without society, no I without a
corresponding they to provide our self-image.
Meads Theory
Socialized self (conscious of social norms, values, and
expectations) is usually dominant over the spo
Symbolic interaction
o Interaction between people that takes place through
symbols such as gestures, facial expressions, and
o Vital outcome of socialization is the ability to anticipate
what others expect of us and to shape our own behavior
o The internalized general concept of social expectations
provides the basis for self-evaluation and hence for selfconcept.

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