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Grace McConnell

Communication Research

Alexa Mattis
Abdulrahman Almutairi

on Social
Final Research Report
4 April 2016

Celebrity endorsements are defined as a form of brand or advertising campaign that involves a
well known person using their fame to help promote a product or service (2016, What is
celebrity endorsement). Celebrities are used in endorsements and brand advertisements because
they have the distinctive characteristics such as, attractiveness and trust worthiness
(Chokesamritpol and Kutthakaphan). The marketing strategy of using celebrity endorsements is a
valuable way to build up instant brand recognition (Chokesamritpol and Kutthakaphan). In
research done by (Wolburg and Pokrywczynski 2001). Instagram is used to in a case study in
Magnum Thailand. The study proved that they could increase sales up to 10 million units within
a month, which is greater that sales in 5 years. This means Magnum is successful in gaining high
customers attention and gained a lot of sales in a very short time using celebrity endorsements on
Instagram (Chokesamritpol and Kutthakaphan). The problem area is that these endorsements can
cause misconceptions and even cause consumers to have self-image problems. As stated by PSI
audience members build one-sided relationships with the media they consume (Labrecque,
2014). Parasocial interaction (PSI) is one-side relationships, where one person has an emotional
connection or bond while investing interest and time into that person. Self brand connections
(SBC) is the image a brand has created over years of advertising as well as a consumers personal
experiences with the brand (Escalas and Bettmans 2015). In research done by (Wolburg and
Pokrywczynski 2001) celebrities are still influential to consumers because the consumers see
them as likable, realistic and attractive. (Chokesamritpol and Kutthakaphan). The problem
continues because consumers have shown the increasingly obsession with the celebrities and
their actions, by focusing on what these celebrities wear and what products they use.
(Chokesamritpol and Kutthakaphan).

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms

Literature Review
Instagram is a highly visual social media platform that engages online audiences via a one to
many platform delivering photographs and limited textual content. There have been numerous
studies on the impacts of celebrity endorsement via social media on consumers. Parasocial
interaction (PSI) is that explains how audience members build one-sided relationships with the
media they consume (Labrecque, 2014). PSI is described as an illusionary experience, such that
media audiences interact with personas (e.g., talk show host, celebrities, characters) as if they are
engaged in a reciprocal relationship with them, and feel as though a mediated other is talking
directly to them (Labrecque, 2014).
Through this mechanism consumers are impacted and companies can develop what Escalas and
Bettman (2015) term self brand connections (SBC) by using PSI between celebrities and their
audiences to inject positive product and brand messages through said channel. What Escalas and
Bettman (2015) found was that SBC is mediated by the consumer audience members aspirations
to align their self-concept with the image promoted by the celebrity. Instagrams highly visual
nature may influence an image based PSI particularly in younger consumers who are more selfimage conscious. The efficacy of companies attempting to change consumer behaviours is going
to be mediated through the SBC and celebrity endorsement will rely on congruence between
consumer and celebrity perceived identities.
Celebrity endorsements, in terms of their impact on consumers create perception change
regarding brands, developing equity when there is strong equivalence between the consumer and
the celebrity image (Dwivedi, Johnson & McDonald, 2015). This supports Escalas and Bettmans
findings (2015) and positions the celebrity as a highly influential individual akin to a modern-day
hero for particular subsets of the consumer market; allowing companies to strategically allocate
different celebrities to endorse products and brands for target markets of consumers they are
interested in applying influence to. Consumer may thus be impacted through social media
platforms such as Instagram as companies aggressively utilise celebrities via PSI and engage
SBC to alter consumer perceptions.

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms

Research Hypothesis
Instagram is a highly visual medium that allows consumers to build one-sided relationships with
celebrities and brands while the celebrities create self-brand connections for the consumers,
which is strategically used by companies to influence consumer decisions.

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms

Research Questions
Who is the primary target of celebrity endorsements on Instagram?
How are self-brand connections built for the consumer?
Is the purchase of a product that has been endorsed by a celebrity on Instagram more satisfy than
other purchases?
Which celebrities are most effective for influencing consumer behavior?
What type of product is best advertised on Instagram?
Is the product purchased because the celebrity endorsement makes the product more trustworthy
or to make the consumer similar to the celebrity?
Do the celebrity endorsements create a need for social acceptance?
Do consumers purchase the products to achieve social acceptance?

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms

Preview of Sample Type

The sample participants: Subjects: will be all social media users.
Principles of Sampling: A representative sample.
Sampling Used: Non- probability.
Sample Size: Class 85- 100 people
Convenience Sampling

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms

The subjects will be a representative sample from social media. We are using convenience
sampling because our group did not have the funds or time to go out and conduct a different type
of sample. Our group will be giving social media users an online survey asking the research
questions stated above. We will then use nominal measurements. Our group will then conclude
the differences in sex and gender and Marital status to see if the two values are the same or

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms

Celebrities are people who are famous and well known; often they are professional athletes and
Consumers are people who purchase goods and services.
Endorsements are a form of advertising that uses a celebritys persona or traits that have high
Consumer markets are consist of products and services designed for the general consumer.
Media Audiences are the people or market segment that a campaign or message is aimed at.
Parasocial interaction (PSI) is one-side relationships, where one person has an emotional
connection or bond while investing interest and time into that person
Self brand connections (SBC) is the image a brand has created over years of advertising as well
as a consumers personal experiences with the brand.

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms

Social media has become a major component in society today. Due to this it has become a new
advertising and marketing platform. Social media has also created more extreme parasocial
interactions (PSI) which is described as an illusionary experience, such that media audiences
interact with personas (e.g., talk show host, celebrities, characters) as if they are engaged in a
reciprocal relationship with them, and feel as though a mediated other is talking directly to them
(Labrecque, 2014). These components create the perfect celebrity endorsement opportunity.
Using the one-sided relationship that social media audience build with celebrities through their
profiles marketers have a direct connection to their target market through all forms of social
media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
Instagram is a highly visual medium that allows consumers to build one-sided relationships with
celebrities and brands while the celebrities create self-brand connections for the consumers,
which is strategically used by companies to influence consumer decisions. Influencing the
consumers decision is done by companies building what Escalas and Bettman (2015) call self
brand connections. Marketers will interject a positive product and brand message through the
profiles of the celebrities they wish to associate their product with therefore connecting the
product and brand to the celebrity.
To determine the influence of celebrity endorsements on social media an anonymous online
survey was the chosen method of research because it is an efficient way of collecting broad
social information. A survey can assess opinions and feelings about particular topics by asking
simple and concise questions. Based on information collected from the online survey, 35% of
consumers are more likely to pay attention to a product if a celebrity they like is promoting it.
However, based on the information gathered from the same survey 38% of consumers are neutral
to trying new products because a celebrity they follow is promoting it. 50% of consumers
surveyed will not be discouraged from buying a product if a celebrity they do not follow or like
is promoting it. Out of the participants of the survey 36% enjoy reading and looking at celebrity
profiles and 37% feel closer to the celebrities they follow however 42% believe that celebrity
representation on social media have had little to no influence on them. 42% of the surveyed
consumers said that they have purchased a product or service based on a celebrity advertisement,
endorsement or usage on social media. Instagram had the highest percentage of constant usage
out of four forms of social media. Based on these results it was concluded that social media
celebrity endorsements will get more attention and that Instagram is the most used form of social
There are some limitations to the research preformed. The anonymous online distribution was
convenient however there is no way of knowing who took the survey. The age of the participant
was not asked and the respondents were 87% female. This does not give information that can be
applied to all people due to the lack of male participation. Some question used ambiguous words
that could have been interpreted differently by each participant. Other limitations could be that
Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms

even though the survey was anonymous there is still a chance of dishonesty. By posting the
survey on social media there was no way to control the sample of participants.
Based on the already documented information and the research performed it can be concluded
that there celebrity endorsements and celebrity activity on social media is an effective form of
marketing to a particular target market. Associating a brand or product with a celebrity makes it
more likely to get more attention from the celebritys follower. However, it does not make it
more likely to be purchased by the audience immediately after the image of the celebrity and
product are viewed. Consumers are also not discouraged from buying a product because of their
negative view of the celebrity used to promote a product. Celebrity endorsements are an effective
way of creating a brand image but not always effective in making a consumer rush to buy a

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


A 5 point Likert scale was used to gauge agreement to a number of statements regarding
celebrity impact on marketing messages delivered by social media. The frequency of use of
various popular social media platforms was used to segregate heavy from light social media
using respondents. Whether or not respondents ever followed through with an actual purchase
based on celebrity influence (that they perceive) was asked in a simple multiple choice question.
Demographic questions were positioned at the end of the survey as with convention. Research
shows demographic questions provided in the beginning of a survey lead to fewer complete
responses (). Males and females were differentiated to determine if there is any significant
difference in responses between the genders in terms of celebrity impact on marketing messages
delivered by social media. Questions were completely closed ended for rapid completion of the
survey time to maximise responses and to allow for quantitative statistical analysis.

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


There were a plethora of results for each survey question answered on survey monkey. The first
of four questions were based around individuals agreeing or disagreeing with specific statements.
The following chart will provide the break down and percentages for each question answered.

As you can see the maximum score was a three on the five point likert scale with a total of 87
individuals answering those questions. The second graph displays how many individuals voted
for each category; theses ranged from strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and lastly
strongly agree.
The results for question two revolved around purchasing a product based on celebrities
advertising them. The results is as follows in the chart below:

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


Based on the results from the above chart shows that 57.47%(50 individuals) of the 87
individuals responded with no while 42.53%(37 individuals) responded with yes.
Moving on to question three, which asked the simple question of Are you male or female. The
results are as follows:

From the results, 76(87.36%) were female and 11(12.64%) were male.

Lastly the results for question four were based on the frequency rate that an individual uses a
specific social media network.
Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


The maximum was a total of 4 marks for Instagram on the 5 point Likert Scale with the
percentages of the 85 people in their specific category.

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


Based on the literature review and the results, one can assume that celebrities influence products
in the market to an extent. Reason being is because individuals are likely to try products that
their favorite celebrities display. However when viewing the results from earlier, the mass
majority responded with no for question two. As far as Instagram, I believe that it does play a
critical role in influencing the market when it comes to buying certain products. When viewing
the results for question four, you will see that Instagram received the most votes for being
constantly used by the masses. Furthermore, based on the surveys taken and with the use of
survey monkey, I believe that using infographics as an alternative could help with displaying
information better to the public. Infographics are visual representations of data or information
that can be presented in a neat and clear format.

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


After performing the anonymous online survey and reviewing literature on celebrity
endorsements and social media it can be concluded that celebrity endorsements are an effective
way of having a product and brand recognized by social media users. However, it is not always
the most effective way of getting a consumer to buy a product. It was also identified through our
research that a negative perception of a celebrity would not influence the consumers view on the
product. Instagram was also identified by the research conducted as the most frequently used
form of social media. Celebrity endorsements on social media are more influential on the brands
image but not on the consumers purchasing behavior.

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


Chokesamritpol, W., & Kutthakaphan, R. (2013, May 29). The Use of Celebrity
Endorsement with the Help of Electronic Communication Channel
(Instagram). 1-5
Dwivedi, A., Johnson, L. W., & McDonald, R. E. (2015). Celebrity endorsement,
self-brand connection and consumer-based brand equity. Journal of Product &
Brand Management, 24(5), 449-461.
Escalas, J. E., & Bettman, J. R. (2015). Managing brand meaning through
celebrity endorsement. Brand Meaning Management, 12(1), 29-52.
Johns, R., & English, R. (2016). Transition of self: Repositioning the celebrity
brand through social mediaThe case of Elizabeth Gilbert. Journal of
Business Research, 69(1), 65-72.
Labrecque, L. I. (2014). Fostering consumerbrand relationships in social
media environments: The role of parasocial interaction. Journal of Interactive
Marketing, 28(2), 134-148.
(2016, March 06) .What is celebrity endorsement? definition and meaning.

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


Appendix I- Survey Results

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


Appendix II- Survey Questions

The following were answered using a five point weight scale from strongly disagree to strongly
If there is an advertisement on social media promoted by a celebrity I like, I will pay attention to
the ad more.
I like to try products that my favourite celebrities use or promote on social media.
I won't use a product that the celebrities I don't like use or promote on social media.
I enjoy reading celebrity social media profiles.
The behaviour of celebrities as represented on social media has an impact on me.
I feel closer to the celebrities that I follow on social media than the ones I don't.
The following was answered with yes or no:
Have you ever purchased a product or service based on a celebrity advertisement, endorsement
or usage on social media?
The following was answer Male or Female:
Are you male or female?
The following was answered using a five point weight scale from never to constantly:
Please indicate the frequency that you use various social media networks.

Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


Celebrity Endorsements on Social Media Platforms


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